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If you could go back in time and change one minor thing...

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If you could go back in time and change one small, insignificant thing, what would you change?I

No stopping wars, saving lives, or any equally heroic acts. What small bit of history would you change to prevent a minor inconvenience to your life?

Mine would be somehow stopping Mary Shelley from writing Frankenstein. I'm reading it right now for an English class and I'm bored out of my mind. Granted I only just finished the prologue, but it was the most uncaptivating, tedious prologues I've read.

So what minor inconvenience would you want to prevent via time travel?

Edited by revelryintheart
Whoops I'm bad at spelling
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17 minutes ago, DramaQueen said:

I looked it up, and its apparently a thing? 

The movie Hot Tub Time Machine 2.

one of the main characters goes back in time in the first movie and changes his past and in the second movie hes now a billionaire who owns “lougle” instead of “google”. XD

Edited by Eternal Khol
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Other than the generic "I would copyright/pitch/invest in XYZ" I can think of four personal ones, of which I'll only share one. 

I would have stood up to a teacher my senior year in high school. I went to a conservative private school, and it didn't always shape my outlook for the better as a kid (being one of three black kids in the entire grade for nine to ten years...well...the less I think about it, the better). There was a teacher who GROSSLY misconstrued a cultural thing that happened in politics at the time; it was so minor it wasn't worth bringing up to a class of apathetic high-schoolers, but he did. And while I wasn't entirely sure I was right about said event at the time, I knew more about the culture in which the event took place in than my teacher and knew for a FACT he was wrong.* I desperately wish I could have either stood up and educated him in the moment or at least after class in order to make him fix his mistake. 


Just now, Quantus said:

Also somehow go back and Fix the Green Lantern Movie.

I knew I was missing something! Thank you!


Or I'd go back and somehow convince Lucasfilm to make my revision of the Sequel Trilogy. Don't worry, Rey, Finn, Poe, and Kylo are all still in the revision (because it's a revision, not a completely different idea.**)

*I later had a chance to study said culture, and yeah, that teacher was so wrong it wasn't even funny. I mean, it's sort of funny, but not in a humorous sort of way. 

**Except for The Rise of Skywalker. The others at least keep the heart and soul of the author's intent in place, along with most character arcs. TROS had a complete revision to the point that they only really have the name in common.

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57 minutes ago, Snorkel said:

Hmm.  Convince George Lucas in the late 90s that instead of making more Star Wars and redoing the originals, that he could . . . I dunno, open a puppy rescue or something.  Anything else really!  ;)

But the prequels are cinematic masterpieces!

But I agree with you on the redoing of the originals.

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Stop a person in wuhan from eating a bat. 
(is that actually how the virus started? It’s what I heard but I haven’t fact checked it...)

If that’s too much I’d go convince myself 4 weeks ago that I don’t have as much time to finish this online class as I think I do. 

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19 minutes ago, Danex said:

Stop a person in wuhan from eating a bat. 
(is that actually how the virus started? It’s what I heard but I haven’t fact checked it...)

Probably not.  They have a good idea that it came to us from bats, but probably not from eating them.

The virus is apparently pretty versatile (see news reports of it being caught from humans by a bunch of different animal species that we don't normally share viruses with).  There are a lot of ways it could have jumped from bats to people.  (But they're not even certain it came from bats)

Also, the photo of a woman eating a bat that was all over social media, it was from Palau, in Micronesia, in 2016.

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