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SA 4 & 5 outlining up to 40%


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12 hours ago, BookishOcelot said:

What do y'all think are the odds of SA 4 getting pushed into late 2019/early 2020? When will we get cover/title? 

I'd say 0%. ;)
Brandon talked about the writing process of a Stormlight book several times and if I remember correctly, the writing alone takes about a year and a half if all goes well. So book 4 won't be finished until, say, early summer 2020 if all goes well. Then comes the editing process, proofreading, etc., I believe he does this 4-5 times? Plus getting it into printing form (I don't know the English words here, sorry), formatting, cover art, additional art, actual printing etc. If we get the book in late 2020 that's going to be a new record. Early 2021 would still be good. Remember, between TWoK and WoR we had to wait four and a half years. WoR to OB was three and a half years.

Also, I believe book 4 and 5 will be very closely intertwined, so a lot of work on 5 needs to be done while planning out 4, thus the outlining process for both 4&5 happening now.
I'd even say I'd prefer a longer break between 3 and 4 if we could get 5 a little earlier. After all, OB had much more closure than TWoK and WoR (imo at least).

Right now, we know the (temporary?) title "The Rhythm of War". Brandon said he might change it later on, but for the moment that's what the book is called. Cover art most likely will come a few months pre-release. My guess is summer 2020 if all goes to plan.

Edited by Winds Alight
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SOOO happy!   Now the question comes.  Do you read the potentially spoilery previews or do you wait until the book comes out.  Does one have the monumental will it takes to resist?  Can one resist?  Should I resist?

Seriously what do you all do?

Reads preview eagerly.

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I understand that some people don't read preview chapters or even short excerpts Brandon reads. However, I don't even try to resist. I don't think we will get too spoilery readings so early.

I also really loved the weekly preview chapters that have been published on tor.com a few weeks before Oathbringer came out.

And I am very happy that


Lirin is well. 


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On 3/28/2019 at 7:22 AM, Wander89 said:

It's only 1% but seeing the bar is good progress!

I always wonder what a 1% status bar might indicate for a writer like Brandon.

It could be anywhere from "the book will be 1200 pages and I've now fleshed out the 12 page prologue, so, 1%", or it could be a non-empty file with just

Stormlight Archive 4: "TITLE???"

by Brandon Sanderson, (c) 2019

in the upper left, like so many of my own papers/stories would remain for days or weeks on end back in school. ("Hey, it's more than 0, so I guess it's 1% done!")

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