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Favourite cosmere quotes


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I'd be so interested to know everyone's favourite cosmere quote!

Also, let me know what you do with a quote you love. I personally hoard them.

Anyways, this is mine from WoR

"All stories told have been told before. We tell them to ourselves, as did all men who ever were. And all men who ever will be. The only things new are the names."

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"the most important step a man can take

It's not the first one, is it?

It's the next one... always the next one"


"You, always about dreams. My soul weeps. Farewell, weeping soul. My dreams . . . about, always, You"

Dang Navani! Best ketek, 10/10

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I posted this in another quote thread:


“The trick to happiness wasn’t in freezing every momentary pleasure and clinging to each one, but in ensuring one’s life would produce many future moments to anticipate.”


- Shallan (Oathbringer)

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"A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward that we must accept. It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those around us. But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fail, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I, alas, I have a list for this: :D Which has also made this difficult... hmmm

"If someone insulted my biceps, I wouldn’t attack him,” Dalinar said. “I’d refer him to a physician, because obviously something is wrong with his eyes."


"I like to live every day like it's my last."

Shallan nodded.

"And by that I mean lying in a puddle of my own urine, calling for the nurse to bring me more pudding."

But seriously:

“You can. Find the balance. Accept the pain, but don’t accept that you deserved it.”

“’The question,’ she replied, ‘is not whether you will love, hurt, dream, and die. It is what you will love, why you will hurt, when you will dream, and how you will die. This is your choice. You cannot pick the destination, only the path.”

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He saw it in her eyes. The anguish, the frustration. The terrible nothing that clawed inside and sought to smother her. She knew. It was there, inside. She had been broken.

Then she smiled. Oh, storms. She smiled anyway.

It was the single most beautiful thing he’d seen in his entire life.

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 “They will try,” Jasnah said, “to define you by something you are not. Don’t let them. I can be a scholar, a woman, a historian, a Radiant. People will still try to classify me by the thing that makes me an outsider. They want, ironically, the thing I don’t do or believe to be the prime marker of my identity. I have always rejected that, and will continue to do so.” She reached over and put her freehand on his arm. “You are not a heretic, Dalinar Kholin. You are a king, a Radiant, and a father. You are a man with complicated beliefs, who does not accept everything you are told. You decide how you are defined. Don’t surrender that to them. They will gleefully take the chance to define you, if you allow it.”

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"I think, in answer to my question ... I think it only takes one." - Hoid, Oathbringer Epilogue, after wondering about how many people need to enjoy a piece of art to make it worthwhile to endure the hate from others.

"I will protect those I hate, even if the one I hate most is myself." - Teft, Oathbringer, speaking his version of the Third Ideal.

"Someone has to care. Too few people care these days." - Lift, Words of Radiance.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 31/12/2019 at 3:35 AM, Szeth the Truthless said:

I, alas, I have a list for this: :D Which has also made this difficult... hmmm

"If someone insulted my biceps, I wouldn’t attack him,” Dalinar said. “I’d refer him to a physician, because obviously something is wrong with his eyes."


I mean, they need immediate help 

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3 hours ago, Lump-wing said:

Love Love Love this thread!!

There are too many to list, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned this one yet:

"He is mine! I claim him!"
 - Syl, WoR


Speaking of Syl, everything that comes out of her mouth basically. Here's a few:

"I know this because I am intelligent and articulate. You should compliment me now."

"I don't smash into things. I am an elegant and graceful weapon, stupid."

"I know you’ve been busy lately fighting guys in white clothing and stuff, but I’ve been doing research. People lock their doors, but there’s plenty of room to get in underneath. I figured, since you don’t seem inclined to do any learning yourself, I should study. So if you have questions..."

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"Not you, son." - - WoR, Dalinar to Kaladin when he was confronting Amaram about all his lies & duplicity & taking away his position as head of the KR. I know this isn't a wise saying like we're looking for in this thread, but Oh, the Feels!!!

I need to look back through the books for more; just finished rereading Mistborn Era 2 (what we have so far) & there are a bunch of good ones from Wax & Wayne, and Harmony too.

Speaking of Mistborn, ... "There's always another secret..." - - Kelsier

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/3/2020 at 11:54 PM, Lump-wing said:

I need to look back through the books for more; just finished rereading Mistborn Era 2 (what we have so far) & there are a bunch of good ones from Wax & Wayne, and Harmony too.


Not a quote so much as a passage, but I think the chapter where Wayne makes drinks for everyone in a bar and thinks of it as if he's a priest leading a sermon was one of my favourite parts of the whole series (I think it would be Shadows of Self).

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