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17 hours ago, Sorana said:

Cursing Jessy grabbed his arm.

"Lead the way. We need to go."

“Go? Go where?” Cheh said, regaining his comfort on land and looking in the direction he’d seen the enemies coming from. He looked in another direction, hesitated then raised an arm and pointed.

“I think I saw a lake in that direction. Not too far, and the canteens in the pod won’t last us forever, right?”

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Ryan stepped out, the suit clinging tightly to him. The others had already removed their helmets. What were they for again? It was probably important bu-

His train of thought stopped completely as soon as he took a look to the scene that awaited outside. It was familiar but at the same time not quite like anything he had ever seen. And it was breathtaking.

"A different world, huh." he muttered to himself. And then he forced himself to come back to reality, there was stuff to do.

The others were talking about moving, he decided to help with whatever plan they came up with. Even if he didn't know them, they were his best chance, or at least they appeared to know a little bit more than he. And they looked like nice people too. He was more worried about the locals not being as nice.

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Mother of Light! A lot has happened. Sorry for taking so long. I tried, I really did, but OG Kindle Fires do not like 17S. I could see things, but I couldn't respond.

John stepped out of the pod. "Ruth. Sorry about that. I did all I could to stop us from vaporizing on impact." He turned to Cheh. "You saw Teirath? That could mean they saw you. The lake you mentioned has a person waiting for us. A person who will help us." He tossed out food packets to everyone. "These are only good for each of us to have one meal. Hopefully there will be food at the lake." John hesitated. "It'll take us a few hours to get there. I've been here before, and I know what's edible." He grimaced. "I think. Humans are very different from the Gathen." 


Corielatha screamed in her mind. She tried to reach out, tried to make the pod land without so much as a jolt, but she couldn't. 

You can't do much when you can only see the world in your dreams.

When you've been asleep for millenia, watching the Gathen dwindle in strength, the Tierath grow.

Watching, and waiting.

Waiting for a song of fire.

Edited by John Flamesinger
Because I can. Don't judge me.
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2 hours ago, John Flamesinger said:

John stepped out of the pod. "Ruth. Sorry about that. I did all I could to stop us from vaporizing on impact." He turned to Cheh. "You saw Teirath? That could mean they saw you. The lake you mentioned has a person waiting for us. A person who will help us." He waved his hand, and a very familiar vehicle appeared. A UNSC Warthog.

"Climb in. Jessey, I figure you have experience on turrets. Get on the one in the back. Chech, I want to see what you can do about clearing underbrush; if you feel you can't get through it, I'll burn it. Ryan, I want you hanging on the metal frame to see what you can see. Everyone else, find a spot."


Before I respond to this, I think we should talk about the setting ^_^

I know this is your rp, but we kinda started this "lost on an island plot" and at least I'd be a bit sad, if all of it vanished with a handwave of John. I know he is incredibly powerful, but what I liked about the idea of ending on a lonely planet was, that you have to work together, that you have to collects bits and pieces and slowly steal/ regain your technology. I'm absolutely fine to adapt that, but still I'd like to have something where every character is needed, and can do something. You know, if John can simply solve everything on his own, then there is no need for the rest of us to even post, apart from watching him.

(And additionally: how many vehicles appeared out of nowhere? Two or one?)


Edited by Sorana
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Thanks, John.

Cheh looked as two more people came out of the pod.

“Oh, wow,” Cheh said, looking to Ryan and then John. “Finally someone who knows what’s going on.”

He caught the food packet and shoved it in his pocket. He was hungry, but who knew how much food he was going to get? Better to keep the packet until he was starving.

“What... what can you guys do? Like, your powers?” Cheh asked them.

@John Flamesinger


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52 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“What... what can you guys do? Like, your powers?” Cheh asked them.

"Lots of things," John answered vaguely. He wasn't sure if he should show them the full extent of his powers yet. Perhaps the display back in the ship would of been enough. "I can... burn stuff?" He winced inwardly on how stupid that sounded. He raised his hand, then hesitated. "There's a possibility that if I show you now, the Teirath will see the smoke. I can't risk that. We need to get moving."

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Thanks John.

Jessy caught the food paket and nodded.

"I agree, we should go. We can move the reconnaissance to a later point."

Her eyes met Ryan, then John, finally she smiled at the boy again and started to walk into the direction he had indicated.

"Good to see that you survived. Upped our chances to get out of here alive."

Edited by Sorana
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1 hour ago, I think I am here. said:

“What... what can you guys do? Like, your powers?” Cheh asked them.

Ryan hesitated for a moment. What was the best way to describe what a tactical orbment did?

"I have a pocket watch that shoots fireballs." immediately he decided that that didn't explain anything and rephrased it. "It's this little thing that lets me cast spells called orbal arts. They're specifically for combat so you can count on me. I can attack and heal as you saw on the ship. It has a limit though."

He started walking as the others set a destination.

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John made his way through the brush, the others behind him. It would take them a while to reach the lake, and he knew that humans needed water - and he couldn't remember the last time he had given them some. He turned, walked for a few paces, and stopped when he came across a well. So someone had taken advantage of the spring here in the past hundred years. He did a 180 and turned to them. "If any of you need water, now would be the time to drink. The next clean water source will probably be the lake."


You're welcome, Sorana.


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So, there they were. A guy with purple arms, another guy who had a magical watch, a woman who could control gravity and another man who could “burn stuff”. And then there was Cheh. Not a bad team, he thought. But then, he had no idea what they were going against. Maybe they were all dead already.

“A well,” Cheh said, looking down the seemingly endless pit. Dropping a stone into it he counted the seconds before he heard any splash. He looked to Jessy, and then John. Plans, they needed a plan. Cheh had always Ben good at plans, it had been part of the reason he’d always felt estranged from the others at the farm.

“Jessy, maybe you can use your powers to pull the water up here? So it doesn’t take long?” He looked to John. “And you could boil it with your fire powers, right? To keep the water clean.”

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22 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“Jessy, maybe you can use your powers to pull the water up here? So it doesn’t take long?” He looked to John. “And you could boil it with your fire powers, right? To keep the water clean.”

"Yes, of course."

Jessy nodded at the other two, that had been on the ship. They had all survived. One was missing, if she remembered correctly, but that was a lot better statistic, than was usual in such a situation.

She extended a hand towards the water, and pulled a part of it up, let it flow in the air in front of them.

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2 minutes ago, Sorana said:

She extended a hand towards the water, and pulled a part of it up, let it flow in the air in front of them.

“Ooh,” Cheh said, hesitating and then reaching out to touch the floating water. It was weird. And so cool.

Seeing the dirt and immediate impurities in the water Cheh concentrated and heaved forward his palms, and all of the fine rocky particles that had been carried with the water were bent away. John would have to boil it to make sure there were no germs for certain, but Cheh tried his best to take away most of the immediate dirt.

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John concentrated, and the water started bubbling and releasing steam as the water heated. He didn't need to make the flames visible, he could put them in the infrared spectrum and make it seem more... mystical to the humans. He wondered why he needed to do that. So that they would trust him? But how could they? He had stolen them from their homes and he thought using magic in a way they had never seen was a good idea? He began to let flames flicker at the bottom of the globe of water, orange, green, red, blue, yellow, and variations in between. He let himself get captivated by the myriad of colors, before bringing himself back to reality, away from the songs that sang softly in his mind. The flames disappeared, and the bubbling started to slow. "There we go. I highly doubt there is any more mini lifeforms in there." The problem had surprised him, as Gathen couldn't get sick the way humans do. One more reason to listen to them.

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Jessy smiled at Cheh's awe, slowly extended a hand and touched the water. It moved around her fingers and she took a bit of it, had it flow next to the larger ball of water. She couldn't really control it, only create an area with negated gravity, but you could play with that a bit.

Picking up a large leaf she carefully scoped some of the water up and drank slowly.

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A fox stood in a middle of a clearing, darkened by the shadows of the trees. It looked up sharply as it heard something that didn't belong. An enormous wave of water came through the trees, stopping at the edge of the clearing and shrinking into the shape of a person. It began walking forward, ignoring the fox, as it slowly shifted tones until it looked like a human. Long flowing blue hair extended out of her scalp, before becoming near transparent, except for the shoulders up, where it slowly began to change between blue and green, a never ending cycle. She made her way through the clearing and through a thicket at one end, stepping into a lake. There she waited. She looked up sharply as a Gathen escape pod crashed to the east, and listened to the Tierath whistles as the scouts relayed the information back to their center of operations. She began making her way to where she saw the escape pod land, and before long heard rustling in the brush ahead. Arrows of light formed around her, pointing to the newcomers. She did not fire. She heard talking, and a voice that immediately caused her to dismiss the arrows. She waited for a bit, and walked onto a trail with a well, and a couple people surrounding it and a floating globe of water, of which one person was using... what was that? A leaf maybe? Whatever it was, the person was using it to drink. One person turned, and recognized her.



Thanks for earlier.


On the pod.

You needed it.

I know.

You get into states like that far to easily now.

I always did, you just didn't know me.

Is that so?

"She's a friend," John said aloud. None of the others knew anything had happened, since communication of the mind is instantaneous. 

"I'm Alyssa," she said, holding out her hand to the group. "I am also a Gathen." She eyed the globe of water in distaste, and waved her hand. The entire contents of the well shot up the shaft and out into the open, and stayed there, where Alyssa proceeded to divest it of impurities, and started forming it into different shapes, sculpting it as a Human would sculpt clay.

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Rydin began to chuckle. "The fact that yet another 'elemental' magic user has joined our little party simply proves that it's overly common in the real world as it is in fiction." he sighed, "I feel like this overlap will leave us with a serious advantage in a fight or a serious disadvantage. I'm still unsure."





Edited by Dr. Dapper
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Uh Dapper? Why am I looking at a comic about chocolate coins and Coinstar?

@Dr. Dapper

Edited by John Flamesinger
I clicked the save button and then realized I forgot to put in a mention. Oh well. Anyway Dapper, it is confusing.
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And that makes much more sense.

Alyssa frowned. She automatically didn't like... who was he? Her HUD began scanning his face at her request, and searched all databases. Rydin, Stand User. "Perhaps you should pay more attention to the real world then your stories," she replied coldly. "Then maybe you could of faced this surprise at an earlier date." John winced, and Alyssa shot him a look that plainly said, without any telepathy required, This is who you think is a major player in the universe?

"Please, everyone, can't we be friends for a few minutes before going at each other's throats?" John pleaded. He then turned to Alyssa. "I thought we were going to meet at the lake."

"I thought you were going to safely land next to the lake, not in the middle of the forest." 

"I'm sorry I didn't give our pilot a tutorial on how to use Gathen technology, and I think she did pretty well for her first time."

You should of been piloting.

He didn't respond, which was telling even of itself.

"So," Alyssa said, to distract the others, "What was your plan? Besides getting to the lake."

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