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Long Game 56: Discord in Elendel


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So I finally looked at Straw’s posts. (Please save the applause for later B)) :

1. Starts with a :P emoji so that Aman can add him to his tally. Distancing? It’s nothing game related so I don’t know - probably best to just chalk it up to NAI.  

Notes that there are only poke votes and no major lynches. This part is interesting because despite saying this, Straw didn’t cast a vote himself. Elim lean because it sounds like he wants a solidified lynch instead of those scattered votes, without really willing to be proactive in that. 

2. Criticises the low number of voters, hopes that more people to vote D2. Slight elim read because it sounds like he’s looking out for the village, except he didn’t vote either. So it’s kinda hypocritical.

3. I’ll just quite the post here: “Yay for no kill, I guess. I guess this kind of compensates for losing a Mistborn?” Completely ignores the possibility of a WGG (which we now know actually happened). Elim read here too, as it is subtle somewhat-defending of a confirmed elim. 

4. Talks about the possibility of a WGG after being prompted to do so by Fifth. However he takes an uncertain stance on it, saying that he finds the WGG unlikely and doesn’t want the discussion to die down. Perhaps a little elimy bc of the response to the WGG? Mostly NAI though, I’d say. 

5. NAI post about kandra (as in, the kandra in the lore, not the role itself) 

6. Now this is a nice post. Let’s see...It’s basically reasons why Straw finds Fura suspicious, followed by a vote. I will note that the lynch status at this point was Fura(4) and Devotary(5), so jumping on an already existing village bandwagon would’ve definitely been the easy way for an elim to vote. Nothing stands out in his reasons for the vote - they’re basically things everybody else said too.   

7. Tells Fura to respond to Aman’s post as that would allow them to defend themself. Some stuff about PMs, and then points out that Fura’s vote switch to themself is a villager thing to do but also not. I’d say this post gives me slight elim vibes due to the last part but it’s largely not indicative I think.

8. Again criticises Fura’s PM network info gathering thingy. I’ll admit that the PM thing sounded pretty elimy to me too at the time. So NAI I guess. 

9. NAI post about OoG stuff 

10. Votes on Rath. I will note that this was the 5th vote on Rath. Seeing as almost everybody voted on Rath I’m not going to look too much into this. NAI. 

11. Encourages me to take my vote seriously as it shows my stance on the lynch, even though I’d already given a kinda detailed response to everything going on in the thread. This is kind of suspicious in hindsight as it looks like he wanted me to change my vote to Rath just to be sure the lynch isn’t under any threat from vote manips. Although, the lynch was p solidified as it was anyway, like I pointed out, so I don’t entirely see the point. Ever-so-slight elim read.

Additionally, I asked Straw for this thoughts on the game/reads like twice at various points in time but didn’t get a reply to either, so that’s kinda sus too ig. 

As such, I’ll be changing my vote to Straw

I plan to look at Snip next, but no promises on whether I can manage to do that before his turn ends due to time constraints :/ 


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Since @_Stick_ did analysis on me, I think it's only proper to return the favor. :P

1. Notes that the Kandra might be part of the elim team. NAI, but helpful.

2. Thanks Striker for responding to her questions. NAI.

3. Talks about a possible strategy for an elim Kandra. NAI.

4. Discourages roleclaiming in PMs. Village read, because roleclaiming is usually dumb and helps the elims.

5. Writes some short responses to Fifth (Fifth was defending roleclaiming). NAI.

6. Responds to some people and encourages having a D1 lynch. NAI.

7. Asks a question about Rath's analysis. NAI.

8. Comments on the usefulness of poke votes. NAI

9. Posts a vote count and commons that 2/3rds of the votes are gut reads. NAI.

10. Explains why Drake is probably village. NAI, possibly village.

11. Responds to Devotary. NAI.

12. Notes that regardless of the kill on Aman being a WGG, it's still a win for the village because no one died.

13. Votes on Fura for defending Aman too much. Says that Aman is probably the same alignment as Fura. Village, because even if Fura was village, it's still good that Stick was suspicious of Aman. However, this post can be seen in an elim light if Stick was trying to purposefully lynch Fura to make Aman look like a villager.

14. States that if Aman is village, Fifth is probably an elim. NAI.

15. Comments on Aman's speculation about the Kandra. NAI.

16. Replies to Aman finding it suspicious that Stick PMed them. NAI.

17. Quickly responds to the result of the lynch on Fura. NAI.

18. Posts her thoughts on a few players. Leans elim on Aman. Village due to good analysis and suspecting Aman.

19. Guesses that the coinshot killed Xinoehp, not the Kandra. NAI.

20. Comments on a few things. NAI.

21. Non-game relevant comment. NAI.

22. Asks how the Kandra will show up to Seekers. NAI.

23. Votes on Sart and comments that it doesn't really matter if Sart is lynched.. Doesn't state any reasoning. Elim read.

24. States that her current elim suspects are Aman, Devotary, Fifth, and Lum. Slight village read.

25. Votes for Aman, comments on the lack of a second kill and the presence of another tineye. Village read.

26. Comments that even if Aman is the Kandra, he'll still have to die in order for the village to win. NAI.

27. Comments on waiting to see what Rath thinks before voting. NAI.

28. Says that Aman will probably be contacted by elims. NAI.

29. Says that her vote doesn't matter because the vote gap is large. NAI.

30. Responds to me by voting on Rath. NAI.

31. Reads Aonar as village. NAI.

32. Says that she suspects Ventyl and/or Lum, but still has to look at me and Snipexe. NAI.

33. Responds to Ventyl's fake elim claim. NAI.

34. Analyzes me and votes for me. Village due to analysis, but very rude! :P


Overall, Stick seems fairly likely to be village. She's been suspicious of Aman for a long time, and regularly theorized that he was an elim. There are quite a lot of NAI posts which is interesting, but not really suspicious.


Here's my response to Stick's analysis of me:

Regarding my comment on poke votes near the start of the game, I wasn't really trying to call for action. I just found it notable, as I have usually seen D1 lynches that are more focused and had more votes. I also didn't really have any suspicions, and saw little reason to vote then. This also applies to my next post, as I just wanted to possibly see more discussion on D2.

I still think that it was fairly reasonable for me to find a WGG unlikely. While I am very inexperienced with playing as the eliminators, I think that most elim teams wouldn't try to draw more attention to an elim player that is already seen as village.

The reason why my analysis of Fura was so similar to other people's is because I originally did it to check Aman' analysis of Fura.

Edited by Straw
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Right. Here I go with delayed analysis and last minute voting again, but I’m setting aside my suspicion of Ventyl for now. I feel like there hasn’t been enough notable pressure in the opposite direction to justify his lynch right now, though would put him on a team with Stick if he is still evil, and upon re-examining the thread yesterday and today I’ve found far more reason to suspect Lumgol

Here are the posts which make me suspicious: 



@Devotary of Spontaneity's posts feel a bit off to me... I'm not sure why, and I can't really pinpoint it. But there's not really something that particularly sticks out or warrants a vote. So you're staying neutral for now, and I'm keeping an eye on you.

@Amanuensis has had some good points that he's explained really well. I'm especially interested in the idea of not having a lynch D1. Honestly, I think that's a pretty good idea (although I haven't been in any games where no D1 lynch happened, so I don't have the experience to back that up). I wholeheartedly support voting on players for whatever reason, "genuine" or not, because voting always has a function. Even if votes are retracted at the end of the day, votes can still be analyzed and patterns can be looked at later in the game (who tends to listen to what players and which players vote for which people for which reasons, etc). If a villager is lynched D1, though, we lose a villager, which is not good. If an elim is lynched D1, then obviously the good news is that an elim is lynched but since it's D1, there just aren't any clues that the elim can leave behind to connect themselves to other elims.

On the other hand, the elims are always going to kill a villager (or possibly the kandra, but that is much less likely), and the kandra is going to target both the village and the elims but is more likely to choose a villager D1 because there are more villagers and not that many clues. So lynching someone D1 can at least possibly remove an elim or the kandra, and if a villager is lynched, then at least the kandra might have more clues as to who the elims might be (and if a villager is both lynched and elim-killed, I would assume that the kandra would try to target an elim if their goal is to balance targeting elims and villagers).

So, back to Aman. He's sounded really defensive when Fifth voted on him, even when Fifth said that a lot of it was just paranoia. That raises a bit of an alarm, because there's really no need to get that defensive D1 unless someone is particularly vulnerable. I think his analysis is quite solid and I agree with much of what he says about the game, though his whole tangent about not wanting to kill villagers because of not liking to kill people and him being empathetic was... kinda off? Yeah, I think it's pretty normal to feel at least slightly bad about killing a villager. That is not really a legitimate argument against friendly fire or vigilante kills, though. Killing is going to have to happen, and the important part is about whether it's a good strategy for the game, as opposed to how it makes you feel.

This is classic hedging, as I pointed out at the time, and it’s notable that Lumgol takes care to press Aman, without ever committing to a vote, and mostly hiding behind the D1 lynch discussion which was completely NAI in nature. 


I PMed Aman last turn, @Amanuensis can confirm.

One of the things I thought about the most was PMs, and the one-per-round limit—the reason I was incentivising people to contact me in certain cycles was that if I got multiple PMs, I could be reasonably sure that most were from villagers, as Elims wouldn’t waste the resources to double-tap me. Similarly, I expected Eliminators to take some rounds off from PMing so they could claim contact with a teammate should they need to; I suspect that’s what happened here, particularly given Lum’s carefree attitude towards sharing what would be normally private information; it seems like an agenda at play here. 


Furamirionind has just made too many posts that seem elim.

Asking Mistborn to claim to them in PM's. Then asking other roles not to?

Starting off by saying that tonight's kill was definitely not a WGG. Instead of listing the options and analyzing each one, Fura straight-up said (I'm paraphrasing) "This was definitely not a WGG because [Fura's reasoning]".

Although I have reasons to believe that tonight's kill was likely not a WGG, and I tentatively trust Aman, this sounds... too much like a cover-up?

People have argued that Fura is sounding TWTBAW, but why? If someone's village, why couldn't they just sound village? If someone is sounding suspicious, I'll still find them suspicious even if it seems like "too much".

Lum’s analysis here brings up nothing new against Fura, hedges on Aman while trying to subtly cast him in a village light, and allows her to contribute while remaining below the radar. 


Alright, at least this makes Ventyl and Drake look very good...

I’m not sure what I think of this comment. It feels pocket-y, but may be genuine; I’d also suspect Ventyl a bit if Lum flips evil. 


@Amanuensis, so your reads are completely NAI or Village (just by skimming through this), and yet you still voted on Devotary. That's interesting

Pokes Aman here, pointing out an interesting discrepancy but failing to back off from the sorta-trust she’d given him all game. 


It's not uncommon for Xino to play like that. He doesn't do it in every game, but in some games. I'm not sure whether it has any connection to his alignment.

Response to a comment from Aonar, and the most clearly evil post she’s made. If the Elims knew this early that Aonar was a killer of some sort, and I believe they did, then this would be a way of trying to keep Xino, a teammate, out of his crosshairs. 

Lum’s Sart vote didn’t feel great, but I can’t really fault anyone for that lynch considering how badly I messed up. 


I don't think Aman is the SK. Him and Devotary are elims. I think so because in our PM, Devotary seemed to subtly be rooting for Sart to be lynched.

If Aman is elim, Fifth might be as well... although if that were the case, Fifth probably wouldn't have included Aman in so many of his PM's. But basically they had a disagreement at first and might have made it look like distancing, when they really they agreed, and made it look very long and very genuine when it was just elims trying to distance. I find that rather unlikely though, as I think that Aman was pocketing both myself and Fifth.

First, Lum goes from “Aman is not the SK” to voting on Rath next turn. Second, while she does condemn Aman here, she ties his alignment to Devotary’s, which I don’t like the look of—if Lum flips evil I suspect Devotary to be clean. 

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5 hours ago, Straw said:

Here's my response to Stick's analysis of me:

Regarding my comment on poke votes near the start of the game, I wasn't really trying to call for action. I just found it notable, as I have usually seen D1 lynches that are more focused and had more votes. I also didn't really have any suspicions, and saw little reason to vote then. This also applies to my next post, as I just wanted to possibly see more discussion on D2.

I still think that it was fairly reasonable for me to find a WGG unlikely. While I am very inexperienced with playing as the eliminators, I think that most elim teams wouldn't try to draw more attention to an elim player that is already seen as village.

The reason why my analysis of Fura was so similar to other people's is because I originally did it to check Aman' analysis of Fura.

1. While this doesn’t take away my suspicions, I guess it’s a fair response.

2. But unlike what you say, Aman was being viewed as a villager by everyone. Iirc there was some general suspicion directed at him D1.

3. Why’d you only feel it necessary to check Aman’s analysis of Fura and not, say, Fifth’s?

5 hours ago, Straw said:

34. Analyzes me and votes for me. Village due to analysis, but very rude! :P

Apologies :P 

Fifth, I see your reasonings for your vote on Lum and I mostly agree with it, but I’m going to leave my vote where it is for now as to provide another topic of discussion for the people that have yet to vote (almost everyone) plus I wouldn’t mind a Straw lynch honestly. And as of now, we’re standing at a no-lynch as the min no. of votes needed for a lynch is 2 so people should really get on and vote. 

Plus the lack of activity at this point is worrying. I’m supposed to be asleep so I won’t be contributing to discussion before the turn ends in ~6 hours (?) I’ll see if I can get on some time before it though to see if changing my vote to Lum/Ventyl is better. 

Edited by _Stick_
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So we've got one vote for Straw and one vote for Lum, while the mini-lynch on Ventyl is gone.

Straw almost died to the filter this game after going through a turn with only one post while being around enough to post in the other game, apparently due to traveling. That one post was provoked by Aman pinging him. I would think elim!Straw having been warned by his teammates that he was close to a needless death, would have tried harder to get in that second post. Straw did end up coming back D4, a couple of hours after I sent him a PM reminding him that he would die, but he never responded to my message. Apart from this, Straw in general has been very supportive of lynches 2 and 4, and was gone D3 when Aman was in the most danger.

Lum apparently has a role that is more suited to a villager to an elim. @Lumgol, did you roleclaim to Aman? Now that Aman is dead, I would like to hear about your earlier stated beliefs that Fifth was likely evil assuming an elim!Aman, which then changed to doubt about Fifth and belief that I was an elim with Aman. Do you still hold either of these views?

The main reasoning against Ventyl is his Soother role and his close ties to Aman. At the beginning of the game, I didn't find two village Soothers to be too unlikely, especially as there don't appear to be any Rioters, village or otherwise. There definitely could be an elim soother though. The fact that Ventyl appeared not to have submitted a kill makes me feel better about him. The only person who knew I would be Seeking Ventyl was Fifth, but today's voting makes me feel a Ventyl-Fifth team is less likely, and thus Ventyl is likely village unless a Smoker pops up. To be safe, it would be nice if @Ventyl would Soothe a vote today to make him ineligible to submit a kill.

2 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

One of the things I thought about the most was PMs, and the one-per-round limit—the reason I was incentivising people to contact me in certain cycles was that if I got multiple PMs, I could be reasonably sure that most were from villagers, as Elims wouldn’t waste the resources to double-tap me. Similarly, I expected Eliminators to take some rounds off from PMing so they could claim contact with a teammate should they need to; I suspect that’s what happened here, particularly given Lum’s carefree attitude towards sharing what would be normally private information; it seems like an agenda at play here. 


Response to a comment from Aonar, and the most clearly evil post she’s made. If the Elims knew this early that Aonar was a killer of some sort, and I believe they did, then this would be a way of trying to keep Xino, a teammate, out of his crosshairs. 

Do you have any results from cycles where multiple people contacted you that you'd like to share? Presumably, elims can actually PM their team members, which might be a good way to throw off Tineye scans. If our second Tineye decided to scan Aman for instance, we can't assume that all of his contacts from provably 1-1 PMs are necessarily village.

According to Aonar, Aman asked him early D3 if he had killed Xino, and this was when Aonar claimed responsibility for the kill. I do not know whether Aman's suspicion was prompted by anything other than Aonar's post at the end of N2.

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2 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Do you have any results from cycles where multiple people contacted you that you'd like to share? Presumably, elims can actually PM their team members, which might be a good way to throw off Tineye scans. If our second Tineye decided to scan Aman for instance, we can't assume that all of his contacts from provably 1-1 PMs are necessarily village.

Nothing, unfortunately. And while the second Tineye being on our side would be nice, it’s by no means a guarantee. 

2 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

According to Aonar, Aman asked him early D3 if he had killed Xino, and this was when Aonar claimed responsibility for the kill. I do not know whether Aman's suspicion was prompted by anything other than Aonar's post at the end of N2.

Perhaps, though that’s not saying Aonar didn’t claim earlier; regardless, my suspicion for Lum remains, as the post still defends Xino in the hedgy way I associate with Eliminators. 

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I'm going to put my vote on Snipexe. He's provided almost no content to analyze, but has posted enough to dodge the inactivity filter. Given Aman was a very public front for the elim team, I can definitely see some of the other team members hiding with low activity.

Also, how is Ventyl soothing someone helpful at all? For one, (assuming elim!Ventyl) another elim could be the soother, unless a seeker has confirmed his role. It also doesn't really give us information, except in the case where there is only one elim that is Ventyl.

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46 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'm going to put my vote on Snipexe. He's provided almost no content to analyze, but has posted enough to dodge the inactivity filter. Given Aman was a very public front for the elim team, I can definitely see some of the other team members hiding with low activity.

Also, how is Ventyl soothing someone helpful at all? For one, (assuming elim!Ventyl) another elim could be the soother, unless a seeker has confirmed his role. It also doesn't really give us information, except in the case where there is only one elim that is Ventyl.

Snip didn't vote between Fura and I day 2 when the lynch was 6-5, which based on Snip's comment today, presumably means he didn't believe either lynch was justified. We've seen that behaviour can be village, but with the other non-voters that cycle being filter-killed, an elim, and the Kandra, it's a bit stranger. Snip was also the main voice for elim!Fifth, notably in a way that suggests Aman's survival was not a WGG, and one of two people who voted for Aman over Rath yesterday.  Along with Straw, Snip is another player who almost died to the filter. Despite making the post count N4 to avoid death and making a post today, he's potentially going to be pinch-hit. I would be annoyed with myself if Snip is evil and might well have died last night if I hadn't reminded him about the filter.

Unless there are two roleless elims, having people with known roles demonstrate their use at least forces the elims to waste a potential role usage if one of the people with known roles is evil. Also, narrowing down the people who could submit a kill makes it easier for a Seeker scan to observe the kill taking place.

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3 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Lum apparently has a role that is more suited to a villager to an elim. @Lumgol, did you roleclaim to Aman? Now that Aman is dead, I would like to hear about your earlier stated beliefs that Fifth was likely evil assuming an elim!Aman, which then changed to doubt about Fifth and belief that I was an elim with Aman. Do you still hold either of these views?

I still believe that Devotary is likely to be Aman's teammate, mostly because of Devotary's support for Aman's lynch in our PM and Aman's failure to write up an analysis of Devotary explaining why Aman voted on them. And yes, I have roleclaimed to Aman the same role that I claimed to Devotary and Fifth, which I will now claim in thread. I'm a Thug.

@Fifth Scholar: I was wrong about Aman. You, of all people, should know that being wrong about someone's alignment is a thing that can happen. I trusted his claim as the SK because earlier in the game, he tried to discourage me from voting on Fura by claiming that the Kandra likely had a Jester-type role - which he later claimed for himself as Kandra.

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I'd like to remind everyone that there is only an hour left before rollover, so you should make your votes and posts now!


Okay, @Coop772 has offered to pinch hit for Snipexe! He'll be taking Snip's place from here on out.

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37 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

I still believe that Devotary is likely to be Aman's teammate, mostly because of Devotary's support for Aman's lynch in our PM and Aman's failure to write up an analysis of Devotary explaining why Aman voted on them. And yes, I have roleclaimed to Aman the same role that I claimed to Devotary and Fifth, which I will now claim in thread. I'm a Thug.

You definitely didn't claim Thug to me. Fifth told me that you had claimed Thug, and since you roleclaimed to Aman it makes sense to reveal that publicly, but I had not heard a roleclaim from you. I supported lynching Sart D3, not Aman. It's easy to tell that was the case, as I voted for Sart that cycle. I was concerned that Aman was getting votes at the very end of the cycle, and wanted to make sure we didn't have a hammer on Aman.

We don't have enough votes for a lynch yet, and going for Lum seems like a potential no-lynch if she activates her Thug protection. Fifth, Araris, and Stick have been the most consistent anti-Aman posters, so I'm not willing to lynch them at this time. Ventyl requires proof of a hostile Smoker to lynch. Between Straw and Snip, I would vote for Snipexe, who I guess is Coop now. Hmm. Still, I'm not really sure about the plan of voting for someone while ensuring another vote on that player is removed, the D2 nonvote is a bit odd, and the pushing for elim!Fifth partially on the basis that Aman's survival seemed natural is making me put my vote here. I don't know why Snip is being replaced at this point, but sorry Coop if your player dies today..

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Just now, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

You definitely didn't claim Thug to me. Fifth told me that you had claimed Thug, and since you roleclaimed to Aman it makes sense to reveal that publicly, but I had not heard a roleclaim from you.

Whoops. I should keep better track of who I roleclaim to. XD

1 minute ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I supported lynching Sart D3, not Aman. It's easy to tell that was the case, as I voted for Sart that cycle. I was concerned that Aman was getting votes at the very end of the cycle, and wanted to make sure we didn't have a hammer on Aman.

Darn it, I meant Sart. *facepalm* It was mostly your tone. I felt like you were pushing for me to vote Sart, even though that was already what I was going to do.


... I was clearly not braining when I wrote that post. Sorry.

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11 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

Darn it, I meant Sart. *facepalm* It was mostly your tone. I felt like you were pushing for me to vote Sart, even though that was already what I was going to do.

You had suggested that you might vote for Sart when I asked you what you thought the chances were that Sart was a village Lurcher and you replied that you thought Sart being evil was more likely than two village Lurchers, a WGG on Aman, elim!Aman protecting himself from a non-elim kill role, or Aman lying about his role. You didn't actually cast a vote until ~10 minutes before rollover, so I wanted to check whether you were going to back up your suspicions with a vote.

1 minute ago, Araris Valerian said:

What do you mean by this? You mean that a second village soother only makes sense if the elims have a smoker?

Mostly, it's that I action scanned Ventyl last night, and he took no observable action. Since Ventyl didn't Soothe a vote during the day, he would have had an action available to submit the kill, while elim teammates with roles likely would have wanted to use that role instead of submitting the kill. If Ventyl was on a team with a Smoker, they could have Smoked Ventyl and prevented my scan from seeing Ventyl target Aonar.

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Night 5 - A Brief Respite

After the chaotic night before, it seemed that everyone needed some time to calm down and relax. There were some discussions about who could still be hiding as a rebel among them, but the discussions seemed weaker than they used to be. 
Draff spent his day walking through the halls, listening as the few conversations between officers started and stop, like sound of the ocean lapping against the shore. Maybe they had found the last rebel. Maybe things could finally go back to normal.
If only things were that easy.
He heard the sounds of a fight coming down the hallway, and ran to see what was going on. He found Mertis getting ganged up in the main lobby of the station. 
"Why are you doing this?" Draff yelled. He couldn't stand to see another officer die because of this madness anymore.
"We're pretty sure he's a rebel," one of the officers yelled. Before he could get another punch in, Draff grabbed his arm, pulling it back. He broke up the group of officers and shooed them away from Mertis. He looked pretty beat up, but he'd survive.
"I'll take him from here, and we can search his room to see if he really is a rebel," Draff said.
Some time later, after getting Mertis to a safe place to get patched up, Draff began searching through Mertis's room. Nothing incriminating was found there, so it appeared that Mertis was not a rebel. Again, an innocent man had gotten mobbed for acting suspicious for nothing. They were running out of officers that could patrol the city, and they still hadn't found all the rebels. They couldn't take this much longer.


(2) Straw: Ventyl, Coop772
(2) Snipexe/Coop772: Araris Valerian, Devotary of Spontaniety
(1) Lumgol: Fifth Scholar
Straw was lynched! They were a Police Hazekiller!

PMs are open, but you may only make one new PM per turn. Group PMs are allowed. All PMs must have me and Mailliw in them.

This turn will last 24 hours and will end at 10 PM CDT on June 24th.

Player List:

  1. Amanuensis, aka "Detective Wilco Renaud" Rebel Lurcher
  2. Ark1002, aka "Arr K. Thousantoo" Police Mistborn
  3. Lumgol, aka "TBD"
  4. Fifth Scholar, aka “Serdig Darillid”
  5. Araris Valerian, aka “Fade”
  6. Ventyl, aka “Lafay Etteax”
  7. Furamirionind, aka "Furamirionind" Police Hazekiller
  8. Rathmaskal Police Soother
  9. Devotary of Spontaneity, aka "Sindale"
  10. Sart Police Lurcher
  11. _Stick_, aka "Stick"
  12. Young Bard, aka " Nedar Latfin" Police Officer
  13. Aonar, aka "Ainm Lathair" Kandra
  14. Coop772 
  15. Straw, aka "Mertis tyl Loesp" Police Hazekiller
  16. Drake Marshall, aka “Thomas Blackburn” Police Tineye
  17. xinoehp512 Rebel Officer


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Ok, so I'm still not super sure what's going on. I do know that a green dying is bad tho. If someone wants to PM me and get me up to speed now that I survived I would greatly appreciate it


Edited for spelling. It's late and I was just drafted

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I was suspicious of Straw, no denying it, but...I did not want this result from the lynch. Two police Hazekiller strengthens my convictions that an Eliminator Thug and an Eliminator Lurcher would be possible—with Hazekillers to block their abilities, they’d not have been as hard to kill, which again points me toward Lum. 

In a quite frustrating manner, the vote patterns have given us little to work with—Devotary voted late enough in the cycle that Coop was forced to vote in self-preservation, though I’m curious that he chose Straw over Lum. I suppose it somewhat makes sense, though we may have to have a wasted lynch at some point if Lum is actually evil. 

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Woah, didn’t expect that. And a hazekiller out of all roles... 

As usual I slept through rollover

It’s interesting that we got two Hazekillers. I think I agree with Fifth that the elims probably have a strong role left...maybe a Mistborn? 

Also I don’t quite see what soothing my vote proves, Ventyl.:P I mean, elim!ventyl could still have an elim partner submit the night kill - we’re moving with the assumption that there’s 2 elims left. Although if the elims may have a Mistborn I’m starting to wonder if there’s really just one left. Hm. Xino was vanilla, so perhaps there’s 2 remaining regardless of what roles they have? Anyway I’m gonna stop suspecting you for being a Soother, since I clearly can’t seem to correctly guess the role distributions in this game (I never would’ve believed Straw if he’d told me he was a village hazekiller)...I still have other reasons I outlined last turn to still suspect you a bit though. 

And welcome Coop! 

23 minutes ago, Coop772 said:

My reasons for choosing lum are not game relevant I assure you. It was a toss up in game, as, like you said, I was voting for self preservation. I figured out of game reasons were better than RNGesus

Choosing Lum? You mean choosing Straw? You voted Straw 

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