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Yeah.  I feel like it won't make a real difference if we lynch Emi or Lahilt this cycle.  Worst case scenario we have to lynch Lahilt next day cycle instead of having the coinshot kill them in the night cycle.  I'm gonna leave my vote on Emi.

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They had all been locked in the same room for six days, although it felt much longer. Almost a third of their number had perished in their search for Loyalists, although their search had borne fruit. They had found four Loyalists hidden among their number. Time was pressing on. All the fresh food was gone, as the leaders weren't allowing anyone or anything in or out. At least there was canned fruit, one of the more useful innovations that occurred under the Lord Ruler. 

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Hmm. Well, I can't think of anything that would change this, unless @Karnage finally shows up.

I don't know how balanced we want the set of votes to be. I don't think that there should be any further vote manip, but it's still a possibility, especially with possible storing canceling votes. I'd rather for us to be more united, but at the same time I don't know which one of the two of them I want to lynch.

In the meantime, I have no idea what to do about Mist. If there are two Elims, Mist has at least a 25% chance of being one, in which case it will be hard to break through a Thug, especially if she has a Vest or something. Or Thug-Firesoul could be a worry. If there's only one Elim, than hopefully the Emi/Lahilt lynch or the Augur power will find them and we can move from there. (This is why I don't like this Augur thing, because we have to wait to get the information for so long... ah well.)

There's also a good bit of problems around what the shop could have missing. If it's the lerasium, that could be very bad if we don't find who has it. But a spike or dagger in the wrong hands could be just as problematic.


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Lorinne was shy, but she at the very least knew how to stay out of trouble. She would store in her steelminds for most of the time in case anyone tried to pick a fight with her, and would burn tin as much as possible to listen for anyone who might try and hurt her. It got to the point where she was burning so much tin that she had to start wearing blindfolds to protect her eyes.

She would avoid the others, because they can't decide that she must be a loyalist if they never see her doing anything wrong, right? At the very least, she wouldn't have to explain why she was always so slow. Other kids used to make fun of her for that when she was younger, but it was always so nice to tap a bunch of steel and show them off every now and then.

Lorinne smiled as she sat in her room, reminiscing about fond memories from her youth. There was a crowd coming towards her room, but she was sure they were going to go after that strange fellow Lahilt. She'd heard people talking about how he must be a loyalist. She blocked out the crowd's footsteps for a moment, choosing to focus on reliving her childhood in her mind and-

The door burst open. A group of angry looking people stormed into the room, accusing her of being a loyalist. The sounds were so loud that she just fell back on her bed, shaking her head to try and relieve the pain. It didn't help. The folks began to ask her questions, coming up next to her, but she could barely think over the sound of their stomping footsteps, their laborious breathing, the rasping hiss of their voices. Then came the pain as they began to attack her, taking off her steelminds in the process. 

In just a few quick moments, Lorinne gave her last breath as the group began to search her room and found nothing showing that she could've been a loyalist.

Emi has been lynched! They were a PRE Operative Tineye/Steelrunner Twinborn!

Emi (4): Ashbringer, Lahilt, Magestar, TJ Shade
Lahilt (3): Emi, Mist, The Young Pyromancer

PMs are still open! Make sure I am in them, along with Young Bard and Fifth Scholar. There will not be a lynch this turn. Items are available in the black market.

This turn will end on Sunday, June 21st, at 9 pm CDT, and the next turn will be posted at soon as possible.

Player List:

  1. @Karnage - Lance Neverwatch 
  2. Elandera PRE Operative Soother/Trueself Twinborn
  3. Elkanah PRE Operative Leecher Misting
  4. @The Young Pyromancer - Pyria Young
  5. Shard of Reading - Reading PRE Operative Leecher/Pinnacle Twinborn
  6. Experience - Shard PRE Operative Lurcher/Bloodmaker Twinborn
  7. @Lahilt - Lahlit
  8. Ventyl - Lafay Etteax Loyalist Leecher Misting
  9. Coda PRE Operative Seeker Misting and Hemalurgist
  10. Matrim's Dice - Lord Cauthon PRE Operative Nicroburst/Sparker Twinborn
  11. @TJ Shade - TJ Shade
  12. Emi - Lorinne PRE Operative Tineye/Steelrunner Twinborn
  13. xinoehp512 - Neru Loyalist Rioter/Gasper Twinborn
  14. Kidpen - Villin Loyalist Spinner Ferring
  15. @Mist - Lumen
  16. DrakeMarshall - Lorena Blackburn PRE Operative Gasper Ferring and Thief
  17. Araris Valerian - Araris Valerian Kandra
  18. Devotary of Spontaniety - Adomert PRE Operative Slider/Sentry Twinborn
  19. Kynedath Loyalist Lurcher/Subsumer Twinborn
  20. Walin - Lerin PRE Operative Smoker/Firesoul Twiborn
  21. @Ashbringer - Faleast
  22. The_God_King PRE Operative Smoker/Connector Twinborn
  23. @Magestar - Reginald Kettis

Black Market:

  • Medallion: 6 available (45 boxings)
  • Charged Spike: 4 available (65 boxings)
  • Uncharged Spike: 1 available (90 boxings)
  • Dagger: 2 available (80 boxings)
  • Bulletproof Vest: 0 available (35 boxings)
  • Steel Trap: 4 available (25 boxings)
  • Lerasium Alloy: 1 available (115 boxings)

PMs should be sent out as soon as possible!

Edited by StrikerEZ
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18 minutes ago, Mist said:

@Magestar, did you find anything using Augur?

I agree. This isn't good. Do we want to lynch Lahilt next cycle? Someone else?

This thread is very quiet. 

Yeah I found out that the Elims had a Steel trap.  :P  My bad, frankly.  I shouldn't have mentioned my ability.

I guess I'm just gonna do it again.  We can lynch whoever it was next cycle.

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That's annoying. I was actually wondering why you had role-claimed. Makes more sense to claim after you caught you attacker :P


He had chosen wrong. Again. Harmony, why? Just for once, tell me what's right! He looked down at the body of the young girl he'd just helped to kill. With tears in his eyes, he lifted her body. Before, he'd just dispose the others had killed. Of course he felt bad for the innocents, but that was nothing compared to the guilt that washed over him while carrying the body he had helped to kill. The others just left like it was no big deal. "Let's leave it to the hazekiller. He's tasked with disposing the bodies. I mean, he's a hazekiller. He's supposed to hate allomancers anyway." 

They couldn't understand. He'd always be different, an outsider, no matter how much they trusted him. He looked over at his other suspects. How many more, Harmony? How many innocent lives do I have to kill in order to protect the innocent. 

There they were. The foreign scientist he had seen interact with a weird bunch of folks. He remembered their alliance and smiled sadly. Reading and Lord Cauthon were dead, their hopeful alliance broken. Was this scientist a reason for that? He shook his head and moved on. He didn't have to make the choice yet. There was still time. 

He wandered until he found Lumen, the lady he had found secretly gulping vials of Pewter. He had revealed her role to all, and now everyone seemed wary of her. He hoped she was one of the good people as well. 

And he didn't know. When the time came, he has make a decision again. He'd probably be a part of killing an innocent again. Eventually, he'd mourn their deaths again. 

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RP!  With some creative liberties.  :P 

Reginald cursed himself.  He'd been too obvious.  Rust and Ruin, what had he been thinking!  He should never have revealed his Allomantic abilities.  Someone had managed to tamper with his gold stores somehow.  His Augury had failed.

Reginald groaned in pain, clutching his side.  He'd retreated to his room, his body temporarily crippled by the impure gold.  His stored strength, what little remained, could do nothing to solve that problem.  He'd have to wait it out.  To make matters worse, the traitors were on to him now.  It was only a matter of time before they came for him again.  He wasn't sure he'd be able to fight off another attack.  But perhaps...  Reginald stood shakily, and dragged himself over to the other side of the room, where a large wardrobe had been shoved against the doorway.  He couldn't be too careful, and he didn't want the traitors having too easy a time getting to him.

Reginald fell to his knees, then swung the doors of the wardrobe open.  He frantically began throwing out it's contents; old sweaters, random articles of clothing from the compound's previous tenants.  He was sure he had left it in here...  Reginald tapped strength, and broke a hole in the bottom of the wardrobe.

He found it.  Reginald lifted with shaky hands a small vial of gold.  He'd had extra.  With this, he could see who'd tampered with his previous vial. 

If this vial hadn't been tampered with, of course.

Reginald hesitated.  If it had, attempting to burn it would nearly kill him.  But he had no choice.  As he was now, he was nearly useless.  The traitors would kill him; and if they didn't, the others would.  This was his last chance.

Reginald drank the vial.

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Pyria Young was doing this for her father. She had to remind herself of that every few hours or so. She was gaining these nice people's trust because she had to stop them from completely taking over Elendel. She just had to keep this up for a little bit longer, keep the others from suspecting her, then she could find a way to escape when no one was looking-

"Pyria, are you listening?" One of the others asked her in a loud whisper, shocking her out of her thoughts. 

"Yes, yes, I'm listening." She said. She noticed that they were all crouched down, looking around with scared looks on their faces. "What's going on?" She whispered back.

"The Kandra." Reginald says quickly. "We think it's out there in the hallways, waiting for one of us to come out." Pyria gulped, quickly scooting on over to them and pulling a dagger out of her pocket. 

It happened in an instant, the door bursting open, a shape flying into the room, pain spreading across her body as the monster tore into her. It barely looked recognizable at this point, the features distorted to hide its identity. The others managed to get the monster off of her, and it ran away. Reginald and Lumen seemed to be hurt, but everyone else seemed alright.

The others began to treat her wounds, and they froze. Pyria looked at them with weary eyes as the pain and shock made it hard to see. And then she remembered. 

They were staring at the loyalist pin hidden in her shirt, which they had ripped to try and treat her wounds. "Please," she began to beg weakly. "I don't want to die. I'm the last one, I swear, I swear, just please don't let me die." For a moment, she worried they would leave her there. Then, they got back to work on treating her wounds. She didn't mean to, but she passed out at some point.


Sometime later, she woke up in the main room of the building, a crowd of people surrounding her. Darson himself was there, and Reginald and the others were talking to him.

"Sir, she is just a child. We found some letters in her room, and it seems that she was just doing this because of her father. Plus, we believe she's the last one."

Darson nodded, then turned to look at her. He was the only one who had noticed she was awake so far. His eyes stared into hers, and Pyria swore that she felt no emotion from them. "I understand your concern for the child," Darson said to the group, raising his voice so everyone would hear him, "but, even so, she has lied to you. There is still at least one traitorous loyalist among us. The first one I caught told me how many were in this building with us after some...persuasion." Pyria gulped, her heart hammering. "Until then, I believe I can persuade young Pyria here," Darson stepped towards her, holding out his hand for her to grab, "to let us know who remains. Until then, you may do whatever you can to find the last of them. Good luck." He gave a wicked smile to the group, pulling Pyria behind him.

The Young Pyromancer has been killed! They were a Loyalist Tineye/Sentry Twinborn!
Magestar was attacked, but survived!
Mist was attacked, but survived!

PMs are no longer open! Please do not send anymore PMs. :P

There will be a lynch this turn. As a reminder, there is no vote minimum for the lynch, and a tie vote will result in one of the tied players being lynched randomly.

The turn will end at 9 pm CDT on June 23rd. The next turn will be posted as soon as possible.

Player List:

  1. @Karnage - Lance Neverwatch 
  2. Elandera PRE Operative Soother/Trueself Twinborn
  3. Elkanah PRE Operative Leecher Misting
  4. The Young Pyromancer - Pyria Young Loyalist Tineye/Sentry Twinborn
  5. Shard of Reading - Reading PRE Operative Leecher/Pinnacle Twinborn
  6. Experience - Shard PRE Operative Lurcher/Bloodmaker Twinborn
  7. @Lahilt - Lahlit
  8. Ventyl - Lafay Etteax Loyalist Leecher Misting
  9. Coda PRE Operative Seeker Misting and Hemalurgist
  10. Matrim's Dice - Lord Cauthon PRE Operative Nicroburst/Sparker Twinborn
  11. @TJ Shade - TJ Shade
  12. Emi - Lorinne PRE Operative Tineye/Steelrunner Twinborn
  13. xinoehp512 - Neru Loyalist Rioter/Gasper Twinborn
  14. Kidpen - Villin Loyalist Spinner Ferring
  15. @Mist - Lumen
  16. DrakeMarshall - Lorena Blackburn PRE Operative Gasper Ferring and Thief
  17. Araris Valerian - Araris Valerian Kandra
  18. Devotary of Spontaniety - Adomert PRE Operative Slider/Sentry Twinborn
  19. Kynedath Loyalist Lurcher/Subsumer Twinborn
  20. Walin - Lerin PRE Operative Smoker/Firesoul Twiborn
  21. @Ashbringer - Faleast
  22. The_God_King PRE Operative Smoker/Connector Twinborn
  23. @Magestar - Reginald Kettis

PMs will be sent out as soon as possible.

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Rust and Ruin.  I swear if I ever trust Pyro ever again I might as well just go ahead and lynch myself.  Good grief.

Well whoever tried to kill me again certainly hasn't been paying attention.  Reginald doesn't go down easily.  He's Not To Be Trifled With.  :P  

And PMs are gone as well.  I can’t say I mind, really.  PMs are too much trouble and I feel I’m too easily convinced by PM conversations.  I’d rather everything just be in the thread, in most cases.  Now I can just go back to not trusting any of you.  :P 

I was interested to see who would die, given that, as far as I can tell, the only two people who even could be killed last night were Pyro and Karnage.  :P  I am curious though.  The Kandra must have killed Pyro, since the Elims clearly targeted me, and I believe I know who targeted Mist.  That leaves this whole situation in a rather interesting place...

Oh well.  I'm too tired to post any analysis at the moment, but I'll do both that and some RP before the end of the cycle.

Now if the Shard can just avoid eating this post like it did the last three, I can be done for the night.  Here's hoping lol

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To the one I PM’d to right around reset, I may have messed things up. I had some IRL stuff come up right at reset, so I was scrambling to send PMs and actions and I failed to adjust and respond to things in time. I also didn’t get a lot of information in until the last (almost literal) minute. Kinda like our D1 lynch...

However... I think this night’s result makes this look a lot better for the village. But we’re not quite finished yet.

Edited by Ashbringer
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Noooo Mage, we had a good thing going. You were right though, to be paranoid. I could say I saw it coming but I'd be lying out of my teeth if I said that. I did notice something was off though - like him asking me to buy the bead and pass it on to him or him asking me to buy the vest and pass it on to him but I brushed it off, and I'm an idiot for that.

Pyro, you storming Sadeas. I have another level of respect for you after this game. Very well played. Elims really deserve to win here, if only because of your effort. You're very unlucky that in your appeal to be a villager, you also convinced the kandra that you are the villager, and they took you out trying to balance. You actually ended up helping us xD This betrayal will definitely help me improve as a player.

1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

PMs are no longer open! Please do not send anymore PMs. :P

You're never keeping group PMs again when you GM, right? :P

1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

The turn will end at 9 pm CDT on June 22nd. The next turn will be posted as soon as possible.

24 Hour Day Turn? I don't mind, I'm just asking for confirmation.

@Magestar, I've tried to be completely honest with you in PMs. If you find any discrepancy, please feel free to ask me. You were the one who initiated a PM with me, and I've been truthful to the best of my knowledge. It is paramount that we understand the importance of each others' survival. We do not have to trust each other, just understand that in case we both are villagers, we need to survive till the end. To further reiterate my point, I'm willing to claim I'm the Coinshot. Almost everyone knows at this point. You, Ash, the remaining teammate of Pyro. The only person who doesn't know is a villager and it only hurts if village does not know I'm the Coinshot. If there is a counter-claim, only then will I state my targets and I have enough proof to discredit the counter-claimer. Hope this is a step in the right direction. 
@Ashbringer, it's highly likely that you're the kandra, so I ask the villager not to trust Ash. If you're not, I ask you to use your spike ability on me to clear you, but I don't think you'll do that. 

Mage, we need to be unified in our votes, if not (kandra+elim) could lynch one of us. Villager, please please do not vote for one of us as (kandra+elim) could easily jump on us and we'd get lynched. 

For now, Mist. Could you possibly give out any information that would help us prove you're village? (Ash, the reason I'm asking you to spike me is because, in case Mist flips village, I'd have to go for Lahilt in the night, I'm scared they have some sort of protection. So I'd like to double-tap them.)

I'm extremely angry at myself and it's frustrating, but it is what it is.


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1 hour ago, TJ Shade said:

You're never keeping group PMs again when you GM, right? :P

Nah, I hated it, but I love it too much to let it go. :P

1 hour ago, TJ Shade said:

24 Hour Day Turn? I don't mind, I'm just asking for confirmation.

.....this was a mistake. I didn’t notice it in my blind panic about the fact that the shard kept crashing while I was trying to do rollover. :P

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4 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

.....this was a mistake. I didn’t notice it in my blind panic about the fact that the shard kept crashing while I was trying to do rollover. :P

Yeah I noticed that.  It took me like three tries to get one post out; I can't imagine what it was like trying to do rollover.  :P  Fantastic writeup, by the way.  I love what you did with Pyria.  I do want to kill Darson though.  :P  

Alright.  I'm going to use this post to clear the air around this cycles stuff, and get some info out there to work with.

5 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

Noooo Mage, we had a good thing going. You were right though, to be paranoid. I could say I saw it coming but I'd be lying out of my teeth if I said that. I did notice something was off though - like him asking me to buy the bead and pass it on to him or him asking me to buy the vest and pass it on to him but I brushed it off, and I'm an idiot for that.

Pyro, you storming Sadeas. I have another level of respect for you after this game. Very well played. Elims really deserve to win here, if only because of your effort. You're very unlucky that in your appeal to be a villager, you also convinced the kandra that you are the villager, and they took you out trying to balance. You actually ended up helping us xD This betrayal will definitely help me improve as a player.

You're never keeping group PMs again when you GM, right? :P

24 Hour Day Turn? I don't mind, I'm just asking for confirmation.

@Magestar, I've tried to be completely honest with you in PMs. If you find any discrepancy, please feel free to ask me. You were the one who initiated a PM with me, and I've been truthful to the best of my knowledge. It is paramount that we understand the importance of each others' survival. We do not have to trust each other, just understand that in case we both are villagers, we need to survive till the end. To further reiterate my point, I'm willing to claim I'm the Coinshot. Almost everyone knows at this point. You, Ash, the remaining teammate of Pyro. The only person who doesn't know is a villager and it only hurts if village does not know I'm the Coinshot. If there is a counter-claim, only then will I state my targets and I have enough proof to discredit the counter-claimer. Hope this is a step in the right direction. 
@Ashbringer, it's highly likely that you're the kandra, so I ask the villager not to trust Ash. If you're not, I ask you to use your spike ability on me to clear you, but I don't think you'll do that. 

Mage, we need to be unified in our votes, if not (kandra+elim) could lynch one of us. Villager, please please do not vote for one of us as (kandra+elim) could easily jump on us and we'd get lynched. 

For now, Mist. Could you possibly give out any information that would help us prove you're village? (Ash, the reason I'm asking you to spike me is because, in case Mist flips village, I'd have to go for Lahilt in the night, I'm scared they have some sort of protection. So I'd like to double-tap them.)

I'm extremely angry at myself and it's frustrating, but it is what it is.

...TJ I trust you more than anyone else, but the tone of this post is really odd.  :P  I was right to be paranoid?  The Elims deserve to win?  You're freaking me out mate.

Anyway, I can at least confirm that the people TJ has told me he'd target have been dying, starting with Kidpen and going up to Mist.  Assuming that there's no shenanigans going on - which is a terrible thing to assume, really - it's impossible for TJ to have attacked both the people he said he would and the other's who have died.  There's no way TJ could have attacked me this cycle or the previous cycle, and I don't think the Elims would have a coinshot on their side, so I'm fairly confident that TJ is village.

The odd thing is that there's no reason Pyro would have attacked me.  They knew I had a vest.  At least, I mentioned it several times in group PMs with Pyro, so I'd expect Pyro to have known.  Very odd.

Ash and TJ also knew that I had a vest.  The four of us had a group PM.

@Ashbringer, you PMed me last cycle saying that Pyro might be an Elim.  You've explained why you sent the info so late, but I'd love to know where you got that information.  I'm a little confused by your explanation as well.  I think at this point it's best to be fairly open with information.

@Mist. I know you targeted me last day cycle.  That was also the cycle I was roleblocked out of my Augury.  Why did you target me?

I'm fairly certain there aren't seven Elims.  That seems a little much.  So, I guess what I'm saying is I hope there aren't seven  Elims.  :P  So there's probably only one left.  Given that, the Elims can't win until, on the outside, there are three players left.  There are currently six players left.  With one lynch this cycle, and one kill next cycle (kind of unlikely given how many people have protection). We're down to four.  If there are seven elims, we lose instantly.  :P  If there aren't, we still have a chance.

8 hours ago, Lahilt said:

 @Magestar did you roleclaim to anybody before last round?

Lahilt, I roleclaimed to the rusting thread.  :P  Everyone knows my role.

I'll do some RP next, followed by some analysis and a vote when I have time.

edit; missed Ash's explanation.
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Magestar what I wanted to ask was did you roleclaim to Pyro in PM giving the Elims a reason to use a steel trap on you.

i would say that TJ Shade is village cleared if they are the coinshot.

Magestar if targeted by the Elims last night would be cleared not an Elim. 

That leaves Myself Ashbringer Karnage and Mist


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15 hours ago, Magestar said:

...TJ I trust you more than anyone else, but the tone of this post is really odd.  :P  I was right to be paranoid?  The Elims deserve to win?  You're freaking me out mate.

Well, yeah you were right to be paranoid about Pyro. I'm upset, Mage. I got pocketed in my very first (complete) game despite me convincing myself that I've taken all measures to prevent the very thing. Right now, if we win I don't feel like we deserve it. Feel like this trusting Pyro thing is my fault, since I told him I had role-claimed to you, and you were roped in as well. 

Sine Lahilt did not counter-claim (and Mist is Thug, Ash claimed Pulser and Karnage is inactive), I'd be willing to explain all the Coinshot actions till now:

N1: I did not target anyone because I was being cautious. I did not have a strong enough read on anyone and felt more should be discussed before attmepting to kill someone. 

N2: I targeted Araris Valerian since I felt something was off about them. I genuinely thought they were elim but they ended up as kandra, so that was lucky. (Or not so lucky in Araris' own words "Why do we need to differentiate between rooting out the kandra and elims? Both are bound to give dishonest reads." Something along those lines)

N3: I targeted Matrim. Yeah, this was a bad call. I panicked after seeing all his votes disappearing and him lying low going under the radar that I thought he was an Elim Connector (I've been paranoid about elim Connector the whole game). I knew he could also be village Sparker but I decided to take a risk, and it failed. I still feel bad about it. Sorry Matrim!

N4: I targeted Kynedath. I found the sudden change of Araris' vote from Experience to Kynedath very intriguing. He even started to ask others to vote for him. It's like he knew Kynedath was elim, despite limited interaction from Kyne. Hence my "kandra has alignment scanner" theory. Add to that Magestar's suspicion about xino's interaction with him. (Mage, if you remember I agreed with you) Kandra must have had the same thoughts as well (if kandra = Ashbringer) and double-tapped him. 

N5: I targeted Kidpen on the suggestion of Magestar to prove my role-claim. And he was one of the players in my suspicion list.

N6: I targeted Mist because I knew she targeted Magestar during the turn he got role-blocked to prevent his Augury from telling who attacked him. 

Edit: Hey! @Karnage is viewing the thread. Karnage, it'd be absolutely amazing if you just hopped in and bandwagoned with us! :P

Edited by TJ Shade
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39 minutes ago, TJ Shade said:

Well, yeah you were right to be paranoid about Pyro. I'm upset, Mage. I got pocketed in my very first (complete) game despite me convincing myself that I've taken all measures to prevent the very thing. Right now, if we win I don't feel like we deserve it. Feel like this trusting Pyro thing is my fault, since I told him I had role-claimed to you, and you were roped in as well. 

That's fair, I suppose.  I'm not really suspicious of you.  The tone of some of your posts is just a little odd.  :P  

So, I'm going to do what everyone else has probably already done and go over the list of remaining players and do some quick analysis.  Nothing too in-depth because going through all the posts at this point would take an eternity.

Karnage - Karnage has been largely inactive in-thread.  However, they've looked at this thread a couple times, and have been on and off the shard numerous times in the past couple weeks.  They're not totally inactive, which means that it's entirely possible that they've been active in the Elim doc.  There's not a whole lot to go on here, however.  There's also the situation with Hatz at the beginning of the game, and the situation with Ventyl, which make me doubt that Karnage is an Elim.  They could, however, be Kandra, at least in theory.

Lahilt - I'm fairly confident that Lahilt is village.  I can't say for certain, but I don't think that Lahilt is an Elim.  There's not a whole lot of info to go on, but I've already covered my reasoning for this.  I'll link that post here.  Likely village, IMO.

TJ Shade - The self-claimed village coinshot.  As I stated in my previous post, this seems to check out.  The actions of the Elims also don't make any sense for TJ.  They didn't vote for Ventyl... in fact they pushed a lynch on Mist over Ventyl on the cycle Ventyl got lynched.  Hmm.  Anyway, I think TJ is basically cleared by their actions, activity, and analysis despite some of the odd things they've done.  The only weird thing is that they occasionally overreact or it seems like their faking their responses to certain events.  That's what gives the odd tone to their posts, I think.  Likely village.

Mist - Mist claimed thug.  Given their recent survival, I believe them.  I don't think it's necessarily unlikely that the Elims had a thug... but six members including a thug seems like a lot.  So I'm not sure.  I believe I've been suspicious of Mist previously.  They voted for both Hatz and Kynedath, known Elims.  They didn't vote for Ventyl, but instead voted for TJ.  A little odd, but nothing too weird.  Neutral read.

Ashbringer - PMed me saying they thought Pyro was an Elim at the very end of last cycle.  Claimed to be role blocked to me in a PM on a cycle when no one should have been able to roleblock them.  They've been soft-cleared a number of times via a number of things they've done.  The biggest thing is that they pushed the Ventyl lynch hard.  The problem is that Pyro also pushed the Ventyl lynch, and Pyro is a known Elim.  Idk about Ash at this point.

Magestar - Then there's me.  I should be clear at this point.  If I'm not clear y'all crazy.  :P 

I just realized how long this post is gonna be so I'm gonna split it up a bit.  :P  Vote and analysis of a few odd things in my next post.  RP when I finish it.  :P  If I seem paranoid it's because I am.

Edited by Magestar
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