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Quick Fix Game 38: ZOMBIES


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Manny grimaced. He'd forgotten entirely that his phone didn't work and that Sal had already died. Habits formed over years took time to break. Manny pulled out the gun he'd kept at HQ before the zombies had overrun it. His rifle was top of the line and so was the sniper he'd hired to accompany him at HQ. Li was still with him luckily, and had plenty of gun equipment on his own. If it came to it, Li could probably kill these two on his own. 

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Chain two, turn, double cro... 

What? Zombies already? I wanted to finish my scarf first. Oh well. *Sets yarn and crochet hook to the side*

So, what ideas do we have so far? I'm thinking with only two, if I can get my hands on a rifle, I can take out at least one before it gets too close. 


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36 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

“Do you reckon these things could stand up to or cross running water?” he asked as the two drew closer. 

"I wouldn't expect Zombies to be great swimmers, but not having to breath is a huge advantage. Even if we destroy the bridge, the more determined Zombies would be able to cross the river without being swept too far downstream. Doing so would disrupt the horde if we make it that far, so long as we're willing to accept making it more difficult for future refugees to reach safety. We won't be able to reach the river until we deal with these two first."

17 minutes ago, Alvron said:

It is not set in any one particular country.  If I had to, I'd place it somewhere in Europe.

Ah ha! Vindication for arbitrarily deciding that Leon lives in Austria.

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“Aaak! Zambies! You think they’re weak to water?” He whips out dual cheap, miniature water pistols. “Cause I got this!”


I’ve fleshed my character a bit more. He has hallucinations of gods and other arbitrary beings. He is also an author who writes about his hallucinations. He’s a teen and was at a pool party when the apocalypse started. He also has a pool noodle...covered in shards of broken glass!

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
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Bill was sitting in a tree. He scowled at the two zombies at the base of the tree. He’d learned a thing or two from watching the things, and they’re too clumsy to climb. Seems like rapid neurodegeneration does that. He chucked a pine cone at them. “Shoo! Don’t make me start throwing harder stuff at ya!”

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Ian looked as the zombies approached. Quickly he stood on a crate.

Alright!” He shouted. “Game plan!”

He looked around, trying to scout out the location. “Does anyone have any weapons or anything?”

He saw a shovel on the ground and picked it up. “We’re thirteen people, we should be able to take down two zombies, as long as we keep our distance.”

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Bill called down to the group. “The best way to take care of these scumbags is to physically incapacitate them. Ya know, chop the legs and head off.” He threw another pine cone. “Or you could burn ‘em. That works too. But that would probably attract more, so nah.”

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9 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

Li shot both zombies with his rifle. :P 

3 minutes ago, Hemalurgic Headshot said:

Bang! Bang!

The two zombies collapsed, their necks blasted out. Bill looked down at the doubly dead corpses and shrugged. Someone got tired of talking, it seems. He tossed another pine cone down. No response. Satisfied, he began to rappel down the trunk.

Not quite. :P  You have to decide how to deal with the zombies and like I said, it's a group effort.  Does everyone who is able agree with the decision to shoot the zombies?  4.5 hours to decide on your course of action.

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Tanky Boi reaches into one of his pockets and pulls out a generous handful of ammunition, passing it around to the people shooting.

(Yes. I agree that we should shoot the zombies. Is that what I am supposed to say? XD)

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Just now, Alvron said:

Not quite. :P  You have to decide how to deal with the zombies and like I said, it's a group effort.  Does everyone who is able agree with the decision to shoot the zombies?  4.5 hours to decide on your course of action.


Tsk tsk. Well, who will let the zombies stay dead? @Cadmium Compounder @Elandera @Rathmaskal @Amanuensis @Straw @Fifth Scholar @Snipexe @Coop772 @Darkness Ascendant @Ax's Boyfriend @Devotary of Spontaneity @StrikerEZ @Butt Ad Venture @I think I am here. @Ventyl

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12 minutes ago, Straw said:

Shooting the zombies sounds like a bad idea. Gustavus has a sword that would probably be quite a bit more effective.


4 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

I think swords tend to work better

Well, Gustavus can come over and hack up these bodies if he wants. Bill won’t stop him.

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14 minutes ago, Hemalurgic Headshot said:


Well, Gustavus can come over and hack up these bodies if he wants. Bill won’t stop him.

Manny approves of Gustavus hacking at the zombies after Li shoots them. Manny isn’t getting anywhere near close enough to chop at them thoguh. 

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