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Long time lurker here, decided to make an account and introduce myself. 

I learned about the Cosmere in middle school and read Mistborn Era 1, which I liked but Stormlight intimidated me so I didn't read anything else in the series for a loooong time. I finally picked up Way of Kings a few months ago and fell instantly in love. I devoured the rest of the Cosmere over the summer, and re-read Stormlight again when I was finished (I might have a problem). 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to discussing, theorizing and generally screaming about Rhythm of War with you guys! 

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When you reply to a post posted "Right now" you realize you might be checking the forums often enough...

Welcome friend! I like how lurkers keep coming out of the shadows and joining the light!
Your reading speed must be quite impressive, or you just had plenty of time, doing stormlight twice in a few months (and the rest of cosmere on top!)!

Favourite book/planet so far?

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48 minutes ago, Victory said:

Definitely Roshar (Brandon worldbuilt the hell out of that place), but Nalthis also has a special place in my heart. Awakening might be my favorite magic system.

There is so much unkown about the Awakenings, I think it might be my favourite as well - or the AonDor (just having reread Elantris might be the reason though :P)
Roshar is extremely thought through, got to love it right!

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Welcome to the shard friend! Reading and rereading all of sanderson’s books is not a problem, that’s normal (I hope). What’s a problem is looking in every nook and cranny for unpublished works or published works that are hard to find.

currently I’m reading white sand prose, which I definitely recommend. Much more fun than the comics, in my opinion. You could also read Aether of night, which is a really cool unpublished work that you can get here in the shard! There’s also a Way of Kings prime, if you’re interested....

Anyway, have you read any of the non-cosmere works? If so, which one of them is your favorite, and what character has the best sidekick (in all Brandon books)?

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1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

Welcome to the shard friend! Reading and rereading all of sanderson’s books is not a problem, that’s normal (I hope). What’s a problem is looking in every nook and cranny for unpublished works or published works that are hard to find.

currently I’m reading white sand prose, which I definitely recommend. Much more fun than the comics, in my opinion. You could also read Aether of night, which is a really cool unpublished work that you can get here in the shard! There’s also a Way of Kings prime, if you’re interested....

Anyway, have you read any of the non-cosmere works? If so, which one of them is your favorite, and what character has the best sidekick (in all Brandon books)?

I decided not to read Way of Kings Prime, but I'll check out the White Sand prose if it's better than the graphic novel (I really didn't like that one). Also Aether of Night sounds cool, so I should get around to that.

I read the first two books of the reckoners a loooong time ago, so I don't remember anything. Maybe I should do a reread. 

Best sidekick is definitely Nightblood. 

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9 minutes ago, I Used To Be A Fish said:

Welcome, Welcome! It's always nice to see another Sanderson fan join our ranks.

What's your favorite magic system?

Awakening! But Feruchemy is a close second (I'm a nerd, I would love to have a coppermind to store facts in and pull them out whenever I need them). 

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5 minutes ago, Victory said:

Awakening! But Feruchemy is a close second (I'm a nerd, I would love to have a coppermind to store facts in and pull them out whenever I need them). 


Try not to double post, the admins don't like it. If you wan't you can hide your post by clicking options, or just click the edit button to add more content to a previous post. Thanks! 

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2 minutes ago, Hentient said:

Welcome! I like your name! Are you reading the RoW pre chapters? I’m trying to stay away from them but it’s really hard for obvious reasons. Anyway, I hope you like it here! 

I didn't want to read them at first but the hype got to me :D I like reading them spaced out over weeks because I'm a fast reader and I tend to speed through books without really savoring them. I wish I could've waited until November but I don't have the self-control. 

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He lurks no longer!! Welcome to the Shard my friend! 

6 hours ago, Victory said:

I finally picked up Way of Kings a few months ago and fell instantly in love. I devoured the rest of the Cosmere over the summer, and re-read Stormlight again when I was finished (I might have a problem). 

It was at this moment he knew.... he had found his true love (lols jkjk :P) but you have absolutely nothing to worry about! I think it's more odd to not devour every single Brandon book as fast as humanely possible. Devouring and rereading and rereading, and devouring again.... and then more devouring... and then some rereading again.... and then rereading again.... and then more devouring- (ok I'm done now :D) just means you are all the more perfect!

And you only read the first two Reckoners??? Didn't finish it off yet? Or just don't remember?

Finally, being a nerd and having absolutely no control when reading Sanderson books is quite a common habit here! We applaud you are in good company (although I don't know what the rest of the world would say, but I mean how sane can you be if you haven't read Sanderson yet :D!!). Which magic system in the Cosmere would you bring into the real world, if you could only choose one?

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1 hour ago, Scout_Fox said:

And you only read the first two Reckoners??? Didn't finish it off yet? Or just don't remember?

Finally, being a nerd and having absolutely no control when reading Sanderson books is quite a common habit here! We applaud you are in good company (although I don't know what the rest of the world would say, but I mean how sane can you be if you haven't read Sanderson yet :D!!). Which magic system in the Cosmere would you bring into the real world, if you could only choose one?

I read the reckoners when there were only two books out, then kind of... forgot about it. I own the books, so I should reread them.

As for which magic system I would choose, I'd have to go with Feruchemy because it's not entirely combat centric and you can develop cool tech with unkeyed and unsealed metalminds. Also, storing wakefulness and tapping it during exam season or when a new book comes out sounds wonderful.

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6 hours ago, Victory said:

I read the reckoners when there were only two books out, then kind of... forgot about it. I own the books, so I should reread them.

As for which magic system I would choose, I'd have to go with Feruchemy because it's not entirely combat centric and you can develop cool tech with unkeyed and unsealed metalminds. Also, storing wakefulness and tapping it during exam season or when a new book comes out sounds wonderful.

Ooh most definitely recommend finishing it then! Some people are meh on the ending and some people really like it but either way you'd at least enjoy finishing it!

Feruchemy is quite a popular answer good choice! Those are really concrete answers though I like that creative thinking :D. Being able to store your wakefulness for just everyday tasks would be quite practical I agree! Would definitely be useful for when you have a lot of work to do (or to just make Monday's a tad nicer to start off on :P). Also the way it is more "balanced" because it is end neutral might help ingrain that important value into society to go away from the take, take, take, "what do you mean we're damaging our sole habitat?" attitude that exists at the current moment

Ok here's some complexity though, if you could bring in Feruchemy but you also had to bring along Hemalurgy would you still do it? And if you did, would you set up any special safeguards or just hope for the best??

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9 hours ago, Scout_Fox said:

Ok here's some complexity though, if you could bring in Feruchemy but you also had to bring along Hemalurgy would you still do it? And if you did, would you set up any special safeguards or just hope for the best??

No, I wouldn't risk it. Hemalurgy is cool, but it's suuuuper creepy. Even if you set up safeguards, people will find a way to get around them. So I'll stay as far away from Hemalurgy as possible, even if it means not having Feruchemy. 

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Ok phew :D ... this is like the Sanderson version of an insurance risk assessment. Seeing how high risk, high reward you are. I'm glad you wouldn't risk it, I think you pass our safety evaluation :P.

And yeah those points are completely true. No matter how well you protect it something will go wrong and something bad will happen. I would totally agree with that, no matter how many benefits we might get from Feruchemy the possible dangers of Hemalurgy definitely outweigh them. 

Good thinking all around! Glad to have you on the Shard!

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