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Oh, um... sure. I don't mind, as long as I have your permission. Thank you. :)

Jessy has bionics, right? Biotics that bend and warp space in order to cause a desired effect? Do any of her bionics deal with wormholes, because that would definitely help. :)

Failen took the bow, breathing out as he started to exercise his magical 'muscles', using a trickle at first, just enough to examine the object. Then more, to change the object. Then even more to make it into what he wanted. He drew on whatever magic John and Alyssa had flowing through them, almost flawlessly converting it into his own kind with very small losses- mainly in the form of light as they began to glow. The amount of magic he was now channeling was more than he'd ever used in his entire life combined, and he felt like he was burning alive- while at the same time being cooled and frozen on the inside. Add in a trickle of an in-between and he managed to pour a ridiculous amount of power into the bow, and then started shaping it into what he needed, using every trick and spell he knew to get the connection to Alyssa's first bow to be what the spell followed instead of the fairy queen. It was slowly beginning to make his brain hurt. 

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
Whoops, I forgot to write a response. :P
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2 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Jessy has bionics, right? Biotics that bend and warp space in order to cause a desired effect? Do any of her bionics deal with wormholes, because that would definitely help.


I'm not really sure? Basically that's what she can do. No wormholes...



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On 26.9.2019 at 3:57 PM, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Okay, spatial distortion and shields especially are all we need. Unless your character doesn't think to use her biotics- it depends on how things go. Either way, they'll all be mostly fine. 


Jessy uses them a lot, when they make sense.


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Failen sighed, breathing out as light flooded the icy bow, filling it with a bright light and making it look almost as brilliantly blue as the sky normally did. "Everyone that wants to go with us, grab onto the bow or grab onto someone touching the bow. If anyone can protect us, please do so. I'm still new at this, and something could go wrong. I would very much rather avoid that." His hands continued glowing, filling the bow with more and more light and power. 

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Protecting. That was something Cheh could do. Lifting his hands up and aiming a few precise punches in the air Cheh surrounded the bow with a thick covering of rock, except for the part Failen held. That way, if the bow exploded, the rock would take most of the impact.

Walking to the side he reached out his hand and touched Failen’s arm. Then extended his own hand for anyone who wanted to leave with the .

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Jessy took Cheh's hand and closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again a barrier flickered to life around them. It was like a wall, a cage surrounding them, and she had to concentrate to keept it in place. Protecting herself had become as easy as breathing. A larger zone was more difficult, but for now it worked.

She felt the heat in her neck, just below her hair, suspected that she would have to pay with a headache later. But for now it held.

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Thanks Lith (Though it looks like you didn't need to). I just didn't want to slow things down while I was gone.

Alyssa and John concentrated on Failen, giving him extreme amounts of Light Magic. John lessened the flow a little bit, so that he could focus on casting spells around all the humans in order to make sure that they weren't crushed by the extreme gravity of their home world. Once he was done, he refocused on Failen.

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No problem.  :)

Failen pushed magic into the note he held, and the sudden influx from the other two made him grimace as he channeled it all. He'd only ever felt his grandmother wielding this much magic at once, and it was extremely hard to direct. He managed, by some miracle though, and felt the bow shift for an instant. "Here we go..." He prepared for the sudden, jarring motion, and wasn't surprised when it happened. He was just surprised that it ended up pulling the entire clearing with them. Most of the soil and plants were lost along the way, but there was a cloud of otherworldly dust awaiting them when they finished- dust supercharged with light magic. Failen shivered, still feeling overcharged from the magic and dizzy from using so much of it. He was only keeping his balance by holding onto the bow Alyssa had made- which was now noticeably glowing and clear. 

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Alyssa looked around, and smiled as she looked around her home. A magnificent bow hung on the wall, with runes carved into it, all of them glowing. She smiled wider as her translator started back up.

"Welcome to my home." She beamed at everyone, and walked to the giant window at one end of the room. 4 million stories went down to the ground, and beneath you could see a huge circle of water; the only source of it on the planet. "If you need anything, let me know and I'll see if I can get it for you. Outside, traffic of flying Gathen in their magical forms, dark outlines filled with their form of Light Magic, and drones of various models flew by. In the distance, a coffin the size of Earth's Moon was orbiting the planet.

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Failen looked around slowly sitting down to give his balance a chance to recover. He did notice that the buzzing feeling wasn't fading- which meant either channeling that much power head expand his own natural access to light magic, or he was in an area with a ridiculously high concentration of it.  Probably the latter, given that this was Alyssa's home. He wasn't used to this much light magic... it made the small portion of dark magic inside him ache. 

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Yes. I know, it defeats a lot of the tension. I'm really not sure if it was a supernova or just the sun exploding, but either way... Yeah... not sure where to go now. I'm just gonna have character development with Failen for a while... abboud doing things too much, if that's alright...


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1 hour ago, Blessing of Potency said:

Wait what? So we just instantaneous travelled... at least 50 light years, cause otherwise there’s still the threat of the supernova...


Ummm…. Magic!

And to answer Lith, I think it was just the sun exploding, but when I think 'star exploding' I think 'supernova', so that's how I wrote it. Sorry if it confused anyone.


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John joined Alyssa at the window, gazing at the flying objects outside. "Home, sweet home," he said, keeping his tone neutral as he pronounced the Gathen syllables.

"You brought that on yourself."

"So I did."


4,923 Standard Orbits Earlier, Public Relations Stand, T.O.

"... Orders voted unanimous: John Magiccaller is a rebel, and a danger to Gathen society and The Universe. He has 16 magic beats to leave Gathen Space, or he will be executed. May Corielatha guide John in his decision."

John stood numbly at the back of the crowd. Leave? 16 Beats? Executed? No, the Orders couldn't of unanimously voted to exile him... could they? The Windspears and the Waterbreathers couldn't agree on anything any more, not since Alyssa and Koling became holders.

Addison tapped him on the shoulder. "John, I'll help pack your things."

John shook his head. "You shouldn't. Not now. When I leave, you'll become holder. If you're seen helping me, it'll make it worse for you when you take power, even with what I've done already."

Addison raised her eyebrow. "So what, I'm supposed to watch you go and not help you? I don't care what they say, I'm your sister, and I'm helping you. That's final."


Present Day, Waterbreather Estates, 3rd Point in the Order Triangle.

"You still voted against me."

"What else was I supposed to do? You were gathering an army. You were going to attack other Gathen. We couldn't afford a civil war. We're already losing a War that could mean life or no life in the next Universe. It's our job to protect that future, and you were in the way."

"You could of let people know some things."

"We Couldn't, you know that now. Corielatha - "

"Corielatha made it clear what was supposed to be kept from general knowledge and what wasn't. You hid to much."

"You changed that."

"One of the perks of the position."

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Cheh blinked and they were elsewhere. A house. Alyssa’s house, by the way she described it. A quick look out the window only brought nausea to Cheh, he still wasn’t used to heights, but the one thing that surprised him was metal. So much metal. Metal for the drones, the people, the houses, the millions of stories downwards, as well as for the overwhelming amount of technology.

“How in the Avatar’s name do you get all of these resources?” Cheh asked. If anyplace would be ideal to learn metalbending, it would be here. But still, he felt no connection to the sub-bending skill. “Do you... you don’t invade other planets, do you?”

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8 hours ago, Sorana said:



Yeah, sure. I won't mention Gravity though, it'll feel the same as the last planet to you since John did this: "John lessened the flow a little bit, so that he could focus on casting spells around all the humans in order to make sure that they weren't crushed by the extreme gravity of their home world."

John turned to answer Cheh's question. "Some of it, we trade for. Most of it was mined from the planets crust, one of the reasons we settled here. We... do occasionally invade other planets, but we haven't since before I was born." He gazed at the lights as they pulsed in the colors of green and blue, mimicking Alyssa's hair. A small ding came from the corner, and a screen pulled up. Alyssa walked over, and sighed. They forgot to bring her favorite scent. No matter, even if it didn't smell like the sea, she could make it smell like...

The forest scent waved over her, lessening in strength as it flowed across the room, so that it didn't surprise her guests.


Alyssa went to the center of the room, and closed her eyes, bringing her legs into a meditation position but remaining at the same height. Water began to flow around her, drawn out of the air only to be replaced by the room, and twisted around her in strange shapes.

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Jessy gasped in surprise when they changed places, when they suddenly appeared somewhere else. She was used to travel in a space ship, but this - this was different. Silently she walked to the window, looked down into the endless space below them. Faintly she could see some water, or something that looked like it. The room smelled like forest and she sighed when she realized that his civilization was like the Asari. More advaned than her own. Still it felt in a strange way familiar, foreign technology was something she had learned to deal with. The moment you visited the Citadel you were confronted with it. Quietly she rested her forehead against the window, closed her eyes, listened to Cheh asking about the materials.

"Did you ever heard something of the Reapers?" She asked after a while, wondered if maybe he knew what they were.

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Rydin was speaking quietly with his ‘rescuers’ 

“Did he send you with a way to get back?” he asked incredulously. 

“Uhh.” the one with the friction Stand began, “Not exactly. He wrote me a note, before I broke this guy out of prison.”  he gestured to the man in the suit. “If I recall, it said you had something that could get us back.” 

“Ahh” Rydin made an understanding sound. “I don’t believe it! He wants me to supercharge one of your Stands. I must be pretty important, if he wants me to use the knife on someone.” Rydin shook his head. “Well, that can wait, for a while, at least, because the knife is very dangerous.” he looked back at the suited man. “So, what can you do?” 

The man smirked at him in an unnerving way that Rydin was sure he’d practiced. “I need a chunk of something solid, preferably something organic.”

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Cheh nodded as John explained where all the metal came from, tilting his head at Jessy’s question and awaiting John’s response.

“As far as I know they are evil aliens, that don’t exist? Or shouldn’t? Definitely not the farming reaper I was thinking of.”

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