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Game: Cosmere Theory Generator


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Here's how the game works: 

First someone posts 2 random things from the Cosmere: could be characters, events, locations, objects, or magic/other ethereal intangible stuff. 

The next poster takes those 2 things and creates a theory involving them. The crazier and less likely the better. Then they list two different things for the next person to theorize on. Use spoiler tags where appropriate, and don't take it seriously. Like at all.


I will start it off with 

Kelsier and Shadesmar

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34 minutes ago, Experience said:

Looks like a fun idea!

Umm... Kelsier can burn the beads in Shadesmar as if they are allomantic metals.

Lift's fork and Nightblood.

Nightblood and Lift's fork are best friends and have a telepathic connection that can cover any distance and they chat through it together when their owners are asleep. Nightblood talks about all the evil he wants to destroy, and how nobody seems to appreciate him destroying evil so well. Lift's fork talks about all the food that she has helped Lift consume. They get along surprisingly well.


Harmony and the hog.

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30 minutes ago, nbozb said:

Harmony and the hog.

The Herdazian general is actually a kandra sent by Harmony to gather information about foreign systems like Roshar. And like Azure, he decided to lead a resistance against the Parsh after getting caught in the middle of the desolation. So, when the general escapes from the hog, he’s not a budding Radiant using Abrasion to slip out of the cuffs. Instead he’s manipulating the flesh around his wrist’s and hands to make them thinner and easier to yank out. 

The Sleepless and Silence Montane.

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Silence's adopted daughter, Sebruki, is actually a worldhopping member of The Sleepless and she had escaped Chesterson by dissolving into bugs and skittering away. She was sent from Roshar to discover the source of The Evil on Threnody.


The Sibling and the island of Patji

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The Sibling is actually also a sibling of Patji as part of the pantheon on first of the sun. The Sibling and Patji have a sibling rivalry of course, so Patji wants the Sibling to wake up and face off in metaphysical arm wrestling match. The winner gets to keep all the Aviar.

The Girl Who Looked Up and Endowment

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The girl who looked up is actually a story about Edgli's Tears, the flowers that are commonly found in Hallandren are the light that was hidden behind the wall. When the girl brought seeds of the flowers to the rest of the world, they began to grow the flowers as well, and because of that they could use breath much more effectively. This was one of the main causes of the manywar. Endowment helped the girl escape from Hallandren because she wanted to endow the ability to effectively use breath to the rest of Nalthis, and she didn't like that the power was kept by only one nation. This story was later brought to Roshar by worldhoppers from Nalthis, and the story then evolved over hundreds of years to become what Shallan heard, because the Rosharians did not understand breath and what the flowers were, only that they were good, and that they caused a war.


Vin's earing and the ghostbloods

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The name “Ghostblood” is actually a reference to Hemalurgy, killing someone—the ghost—and spiking the power out of their body—the blood. Kelsier took some inspiration from Vin’s earring and the death of her little sister. Yes, it’s true, Kelsier founded the Ghostbloods.

Ishar and the Pits of Hathsin.

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Ishar is the patron of the bondsmiths. The sibling is a bondsmith spern. The sibling is the spern of a tower full of investure that points into the sky almost endlessly. The pits of hatshin is a pit of investure that points into the ground almost endlessly. Therefore they are inversely related. Therefore, when kelseir destroyed the pits of hatshin the sibling went into shock and fell asleep.


Kelseir and the order of the skybreakers

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Kelsier was never one to follow the law. In fact, he’s kinda the opposite of the law. The first thing he did when he managed to worldhop to Roshar was break a whole bunch of laws, start another rebellion against all forms of nobles, etc. The Skybreakers, of course took notice of this, and Nale himself came to put a stop to Kelsier. Kelsier, however, was Kelsier, so he punched Nale in the face and continued to break laws. He is now the Skybreaker’s sworn enemy.

Dakhor Monks and Wyndle

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The Dakhor Monks have dedicated quite some time into research of the specific patterns embedded in their bones for magical effect. In fact, they have perhaps the greatest knowledge of Sel's magic systems and their peculiar relationship with geometry. As such, many monks have looked into other magical effects of geometry and, as a by-product, perfected the art of gardening. When a few of them did successfully worldhop and end up in the Rosharan sub-astral, they were quite welcome among many spren societies. Wyndle was in fact a fast friend with one particular Dakhor Monk and will eventually reminiscince of the beautiful gardens they may have been able to grow together.


Baon and Renarin Kholin

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When Baon was on Roshar looking for Hoid, he eventually made his way to ths Shattered Plains, but not before Hoid had already left. He met Renarin, who seemed to immediately realize that the man Baon wanted him to look for was the King's Wit, and he told Baon about him. But, since Hoid had moved on, so did Baon, though Hoid did return to the Shattered Plains later, in Words of Radiance. Renarin was unsure of Baon's intentions and decided against contacting him to reveal that Hoid had returned.


Lightsong and the Rose Empire

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Lightsong before he died was a world hopper, and visited del using his accounting/investigative skills to look into corruption among the factions and almost nearly discovered and revealed the fact that Ashravan wasn’t himself anymore. 

Kredik Shaw and the Stormfather

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The Lord Ruler worldhopped to Roshar and bonded the Stormfather before going back to create the Final Empire. When he saw the danger of the Storm, he was inspired to create Kredik Shaw, a palace that could withstand even the strongest of Highstorms. The reason that he isn't still bonded to the Stormfather is that he ran out of Atium before figuring out how to get Spren off-world. Nobody knows it, (except maybe Hoid) but TLR probably got the closest of anyone in the Cosmere to figuring out the secret to off-world spren.

Kaladin and Raoden.

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Kaladin and Raoden are secretly half brothers. Hesina was a worldhopper, she visited Sel and married Iadon but shortly after her son was born she learned that her husband was a jerk and she was needed on Roshar. She tried to flee with Raoden but was stopped and had to leave him behind. She returned to Roshar, met and married Lorin, and the rest is history. Secret half brothers!

The bands of mourning and sadees the sunmaker

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Preservation likes to preserve things. Shortly after Scadrial was created, he looked for other things to preserve and stumbled upon Roshar. Seeing as highstorms are the opposite of preserving things, he created a splinter/avatar/spren of Preservation to keep things from changing too much. Naturally, the Sibling was associated with something unchanging, stone. Eventually Preservation left Roshar to return to Scadrial. But there’s still a piece of him left on Roshar. Guess there’s a little more Ruin in Sazed than we thought:wacko:

The Ones Above and Clod.

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Many have theorized that the Ones Above came from Scadrial. This means that they would have access to the art of hemalurgy, and would have had hundreds of years to refine it. In their space travels, they discover Nalthis and meet Clod, who is then the oldest surviving lifeless. Intrigued by all that he must have witnessed, they spike sentience into him in an attempt to access his memories. It fails, however, and they instead create a tortured abomination which can never be destroyed. Its rampage ends up causing the downfall of their advanced civilization.


Ryshadium and the Shaod.

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I don't remember exactly what the shaod is so I am going off what the coppermind says so please forgive me if this does not exactly make scence.

Anyway: Ryshadiums are changed by a spern bond. Therefore attuning them slightly to a shard. The shaod also transforms people into something else through attuning them (Slightly [I think]) to a shard. Therefore because they are both attuned to a shard a ryshadium will travel to elantris, become an elantrin and become the shard of honor and devotion (I think that was the shard. If it's not please correct me) 

Splintering and Calvin (From Calvin and Hobbes)

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Vienna bought a set of chairs that Wyndle grew into crystals for Siri's birthday. The God King then awakened the chairs to protect Siri. The spren grown, awakened chairs protect now protect Siri and Susebron from assassination attempts and treacherous secretaries.

Shai's soulstamps and Ink spren


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Shai crafted a soulstamp which transformed her into an Elsecaller (bonded to an inkspren). However, this bound the inkspren against its will by altering its past. When the other inkspren heard about this, they decided that Radiant bonds were too dangerous in general, and decided never to make another. That's why Jasnah is the only Elsecaller.

Gavilar's mysterious black sphere and Hemalurgy.

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On 5/27/2020 at 10:06 AM, Rushu42 said:

Gavilar's mysterious black sphere and Hemalurgy.

Gavilar's mysterious black sphere contained a Hemalurgic spike with the powers of one of the Unmade that he was going to give to a Parshendi to bring back their gods. The Sons of Honor stole the concept from the Ghostbloods after Kelsier founded them (and obviously, he arrived on Roshar after his Burning spree with the beads in Shadesmar -- just connecting all of these so we can come up with a grand unified theory).

Greatshells and Pewter Savants.

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When Preservation visited Roshar, all he found were small cremlings. Wishing to preserve at least a few of the species for the devestating storm winds, he secretly gave pewter burning and intelligence bordering on sentience to a few of the cremlings. The cremlings (mostly unconsciously) used stormlight the gathered and stored in their gemhearts to power their pewter burning and burned it slowly and constantly, each becoming savants and growing far greater than any other greatshells, nearly 5 times the size of the Reshi Isles. However, these cremlings recognized that the others were a threat to their ecosystems and fought great battles, eventually whittling their numbers down to two and finally to a single victor. This last cremling, so massive in size that even swiftspren are not sufficient to prevent it's bulk from smashing itself, lives submerged in the ocean at the origin. 

Captain Demoux and Vivenna

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