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Young Bard

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Hmmmmmm. I'd say that out of all the people with votes on them, I can't really think of a good excuse to vote for any one of them, but I want to vote for someone, so Ark it is.

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Well, seeing as this'll be my last post before I hit the sac, I guess I'm leaving my vote on Ark. 

Ark, sorry if you die tonight. I know the feels. I just got out of a bout where is was killed or lynched early on for a few games. 

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Katie the Koloss was confused.

Katie could be considered cantankerous, but she couldn't comprehend the cold shoulder her colleagues had conveyed on her.

Katie had considered capital punishment on random commuters to collect Breath for various creations. But Katie's colleagues considered this consideration inconceivable. So the concerned crowd confronted Katie.

In a cramped corridor, Katie was cornered. She called out, but the crowd could not comprehend her cries.

And so Katie the Koloss was killed.

Hohelin is a rather curious case. He came to Hallandren, determined not to let this new heathen environment sway his conviction. I suppose he learned this lesson the hard way - those that do not adapt to their environment may learn that their environment will change them instead. Hohelin, so determined to only have only his one Breath, may have been the cause of his own undoing.

Someone with more Breath may have heard the almost imperceptible sound of the door opening behind them as someone stepped into the room. But Hohelin had only his own Breath, and so he heard nothing.

Someone with more Breath may have seen the slight discolouring of the nearby timber as they stood idly by.  But Hohelin had only his own Breath, and so he saw nothing.

Someone with more Breath may have noticed the Life Sense of the intruder behind them as they slowly approached. But Hohelin had only his own Breath, and so he felt nothing. He felt nothing until the knife sunk into their back, so he wouldn't feel anything ever again.

Vote Count:
Ark(5): Maill, CadCom, Steel, Lumgol, Strawman
Sart(3): Xino, Elandara, Joe
CadCom(3): Sart, Ark, Alvron
Alvron(1): Randuir

Katie the Koloss/Ark1002 was lynched! They were part of the Hallandren Alliance.

Hohelin/Devotary of Spontaneity was killed by the Black Shadows! They were part of the Hallandren Alliance.

This turn will end on Monday, May 6th, 5:30pm AEST. (Late Sunday night for the Americans.)

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1 hour ago, Steeldancer said:

Welp I didn’t even get any breath out of that lynch, so did we learn anything from either of these deaths? Because I’m not sure we did. 

Ark proves what I already suspected, so I think it'd pay to dig into those voting on them. I'd like to note that I dislike this comment. It seems like you're suggesting that there's nothing of value to find in those deaths, so we might as well not look, which is somewhat suspicious.

Speaking of the people who voted on ark: @Lumgol and @Cadmium Compounder what are your thoughts on the following topics:

  • PM security
  • The value of people knowing how much breath someone has
  • Sharing potentially important information about other people through PM's
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21 minutes ago, Randuir said:

It seems like you're suggesting that there's nothing of value to find in those deaths, so we might as well not look, which is somewhat suspicious.

Nah I just don’t have the time to read into the lynch in depth today, and I can’t think of any relevant conclusions off the top of my head. So, if anyone else is able to read into it, I’d be happy to see what they have to say. I just don’t have the time to generate that myself. 

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I've been reading back over the previous day, and I've got a couple of observations.

Lumgol's last vote broke the tie in favor of Sart and Cadcom, if we ignore the presence of the strawman. With Sart going after Cadcom the way he did I'd say that the two of them are probably not elims together, but either of them could be team-mates with lumgol.

Joe's seemingly random vote tied Sart with Ark and Cadcom, so I'd say it's less likely for Joe and Sart or Cadcom to both be elims, though it's not impossible if either Lumgol is an elim, or one of the elims had the strawman. (regarding that: @Young Bard, is it possible to have started the game with an item, or does item creation cost no action?)

Xinoehp and Elandera added votes in rapid succession, which resulted in the Cadcom bandwagon getting some more competition. Either or both could be elim team-mates with evil!cadcom.

I can also confirm that I'm probably blind, as I completely missed Mailliw's vote on ark during the first run of the thread, which makes cadcom's vote look worse.

Nothing else in the way votes where placed really stood out to me. Most of this info isn't too useful now, but it's something to keep in mind as the game progresses.

Other things that stood out to me where Elandera's comment about bandwagoning. Though I think she might be right where late-cycle vote switches are concerned, I doubt most villagers would jump on a bandwagoning they disagree with at an early point just to get breath, as that'd make things very easy for the elims. So any vote-switches to the leading wagon at the end of the cycle might be NAI, but apart from that all the usual suspicions for bandwagon applies.

@Young Bard, there's not player list this time around. I assume that if any lifeless get added, the list would be added to inform us?

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1 hour ago, Randuir said:

@Young Bard, is it possible to have started the game with an item, or does item creation cost no action?

It is possible to have started the game with an item. Item Creation does cost an action.

And yes, it would be noted if any Lifeless were created (also, I just missed putting the player list up - that is now corrected.)

Edited by Young Bard
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I'm going to start by voting on Lumgol. I find her desire to share not only her own breath amount, but the amount others have claimed to her very odd. It could be playstyle differences (I tend to play close to the vest, with very few claims of any kind), but her nonchalant attitude toward revealing things which could tip the favor of the game toward elims seems worth a vote.

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Alright, let's get this straight:

I have let everyone know about CadCom's claim to me. It was the highest amount of Breath that I have heard anyone claim so far.

It would only make sense for the elims to hear about this, and thus kill CadCom in an effort to get some village Breath.

CadCom was not killed. Although I understand that Devotary might have been decided on as a better choice, this makes CadCom look somewhat suspicious to me. 

Now, if I were an elim, remember that I would have no need to spread his claim. I could have just said it in the doc. No need to tell the villagers as well.

@Elandera, you claim that this has tipped the game in favor of the elims. What could have the elims done with this information? Killed CadCom. Or at least tried to get him lynched. CadCom is still alive and no new votes were placed on him after my spreading of his claim.

And yeah, I guess playstyle differences come in here as well, since I've generally been more apt to reveal and trade information (and it's one of my favorite parts of SE, to be honest).

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9 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

Now, if I were an elim, remember that I would have no need to spread his claim. I could have just said it in the doc. No need to tell the villagers as well.

But you would have a reason. CadCom has been known to set up stings in past games. He'll claim to someone he finds suspicious, tell one or two people, then expect to be killed. You sharing the information would help absolve you of suspicion when do decide to kill him.

10 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

What could have the elims done with this information? Killed CadCom. Or at least tried to get him lynched. CadCom is still alive and no new votes were placed on him after my spreading of his claim.

While these are true, it could easily be the elims waiting a bit. I've rarely seen an elim team act on information like this right away. They usually expect traps, so either spread it more, or wait a turn or two for plausible deniability.

12 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

this makes CadCom look somewhat suspicious to me.

Agreed, somewhat. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on him, but I don't find it worth an immediate vote.

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5 hours ago, Randuir said:

Speaking of the people who voted on ark: @Lumgol and @Cadmium Compounder what are your thoughts on the following topics:

  • PM security
  • The value of people knowing how much breath someone has
  • Sharing potentially important information about other people through PM's

When I have time to use PMs, I usually share a snip of potentially valuable information with one or two people, then set up snares and traps among others to try to catch elims. It doesnt usually work as well as I hope, but that's how I view PM safety. Usually I choose the people off d1 or d2 gut reads. This game I was trying something different. Needless to say, I'm usually not a fan if PM safety where nothing is revealed in PMs, because it runs the purpose of having PMs. 

I think knowing how much breath someone has can potentially be harmful to the village. Or you can use some form of PM communication to try to catch elims, by selectively sharing how many breaths you have. 

When it comes to sharing potentially important info to others through PM. If the person asks me to keep it a secret, I will, other than that, I will he willing to share it if I get some sort of equally valuable information. There is at least one secret I already know this game that I'll be keeping to myself for at least a little while.

Also, it seems that everyone's heard my claim that I have 4 breaths. I thought it would he a bit less well known, but i understand lumgols reason for sharing it now that it's out in the thread. 

I've been reading through last cycle a bit, and I found multiple interesting points brought up. But I also noticed a minimal amount of xino agreeing with elandera. Most of the time it seemed like xino defending elandera. The first problem with this is that I defend people all the time, especially when I'm village, but i also know that it's a strategy of elims to try to gain the trust of villagers by agreeing with them. The second problem is that it isnt an obvious amount of bussing. So it's hard to formulate an argument about it. 

However, i had a gut elim feeling from the tone of posts from elandera after reading through their d1 posts, so if they're not an elim, then i would expect xino to be one. (At least one of the two) for now, I'll choose Elandera

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I relate to CadCom on a personal level. I do those sort of things all the time, and granted, no one usually goes for the bait. Also, his observation is interesting, and I’d be fine with seeing how a lynch on Elandera turns out. 

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Looking at the Ark lynch, it seems... strange. Mailliw didn't give a reason for his vote. Steel voted on him because of Randuir's post. CadCom voted out of self-preservation, and Lumgol did it because she didn't want to vote for anyone else. Of these, only Steel's really had any reasoning behind it- reasoning that wasn't really his, but Randuir's. Reasoning that wasn't even convincing enough to make the arguer vote for Ark.

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Steel. His votes both times so far have been other people’s reasoning, as Xino just mentioned above. I know my vote didn’t have much behind it either, but i was honestly just seeing who would join and who would attack that lynch. 

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@Cadmium Compounder, before I place my vote, was Lumgol spreading your claim about breath-count around something arranged between the two of you, or something she undertook on her own?

@Lumgol, did you consider sharing Cadcom's claim with only a few people to test their alignment, rather than telling everyone, which in the case of village!cadcom's death, would have revealed no new information apart from Cadcom's alignment?

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2 hours ago, Mailliw73 said:

Steel. His votes both times so far have been other people’s reasoning, as Xino just mentioned above. I know my vote didn’t have much behind it either, but i was honestly just seeing who would join and who would attack that lynch. 

Yeah, I’m aware I’m being a bit of a sheep. But I don’t have much breath and can’t do anything with it, and without the time to devote to actually doing some analysis of my own at the moment, I’m relying on other analysis and attempting to get more breath that way so I can use the mechanic. Is it selfish and mildly unhelpful? Yeah, it is. Is it evil? Not particularly. Am I going to pursue the people with high breath just because they have more breath? No, I do still want to vote on people who are genuinely suspicious. I just also want to get breath out of it.

once it’s not Sunday, it’ll be a bit easier to draw my own conclusions from what’s going on. But as it happens... well after this post I only have one more post I can afford to make before making my big, 4,000th post which is going to be a beast of a post. So until I’ve posted that, I probably won’t post again on here. I get that sheeping isn’t the most original or helpful thing, but it’s what I’ve got the time and motivation to do at the moment. 

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Izzy sat in quiet contemplation.  The previous day continuously playing over and over in her head.  Ch. Aracter TBA had been the one several had considered suspicious enough to kill yet there had also been a fairly quick turnaround to another.  Another who turned out to be innocent.

The fact that Hohelin had been killed by the false Shadows yet she hadn't taken part in the discussion of who to kill was also rattling around in her brain.

The Strawman was another issue Izzy kept thinking of.  It likely belonged to one of the Shadows and if so, they why didn't they recover the Breaths to reach the First Heightening?  Could it be that with the vote as close as it was the Shadows needed to use their Strawman to insure the survival of one of their own?

Izzy's eyes narrowed at Ch. Aracter TBA.

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I'd hoped to see a response from lumgol by now as well, but I really need to sign off for the days, so for this cycle I'm voting Lumgol. I'm finding it significantly easier to figure out a reason why an elim would do what she did with regards to that information about Cadcom than why a villager would do so. I could see an elim doing what she did to ensure that cadcom's death couldn't be used to cast suspicion on her. If cadcom had leaked the info as a trap, killing cadcom could have easily led to her lynch. However, by sharing the info around, no one in particular would stand out if cadcom did get killed by the elims.

The village motive she brought forward was that it was a way to test cadcom's alignment. This sounds somewhat unlikely to me, however. There are  far better ways to test someone's alignment than by trying to get them killed by the elims, especially because the information used could lead to the death of a very useful villager (4 breaths is enough to make a rope, after all, and is only 1 breath short of the first heightening), and a decent power-surge for the elims as the influx of 4 breaths would put them closer to tools like a lifeless.

If Lumgol had stated previous suspicions of Cadcom I would have found it easier to believe that there was a village motive behind the way she spread out information. As it stands though, the elim motive seems more likely to me.

Anyway, I hope this all made sense, as I'm  pretty tired right now, which doesn't exactly help with properly formulating a case.

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51 minutes ago, Alvron said:

The Strawman was another issue Izzy kept thinking of.  It likely belonged to one of the Shadows and if so, they why didn't they recover the Breaths to reach the First Heightening?  Could it be that with the vote as close as it was the Shadows needed to use their Strawman to insure the survival of one of their own?

The strawman belongs to me.

I offered to Maill that I would vote for whoever he told me to last cycle and double said vote with the strawman, in exchange for his 3 breath. Maill accepted that offer and told me to vote for Ark.

I have multiple reasons now to find Maill suspicious. First of all, his pushing to lynch someone who turned out to be a villager could be in defense of elim!CadCom or elim!Sart (probably CadCom, for reasons that I'll go into later). Secondly, Maill and CadCom have both expressed suspicion of Steel (Maill in thread, CadCom in PM where he didn't tell me not to spread it so I'm assuming I can), and although it can be considered a coincidence, they might just be deflecting suspicion off of themselves and onto someone else who lynched the same villager.

2 hours ago, Randuir said:


@Lumgol, did you consider sharing Cadcom's claim with only a few people to test their alignment, rather than telling everyone, which in the case of village!cadcom's death, would have revealed no new information apart from Cadcom's alignment?

That would have been a good idea. At first I wanted to just share it with some people and not others, but eventually I just started PMing more and more people until I realized that I had PMed it to everyone XD

However, with only a few people knowing it, the only case that would have provided information would have been if CadCom died (and I would have therefore been able to narrow down the suspects as you've mentioned). If CadCom would have survived in this case, then I would gain almost no information, as there would be various possibilities: The people I PMed happened to be village, or the elims hadn't gotten around to killing him for unknown reasons, or CadCom is elim. In the case that I PM everyone, I'm guaranteed to reach the elims, so they must have kept CadCom around for some sort of reason.

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Vote Count:
Lumgol (2): Elandera, Randuir
Elandera (2): CadCom, Steeldancer
Steeldancer (1): Mailliw

"Well this is certainly interesting. My two main suspects have turned on each other. Originally, I suspected that they were working together, but this casts doubt on that theory."

Sart played with one of his coat tassels, thinking. Ch. Aracter TBA clearly had a Strawman working for them. Such an item would cost a pretty penny in Breath. With that much Breath, the Shadows could start amassing Lifeless. That seemed unlikely to Sart. So, then what? Well, there was only one other person who made his gut rankle.

"Turqouise-Bellied Alligator (Elandera), I must confess I'm still suspicious of you. I see N'Narim's actions as a failed gambit, rather than a sign of evil. Plus, you voted on me, which was rather unkind of you."

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