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(Part the 33rd, in which the numbers return, as the Narrator was forced to attend a technology seminar)


Confident Indecision Maker’s Avatar: Yeah. I realized this had the potential of being messy as soon as somebody made a joke about us having an elim doc, and I've been trying to be especially careful about avoiding any game talk in there after that.

That said it has been quite helpful for coordinating splitting up the minutes.

THE COFFEE MACHINE: Yeah, I had noticed that and immediately a record scratch went off in my head :P.

The COFFEE MACHINE suddenly makes a record-scratch sound and the klaxons cease. The COFFEE MACHINE also wonders why his internal computer decided to autocorrect claxons to klaxons NOW, instead of FIVE POSTS AGO!!!

The Intern: Which part next?!

THE COFFEE MACHINE: The COFFEE MACHINE makes a sad whiring noise. Another SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! member had been lost. And all (Mist) wondered was who would post next.

The COFFEE MACHINE added extra flame retardant just in case Stick started to spontaneously combust.

The Intern: Apologies!! EULOGIES are in order. I must draft them! 

(The rest of the page is filled with crossed out drafts of eulogies, written in the distinctive coffee-allergic hand of The Intern)

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(Part the 34th, in which the Narrator is surprised by the fact that it took this long to unlock an achievement. The Narrator is also surprised by the fact that coffee machines have achievements)

Doctor Google: While The Intern was drafting eulogies, the Good Doctor somberly removed his medical fedora, placing it over his chest. "Ah! Dear Confident Indecision Maker! How we wish you could have continued to enlighten us with your bold, noncommittal nature!" 
The doctor then realized he was still holding the Ban-ana, and cautiously dropped it into THE COFFEE MACHINE's intake box to see what would happen.

Also Doctor Google: THE COFFEE MACHINE seemed to be taking an unusually long time to process the new input.

THE COFFEE MACHINE: The COFFEE MACHINE had been unplugged by someone tripping over its power cord during the Klaxon problem. It's backup systems had finally come back on line, and it was suprised that it had an illegal banana in it's intake box.

The COFFEE MACHINE began to whirr, then poured two vibrant blue servings of "coffee". A small screen popped out, displaying "Achievement Unlocked!"

(The rest of the page is covered in angry ranting about THE COFFEE MACHINE’s typos, such as ‘suprised,’ and using the wrong form of ‘its’. )

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3 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

I'm gonna going to believe Ash, Pyro and Mage are villagers till the point where I have to stop believing. If I don't believe them now, yeah well I can't trust anyone else. That means 3 possible elims and a kandra from the pool of TGK, Kidpen, Emi, Karnage, Lahilt and Mist. If we soft-clear Emi and Karnage for elims, we're left with TGK, Kidpen, Lahilt and Mist. 3 out of the 4 are possible elims. For kandra (let's just say I have sufficient evidence to believe they were active enough to send out kill action during N4), we can removed Mist (because they would lose Thug ability) and TGK (inactive). Karnage was inactive during N4 as well. That leaves us with Kidpen, Emi and Lahilt (with an outside chance of Karnage being inactive in-thread while submitting a kill). We can work with this. I hope I don't get killed for this analysis. I really hope I'm right because if one of my trusted 3 turns out to be elim/kandra, all this is useless. 

It's somewhat amusing to me that we both seem to have gone through the same thought process but come out with different results.  I'm not terribly suspicious of Emi or Lahilt.  Kidpen, a little bit.  As much as I can be with this little information, anyway.

1 hour ago, Ashbringer said:

Maybe it could mean something, maybe it couldn't. I'll be busy today, so I probably will only make a few other posts. I will say that I'm a little put off by how certain Mage was that Walin was an Elim Connector, but it made some sense at the time. But "some sense" is relative to the lack of sense I seem to be seeing.

This is... this is the opposite of what happened.  :P  TJ thought Walin was the Elim Connector, and I argued against it.  I'm on the same page as you; I don't really have a lot to go on at the moment, and mostly switched to Walin because I didn't want to chance a mislynch on Mist actually being a thug.

Finally, I'd love if the Coinshot could PM me, assuming they trust me.  I'm trying to gather some solid information to work from, and it would help immensely if I had some people I could trust hands-down.

I'll gladly admit to the thread that I have the spike, to clear up a little confusion.  I don't think revealing that is all too likely to increase the Elim's chances of killing me.  This is also why I'd like to have the Coinshot PM me.  I'd rather not risk double tapping anyone.

Also, I can't believe the Shouty Shout club is still alive.  How are you guys still keeping that up?  :P 

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7 minutes ago, Magestar said:

It's somewhat amusing to me that we both seem to have gone through the same thought process but come out with different results.  I'm not terribly suspicious of Emi or Lahilt.  Kidpen, a little bit.  As much as I can be with this little information, anyway.

This is... this is the opposite of what happened.  :P  TJ thought Walin was the Elim Connector, and I argued against it.  I'm on the same page as you; I don't really have a lot to go on at the moment, and mostly switched to Walin because I didn't want to chance a mislynch on Mist actually being a thug.

Finally, I'd love if the Coinshot could PM me, assuming they trust me.  I'm trying to gather some solid information to work from, and it would help immensely if I had some people I could trust hands-down.

I'll gladly admit to the thread that I have the spike, to clear up a little confusion.  I don't think revealing that is all too likely to increase the Elim's chances of killing me.  This is also why I'd like to have the Coinshot PM me.  I'd rather not risk double tapping anyone.

Also, I can't believe the Shouty Shout club is still alive.  How are you guys still keeping that up?  :P 

If Pyro knows who the coinshot is? They could pass the coinshots target on to you.

Its not that I am really suspicious of you but keeping the coinshots identity as hidden as possible would probably be a good idea. 

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6 hours ago, Magestar said:

is is... this is the opposite of what happened.  :P  TJ thought Walin was the Elim Connector, and I argued against it.  I'm on the same page as you; I don't really have a lot to go on at the moment, and mostly switched to Walin because I didn't want to chance a mislynch on Mist actually being a thug.

Oh. Oops. For some reason I keep getting you and TJ confused in my brain. I think because you read almost identical.

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4 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Oh. Oops. For some reason I keep getting you and TJ confused in my brain. I think because you read almost identical.

To be fair, many of our posts parallel in a number of ways.  The same thing happened with Araris and I earlier.  I'm not sure what to make of it.

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Death. Reginald Kettis was witnessing the death of the poor man who went only by the name God King. And there was another man who would soon attempt to give Reginald the sweet taste of death as well. Villin looked at Reginald with a deadly stare. Reginald began to run, pushing open the door to the God King's room and sprinting as far as his legs would carry him. Villin wasted no time before beginning the pursuit. 

They ran through many corridors, Villin right on Reginald's heels the whole way. Reginald began to think about how he would survive, or if he would even survive. Yelling for help would do him no good, just cost him his breath. Eventually he would run into a dead end and have nowhere to-

Reginald ran into a dead end.

He turned around, ducking as Villin's knife flew over his head and hit the wall behind him. Reginald barely had a chance to stand back up before he was tackled to the ground. The two men grappled on the ground, each seeking to get their hands around the other's throat but not quite able to do so. For a moment, Reginald managed to get on top. Then it was Villin. Then it was Reginald. On and on went this dance of death and life, each man fighting to be the one that would get to breathe another day.

Villin took a hand away from Reginald's throat, and Reginald made to flip the man over, but Villin punched him in the gut. Reginald groaned, and once again Villin's hands were around his throat. He'd lost his momentum in the fight. He flailed against Villin, but it was too late. He could already feel his strength leaving him. He remembered his first days in Elendel, his awe at the magnificent city. He remembered his mother, and his father, and his brother. He remembered the footsteps of his father approaching his room late at night when Reginald really should've been asleep but was instead reading a book....

Wait. Those were real footsteps. Reginald could breathe. He opened his eyes and couldn't see Villin. He sat up and saw that there was a hole in the man's head, and his eyes had lost the sweet glow of life and vitality they had once held. Reginald looked around to see who had saved him, but the footsteps faded. Reginald would live to see another day.

Kidpen has been killed! They were a Loyalist Spinner Ferring!
The_God_King has been killed! They were a PRE Operative Smoker/Connector Twinborn!
Magestar was attacked, but they survived!

PMs are open, but make sure to add Young Bard, Fifth Scholar, and myself to all PMs. Also, make sure to make new PMs with players rather than adding new players to PMs. 

There will be a lynch this turn. As a reminder, there is no vote minimum for the lynch, and a tie vote will result in one of the tied players being lynched randomly.

The turn will end at 9 pm CDT on June 17th. The next turn will begin one hour later.

Player List:

  1. @Karnage - Lance Neverwatch 
  2. Elandera PRE Operative Soother/Trueself Twinborn
  3. Elkanah PRE Operative Leecher Misting
  4. @The Young Pyromancer - Pyria Young
  5. Shard of Reading - Reading PRE Operative Leecher/Pinnacle Twinborn
  6. Experience - Shard PRE Operative Lurcher/Bloodmaker Twinborn
  7. @Lahilt - Lahlit
  8. Ventyl - Lafay Etteax Loyalist Leecher Misting
  9. Coda PRE Operative Seeker Misting and Hemalurgist
  10. Matrim's Dice - Lord Cauthon PRE Operative Nicroburst/Sparker Twinborn
  11. @TJ Shade - TJ Shade
  12. @Emi - Lorinne
  13. xinoehp512 - Neru Loyalist Rioter/Gasper Twinborn
  14. Kidpen - Villin Loyalist Spinner Ferring
  15. @Mist - Lumen
  16. DrakeMarshall - Lorena Blackburn PRE Operative Gasper Ferring and Thief
  17. Araris Valerian - Araris Valerian Kandra
  18. Devotary of Spontaniety - Adomert PRE Operative Slider/Sentry Twinborn
  19. Kynedath Loyalist Lurcher/Subsumer Twinborn
  20. Walin - Lerin PRE Operative Smoker/Firesoul Twiborn
  21. @Ashbringer - Faleast
  22. The_God_King PRE Operative Smoker/Connector Twinborn
  23. @Magestar - Reginald Kettis

PMs will be sent out as soon as possible.

Also, I took some artistic liberty with the writeup this turn. Don't take it as a statement for what actually happened with the actions last night. :P

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Well, someone needs to say something so Mage doesn't double post.

Kidpen being an Elim Spinner is interesting: for one thing, if we'd actually succeeded in lynching Hatz D1, we would have started this game a whole lot differently... and being only a Spinner in this game has to be not great, Village or Elim.

With TGK being a Connector, I think the Elims probably only have maybe a Soother for vote manipulation. Still, 8 players left, with 1 Kandra and 1-2 Elims. I don't know how good a record that is, but hey, I'm still here, which is better than I expected.

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Reginald propped himself up against the wall, tense, grinning, his muscles still swollen with the strength he'd been tapping.  It had worked!  It had finally worked.  He'd been trying for the past week to subtly seem enough of a threat that the Traitors might try and kill him, and finally, with their Leecher dead, he had cast aside subtlety.  And it had worked!  They had attempted to kill him.

And he'd survived.

Reginald stood slowly, wincing at the pain in his side.  The adrenaline was quickly wearing off, and Villin had given him quite a beating.  He must have gotten in some lucky hits.  Feruchemical Pewter was nothing like Allomantic Pewter: it only granted physical strength, not ungodly endurance or resistance to pain, so Reginald would feel every bit of this fight.  He'd live, though.  His strength had seen to that.

Now it was time for the real show, however.  Villin may have attacked him, but that was not the only possibility.  There were other possibilities... and Reginald could see them.  He pulled a vial of metal flakes from his pocket.  They glistened in the dim light of the hallway as he poured them down his throat.

And Reginald burned gold.

So yep, that's basically it.  I'd been trying to subtly get the Elims to kill me for the past couple cycles.  I was a bit worried about being roleblocked, being my paranoid self, so I tried not to be obvious about wanting to get attacked. But when Ventyl died as the third Leecher in the game, I figured the probability of me getting roleblocked at this point was ridiculously low.  So I talked about the spike I bought last night, to try and get the Elims to kill me.  And it worked!  :P

For some clarification, I'm an Augur/Brute Twinborn.  Sorry to the people I lied to.  I was just a bit paranoid of the Elims finding out the Brute bit.

Anyway, I should be able to find out who targeted me last cycle.  With any luck, it wasn't Kidpen, and we'll have one of - if not the last of - the remaining elims.  So... yay?  :P  

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19 minutes ago, Magestar said:

For some clarification, I'm an Augur/Brute Twinborn.  Sorry to the people I lied to.  I was just a bit paranoid of the Elims finding out the Brute bit.

Et tu Brute?? 

(Sorry, couldn't resist :P )

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Ooooh. That is clever, and a really nice Twinborn combo. I was wondering when the Brute would show itself once the two Lurchers went down.

So, did your spike or your Brute ability kill Kidpen? Or was it something else?

I'm assuming our Contribution Crusade of a Coinshot killed TKG, but that's besides the point.

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So worst case scenario, it's 5-1-2. Going by the same assumption as last cycle, that leaves Emi, Lahilt, Mist, and Karnage. This lynch gave us enough information to soft-clear Mist. She broke the tie to vote for Hats in D1. Don't really think there's a necessity to bus a teammate in the very first cycle. She voted for Kynedath in D2. Vote for 2 teammates in the first 2 cycles of the game? Very dangerous elim play. So I'd like to soft clear them for now. That leaves Emi, Lahilt and Karnage as the possible elims and kandra. 

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8 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Ooooh. That is clever, and a really nice Twinborn combo. I was wondering when the Brute would show itself once the two Lurchers went down.

So, did your spike or your Brute ability kill Kidpen? Or was it something else?

I'm assuming our Contribution Crusade of a Coinshot killed TKG, but that's besides the point.

Yeah, I really think the Twinborn Combo is more responsible for the cleverness than I am.  It's almost the natural thing to do with those two powers.  I'm actually a little tiny bit disappointed it took the Elims this long to try and kill me.  :P  

Neither, actually.  I'm in touch with Pyro who's in touch with the Coinshot.  Like Lahilt suggested, actually.  I suggested the Kidpen kill, then I used my spike on TGK, since an inactive's role would be better off in our hands.  I do admit to being rather pleased that Kidpen flipped Elim.  There was no real info on TGK, so I don't mind that they flipped village.

6 hours ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

I'm betting on Kandra here.

You still think I'm the Kandra?  :P  I can't for the life of me guess why.  Didn't we already confirm the Kandra doesn't have an extra life since Araris was killed?  

If Kidpen didn't put in the kill order, I can clear myself next cycle.  

5 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

So worst case scenario, it's 5-1-2. Going by the same assumption as last cycle, that leaves Emi, Lahilt, Mist, and Karnage. This lynch gave us enough information to soft-clear Mist. She broke the tie to vote for Hats in D1. Don't really think there's a necessity to bus a teammate in the very first cycle. She voted for Kynedath in D2. Vote for 2 teammates in the first 2 cycles of the game? Very dangerous elim play. So I'd like to soft clear them for now. That leaves Emi, Lahilt and Karnage as the possible elims and kandra. 

Of those three, I'd put my bets on Emi.  Karnage is kind of on iffy ground, but Ventyl voted on them in self preservation, and vice versa, I believe.  Lahilt also went after Ventyl.  It could have been bussing, but I doubt it at this point.

If it's not one of those three, then I'll have to take another look at everyone.  I, at least, should be pretty much hard-cleared at this point, but who knows.  :P  

That's a... really interesting distribution.  I feel kinda bad, since quite a few Elims were basically inactive.  Unless they were faking it, which, I suppose, is always a possibility.  But that seems unlikely, considering how much they could have done lynch shenanigans.

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Okay, I'm going to do a little role analysis here.

There are 32 different roles in this game, Allomantic and Feruchemical. I'm discounting Hemalurgist and Thief for now.


Lurcher, Coinshot, Tineye, Thug, Rioter, Soother, Smoker, Seeker, Augur, Oracle, Pulser, Slider, Aluminum Gnat, Duralumin Gnat, Leecher, Nicroburst.

Skimmer, Steelrunner, Windwhisperer, Brute, Sparker, Firesoul, Archvist, Sentry, Bloodmaker, Pinnacle, Gasper, Subsumer, Trueself, Connector, Spinner, Soulbearer.

If we strike out all the roles that have appeared in dead players, we get this:


Lurcher, Coinshot, Tineye, Thug, Rioter, Soother, Smoker, Seeker, Augur, Oracle, Pulser, Slider, Aluminum Gnat, Duralumin Gnat, Leecher, Nicroburst.

Skimmer, Steelrunner, Windwhisperer, Brute, Sparker, Firesoul, Archivist, Sentry, Bloodmaker, Pinnacle, Gasper, Subsumer, Trueself, Connector, Spinner, Soulbearer.

Meaning most of our live players should have some of these unused roles. With some of the ones players have claimed to have (and Aluminum Gnat, because... useless) and bolding the rest, we get this:


Lurcher, Coinshot, Tineye, Thug, Rioter, Soother, Smoker, Seeker, Augur, Oracle, Pulser, Slider, Aluminum Gnat, Duralumin Gnat, Leecher, Nicroburst.

Skimmer, Steelrunner, Windwhisperer, Brute, Sparker, Firesoul, Archivist, Sentry, Bloodmaker, Pinnacle, Gasper, Subsumer, Trueself, Connector, Spinner, Soulbearer.

Meaning that of the living players who haven't mentioned things about their roles (you know who you are), we may likely have a Steelrunner and a Soulbearer. And if that's in Elim hands, that could be very worrying, especially if they now have the Lerasium. A Steelrunner who's been charging all this time may have enough charges that if they get the Lerasium and become a Coinshot, they could wipe out all 5-6 Villagers, especially if they've been hoarding the Vests. A clever Duralumin Gnat may be able to pull this off as well, but it's hard to tell.

An Elim Soulbearer can't do that, because they can't charge Coinshot hits until they have the Coinshot ability, and I highly doubt the Elims have a Coinshot-Soulbearer at this point. But I can't imagine there isn't a Soulbearer out there somewhere, and it's kind of now or never for both the Village and the Elims. And hyper boosting almost any Allomantic ability at this point would be very dangerous.

Oracle and Skimmer are relatively innocuous, and I feel like a Windwhisperer would have done the damage they could at this point, regardless of alignment. Some of the roles that haven't repeated themselves (ie... not Leecher, but also not Gasper, Sentry, Lurcher, Smoker) may also pop up.

Not really alignment based, but an interesting set of findings.


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6 hours ago, Magestar said:

You still think I'm the Kandra?  :P  I can't for the life of me guess why.  Didn't we already confirm the Kandra doesn't have an extra life since Araris was killed?  

If Kidpen didn't put in the kill order, I can clear myself next cycle.  

I meant I thought TGK was the Kanda kill, or at least I pretended that.

7 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Meaning most of our live players should have some of these unused roles. With some of the ones players have claimed to have (and Aluminum Gnat, because... useless) and bolding the rest, we get this:

Interesting. You know who the Tineye is?

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Magestar was attacked last night. He has claimed Augur-Brute and will be burning gold to determine who attacked him last night. Certainly don’t lynch him; likely a true claim.

TJ Shade seems fairly village, providing info that can help us. He provided information on Emi’s target and my role. He has been pretty active.

Karnage hasn't been very active. He said the first day that he might have to meet the minimum activity requirements for a while. He's voted on Hatz, Emi, Ventyl, and Magestar. His continued inactivity makes me suspicious. He hasn't posted in this game recently, despite having posted a topic on Wednesday. However, Ventyl voted on him as a counter-lynch, which would be unlikely between teammates. He could be a Kandra.

Lahilt was suspicious of Ventyl because Ventyl asked them to remove a vote from Experience. They voted on me D4. They stated that bussing would be less likely. They are part of the SHOUTY-SHOUT AGENCY!!! 

Emi voted on Karnage this cycle, and tried to vote on him last night. She stated that we are losing because villagers died. She was the roleblock test for Ventyl, and her statement that she wasn’t roleblocked brought suspicion on Ventyl. It was found that she wasn’t roleblocked because she didn’t submit an action.

I am Mist. I voted on Hatz (Kidpen), Kynedath, Experience, TJ, and Walin. I am a Thug. I prefer longer posts to shorter ones, especially with this game.

My guess is that the last elim is less active. I'd be willing to vote on one of Emi, Karnage, or Lahilt. I will vote tomorrow. 

Edit: I'm leaning towards Lahilt because of Ventyl's interactions with Emi and Karnage.

Edited by Mist
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11 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Meaning that of the living players who haven't mentioned things about their roles (you know who you are), we may likely have a Steelrunner and a Soulbearer. And if that's in Elim hands, that could be very worrying, especially if they now have the Lerasium. A Steelrunner who's been charging all this time may have enough charges that if they get the Lerasium and become a Coinshot, they could wipe out all 5-6 Villagers, especially if they've been hoarding the Vests. A clever Duralumin Gnat may be able to pull this off as well, but it's hard to tell.

Don't think anyone has been active enough to get Lerasium. Steelrunner and Soulbearer are only dangerous with powerful allomantic materials, and I doubt they have them by default because that would be extremely over-powered. Also, why are you giving them ideas? :P

11 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Oracle and Skimmer are relatively innocuous, and I feel like a Windwhisperer would have done the damage they could at this point, regardless of alignment. Some of the roles that haven't repeated themselves (ie... not Leecher, but also not Gasper, Sentry, Lurcher, Smoker) may also pop up.

Don't know why you think Skimmer is innocuous. The role would perfectly match with Thug. If she's an elim it would be extremely hard and time-consuming to kill her, not to mention luck should be in our favor as well. If she has a Vest as well, she'd be virtually immortal. An elim Oracle with a Vest would be dangerous as well as they can identify the Coinshot if the Coinshot decides to target them. 

10 hours ago, Emi said:

I guess, that now I can vote for Karnage?

Yup, it's day turn. You can. 

2 hours ago, Mist said:

Karnage hasn't been very active. He said the first day that he might have to meet the minimum activity requirements for a while. He's voted on Hatz, Emi, Ventyl, and Magestar. His continued inactivity makes me suspicious. He hasn't posted in this game recently, despite having posted a topic on Wednesday. However, Ventyl voted on him as a counter-lynch, which would be unlikely between teammates. He could be a Kandra.

Agree with this. There's a very slight chance of Karnage being an elim since Ventyl was all but ready to kill him. I do not think it was a distancing tactic or an attempt to bus. This clears Karnage as elim but he remains my no. 1 candidate for kandra. He was inactive during N4 as well, as that could explain the lack of 3 kills in that cycle. But we do not have to worry about the kandra, especially if they are inactive as we can win over them.

Lahilt's retraction and then insistence to lynch Ventyl looks more like a bus. But I'm hesitant to lynch them because I somewhat agree with them when they say elims are less like to bus with the presence of kandra and Kynedath's death. 

Emi's insistence to vote for Karnage makes them suspicious. Still a little confused about the Ventyl-Emi role-block thing, but I feel Emi is the best among the rest. 

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