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Who will be the big bad at the end?


Who will be the big bad at the end?  

87 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you think will be the adversary at the end of the Cosmere storyline?

    • Odium
    • Autonomy
    • Kelsier
    • Someone we haven't met yet?
    • Other

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8 minutes ago, datalaughing said:

Knowing Brandon, it will absolutely be the one you least suspect. So my money is on Whimsy. 

I really hope it isn't Whimsy. So anticlimactic. Knowing Brandon it will be the one we least suspect but also someone who has been right under our nose the entire time....

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18 minutes ago, KSub said:

I really hope it isn't Whimsy. So anticlimactic. Knowing Brandon it will be the one we least suspect but also someone who has been right under our nose the entire time....

I can just see it now, they defeat Odium and make a peace treaty concluding the horribly bloody galactic war, then all of a sudden Whimsy is like, "I think I'll destroy the Cosmere today. No reason. Just seems like a fun thing to do." Tough to fight that.

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I'm not sure if there will be some big bad in Era 4 or not. Honestly, I put that in the subject to get views. But the actual question is 'who will be the adversary..?' I could be wrong but I think it would be anti climactic for the end of the cosmere to be the part of Phantom Menace where they are arguing over trade negotiations and space territory. There has to be a protagonist and an antagonist.

I have a lot of faith in Brandon's writing but if it is just Scadrial and Roshar jostling for investiture resources it doesn't sound good to me. I guess we will find out in 20 years or so.

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1 hour ago, Nameless said:

I think that there won't be any real "big bad" at the end of the Cosmere. I think that there will be a lot of grey area, with some planets on one side and others on another.

I can already see 17th sharders picking sides years from now...

17th shard: civil war

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That's interesting. We have more votes for 'other' than we do for all the other options combined right now.

So it seems like people think there won't be a real enemy or we have met them but it's not one of the 3 options.

So if you think it's someone else I would love to hear some thoughts as to who you think it will be.

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13 hours ago, KSub said:

I really hope it isn't Whimsy. So anticlimactic. Knowing Brandon it will be the one we least suspect but also someone who has been right under our nose the entire time....

Storms, don't say that. The only candidate in that case is Hoid :wacko:

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Autonomy has their fingers in everything, I can't think of another reason why, as for the most part they are presented as quite sinister.

I think in Mistborn Era 3, Kelsier is going to be kind of an evil version of what Hoid is doing in SLA, knowing a lot and interacting a lot, but having separate motives from the rest of the characters and having to be de-powered or killed at some point.

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10 hours ago, Lunu’anaki said:

Storms, don't say that. The only candidate in that case is Hoid :wacko:

Or Autonomy, they're everywhere! I think we're getting too many hints in too many series for it to be a small-scale fight. And somehow, I think the Seventeenth Shard are involved in this. They are collecting too much information not to have a whole mess of motives and plans.

If it's a Cosmere-wide battle, we should look for the people and organizations that are Cosmere-wide, and foreshadowed as ominous (now that I'm saying that I think the Ghostbloods are going to be a problem too).

13 hours ago, Halyo_Alex said:

I can already see 17th sharders picking sides years from now...

17th shard: civil war

It will be a battle for the ages, and I look forward to the day. 

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I have the sneaking feeling that Autonomy will turn out to be the good shard in the endgame. 

We all just look at what autonomy is doing throughout the Cosmere.. but we don't know it's intentions.  And, yet we all assume that it's going to be bad. 

One question: Why do we want to remain autonomous? Because, we want to remain free. Against whom? The one who wants to rule over us. In that case, who is the good guy and who is the bad one? 

Brandon is spinning this real nice. But, autonomy may be the shard that turns out to be the real saviour. 

So who is the villain?


The technological advancements and magical understanding will reach to  a level, where they would all want to become god to gain infinite powers to rule Cosmere. And so, they would start an attack on all shards, either destroying them, or using them as natural resources. 

What do you think guys? Kolo???

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4 hours ago, Lightwing8888 said:

Autonomy has their fingers in everything, I can't think of another reason why, as for the most part they are presented as quite sinister.

I think in Mistborn Era 3, Kelsier is going to be kind of an evil version of what Hoid is doing in SLA, knowing a lot and interacting a lot, but having separate motives from the rest of the characters and having to be de-powered or killed at some point.

Or he’s going to end up having good intentions, going about it the wrong way, and end up going through a redemption arc which fits closer with his Mistborn arc (which has been upwards inclined.)

I do agree that his survival post Era 3 is not guaranteed. Although his being a player outside of Scadrial makes me think it more likely than prior.

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5 hours ago, Pandora's shard said:

I have the sneaking feeling that Autonomy will turn out to be the good shard in the endgame. 

We all just look at what autonomy is doing throughout the Cosmere.. but we don't know it's intentions.  And, yet we all assume that it's going to be bad. 

One question: Why do we want to remain autonomous? Because, we want to remain free. Against whom? The one who wants to rule over us. In that case, who is the good guy and who is the bad one? 

Brandon is spinning this real nice. But, autonomy may be the shard that turns out to be the real saviour. 

So who is the villain?


The technological advancements and magical understanding will reach to  a level, where they would all want to become god to gain infinite powers to rule Cosmere. And so, they would start an attack on all shards, either destroying them, or using them as natural resources. 

What do you think guys? Kolo???

Oh I would agree with you except that we *think* Autonomy is the red mist on Scadrial, which Harmony is having problems with. I think most of us can agree that Harmony, in Sazed's hands (or on his arms lol) is a force for good- at least for now. I would hesitate to trust anything that he is in opposition to. 

Also, Autonomy was at some point allied with Odium who is DEFINITELY NOT a force for good. I think that it's possible- even likely- we will get an avatar (or some splinter or sliver I don't know what we're calling it right now) of Autonomy being on the protagonist's side, but for the most part, I think Autonomy is going to be solidly in the "morally dark grey" category.

That's such an interesting take! I totally agree that there will be bad humans, but I don't think that it would be all of them. perhaps the Seventeeth Shard- they are certainly interested in knowledge. Or it could be the Ire, or the Ghostbloods. Or all of the above. But I personally don't think that that's what Brandon has in mind for the future of the Cosmere. Some people have mentioned the redness that is in the constellation known on Roshar as "Taln's Scar" could be a sign of spreading disease from Yolen, one that can consume entire planets. I am so down for this theory and I think that it will fit into the end game of the Cosmere.

1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Or he’s going to end up having good intentions, going about it the wrong way, and end up going through a redemption arc which fits closer with his Mistborn arc (which has been upwards inclined.)

I do agree that his survival post Era 3 is not guaranteed. Although his being a player outside of Scadrial makes me think it more likely than prior.

I agree with this! It's very Kelsier to have good intentions and go about it the wrong way. I am fifty-fifty on the redemption arc, I think that is going to be heavily dependent on March's influence, as well as how much power goes to his head. Kelsier is not a good person, but I do think that can change. He's certainly a big deal, that's for sure.

Totally agree about the survival, I was very sure he was going to die in Era 3, until I found out that he was storming Thaidakar. Now, I don't know. It would be so great if he was a bad guy in charge of the Ghostbloods, and then a new leader arose and the protagonists realized how much Kelsier could have done worse. I would not be surprised if he had a posthumous arc like Alendi or Rashek.

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I think all three of those have been really set up to be end game bbeg.

But from those 3 I would be more on the side of Kelsier being that main adversary. Just purely from the fact that he has been studying the very laws of the cosmere and investiture for the last 300+ years, plus that we saw that he knows there is a way to force enugh connection to a Shard to be able to become it's vessel.

Also, from the reading of the continuation of Sixth of the Dusk, we see Scadrians being very pushy trying to get a hold of other forms of investiture.


However, I think Brandon will not set up one main bbeg, but multiple adversaries for the final part of the Cosmere.

So, the way I see it, we could be potentially having multiple enemies (as in, for example, Odium's forces on one side, Autonomy's forces on the other, and Kelsier's forces also confronting the "heroes").

Another option is Kelsier taking a shard to do so (for example, Autonomy, which I think would suit him very well...).

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3 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Or he’s going to end up having good intentions, going about it the wrong way, and end up going through a redemption arc which fits closer with his Mistborn arc (which has been upwards inclined.)

I do agree that his survival post Era 3 is not guaranteed. Although his being a player outside of Scadrial makes me think it more likely than prior.

Pretty sure kelsier is confirmed for era 4.

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59 minutes ago, CosmereComrade said:


So, the way I see it, we could be potentially having multiple enemies (as in, for example, Odium's forces on one side, Autonomy's forces on the other, and Kelsier's forces also confronting the "heroes").

Another option is Kelsier taking a shard to do so (for example, Autonomy, which I think would suit him very well...).

Well, this raises an interesting argument. I personally would view Kelsier as one of the heroes, unless it is revealed that he committed some atrocious crimes. As the Cosmere gets more widely traveled and character interactions occur, all the people that were viewed as protagonists will begin to take sides on issues. People are going to need to choose whose side they are on.

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3 hours ago, Chinkoln said:

Well, this raises an interesting argument. I personally would view Kelsier as one of the heroes, unless it is revealed that he committed some atrocious crimes. As the Cosmere gets more widely traveled and character interactions occur, all the people that were viewed as protagonists will begin to take sides on issues. People are going to need to choose whose side they are on.

I think that we are definitely going to get multiple perspectives on anything Brandon writes, he does this in everything; Elantris (Hrathen), Mistborn (Rashek), SLA (Szeth [albeit arguably] and Taravangian), Warbreaker (Denth). All of these characters are trying to to what they think is right, and I think that is going to be a big theme in all of the main Cosmere works.

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