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About PiedPiper

  • Birthday April 29

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  • Member Title
    Avid Social Distancer Since 2005
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    On the back of a Santhid
  • Interests
    Fabriology, Rosharan languages, Stampint

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  1. Question for you all from a friend: Certain excerpts (quoted below) indicate that Preservation sacrificed a part of his consciousness to give humans on Scadrial sentience. Given that sentient humans existed on Yolen and currently exist on other Comere planets, what do we think this means for the story of human arrival on Scadrial--did something go terribly wrong? Or is it possible I am misinterpreting? I don't think it can be a throwaway line, because the sacrifice is what allowed Ruin to overcome Preservation near the end of era 1. I am happy to provide more excerpts if they could be helpful. This question comes from a friend who has read only era 1; if possible, try to refrain from era 2 spoilers--thanks so much!
  2. Does anyone here have any idea (or any guess) as to how many people will be attending the Cytoverse release party/Dragonsteel mini-con this year? Or if someone has a rough estimate of the attendance count from the Starsight release party a couple years ago, that'd be a decent guess (though I imagine fewer this time due to COVID).
  3. No worries! Are you thinking we'd have a book 4 situation again, where the flashbacks are Eshonai's and Venli's but it's sorta Navani's book anyway? Because in that case, it's entirely possible we have a non-Radiant character becoming a Dustbringer
  4. Ash becoming a Dustbringer is the going theory. I could see it; but at the same time, it feels too convenient. Besides, if that were true, the structure of the series would spoil Ash's entire arc. My guess? Our theories are wrong, and there's an option c we're missing. Also, Ash wouldn't belong to two orders if she became a Dustbringer; the Heralds, except for Nale, never actually joined their orders. They just had a different method of accessing the same powers.
  5. This is also not the discussion I was hoping to have in this thread. Does anyone have other thoughts on Roshar and its music and Wit?
  6. Let's leave it at this: we have different interpretations of the event. You found it offensive, I didn't. That's fine. But I made this thread to talk about Wit's perceptions of Roshar, not Jasnah, so could we please stay on topic?
  7. Sure, he can find some aspects of it unappealing while enjoying other parts of it. But I haven't once seen him describe Roshar and call it anything other than disgusting. And regarding Jasnah, I interpreted his confusion to be more about the fact that she doesn't want sex than the fact that she is female and doesn't want sex. He probably hasn't encountered someone asexual before (or, at the very least, someone secure enough to express their lack of interest in sex), and would be equally perplexed by it in a man, except he doesn't date men. So he's puzzled not by her lack of sexuality as a woman, but her lack of sexuality as a person.
  8. He's always talking about how desolate (ba dum ch) Roshar is, and that's simply not true. Roshar is a musical world, and you'd think that, as a pretentious artist, he'd be much more appreciative of that fact. You can lean into the artistry or you can complain about the storms -- you can't do both, because the storms bring the music.
  9. Ok so I tried to phrase the title to be as innocuous as possible, but here's my question: why oh why would the Cryptics send Shallan Pattern after she killed Testament? ON PURPOSE, and not with Testament's consent like in the Recreance! And we know that Pattern crossed over with the support of other Cryptics because he talks about how famous he is... so... theories? If the Cryptics were so determined to start bonding humans again, why not choose another to become a Lightweaver? Does this have something to do with the Unmade influencing Shallan's family? Is House Davar that crucial to the fight against Odium? And also, why did the Cryptics decide to return? Wyndle mentions in Edgedancer that the cultivationspren don't really know what they're doing, that they're returning only because the Honorspren and the Cryptics have already started doing it... but of course we know that the Honorspren who did bond humans were outliers, so from this we can surmise that the Cryptics were the trailblazers here. Why? What do they know? I NEED to see their Shadesmar home!
  10. Here's what I think will happen: Brandon will release the first 9, but never write the tenth -- and when we ask him about it, he'll just shrug and be like, "journey before destination!"
  11. US Hardback, first edition I don't know if typos in the women's script count -- and maybe it's something they can't fix regardless, since this is an actual image -- but on the second page of Rhythm of War (the in-book text), the word "the" is repeatedly spelled with a "t" symbol followed by an "h" symbol, rather than the "th" symbol. Is this actually important, or am I being a geek? If it is, though, I can post the translation of the quote and point out where they spelled it wrong.
  12. True, but I just realized: it it were Nazh, he wouldn't have written it in a Rosharan script -- and besides, there would have been annotations complaining about all the work he had to do procuring the information.
  13. So we have several wobs talking about how a Radiant could bond spren from different orders and get access to different surges -- but could you, for example, bond two cryptics and therefore have super-duper Lightweaver powers?
  14. Who wrote it? The obvious suspect would be Navani, but I've ruled her out; the handwriting is too good (seriously, Navani has terrible handwriting and it's very frustrating), and we have no notebook pages of hers about fabriology anyway.
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