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"Look buddy. I'm fairly sure that my boss sent some people to pick me up anyway. Stand users." Rydin smiled and put on a pair on sunglasses. 


Kvasir skated smoothly to a stop just a few meters away from the group. The Avenue Man, however, kept barreling foreward until Kvasir increased his friction and stoped him abruptly. He dismissed Fortunate Son and scanned the group for any Stand users. There was only one, and he matched Rydin's description. The Avenue Man got up and walked over to Kvasir, then whispered, "Meant to do that." to him.

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8 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

"Look buddy. I'm fairly sure that my boss sent some people to pick me up anyway. Stand users." Rydin smiled and put on a pair on sunglasses. 

John and Alyssa locked up. Then they relaxed, but when John spoke, his normal tone seemed to match a robot's better than a person's. "Is that so?"

Alyssa's hands went to her sides, in a kind of summoning gesture. She brought her hands into a normal position, but seemed to be itching to make that gesture again.

"We'll see when they get here. I'm sure that they're... very nice people." Alyssa's voice was also monotone. Had someone in the group had telepathy, if they had reached out to the two Gathen's minds, they were almost completely blank, instead of buzzing with the mental energy of the Gathen.

Edited by John Flamesinger
Added a detail, which is legal, thank you very much.
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Cheh was about to speak but more people appeared and John and Alyssa seemed to suddenly take on a blank and wooden tone. If Cheh new what robots were he would have called them robotic. He looked to Jessy and Ryan nervously. If a fight broke out, it would hurt their chances of survival.

“Um,” Cheh quietly interjected. “Before you guys brawl, there are very dangerous people chasing us and you fighting would alert them more than a ringing bell, so unless you all want to die, and want all of us to die too,” he gestured to Jessy and Ryan.

“Maybe we can just talk instead?”

Edited by I think I am here.
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6 hours ago, John Flamesinger said:

"Yes, we - I know," he changed his answer at a glance from Alyssa, who clearly didn't want to take responsibility of this. Not that it was her fault, it was his. "If we get off here, I will try my best to return you to where I took you from."

Jessy listened to the conversation, mulled over John's word. There was no guarantee, nothing to hold on to. Nothing to refer to should he change his mind. All this threatening, it led them nowhere.

With a sigh she nodded, spoke once Cheh was silent.

"He is right. We should move."

Her eyes focused on John for a while.

"I will hold you to your word. What that is worth, I don't know."

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Alright! If Fablehaven magic is okay here, I made a character I'd like to try using from that world. If there are any problems, please let me know. ^_^


Name: Failen

Species: Unicorn-Human hybrid

Age: 18

Magic (If any): Fairykind, Shadowcharmer

Appearance: Pale skin, shoulder-length white hair- usually kept in a pony-tail- bright green eyes. around 5'7", and usually wears jeans and grey-blue long-sleeved t-shirt, as well as tennis shoes.

Personality: Generally happy and curious, has a very mild manner, and likes to help people and calm situations down rather than using excessive force or violence.

Equipment: generally has a few pebbles on him, and likes to always keep a water skin that never runs out of water with him. 

Backstory: Humans and unicorn's don't fall in love often, but it isn't impossible. Bracken and Kendra were an example of this, though Failen's parents never met those two. When he was young, only about seven or so, he met a witch who helped him become a shadow charmer and taught him some magic before introducing him to a demon- whom he ran away from. His Father found him and managed to help him escape, but gain a mortal wound in the process and taught him all he knew before he died, leaving Failen with only his mother, and a deep distrust for all demons. His mother died shortly after he turned sixteen, and he has been trying to figure out what to do with his life now that his parents aren't there to guide him. as the child of a unicorn, he has all the passive powers of a fairykind, specifically: dark vision, acting like a magical battery to charge things, understanding most languages, and seeing through most lower level illusions. His shadow-charmer powers are far more extensive, but he uses them very rarely. 

Again, I know it sounds a bit corny of a backstory, but I usually take a few posts to figure out their general personality, so I'm hoping to have him be more functional after a bit. And his backstory will likely only directly affect playing him in regards to disliking shadow/dark related magic and his avoidance of demons. Will that be any large problem? I am happy to change him to make him work better in this setting. ^_^


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No Lith, this will work perfectly fine!


8 hours ago, Dr. Dapper said:

"We're just here to get our friend and go.

"Go where?" John asked.


Corielatha struggled in her sleep, attempting to hold onto the two Gathen's minds. She knew that if she let go, they wouldn't remember anything that happened to them since she took control. If she did that, then the Gathen would lose the groups trust. This was her method of bringing them to the Council that she couldn't be part of anymore.


She turned all her remaining power on finding her child, Grey, and found it.

Mother? How - 

What matters is that


is that these Gathen and their companions make it to the Council.

Are you alright?

It doesn't matter. Get these people to the Council! It may be my last chance to - 

To What?

To Wake. Don't let your father see them!

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5 minutes ago, John Flamesinger said:


"Go where?" John asked.


Corielatha struggled in her sleep, attempting to hold onto the two Gathen's minds. She knew that if she let go, they wouldn't remember anything that happened to them since she took control. If she did that, then the Gathen would lose the groups trust. This was her method of bringing them to the Council that she couldn't be part of anymore.


She turned all her remaining power on finding her child, Grey, and found it.

Mother? How - 

What matters is that


is that these Gathen and their companions make it to the Council.

Are you alright?

It doesn't matter. Get these people to the Council! It may be my last chance to - 

To What?

To Wake. Don't let your father see them!


Thank you! So, how could I best join in?


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Character sheet done:


Name: Cenna Nova

Species: Human (Remnant (RWBY))

Age: 28

Magic (If any): Animancy

Appearance: 5’9” with long blonde hair. She can usually be found wearing a black t-shirt with a jean jacket and camo pants. 

Personality: Usually very happy-go-lucky and is always willing to try and solve a problem without violence. She has a hard time saying no to anyone that asks for her help and will often get more worried about a person’s problem than they are.

Equipment: Ghost-forged steel longsword sword.


@John Flamesinger

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Failen was walking through a forest. He had no idea what forest, or how he'd found his way here, but he knew it was alive- healthy, alive, and clean. It was different from most forests he was used too. Most surprising of all, though, was the fact that no fairies were anywhere, even though it was somewhere the small creatures would love to be. That worried him, and he wondered if, somehow, he was in the domain of a dark creature that he couldn't sense. It was unsettling. He could feel a faint pull, though- something similar to the magic he had gotten from his father in one direction. He followed the pull, ending up looking at a group of several people, none of whom he actually knew. That left him on edge and wary, trying to find the magic he'd been following.

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
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Cenna hops from tree branch to tree branch, trying to find some sort of landmark that might tell her where she is. She stops when she hears voices and starts moving silently toward it, still in the tops of the trees. When she nears the source she drops to the ground, she’s found people become startled and suspicious when you drop down next to them. Walking the rest of the way she steps out of the trees into their little clearing, “Hello! I’m Cenna, what’s your name!”

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John turned to the person who had come out of the forest. Instantly the roboticness was gone, and he warmly shook hands with Cenna. "Hello, I'm John." He stepped back, gauging her threat level. "What are you doing here?" This might be a trick of the Tierath, sending random people to throw the Gathen off balance.

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Failen watched, uneasy and moving slightly behind a tree, not wanting to be noticed easily, but also feeling an urge to say hello. He had never really liked being alone, and people were right over there... He waited, listening to try and learn what these people were all about- he had to consciously focus on his magic to keep his shadow charmer abilities from making him un-noticeable in the less well-lit area underneath the trees. 

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"You're on a planet known as... uh..." He looked at Alyssa. "What do Humans call it?"


"On a planet known as Fall. Oh, and this is Alyssa."

"Hello Cenna. This is Jessy, Cheh, and Rydin. I don't know your names, though," pointing at the two Stand users who had come out of the forest. She was acting completely normally now, just like John, and didn't seem to remember their hostility.

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"Because we're trying to find another ship to travel home."

Jessy replied wryly, then forced a polite expression on her face.

"As he said, I'm Jessy. And at the moment we are looking for water, shelter and some food. You don't happen to be able to help with that?"

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8 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Failen felt odd. That magic he'd felt before was gone, and now he didn't know what to do. He just sort of waited there, confused. 


Is he supposed to be able to feel Corielatha's control over John and Alyssa, or is it just the hostility of the Gathen and their readiness to use magic?

The 'being able to tell when the Gathen are being controlled' could have major implications on the plot...


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It's more like he can sense when there's is a very large amount of light or dark energy in any given place. If she was controlling one Gathen, then he wouldn't have felt anything, even when controlling two Gathen, He didn't feel very much. If that's not cool, I'd just say that Coriela was also leaving a lot of energy in the area to attract him? I'm not really certain what to do. 


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“Oh, hi,” Cheh said and waved to the newcomers. He must have not seen them in the pod.

But while the more was certainly merrier, more people meant more noise for the bad guys to track them down with. And a group was always as fast as it’s slowest member, as the old saying went. Cheh looked to all of them.

“Though how we’ll find a ship,” he continued off of Jessy. He shrugged.

“Who knows. Maybe we can hijack one of the bad guys’?”

Edited by I think I am here.
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2 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“Who knows. Maybe we can hijack one of the bad guys’?”

John's eyebrows came together, and he turned to Alyssa. They looked at each other for a few seconds, and then he looked at Cheh.

"Maybe, but Tierath Technology is confusing, and neither me nor Alyssa can work it very well." 

"But perhaps you can," Alyssa said, continuing John's sentence as she focused her gaze on Jessy. "You figured out the Technology in the escape pod easily, could you do the same on an orbit capable ship made by another race?"


Lith, I think we'll go with the sensing when they're being controlled. Corielatha isn't one who would do lead a person she has no interest in, even if she's asleep.


Edited by John Flamesinger
There's a couple reasons for this edit. I needed to respond to Lith. And inform people that there is a reason (Heh, heh) for this Reason's box that you should use way more often. Please. I ask this of you. How hard can it be? And yes, I like Trains. Yay.
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