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Quick Fix 47: Multi-Man Melee


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3 minutes ago, Vapor said:

"You called us idiots," Vicki said, speaking up a bit. "And you said we would lose horribly."

"That was the best compliment I could give you." Oreo said. It was true. It wasn't his fault If they were all terrible Rithmatists.

9 minutes ago, Shard of Reading said:

I think you mean Oreo said annoyed.

No, It was kind of a joke. He is very cranky.

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1 hour ago, Vapor said:

"Um..." Vicki said. "I hope I don't lose, but that's not very likely. Would you like to be my ally?"

Joshua notices the formation of a Vicki - Oreo alliance. And draws some chalk.


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8 minutes ago, Kings_way said:

"That was the best compliment I could give you." Oreo said. It was true. It wasn't his fault If they were all terrible Rithmatists.

No, It was kind of a joke. He is very cranky.

"Well, don't tell us that," Vicki said. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." She looked up at him and blushed, sitting down. "Sorry."

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"I cannot believe this," said Faleast.

AraRaash shrugged. "I can."

Faleast rolled his head toward the kandra. The two were in a fairly plainly decorated room: there was a low central table, an armchair, a pair of folding chairs, and a bookcase, keyboard, wall clock, and one or two things Faleast couldn't really describe. AraRaash had described one of them like a... mechanical spanreed. A Radeo, or something.

But the focal point of the room was a massive window, taking up almost a full wall. Through it was quite a spectacular view - a large arena, filled with around 20 people scribbling on the ground with chalk. About three weeks ago Faleast would have thought the whole thing preposterous, an Investiture - if you could call it that - based on limestone. Even AraRaash didn't know if the rumors were true.

They were true.


As AraRaash had made them discover very, very certain.

"Let me get this straight. You decide the next place we should head is a world that shouldn't even exist, one that exists outside the cosmere, and one you didn't even know was real. You take us to the end of the Universe, back, and to a world that seems to be overwriting itself. And when we finally get to this place, when we find ourselves in the middle of a tower surrounded by two-dimensional terrors, men with acid, and a massive swirl, what do you do?"

AraRaash laughed. "Well when you put it that way-"

"You told the terrors "Take me to your leader" like you were some sort of insane worldhopper extraterrestrial. And lo and behold, now we're stuck in this box in our own skull while whatever that thing is puppet-marches your body around these islands drawing more chalk things."

"Chalklings," AraRaash said. "And technically, we are insane worldhopper extraterrestrials. Although I'm not sure if the term worldhopper applies anymore."

Faleast stood up and started pacing. Fortunately, arthritis was a thing of the past. "What was your plan? Just approach the most mysterious being in this world and ask it to give you Investiture? Spellbound it with nicrosil and healing hairs, which have absolutely have no affect on these things? Use your mystical arts to melt our own arm again?"

"It did seem rather confused by my instantaneous beard growth," AraRaash said.

"Ah, yes. The famous Faleast, conquering commanders of legions of monsters with facial hair. That'll show-"


AraRaash tossed something at him. Suprised, Faleast caught it. It was a book.

"Artemis Fowl. A bit more of a children's story than you're used to, but it's worth a read. Get back to that argument when you're done."

Faleast opened the cover, then gave a glare toward the kandra. "We've been over this, AraRaash. No breaking the Fourth Wall."

Instead his compatriot gestured rapidly in front at the window, then back behind the two of them.

"Does it look like there's a fourth wall?!?"


Sorry I'm late everyone. The LG has been... busy, to say the least, and IRL's been a bit wacky. Plus I wanted to showcase Faleast and AraRaash a bit differently this time. :P

Don't worry, I'll still be around. Since this game doesn't need so much analysis on who to trust versus just trusting nobody, I should be active enough.


 Faleast winced at the sudden inflow of... not noise, but information. There definitely wasn't a back wall to this room. Instead was...

"What is that?"

AraRaash cackled. "Oh. That's Ash. I think you'll get to know each other pretty soon."



Yes we will.


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Alright, there's a lot of rules questions being thrown my way, so let me try to answer some of them.

13 hours ago, Straw said:

@Sart are ciphers allowed?

Technically, they are allowed. However, you cannot use any third party programs to encrypt or decrypt messages. That provides an unfair advantage, and is against the general rules. You are allowed to use ciphers of your own creation though.

7 hours ago, Kings_way said:

"Sure. Just don't come crying to me when you lose horribly." Oreo said. He was so good at talking to people, even if they were annoying.

@Sart, If two people attack one person, would a line of forbidance block both, or just one?

That person would die. Lines of Forbiddance negate a single attack.

7 hours ago, Shard of Reading said:

@Sart if 2 people with the matson defense (Super chalklings) use lines of warding against each other what would happen?

Super chalklings go out at the exact same time. In that scenario, both players would be blocked during the next cycle.


Can I draw more than one Line each turn?

No. You must choose whether you are attacking, defending, or stunning someone.


If Matson Player A uses chalklings on Matson Player B, who is using chalklings on Player C, what happens?

The Matson Chalklings go out at the same time, so Player B loses their action for the next cycle. In addition, Player C loses both the current rounds action, and the next round's action.


Can you get duplicates with the Sumison Defense? For instance, I learn Player A's defense on Round 1. On Round 3, if Player A is still alive, do I still have a chance to get their Defense?

Yes, that is still a possibility.


Does it cost an action to make PMs with the Osborn defense?

No it does not.


Do PMs made with the Osborn defense stay up once the person with the Osborn defense dies?

The PMs are closed.


Does the Sumison Defense tell me how many lives a player has?

Yes, it does. If the Sumison defense hits a Taylor player who has lost an extra life, they will be told their target has a damaged Taylor defense.


How does the Ballintain Defense work?

The Ballintain sends out 2 Lines of Vigor using a single action. Notably, the extra Line of Vigor goes before all other Lines of Vigor. In other words, if a non-Ballintain player and a Ballintain player target each other with Lines of Vigor. The Ballintain player survives, while the other player is eliminated.


What's the order of actions?

Matson Lines of Making -> Lines of Forbiddance -> Ballintain Lines of Vigor -> Lines of Vigor -> Lines of Making

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4 hours ago, Sart said:

No limit on character length. Once the player with the Osborn defense dies, the PM is closed.

Wait, so does the Osborn defense allow others to communicate back? So if I take Osborn and make a PM with five other players, they can all talk as long as I'm alive?

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41 minutes ago, Straw said:

Wait, so does the Osborn defense allow others to communicate back? So if I take Osborn and make a PM with five other players, they can all talk as long as I'm alive?

Yes, that is correct. The Osborn player can create a PM with any number of players. Those players can communicate in private, so long as the Osborn player remains in the game.

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Alright, Ron, the Rithmatists have taken the field, alliances have been formed and bets have been wagered. It all comes to a head here.

We wish all of our competitors the best of luck.

And with that, let the games begin.

This is Round 1. All existing PMs are now closed. If you don't have the Osborn defense, you cannot initiate new conversations. If you have the Osborn defense, you must create new PMs. Please remember to get your actions in. Failure to submit actions twice in a row, will result in elimination via the inactivity filter. This Round ends in 24 hours, at 8 PM CST on Sunday. Good luck.

Player List:

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  1. No Name Given: @Lord_Silberfarben
  2. Joshua: @Matrim's Dice
  3. Chakrami: @Gears
  4. Vicki: @Vapor
  5. Elan Haynes: @Elkanah
  6. Straw: @Straw
  7. Alex: @Illwei
  8. Shard: @Experience
  9. Character TBD: @TJ Shade
  10. Jes: @JesterLavorre
  11. Gwen: @Butt Ad Venture
  12. Faleast: @Ashbringer
  13. Locke Tekiel: @Orlok Tsubodai
  14. Reading: @Shard of Reading
  15. Mint: @Frozen Mint
  16. Oreo Wickerstump: @Kings_way
  17. Arturo Htiano: @Ventyl
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"Are they doing something different now?" asked AraRaash.

Faleast looked up from his book. It was short, but he had to admit it was pretty good, for a book read while trapped within his own mind while a demon-thing-"



"- 'Forgotten', he mentally corrected himself, controlled his body. Ash could be a little insistent on proper terminology.

"It's hard to tell. Maybe they're going to start sketching now. Like an art contest."

AraRaash grabbed another book, flipped through it, and winced. "I don't think it's an art contest."

Faleast looked quizzically. "And you get that from a book? What kind of book is that?"

AraRaash laughed. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

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Chakrami finished his circle carefully, watching as the harmonic energies coalesced into his defense. He brushed the chalk dust off his hands and pulled out a fresh stick. Lines would not draw themselves, after all. The gyre spiralled, the circle pulsed, the chalk snapped beneath his fingers. Transformation, transmutation, transfiguration. Ashes to embers, dust to life. Fire that stokes one's pain, grief, and strife. Be not afraid. 

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Reading walked onto the field. He looked out onto the center of the field and everyone drawing frantically. He felt his hands begin to shake and shoved them into his pockets and took a deep breath. After he had calmed down he took out his chalk and began to methodically draw a circle onto the floor.

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