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He froze, tensing as his eyes widened, blinking nervously. The voice was in his mind, but... it wasn't familiar. 

Majesty? But... no, you aren't my grandmother, so who... who are you? 

@John Flamesinger

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
See, you aren't alone in this... :3
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It's Alyssa. How do you have the ability of telepathy? It is very rare outside our species.

John frowned at Alyssa and Failen. Alyssa stopped talking to him, and then Failen tensed up, his eyelids seeming as if they were having a seizure.


Not now, her voice echoed distantly. Not now...

Majesty? But... no, you aren't my grandmother, so who... who are you? 

John stared in shock at Failen, and then resumed his pace.

"We need to get to the lake." The two of you can continue this while we're walking, he thought, directing it at both of them. Then he stopped as the wall of fog became clear in the distance. A thought came through his mind, one he felt he wasn't supposed to hear.

I. Do. Not. Listen. To. You.

He blocked the message from the rest of the group, knowing that this was something that he shouldn't share.

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Failen followed, walking with them and feeling nervous. 

I'm not very skilled in it, but... all unicorns can do this. My father was one, so I am partly a unicorn... I normally only hear my grandmother in my mind. Why is your language so familiar? It's... It's... Like this, for me.

He sent her what he'd heard from his perspective- how familiar yet unintelligible it was. Like hearing a language you know though a thick wall or covered by heavy static.

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The only reason you would recognize that is if you've heard it before... and Gathen haven't encountered Unicorns in over a Million Years... Interesting. 

She looked up, and stopped with John as she stared at the wall of fog.


"I don't know."

She eyed him suspiciously, and then heard something.

I. Do. Not. Listen. To. You.

Instantly She felt John wipe the memory from Failen, emboldened by a wave of power from Light Magic. But she resisted, and she worried about who it was from.


Just to make things clear, John normally can't temper with memories. 


Edited by John Flamesinger
Thank You, Lith, for using this box.
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I guessed as much. :)

Failen blinked, hearing something and... losing it. That thought was consumed by worry and forgotten when they reached the mist. "Is it magic? Or do you think it's some kind of natural thing...?" He looked at the green-eyed human he'd spoken with earlier, wanting more than just John's view. Mainly because he liked the green-eyed human. Cheh, he thought his name was. Cheh was interesting, and nice.

@I think I am here.

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
Tags... you're welcome John! :)
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2 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Failen blinked, hearing something and... losing it. That thought was consumed by worry and forgotten when they reached the mist. "Is it magic? Or do you think it's some kind of natural thing...?" He looked at the green-eyed human he'd spoken with earlier, wanting more than just John's view. Mainly because he liked the green-eyed human. Cheh, he thought his name was. Cheh was interesting, and nice.

@I think I am here.

“Well, it always seemed natural to me,” Cheh said.

“You and your spirit are one with the world...” he did a kata in the air, moving his arms around in fluid motions, stomping his foot down. “And the world moves with your spirit.” A rock thrust up into the air, and Cheh jabbed it, sending it point-first into a tree. “A harmonic balance of spirits and bending in the word, like a perfect spiritual ecosystem.”

He realised what he was saying and chucked nervously, dropping his pose. “Or, I mean, magic. That... you could also call it that.”

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John relayed what Cheh and Failen had said to Alyssa, and she thought for a moment, before walking into the fog. There was a snapping sound behind the group and she stumbled out of the forest. She frowned when she saw the group and the fog ahead of them.

Definitely Magical, she projected to John and Failen. Then she stopped, and looked at Jessy, Cenna, Rydin, and the two Stand users that had come to take Rydin.

Can you hear me, any of you?

@Sorana @Blessing of Potency @Dr. Dapper

Edited by John Flamesinger
Posted 3 minutes ago · Report post Drag files here to attach, or choose files... Reason for edit... Ok.
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12 minutes ago, John Flamesinger said:

Can you hear me, any of you?

Jessy grimaced, then got back to her feet and peered around a tree. She tried to see an enemy, when suddenly, there was a voice. Startled she looked up, knew it was inside your head. It gave her a mean headache, just like her biotics did, when she used them too long and too often.

"Yes. And I am pretty sure I don't like it."

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23 minutes ago, John Flamesinger said:

Can you hear me, any of you?

Cenna jumps, it had been a while sense she'd heard a voice in her head. This one seems nicer than the other ones had been however. Other people where responding so she figured she should to. "I heard something. It sounded distinctly blue."

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1 hour ago, I think I am here. said:

“Well, it always seemed natural to me,” Cheh said.

“You and your spirit are one with the world...” he did a kata in the air, moving his arms around in fluid motions, stomping his foot down. “And the world moves with your spirit.” A rock thrust up into the air, and Cheh jabbed it, sending it point-first into a tree. “A harmonic balance of spirits and bending in the word, like a perfect spiritual ecosystem.”

He realised what he was saying and chucked nervously, dropping his pose. “Or, I mean, magic. That... you could also call it that.”

Failen blinked, surprised. "That... that didn't feel like magic... and I meant the mist, but... that was amazing." He smiled, curious about his new friends abilities. Alyssa stepping through the midst and appearing behind them threw him off, though... "Is it a distractor spell or some kind of teleportation magic...?"

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8 hours ago, Blessing of Potency said:

Cenna jumps, it had been a while sense she'd heard a voice in her head. This one seems nicer than the other ones had been however. Other people where responding so she figured she should to. "I heard something. It sounded distinctly blue."

At this, John turned around and raised his eyebrow at Alyssa.

Blue? Really?

I can't control how others see my thoughts.

Uh huh.

Cenna, have you heard something like this before?

Voices, in your head she means.

While this conversation of the mind was taking place, John answered Failen out loud.

8 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Failen blinked, surprised. "That... that didn't feel like magic... and I meant the mist, but... that was amazing." He smiled, curious about his new friends abilities. Alyssa stepping through the midst and appearing behind them threw him off, though... "Is it a distractor spell or some kind of teleportation magic...?"

"It could be both, honestly. Or it could be neither, it depends what magic system and what magic source was used to create it."

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19 hours ago, John Flamesinger said:

Blue? Really?

I can't control how others see my thoughts.

Uh huh.

Cenna, have you heard something like this before?

Voices, in your head she means.

While this conversation of the mind was taking place, John answered Failen out loud.

Yes, all young Animancers do. I have managed to fully contain mine to my blade however. Cenna shivers, remebering some of the things the voices said.


I'm changing up Cenna's equipment:


Steel longsword at her hip.

Ghost-forged steel greatsword on her back.



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22 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Failen nodded. "Oh... Okay... can your earth powers help? Can you maybe sense where things are, Cheh?" He looked at the man. 

@I think I am here.

Cheh quietened. These people were strangers. If they used him as their only idea of what an earthbender was than Cheh was perfect. “Some people with my powers can,” he said.

“I could develop the ability maybe, with enough time and practise, but now? I can’t. The thing is, green-eyed friend.” Cheh looked up at Failen.

“I’m really weak for an earthbender.” He frowned and looked at everyone else. They seemed to be staring at each other in silence, almost as if they were having a conversation without words?

“Who of you is it?” Jessy asked and Cheh had no idea what she meant so he shrugged. Whoever it was was, he didn’t think she was referring to him.

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6 hours ago, Sorana said:

"Who of you is it?"

"It's her," John said, nodding sharply in Alyssa's direction. "The EMP took out the translator she was using, since she's never learned English, but in the mind all languages are the same." He turned, and saw Cheh's confusion. "If you can't hear her, then don't worry. Most people can't."




Sometimes, I wonder what would've happened if I was in charge, instead of my parents. But then I realized that it was for the best. There needs to be balance, and the Gathen were chosen last time. It's the Humans turn now, and they need the Gathen. Without Light Magic however, the Gathen would die, which means there also needs to be a Dark Magic. And Humanity would be without a guide if it wasn't for the Gathen. We are halfway through the lifetime of this Universe, and the Gathen can't help Humanity without Light Magic fully awake. My mother is needed soon, but the only thing that can wake her is a song of fire. It is for that reason I sent them help, with Failen and Cenna, and that is the reason why they need to wait for the star to supernova. It should only take a few hours, and then we shall see why they were put together, to help Light Magic.

Are you sure this is the way, Grey?

It has to be the way, for it's the only way.

Very well, I will do my best. What if Dark - 

Dark won't find out.

I'm on my way.

Thank you, you two. I'm not sure what I would do without you.

You're welcome.

*You're Welcome ^*

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Failen looked at Cheh curiously, smiling. "That is interesting..." A person with room to grow... he liked people who weren't at their peak already, since he got to see them change and improve. "If I can ever help, let me know." He turned to look at John and Alyssa, curious about something. "What are your last names? Humans have them, normally... but you aren't human. Not like the kind I'm used to, at least... then again, neither is Cheh..." He smiled, a bit excited by that. Cheh wasn't like most humans he'd met, and neither were the others he was seeing. Both had something very distinctly different about them... John and Alyssa were might more heavily touched by light magic than the rest, and Cheh was almost completely without any magic he could recognize. This was new, and that made it interesting. 

@I think I am here.

@John Flamesinger

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
Forgot the tags again... I need to get my head checked...
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John frowned. Last names? Family titles and places in society, was perhaps the closest thing. "Flamesinger," he said. He relayed the question to Alyssa.

Waterbreather, she thought to Failen in confusion. Why did he want to know? And wasn't it obvious by her 'hairdo' that covered her head? 

Edited by John Flamesinger
You're not the only one who keeps forgetting things Lith... I forgot the name of your character!
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"I wouldn't call you weak." Jessy interjected and smiled at Cheh. "Maybe you have room to improve, but what I've seen you do so far was pretty impressive."

She sighed and then shook her head.

"Translator, huh? Well, just make sure you only talk to me when it's neccessary. You give me a headache."

Her fingers touched the scar in her neck, where her amp had been implanted years ago and suddenly she was glad that obviously it hadn't been affected. But it was't a technical device either. Still without her amp, she would be helpless, useless. And she disliked that feeling.

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4 hours ago, Sorana said:

“I wouldn't call you weak." Jessy interjected and smiled at Cheh. "Maybe you have room to improve, but what I've seen you do so far was pretty impressive."

“Ha, thanks,” he said and smiled. “But you should see some of the other earthbenders we have where I come from if you want to see impressive. The Metalbending police, the Dai Li, the Avatar herself...” his eyes turned dreamy, and then he snapped out of the thought when John addressed him. There was some sort of thought-speak that was happening? How interesting.

“I will definitely let you know if I need help,” he said to Failen. “So far, I metalbended once, while we were about to crash, but I haven’t been able to do it again since then.” He shrugged. “Maybe it was a fluke.”

He looked at John.

“And that thought-speak you guys have is cool. Like super long-distance radios?”

Edited by I think I am here.
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2 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“Ha, thanks,” he said and smiled. “But you should see some of the other earthbenders we have where I come from if you want to see impressive. The Metalbending police, the Dai Li, the Avatar herself...” his eyes turned dreamy, and then he snapped out of the thought when John addressed him. There was some sort of thought-speak that was happening? How interesting.

“I will definitely let you know if I need help,” he said to Failen. “So far, I metalbended once, while we were about to crash, but I haven’t been able to do it again since then.” He shrugged. “Maybe it was a fluke.”

He looked at John.

“And that thought-speak you guys have is cool. Like super long-distance radios?”

Failen smiled at John, nodding to Alyssa as well before turning to Cheh again. "I doubt that. Usually, magic isn't a one tone use if it comes from yourself- I can make things glow, I can understand most languages, and I can purify things with a touch- but it makes me tired. I just need to wait for my magic to refill itself before using it again, and I'll be fine. Maybe your magic is different, though- you don't seem to really lose much when you do it... maybe you realized something in that moment... something important. Maybe you weren't even trying to 'bend' until you realized you could." He grinned, seeming happy. "You'll figure it out- and I can't wait to see your expression once you do." He smiled, thinking to Alyssa and John. 

Thank you. I like knowing the names if my friends. It lets me know more about then, and sometimes their family. Something tells me water breather is more of a title, though... He grinned. 

@John Flamesinger

@I think I am here.

Edited by ShadowLord_Lith
Will add coloring once I have access to a computer- apologies friends.
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"You saved my life." Jessy nodded in agreement to Failen's words. "I think he is right. When the need arises again, you will find a way to influence metal again."

She smiled at Failen and leaned against a nearby tree.

"That is interesting. I never had the need to wait for my Biotics to refill themselves. I can use them, until I am either to exhausted to think clearly, or have such a mean headache, that I don't want to use them anymore. although I hear that they changed to headache problem, for those with the newer implants."

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4 minutes ago, Sorana said:

"You saved my life." Jessy nodded in agreement to Failen's words. "I think he is right. When the need arises again, you will find a way to influence metal again."

She smiled at Failen and leaned against a nearby tree.

"That is interesting. I never had the need to wait for my Biotics to refill themselves. I can use them, until I am either to exhausted to think clearly, or have such a mean headache, that I don't want to use them anymore. although I hear that they changed to headache problem, for those with the newer implants."

Failen looked at her, tilting his head. "Well... it's kind of like the energy in your muscles. I gain more if i practice enough, or if I get older, but it's less certain than building muscle strength is. What are 'biotics'? I've never heard of that before." 

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