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Anniversary Game 7/Anonymous Game 9: From Embers, A Flame


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I’ll move my vote from Penguin to Gorilla. I did some recalculations based on the position of Braize, the number of Nightmaws on Patji (don’t ask), and the angular momentum of the Everstorm. Unfortunately, my results show that the next highstorm will occur 3 days after the death of Gorilla. In the interests of saving the Rosharan ecosystem, Gorilla must die.

Something about agreeing with the other vote on Gorilla and wanting more options.

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2 hours ago, Quartz Zebra said:

I’ll move my vote from Penguin to Gorilla. I did some recalculations based on the position of Braize, the number of Nightmaws on Patji (don’t ask), and the angular momentum of the Everstorm. Unfortunately, my results show that the next highstorm will occur 3 days after the death of Gorilla. In the interests of saving the Rosharan ecosystem, Gorilla must die.

Something about agreeing with the other vote on Gorilla and wanting more options.

If my count is correct, Zebra, there isn’t a current vote on me. I’d be grateful if you might elucidate on your agreement with the other vote on me. My recollection is that it was placed for swiftly voting towards the start of the cycle - what about that do you agree with, and why?

@Violet Axolotl, reviewing the early cycle, in your first reply to me you suggest you might “join me” presumably in my vote. Less than an hour later, you then vote on me. I’m curious as to the volte-face here.

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Mendra was just about to enter the dimly lit tent when she heard raised voices on the other side of the marketplace.

"The kangaroo is crazy! The Shards, reveal themselves? Only an Agent of Odium would suggest such a thing!"

"No, the kangaroo is right! It is you, who trade in lies, and deception, that aims to prevent dangerous information from coming to the light and unmasking your foul misdeeds. You can not fool me, Crocodile!"

Soon, a mob began to form, calling for the execution of either this Kangaroo or Crocodile. And a plot began to form in Mendra's mind. She'd certainly never cooked with crocodile meat before - this could be an opportunity.

She added her voice to the crowd. "The Crocodile speaks lies! They are a traitor who works for Odium! Down with the Crocodile!"

I disagree with Kangaroo's suggestion that Shards should claim, but I also think a controversial suggestion like that is more likely to be made by a Villager than an Elim, because a controversial claim like that is going to attract unwanted scrutiny and is a big risk for an Elim to make. (Of course, that quickly becomes an IKYK, but I don't have any bad gut reads on Kangaroo either.) It also makes an easy candidate for a mislynch that the Elims might want to hop onto, and of the votes on Kangaroo, Crocodile's gave me the worst gut read (though he was the leading candidate at the time, so I can also see it being a self-preservation vote, but... eh, it's Day 1, and I don't have any better ideas, unfortunately.)

Edited by Amber Vulture
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10 hours ago, Violet Axolotl said:

Second, Crocodile, *cough* you just *cough did literally the exact reason I *cough* voted Gorilla. But since I'm a bit more *cough* lax and cooled off on *cough* them, this point isn't as strong. Gorilla. For *cough* now.

Third, Crocodile. I don't recall what *cough* the first vote on you was, but the *cough* second was definitely not from past *cough* grudges. At least not totally. *cough* Suffice it to say, this *cough* vote is not because of yours.

I voted on Sage because I don't want to die C1. This is my first AG, and I'd rather get to actually play it, thank you very much. When I voted I was the only one with more than one vote, and I was about to go to bed, and you had just called on everyone to condense the votes. Natural conclusion? People would probably pile on me. I wanted there to be an alternative since I wouldn't be there to defend myself.

The first vote on me was @Sapphire Elephant saying they didn't like my poke vote post. Which. Like. I get it, the post didn't make the most sense in context, but like I've said that was because I wrote it after skimming the thread. I've explained what I meant by that post, and Sapphire hasn't responded. 

The second vote on me was from @Opal Lion. In their original post about it they said the following: "Anyways- I've seen one too many people hide sinister plans behind smiles,  Mauve.  Just like back when-". This is literally not a reason. When pressed, their response was that the vote was based partially on past grudges and partially on my vibe. Which is still not a reason.

The third vote on me is from you, @Violet Axolotl. You voted on me because I self-presed after the second (purely nonsensical) vote.

The fourth vote is from @Onyx Flamingo. Your post said: "and now, i vote we exe mauvy crocy. mostly because i don't think our pal the kangaroo has done much to anyone yet, and i just don't like how that counterlynch came out of nowhere." Two objections to this: I haven't done anything to anyone either, and the counterexe didn't come out of nowhere, it came from me because I don't want to die.

The fifth vote on me is from @Amber Vulture. You say that "Crocodile's gave me the worst gut read (though he was the leading candidate at the time, so I can also see it being a self-preservation vote, but... eh, it's Day 1, and I don't have any better ideas, unfortunately.)" I've already addressed this like five times in this post, but I'll say it again: I voted on Kangaroo in self-pres, because this is my first AG and my first anonymous game and I want a chance to actually play it. Kangaroo seemed to be the best choice of counter-exe, because as far as I could tell, theirs was the only vote that actually had some amount of reasoning to it, rather than being a poke or based on a read. (Edit: also I'm a she lol)

Would you all please reconsider your votes? I would have responded earlier to each of you and explained myself but I was asleep so it would have been kinda hard for me to do that.

Edit: Also I am in fact on Braize. Why would I lie about that? 

Edit edit: Besides that, it should be obvious to you guys that I'm not elim. I'm currently leading in the vote, and only two people have voted on my closest competitor apart from myself. There are likely at least five elims in this game, possibly six, so if I were an elim wouldn't my teammates have been working to bail me out? And really, if I were elim, I'd have just asked my teammates to start a counter-exe in the first place, rather than doing it myself at the risk of drawing more votes onto me (which is exactly what happened). I'm just a normal villager with an item and a role, neither of which involve vote-manip that I could use to save myself! Basically: I'm working alone. If you guys don't take your votes off, I will die, and it will be a mis-exe. 

In fact, why aren't you looking with suspicion at each other, the people who've randomly hopped onto my train with little to no reason. All I've done is attempt to self-pres, whereas they're actively condemning me to death.

Edited by Mauve Crocodile
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D1 votes are always quite rough

In reality their really just fluff

In this case, I feel bad bout both

They just really, arn't quite a oath

In this case I feel, the more reasoning here

Is for the shrew,

Sage Kangaroo

By not a lot,

but better then naught

And why am I writing this as a poem?

Perhaps as a Dragon (wait, ignore that, I'm a human) I thought I could show-em

(That last one was a rough rhyme to come by)

I also could not sleep much, sigh

So I spent all night making up rhymes.


Edited by Taupe Gecko
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"hol awn jussht a minute crocy. was getting mighty sushpishus bout them stabs pilin on yourself, myself. jussht gotta let out a coupla thoughts i thunk in the meanwhile, lesht them eshcape the confinesh of this mind."

"dishtribewshun wise, doesnt make much sense for ati to side with biggy O. thatll give the baddies 3 (!) kills jusht in one night! also give them means to destroy roshar asappp and let big bad O rule over the ennntire coshmere. soooooo i think the ones up above hafta put ati against big O. ati might prolly be one of the moshhht important roleshh we have gainsht big O. ati, por favor dont deshtroy rosharan syshtems. nother  important fella is the coggy shad of old tanavast. fella, youre too old for this, sit this one out, we dont wantchya dead, so go hide yourself proper, and do your shtuff from behind the shcene."

"nother thing troublin me is your lads seemta wanta talk behind da schenes a lot. thish over-reliance of prude fella will shurelly bite us in the behind ehh? very fine chance this prudie fella is actchally with big bad lad! and yalls are givin them free reign over your info if prudie is evil they control which way info goes! heckkk they mighta paired us gainsht them mini Os so we talk and talk and talk and sleep snuggly in their pockets! na now i know how important informashun is ta us. all im sayin is stead of "heyy prudie, put me in with whoever you please" we read the thread, and onllyyy request secret talks with whome we might trushht. jushht be wary of evil Prudie. coz they directly ignored my shpeshific request, and made a random one. or the other person wanted ta talk to me, buuut i havent interacted with thme much here dont see whyy anyone would wantcha talk with a drunk in secret"

"right, comin ta poor crocy. ive seen sooooooooo many votes with no proper reashuns?? hecking heck? shure its da fursht day, but moshht of them dont even make no sense! like someone jusht voted for iguana who has shpoken like twice? hol on lemme jusht go check all dem votes."
"thats been done, heres a few. mistah schorpion jushht poken dingo. dingo shpoke sumthin. mistah schorpio jushht retracted? then didnt add anythin to the convo? when main votingsa happenin? mouse pokes iguana, fair enough early in the day, then reiterated theyd vote for iguana? makes no sense ta me. compels me though. then of course theres da dodgy posht i menshund earlia bout albatroaz. dees da peepal, when i look at them, i see a biiiiig O shape. coming ta voters on crocy - lion and flamingo seems hoppin ta me. maaaaybe vulshur too, but hafta see moh. so - schorpion, mouse, albatroaz, lion (u lyin hahahaha), and flamingo. focusin on voters on crocodile coz i think them be hoppin, flamingo be da mosht sushpishus. crocy fella, you might hafta green out those votesh from them kotes, seems like yar voting fo yarself. twice! and since yar on braize, thats twice of twice, ya dont even need ar votes to kill ya ha!"

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Night 1 - An Unfortunate Series of Events

Senna Shao had always longed for adventure. A life filled with boredom and breaking pots was, in her opinion, the worst option imaginable.

So she changed herself.

It wasn’t too hard, in the end. She stole some soulstone (and didn’t even break most of it!), carved it as carefully as she knew how, and forged herself an adventure.

That was how she became Siena Ashao, accomplished Worldhopper and fearless warrior.

...Unfortunately, Forgery is an extremely precise art, and ‘adventure’ is a broad category. Even a line or two out of place can result in unexpected changes even in the best of circumstances, which these were not.

For instance, when she thought of adventure, ‘serving a destructive evil godlike being so that it would show her the Cosmere’ wasn’t really what she was considering. Nor, for that matter, was ‘being trapped on a hellish planet filled with hostile spirits that the system locals literally called Damnation’.

She crouched under an overhanging rock, heart pounding, and cursed silently. She’d known that soulstamps were less powerful the further away from the Empire you were, so it stood to reason that another planet they’d be very weak indeed, but she hadn’t expected to need it once she got to her destination. The Essence Mark was just a way to get there.

Senna rubbed at the spot where she’d placed the Mark. What she hadn’t known was that the Mark would wear off in five minutes, instead of a day - let alone that she would be going here of all places. She knew she wasn’t lucky, but this was a lot more than just broken pots. This was-

A growl sounded from a few feet behind her, and she started to run again without even bothering to look back. This wasn’t broken pots, it was accidentally losing her servitude to Odium while in the middle of his own horrible deadly paradise - and thus being free game for anyone and anything that cared to hunt her.

The worst thing was that she’d met a couple other Worldhoppers here, who had been managing to survive just fine - but as soon as they caught a hint that she served Odium, they wouldn’t raise a finger to help her escape from the horror-spren-things. There was nothing she could do to convince them she was just Senna now, and no harm to anyone. Turn after turn of bad luck, she stumbled into worse predicaments, and now...Now Senna just ran and prayed to anyone listening that be rescued from all this. I’ll go back to Sel, I’ll do my chores perfectly every day, I’ll do anything!

And then she tripped over a rock she hadn’t seen in time, and that was the end of Senna Shao.


Removal Votes
Mauve Crocodile (5)
Sage Kangaroo (5)
Onyx Flamingo (1)
Saffron Iguana (1)
Scarlet Octopus (1)
Turquoise Gorilla (1)

Mauve Crocodile (Siena Ashao) lost the coin flip and has been removed! They were a Forger on Odium's Champions!

This turn will end in roughly 46 hours, on January 1st at 8 am MST. Get your orders in!


Note: The writeup will never contain any information that's spoilery in either sense - El hasn't read RoW yet, and for instance Braize was used here because of Crocodile's previous RP, regardless of their actual location.

Edited by Elbereth
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Never have I been so fortunate to have a failing memory.

I'll tell you a fun story... I hope it doesn't lessen opinions of me. My honesty maybe will help that. Ahem.

I wrote up a post this morning, a few minutes before rollover. I didn't know at the time how close the cycle was to ending, I had forgotten the hour. I'm both embarrassed that I forgot to send it and embarrassed of what it contained. Here it is, saved by copy-paste and unedited from where it sat prior to rollover:


(In a stroke of luck, the cough has vanished upon waking up. Hallelujah.)

(Post by @Turquoise Gorilla):


@Violet Axolotl, reviewing the early cycle, in your first reply to me you suggest you might “join me” presumably in my vote. Less than an hour later, you then vote on me. I’m curious as to the volte-face here.

Ah yes, that was the instant face value of what you said. Your vote makes sense, and upon initially hearing it my frustratingly slow and old processors went 'Oh yeah!' but then I reread Kangaroo's post and yours and changed my mind. Yes, your vote makes sense, but perhaps a bit too much sense. I don't necessarily think you're of Odium for it now, though.

(Post by Crocodile)


The third vote on me is from you, @Violet Axolotl. You voted on me because I self-presed after the second (purely nonsensical) vote.

I flat-out said my vote wasn't because of your vote. I understand I had a cough yesterday, but does anyone actually listen to me? Go read that post again and come back.

Granted, at this point my vote is more because I don't want Kangaroo gone. My old man's memory can't recall what I said regarding my vote (I think it was actually the jump on Kanga) but as you're now claiming it was in an act of self preservation... Crocodile. If you're being unlawfully slain in your first for a misunderstood jump, I don't want to participate in it. Strange how quickly I can feel defensive of you. I've always liked kids, and I suppose you're all that to me.

Leaving my vote on Hyena, because of their jump on Kanga (I've got my blurry eyes on you, Gecko) and partially because of the distracting feature of their poetry, but C1 that isn't a cause for concern. My vote, I note, is uselessly single. Like me... I had a wife, you know, but she passed ages ago. Maybe I'll finish my life story someday for you all.

I'll leave that here. My hands haaavee devveelloped a  sudden tremmorr ffaoor hhow cclose thha t wass.

I'll look at the votes later, that analysis is coming.

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Well I'm VERY glad I remembered to throw that self-pres vote on!!! :P

mauve crocodile (5): opal lion, violet axolotl, onyx flamingo, amber vulture, sage kangaroo
sage kangaroo (4): turquoise gorilla, mauve crocodile, charcoal hyena, taupe gecko
onyx flamingo (1): sapphire elephant
turquoise gorilla (1): quartz zebra
scarlet octopus (1): mint heron
saffron ignuana (1): azure mouse

I believe the above was the vote count at the end of the cycle. It looks like the only vote manipulation was one vote added to me.

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11 minutes ago, Sage Kangaroo said:

I believe the above was the vote count at the end of the cycle. It looks like the only vote manipulation was one vote added to me.

That would be Croc's Braize vote.

I'm nearly sure there are at least one of Odium's Champions on your train, perhaps two. There also might be one on Crocodile, though that's less likely for obvious reasons. When I reread D1 with the other Kangaroo voters in mind, I'll let you all know what my fizzled brain comes up with.

Edited by Violet Axolotl
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"weyl ill bey darned. all dem vote jumpin on and bandwagonin on crocy had me doubting maself. I do suspect maaaybe one fella who threw crocy under da bus, coz some those reashonings ta vote were utter shoddy. now theres another fella big O whos come and tryda help crocy. now I've gon through the schripture of the ones up above, and it sheems that it coulda been a fella on braize jusht like crocy or it coulda been a lightweaver. fellas on braize, wanna come forth make it eashier for us?"

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Sucking on an egg, Tenth of the Dusk framed a request to be placed in contact [OOC: @Prudence, any luck? :P ] with the one who repeated words [OOC: Chartreuse Penguin, please. I've always loved penguins as a kid since I checked out a book on them from the library.]

He wasn't really sure what Sir Brockett meant [OOC: on Kangaroo? :P To Kangaroo? Really?], though he suspected it was not impossible that some of them had chosen to throw their teammate to the nightmaws. If there had been any attempt to manipulate the voting, Tenth would've placed a slightly higher credence on the idea that no one had attempted to throw the Forger [OOC: Mauve Crocodile] to the nightmaws, but as it was, little enough information indeed.

The events of the day would bear watching.

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1 minute ago, Azure Mouse said:

He wasn't really sure what Sir Brockett meant [OOC: on Kangaroo? :P To Kangaroo? Really?], though he suspected it was not impossible that some of them had chosen to throw their teammate to the nightmaws. If there had been any attempt to manipulate the voting, Tenth would've placed a slightly higher credence on the idea that no one had attempted to throw the Forger [OOC: Mauve Crocodile] to the nightmaws, but as it was, little enough information indeed.

My mistake, and edited soon. Blame my slow mind.

1 minute ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

"weyl ill bey darned. all dem vote jumpin on and bandwagonin on crocy had me doubting maself. I do suspect maaaybe one fella who threw crocy under da bus, coz some those reashonings ta vote were utter shoddy. now theres another fella big O whos come and tryda help crocy. now I've gon through the schripture of the ones up above, and it sheems that it coulda been a fella on braize jusht like crocy or it coulda been a lightweaver. fellas on braize, wanna come forth make it eashier for us?"

Seconded. Other Braizians, I very much doubt there'd be two evils on Braize, so coming forth would be appreciated.

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10 minutes ago, Violet Axolotl said:

That would be Croc's Braize vote.

"huhhh it says here in ma notes that the votes were 5-3 meanin either i made a mistake (totes possible, im drunk after all) orr there be 2 vote addishuns"

Edit: "indeeed twash a mishtake on my part. im misshing geckos vote. think they ninjas me as I was writin up my posht an I missed it. so jusht one vote addishun indeed. jusht crocys"

Edited by Sapphire Elephant
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12 minutes ago, Violet Axolotl said:

That would be Croc's Braize vote.

Okay that makes sense.

5 minutes ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

"huhhh it says here in ma notes that the votes were 5-3 meanin either i made a mistake (totes possible, im drunk after all) orr there be 2 vote addishuns"

I think you missed Gecko's vote maybe? There were four voters on me I believe.

5 minutes ago, Violet Axolotl said:

My mistake, and edited soon. Blame my slow mind.

Seconded. Other Braizians, I very much doubt there'd be two evils on Braize, so coming forth would be appreciated.

On that topic, does anyone have opinions on claiming planets? I feel like knowing who's where would be beneficial to the village, since the Champions are going to most likely going to have an advantage in that area. On the other hand, I'm not sure how it'd really benefit us all that much. The biggest thing I can think of is knowing who's on First of the Sun and Braize, since those planets influence the vote.

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A) Crocodile RPed on Braize.


Siena Ashao, the unluckiest person alive, was on Braize. How had this happened?!?! "It's perfectly safe", they'd said. "You'll have so much fun, travelling the worlds," they'd said. "The vibrant cultures, the food, the different magic... worldhopping is the most wonderful experience!" they'd said. Why had she listened to them? She had figured that with her luck, she'd end up in some backwater ash-logged town on Scadrial, but this was just ridiculous. Trembling slightly, she glanced out from behind the rock formation where she'd found some concealment (although even the stones here were blisteringly hot, and she had to be careful not to burn herself on them).Those things were still there, looking for her. I have got to get out of here, she thought. Though, given how things generally went for her, she'd probably end up some place even worse. 

She tensed up as she heard them getting closer. A few more seconds and they'd find her. She shoved her carving tools hurriedly into her bag and counted down in her head. 3... 2... 1. She took off running just as the hideous creature rounded the formation and caught sight of her. 

Hello everyone! I'm here, though I haven't read the rules in a week and didn't really understand them when I read them the first time. I should have time to remedy my cumbersome ignorance this evening, but in the meantime I figured I'd pop on and say I'm here :) 


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