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The Feruchemist

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I’m on page 350 and having a reeeeaally hard time getting through it. I liked Way of Kings a lot, Words  of Radiance was a Masterpiece, but.... the ShallanXAdolin crap is almost like a cheesy Disney Romance with Pattern as the cliche animal friend there to make things funny and awkward. Not impressed. Kaladin’s side of the story is good, Dalinar’s drags a little. I actually prefer Shallan when she’s NOT herself... which tells me I have a huge problem with her character. I feel like the only way I can get through it is skim over Shallan’s chapters. Anybody else of have this issue, or am I alone in the Cosmere? :(

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oh no son, a lot of people got annoyed with her. But they preferred Shallan rather than her other personas. You are most certainly not alone. It gets a lot better so read on, you less of her chapters

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I think Oathbringer is not as good as WoR. But it is still one of the best books I read in a long time. I highly encourage you to read on! The story starts slow, but it will knock you off your socks soon enough :-)

Also. I get how you want to skip Shallan's chapters. Unlike others, who find her outright annoying, I find her interesting as a character. But I just don't like being in her head. I usually try skipping her chapters in rereads, but then I remember that I would miss too many really good scenes, so I only skip the swooney Shadolin stuff :D

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i had a problem with shallan's chapters in part 3. in part 1 they were fine. sometimes shallan is cringe-worthy, especially her inner turmoils, but that does not make her chapters bad.

From what I remember of the book reaction thread, you are quite alone in your lack of appreciation. it's fine, not everybody likes the same stuff.

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Oathbringer, closer to the end becomes what I think is one of the best pieces of fantasy literature ever written. It's true that Shallans whole Adolin/Kaladin flirt sessions can be distracting, and even outright annoying, but don't let that take away from how awesome stuff gets later on. 

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I love OB to the moon and back, but part 1+2 didn't have quite the impact other parts of the series had on me.
Of course, with me, this had mostly to do with my unhealthy obsession with All Things Kaladin and the fact that his chapters during part one were mostly pretty short and he was away from everyone. When I got to part two and saw he didn't have a POV there at all I was really bummed out. (Which of course the Bridge Four POVs made up for but I didn't know that in advance.)
I also didn't much like Shallans quest to find out what's wrong with Urithiru and the Re-Shephir arc. In part three I really started to like her chapters as well so when the crew arrived in Kholinar, I was completely invested.

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Yeah, a lot of people had various problems with OB, and a lot of those problems are related to Shallan. Personally, I didnt really feel that her arc was complete, and that she got a bit too much page-time. I dont have problems with her and Adolin though. 

Dalinars arc gets really awesome as well. One of the best things Brandon has ever done.


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I had the same problem with Shallan. I found it very difficult to get through her POV chapters, and I spent a lot of the time irritated with her. 

That said, though I didn't have problems with the rest of the book, I have a few buddies who found it more of a slog than the other two. I'll just cheer for you and say good luck! I found the part five ending really worth it, and I hope you do, too. :)

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It seems I’m alone on my feelings on Shallan. When I say “I like her least when she’s being herself”, I’m talking about her clever for the sake of being clever nonsense. Twisting words around, making the other person feel stupid. I see it as rude, and I can’t stand real people like this, so how could I stand a character with this attitude? I only like her when she’s not doing this, so in other words, I only like her when she’s not being herself. I’m the kind of person that’s been put down and made fun of because I’m not clever. Or I don’t get a joke or don’t follow a funny statement. I don’t find her funny at all when she’s written to be funny, I just find her annoying. I find her backstory, powers and abilities interesting, but her character as a whole is not to my liking. To be honest, if I ever met this character I would avoid her like the plague.

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1 minute ago, The Feruchemist said:

It seems I’m alone on my feelings on Shallan. When I say “I like her least when she’s being herself”, I’m talking about her clever for the sake of being clever nonsense. Twisting words around, making the other person feel stupid. I see it as rude, and I can’t stand real people like this, so how could I stand a character with this attitude? I only like her when she’s not doing this, so in other words, I only like her when she’s not being herself. I’m the kind of person that’s been put down and made fun of because I’m not clever. Or I don’t get a joke or don’t follow a funny statement. I don’t find her funny at all when she’s written to be funny, I just find her annoying. I find her backstory, powers and abilities interesting, but her character as a whole is not to my liking. To be honest, if I ever met this character I would avoid her like the plague.

I see now. Yeah that is really annoying when she does that. Jasnah has a point when she calls her out for it constantly. It's great to be witty but not all the time that it makes a person feel horrible

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3 minutes ago, The Feruchemist said:

It seems I’m alone on my feelings on Shallan. When I say “I like her least when she’s being herself”, I’m talking about her clever for the sake of being clever nonsense. Twisting words around, making the other person feel stupid. I see it as rude, and I can’t stand real people like this, so how could I stand a character with this attitude? I only like her when she’s not doing this, so in other words, I only like her when she’s not being herself. I’m the kind of person that’s been put down and made fun of because I’m not clever. Or I don’t get a joke or don’t follow a funny statement. I don’t find her funny at all when she’s written to be funny, I just find her annoying. I find her backstory, powers and abilities interesting, but her character as a whole is not to my liking. To be honest, if I ever met this character I would avoid her like the plague.

I’m the opposite. I really love her humor. Yeah, her backstory is interesting, but her humor is probably the best part of her character for me. Though I can totally relate to not understanding a joke or something funny as well. I just really like that sardonic, snappy type of humor.

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Huh, from what I’ve seen from posts on this forum, most have a very positive opinion about Oathbringer. Especially the ending. I have some friends from work that didn’t like it and stopped reading after a while. Mostly because they thought that too much was happening at once and not understanding what the point was. I’ve been able to follow it just fine, my biggest problem is just Shallan/Adolin and Shallan’s annoying sarcasm. And yes I know Adolin and Shallan get married from this forum. Not happy about that. I was hoping he would die by the end of the book.

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3 hours ago, The Feruchemist said:

It seems I’m alone on my feelings on Shallan. When I say “I like her least when she’s being herself”, I’m talking about her clever for the sake of being clever nonsense. Twisting words around, making the other person feel stupid. I see it as rude, and I can’t stand real people like this, so how could I stand a character with this attitude? I only like her when she’s not doing this, so in other words, I only like her when she’s not being herself. I’m the kind of person that’s been put down and made fun of because I’m not clever. Or I don’t get a joke or don’t follow a funny statement. I don’t find her funny at all when she’s written to be funny, I just find her annoying. I find her backstory, powers and abilities interesting, but her character as a whole is not to my liking. To be honest, if I ever met this character I would avoid her like the plague.

This is actually my feelings, too. You're not alone! I'm hopeful this will improve in future books... 

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3 hours ago, The Feruchemist said:

It seems I’m alone on my feelings on Shallan. When I say “I like her least when she’s being herself”, I’m talking about her clever for the sake of being clever nonsense. Twisting words around, making the other person feel stupid. I see it as rude, and I can’t stand real people like this, so how could I stand a character with this attitude? I only like her when she’s not doing this, so in other words, I only like her when she’s not being herself. I’m the kind of person that’s been put down and made fun of because I’m not clever. Or I don’t get a joke or don’t follow a funny statement. I don’t find her funny at all when she’s written to be funny, I just find her annoying. I find her backstory, powers and abilities interesting, but her character as a whole is not to my liking. To be honest, if I ever met this character I would avoid her like the plague.

IIRC, Brandon's doing that on purpose, to show some of her immaturity and naivete.

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