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Quick Fix Game 38: ZOMBIES


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19 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Actions must be plausible

ah, you see, you didn't specify plausible :P You said anything I can think of. Also, not zombie bunnies, live bunnies that eat dead flesh. like vultures. But bunnies. 
The flu in WWZ allowed you to be immune to getting infected. 
I said a BIG BOOT. Like, skyscraper sized. How to move it? no clue whatsoever. 
Also, if chloro trifluoride is possible... has anyone ever heard of azizo azide? :ph34r: It's VERY explosive. And very touchy. Don't blow yourself up with the stuff. 
You can roll to safety in the hamster ball! The point isn't to avoid them forever, just to survive until day 8! 
So much depends on the Zombie's weaknesses. Is it fire? Beheading? Are they slow? Do they smell well? 
Oooo I have another idea. Plot Armor. Invent yourself into a plausible leadership role, then take the action plot armor :P 

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1 minute ago, Steeldancer said:

ah, you see, you didn't specify plausible :P You said anything I can think of. Also, not zombie bunnies, live bunnies that eat dead flesh. like vultures. But bunnies. 
The flu in WWZ allowed you to be immune to getting infected. 
I said a BIG BOOT. Like, skyscraper sized. How to move it? no clue whatsoever. 
Also, if chloro trifluoride is possible... has anyone ever heard of azizo azide? :ph34r: It's VERY explosive. And very touchy. Don't blow yourself up with the stuff. 
You can roll to safety in the hamster ball! The point isn't to avoid them forever, just to survive until day 8! 
So much depends on the Zombie's weaknesses. Is it fire? Beheading? Are they slow? Do they smell well? 
Oooo I have another idea. Plot Armor. Invent yourself into a plausible leadership role, then take the action plot armor :P 

I also said they were teaser mechanics. :P  I never reveal all my cards, just enough to get your attention.
You said summon, that implies necromancy or demonology.  Neither of which will end well for the summoner.  But if the players can come up with a way to do it...
Immune to infection does not stop you from being ripped limb from limb.
How do you suppose they build the boot without the zombies catching up to them when they are just one day away? :P 
It's plausible but very dangerous.
I'll give you that.  It might not work as you think given the terrain but if the players can make it...
That is for the players to discover.
Sadly plot armour isn't as foolproof these days.  Killing off the main character is becoming commonplace.

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13 hours ago, Butt Ad Venture said:

Might as well sign up for my very first game...

Lets see...name? Butt Venture the second.

RP? Um...nonexistent...sorry.

Hopefully my move doesn't interfere with anything...

@Alvron, What are the rules on PMs?

Well, you certainly chose an interesting first game to sign up for.

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I choose to willingly give my flesh to the hordes of attacking zombies sign up for this crazy mess of a game. Should be nice to actually join a QF for once :P

My character will be Friedrich, a horrified immigrant with a healthy contempt for whatever governmental system could possibly allow an undead uprising to fester uncontested by the military.

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Just now, Fifth Scholar said:

I choose to willingly give my flesh to the hordes of attacking zombies sign up for this crazy mess of a game. Should be nice to actually join a QF for once :P

My character will be Friedrich, a horrified immigrant with a healthy contempt for whatever governmental system could possibly allow an undead uprising to fester uncontested by the military.

We are the military.

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46 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I choose to willingly give my flesh to the hordes of attacking zombies sign up for this crazy mess of a game. Should be nice to actually join a QF for once :P

My character will be Friedrich, a horrified immigrant with a healthy contempt for whatever governmental system could possibly allow an undead uprising to fester uncontested by the military.

Well, according to the write up, the reanimated dead were fine for the first few weeks. Thus, one can assume that they do not bear the decrepit appearance most associate with zombies. With this in mind, the government did not take preparatory measures to safeguard a zombie apocalypse. Perhaps some of the ex-dead were government officials before they... turned?

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On 6/14/2019 at 10:30 AM, Alvron said:

Elandera - Kyler O'Malley
Straw - Gustavus Adolphus
Amanuensis - Aman Lanigiro
Rathmaskal - Rash Williams
Mailliw73 - Manny Darovious
Devotary of Spontaneity - Leon
StrikerEZ - Lachlan McZombie
Ventyl - Sean McSean
Butt Ad Venture - Butt Venture the second
I think I am here - I. Tiah
Cadmium Compounder - Andrew Andrewson
Snipexe - A. Pear O’Scissors
Hemalurgic Headshot - Bill Woodsman
Fifth Scholar - Friedrich
Lumgol - Tanky Boi
Ax's Boyfriend - Murder Hobo

As the refugees found each other and gathered together they found friendship and comfort from the horrors they had witnessed of the past few months.

But as the group grew, so did the heat they gave off.  This growing heat source had the unforeseen effect of drawing zombies to them from the surrounding area.


With 15+ people signing up within the first 48 hours it has triggered an event.  2 Zombies have picked up the scent of the group.  You have 24 hours to decide how you are going to deal with them.

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Just now, Alvron said:

Not yet but a pregame event has triggered.

So, do we spend the next 24 hours talking in the thread about how to combat the zombies? Or do we take actions in PMs? Or do we post our actions in here?

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1 hour ago, Fifth Scholar said:

My character will be Friedrich, a horrified immigrant with a healthy contempt for whatever governmental system could possibly allow an undead uprising to fester uncontested by the military.

Sadly, very few government officials had read Elantris. Those who had were almost able to convince their superiors that the best solution was to let all the Zombies wander into the big cities lured by the prospect of fresh meat, and then trap them there. Further suggestions to dismantle the military and allow merchants with private armies to rule the survivors were met with ridicule. As a result, no part of this genius plan was implemented.

Almost 1/3 of the way to our maximum player count. How far can we get before Alvron decides to make us stop running? The Zombies could catch us at any moment...

Oh look, they found us! Thankfully, a mere two Zombies would be easy to deal with. All Leon had to do was break out his steamroller and it would all be over. Leon started patting his pockets for keys before realising that he was not at home and this group of refugees he'd caught up with definitely didn't have a steamroller. Leon trusted his machete and leather armour against a mere two Zombies, but there had to be a better way to deal with them.

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Manny picked up his phone when he saw the duo of zombies. “They’re here. Sal, buy me all the garbage trucks in town.” He texted Sal, once the assistant had bought out the waste companies, and had him order the drivers of the trucks to run over anything undead. 

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Lachlan McZombie hated four things in life. First, he really hated the zombies. Ironic, considering his family name was McZombie.... Second, he hates counting. Thirdly, he hates working with others.

Thankfully though, Lachlan was willing to put aside his hatred of working together as a team in order to fight his first hatred, zombies. He pulled out his trusty pocket knife and began to start cutting off branches from the nearby trees. Next, he started whittling down the ends with his knife in order to make good spears for the rest of the party. Finally, he noticed that Manny appeared to be ordering all the garbage trucks in town...considering the fact that they were not really close to any towns, as far as he was aware, he thought that wouldn't be much help with the two zombies they'd spotted.

Edited by StrikerEZ
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7 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

Manny picked up his phone when he saw the duo of zombies. “They’re here. Sal, buy me all the garbage trucks in town.” He texted Sal, once the assistant had bought out the waste companies, and had him order the drivers of the trucks to run over anything undead. 

Sadly your phone call didn't go through.  Like it says in the OP: No more phones, no internet, no power and very little food.

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Friedrich could not believe what his senses were telling him. Not only had the government failed to handle the uprising, but it would be his duty to assume partial responsibility for the removal of these undead? The Zombies looked to be mindless and beaten back easily, but if these two would cause droves more to descend upon them, their deaths may not be the best outcome; who knew what sort of network connected these gruesome beasts. 

He sighed again. With little practical knowledge of combating undead hordes, he was left with what the vague outline of popular culture in these states presented. The description was not encouraging. Fire and decapication were likely beyond their abilities at the moment. He turned to Leon, who was clearly a better military strategist than the rest of the government put together. “Do you reckon these things could stand up to or cross running water?” he asked as the two drew closer. 

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"Don't worry, my friends, Tanky Boi is here by your side!"

With a big grin and bulky arms spread out, Tanky Boi walked up to the man... Friedrich? That was his name? "Friedrich! You, my friend, look like you can use someone to protect you! Any of them zombies that dare approach you... well they gotta deal with me first!"

( @Fifth Scholar )

Edited by Lumgol
at'd Fifth
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13 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Sadly your phone call didn't go through.  Like it says in the OP: No more phones, no internet, no power and very little food.

That’s what I get for not reading the OP closely before creating my character. :P 

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(@Alvron is this set in America for RP purposes? I’ll assume it is unless you contradict me)

12 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

"Don't worry, my friends, Tanky Boi is here by your side!"

With a big grin and bulky arms spread out, Tanky Boi walked up to the man... Friedrich? That was his name? "Friedrich! You, my friend, look like you can use someone to protect you! Any of them zombies that dare approach you... well they gotta deal with me first!"

( @Fifth Scholar )

Friedrich winced internally, and hoped it hadn’t carried over to his physical features. He’d forgotten the forwardness of the citizenry here, and the often overly familiar natures they employed. Still, he couldn’t fault their bravery, as evidenced by “Tanky Boi”’s offer of aid. He smiled tersely at the exuberant fellow. “Thank you for your offer of assistance, sir. I’m sure you’ll be a valuable asset in combating these undead hordes. However, do you have a plan for dealing with these two? They’re getting awfully close...”

Edited by Fifth Scholar
Changing RP to match Alv’s clarification
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Just now, Fifth Scholar said:

(@Alvron is this set in America for RP purposes? I’ll assume it is unless you contradict me)

It is not set in any one particular country.  If I had to, I'd place it somewhere in Europe.

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