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Socially Awkward Bookworms


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1 minute ago, Cosmical Existence said:

Staying inside is my preference, but if there are waterfalls or cool looking fungi I'm happy outside. :) Extra points if there is a cool reading tree near a waterfall where I can read. 


Yes, waterfalls. My favorite. They are amazing for cliff jumping, too.

Just now, Condensation said:

So... what? You can't have good grammar?


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4 minutes ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

Yes, waterfalls. My favorite. They are amazing for cliff jumping, too.

I don't do cliff jumping, I'm always afraid that I'm going to hit something at the bottom. 


I have pretty good grammar, if I do say so myself. :P I even text with proper grammar, and get frustrated with my friends when they use improper grammar in their texts. Though I'm too awkward to tell them so. 


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1 minute ago, Cosmical Existence said:

I have pretty good grammar, if I do say so myself. :P I even text with proper grammar, and get frustrated with my friends when they use improper grammar in their texts. Though I'm too awkward to tell them so. 

Thank you! Finally someone who does things properly!

I always end my messages with a dot, and try to never forget proper punctuation in texts.

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5 minutes ago, Condensation said:

First of all, that's improper capitalization and spelling, not grammar. Second of all, that is false.

Ok. ko,

5 minutes ago, Cosmical Existence said:

I don't do cliff jumping, I'm always afraid that I'm going to hit something at the bottom. 


I have pretty good grammar, if I do say so myself. :P I even text with proper grammar, and get frustrated with my friends when they use improper grammar in their texts. Though I'm too awkward to tell them so. 


Haha, me too! Wow, no wonder everyone on the Shard gets along so well. 


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1 minute ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

Ok. ko,

Haha, me too! Wow, no wonder everyone on the Shard gets along so well. 


Yet, the fact the idiots club exists proves what Wit told Shallan, that two smart man talking will eventually find their common stupidity. To quote his exact words:


put two smart people together, and they will eventually find their common stupidity, and in so doing become idiots.


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27 minutes ago, Trutharchivist said:

Yet, the fact the idiots club exists proves what Wit told Shallan, that two smart man talking will eventually find their common stupidity.

Too true. Like the other very popular quote that people like to toss around says, "Great minds think alike, though fools seldom differ." 

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1 hour ago, Trutharchivist said:

Yet, the fact the idiots club exists proves what Wit told Shallan, that two smart man talking will eventually find their common stupidity. To quote his exact words:


Nah. The idiots cwub is fun. 

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5 hours ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

You don't like going outside? I usually do, but I also like satying inside. :)

It's the sunshine, I think. I love being out during rain or snow, and when it's cloudy or windy. But just plain sun... It sucks. I also don't like the heat, so... 

I guess I'm a vampire. *shrug*

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47 minutes ago, Tesh said:

It's the sunshine, I think. I love being out during rain or snow, and when it's cloudy or windy. But just plain sun... It sucks. I also don't like the heat, so... 

I guess I'm a vampire. *shrug*

I like being cold much, much more than heat, so maybe that’s why I like cliff jumping so much. It’s gets pretty hot in the summer, so jumping into a freezing cold body of water is refreshing. 

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11 minutes ago, Condensation said:

I like being toasty warm in the winter and nice and lukewarm in the summer.

I like warm in the winter, and cool in the summer unless I am about to go swimming, or something that involves water. 

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11 minutes ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

I like warm in the winter, and cool in the summer unless I am about to go swimming, or something that involves water. 


24 minutes ago, Condensation said:

I like being toasty warm in the winter and nice and lukewarm in the summer.

I like being either warm or slightly chilled in the winter, and very cold in the summer. Unless, like Bearer said, I'm about to go swimming. But I have no issues walking around barefoot in the snow or anything like that. What's even better is when it's dark outside, there's snow on the ground, and it's still snowing, and no one is out and about, and you can just hang out in the middle of the street watching the snow fall. (I don't get cold at all if it's snowing, which is a little weird, but I don't complain.)

Hm... Maybe this is why I don't have many friends. I prefer the company of snow to people. Or maybe I'm just a vampire and they are worried I'll suck their blood. Either way.

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I dont mind if it is cold, as long at it is raining. Swimming in the rain is even better because generally, no one wants to join me and i can hang out with the water alone.

I like the heat if it is a dry heat. I dont like high humidity. I like high wind speeds when its dark because it puts me in a good mood. I like sitting in the middle of a roundabout eating Coles cookies on windy nights. 

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I really like being cold. Heat, on the other hand, I can't stand. Sometimes I'll actually panic and feel sick because I can't handle the heat, and then my parents have to take me inside and calm me down. I hate when that happens because it's always when we're doing something fun outside, and then everyone has to take a break because of my weird reactions.

When it comes to being cold, though, I've done a snowball fight without gloves on and barely felt anything. My hands were obviously reacting to the cold because I could see them getting red, but I couldn't really feel any of it. I also got hypothermia once because I swam in a very cold lake and couldn't tell how cold it was until I came home and my body temperature was too low. 

The more that I'm thinking about it, I'm noticing that my reaction to temperature is just really weird in general. Maybe I'm also a vampire. 

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1 minute ago, weiss_kwispies said:

I really like being cold. Heat, on the other hand, I can't stand. Sometimes I'll actually panic and feel sick because I can't handle the heat, and then my parents have to take me inside and calm me down. I hate when that happens because it's always when we're doing something fun outside, and then everyone has to take a break because of my weird reactions.

When it comes to being cold, though, I've done a snowball fight without gloves on and barely felt anything. My hands were obviously reacting to the cold because I could see them getting red, but I couldn't really feel any of it. I also got hypothermia once because I swam in a very cold lake and couldn't tell how cold it was until I came home and my body temperature was too low. 

The more that I'm thinking about it, I'm noticing that my reaction to temperature is just really weird in general. Maybe I'm also a vampire. 

(Vampire club... :ph34r:)

If I get too hot I just sort of... Stop functioning. I get grumpy, can't think straight, and just feel miserable. I've never gotten why people go hiking in the summer. It is literally the worst time of year to be outside.

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2 minutes ago, Tesh said:

(Vampire club... :ph34r:)

If I get too hot I just sort of... Stop functioning. I get grumpy, can't think straight, and just feel miserable. I've never gotten why people go hiking in the summer. It is literally the worst time of year to be outside.

Yeah, I also get really grumpy. First I feel miserable and just try to ignore it, but then if it continues long enough I'll shut down completely and start to panic. I have the same reaction to crowds that I have to heat and it's really frustrating, but there's a certain point I get to where I just can't function any more. 

And hiking during the summer is also the worst. I always end up in situations where I have to do it, but I never enjoy it. 

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Just now, weiss_kwispies said:

Yeah, I also get really grumpy. First I feel miserable and just try to ignore it, but then if it continues long enough I'll shut down completely and start to panic. I have the same reaction to crowds that I have to heat and it's really frustrating, but there's a certain point I get to where I just can't function any more. 

And hiking during the summer is also the worst. I always end up in situations where I have to do it, but I never enjoy it. 

Yes, this is very relatable. (The subway in NYC on the way the the airport is probably the worst experience with crowds I've ever had.)

Hiking in the summer is only worth it if you can go swimming in the end, preferably for a few hours. 

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Just now, Tesh said:

Yes, this is very relatable. (The subway in NYC on the way the the airport is probably the worst experience with crowds I've ever had.)

Hiking in the summer is only worth it if you can go swimming in the end, preferably for a few hours. 

The worst crowd experience I've ever had is the one Sanderson book signing I went to. It was sad because I was really excited, but then I couldn't handle the crowd at all and ended up hating most of the experience. I got to meet Brandon, but I was panicked because of the crowd and might have embarrassed myself in front of him. I really like the YouTube livestreams because I kind of get the same thing as an in-person signing, but I don't have to be around a bunch of people.

Also, I asked him how he comes up with fantasy swear words and he just paused for a second while looking surprised. I was one of the youngest fans there, and he was probably expecting a wholesome question. Instead I was like, "How do you make swear words for your books?" The backstory behind this is my parents don't allow me to swear, but I was running into a bunch of situations in my writing where I needed my characters to cuss. Long story short, I didn't get any really useful advice, but his reaction is still so funny to me. 

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I don't know about weather. In winter I'm almost always chilled (though not too much, really), and I have Atopic Dermatitis (assuming you know what this is), and so summer means hot and sweating, which makes it positively worse. This is not to say I hate all seasons - I can get along with both too, though my A.D. makes me really miserable at times.

I also like to go alone at night (may I join the vampire club?), but we don't have enough snow around here ever, so it's not regularly in snow.

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10 minutes ago, weiss_kwispies said:

The worst crowd experience I've ever had is the one Sanderson book signing I went to. It was sad because I was really excited, but then I couldn't handle the crowd at all and ended up hating most of the experience. I got to meet Brandon, but I was panicked because of the crowd and might have embarrassed myself in front of him. I really like the YouTube livestreams because I kind of get the same thing as an in-person signing, but I don't have to be around a bunch of people.

Also, I asked him how he comes up with fantasy swear words and he just paused for a second while looking surprised. I was one of the youngest fans there, and he was probably expecting a wholesome question. Instead I was like, "How do you make swear words for your books?" The backstory behind this is my parents don't allow me to swear, but I was running into a bunch of situations in my writing where I needed my characters to cuss. Long story short, I didn't get any really useful advice, but his reaction is still so funny to me. 

I went to a Sanderson signing at BYU when I was in seventh grade. I went with my best friend (@Cel, but she's not active), and it was just the two of us middle schoolers and a whole bunch of college students. When I went up I had my notebook with some (really really bad) questions, and a backpack full of books. I was super nervous, and asked if he minded how many books he signed. He said no. So I proceeded to pull out this gigantic stack of books, everything from Alcatraz to Oathbringer. He signed all fifteen of them. Since I had brought so many, I was super worried I was taking up too much time, so I sort of just put all the books on the ground and started kicking them away. 

I'm still incredibly embarrassed to this day. 

Hopefully i can have that experience again at some point and not regret everything i did for the next several years. And I now only have nine unsigned books instead of fifteen.

I mostly get overwhelmed around people if it's loud. The signing wasn't too loud, and my friend was great unintentional support in that situation. It was also really small for a Brandon signing, I think, although we were fifth in line.

My reaction to noise is very similar to that of heat.

But somehow, I do just fine with parrot noises. Kaladin's constant chatter, and once the screaming of a blue and gold macaw, don't really bother me. But people talking or small inconsistent noises can drive me into a state of panic. Oh, and clothing that is too tight or scratchy. Those do the same thing. It's part of why the only jewellery I ever wear is a watch, and I only ever wear jeans, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. I also like consistency. If I changed what I wore every day in any significant way, I'd probably go crazy.

And those are some of my random struggles with being a person. 


Luckily, the Shard is very quiet. :)

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