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10 minutes ago, Halefyre said:

Is there somewhere I can find all of the currently active rp threads?

Do you mean for the Reckoners RP? Because for the Reckoners RP the only active RP thread is "What happened in Edmonton".

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4 hours ago, Hemalurgic Headshot said:

Well, there are some things to be done regarding Karabiner and Liam that I think need to be done about the same time as the Meeting, but that does require @Sazedezas.

Can we ask the mods to find out the email address he used to join the Shard and email him or would that be unethical?

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2 hours ago, breakingamber said:

Can we ask the mods to find out the email address he used to join the Shard and email him or would that be unethical?

Coma might be willing to, since he's contributed a lot and knew Sazedezas on here.

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3 hours ago, breakingamber said:

Can we ask the mods to find out the email address he used to join the Shard and email him or would that be unethical?

Sazedezas did say earlier that he was going to be busy this summer and not have much time for the RP. I think emailing him would be too far.

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24 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

Who's going next in the meeting? 

Unfortunately, Sazedezas is holding up a lot of things. We need Bloodlight's response to Liam, we need Karabiner to teleport in so we can set up his assassination, and maybe something from Arachnerd's perspective might be helpful.

Besides those things, Jade and/or Nathan's perspective could be interesting. A little more clarification on whoever notices Nicroburst might be helpful. 

Anyone else who wants to claim (more) territory in the city? That could include Armageddon, Phytomagnet (though I'm not sure about that), or Blank (even less sure).

That's my thoughts. 

EDIT: kenod, bit of a dumb question. Why would your character call herself Shade if she's not aware of the only power that would designate her as a 'shade?'

Edited by breakingamber
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5 hours ago, breakingamber said:

kenod, bit of a dumb question. Why would your character call herself Shade if she's not aware of the only power that would designate her as a 'shade?'

It's a nickname in this case, she didn't pick it herself, one of the first groups that found her chose it because she wasn't in the right mental state to give her own name. She doesn't really care about Epic names, this is just what others started calling her.

As for the reasoning behind the name, it was be because she was rather withdrawn and prone to hiding from people in small corners of rooms (inside the shadows), and because people had a tendency to ignore her (not her power, she just isn't that noticeable even without them, one of the reasons she hasn't found out about said power yet).

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Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, idk, but, speaking as somebody who has been absent in this RP before for an extended period, here are my two cents:

I would have been really glad if people had figured out a way forwards without my characters, in my absence. Either by inventing an in-world excuse for those characters to be out of the picture for a while, or by co-opting said characters in a limited fashion (thank you to breakingamber for doing that with Taya a bit), or by just plain figuring out a parallel storyline to start writing while waiting for other things to come through. I wouldn't really have minded however people decided to do it, I would have just been pleased to know that the RP had been doing well and that it was still progressing in some fashion.

Give Sazedezas some time to weigh in, and try to leave the door as open as possible for them to slip back into things; I think it's fairly likely that they will do so come the end of the summer. But also, consider that our hands aren't exactly tied just because we are missing somebody for a while. We can adapt, we can figure out something fun to RP about in the meantime, if we have a mind to. It might not be a terrible idea to make that kind of adaptability one of the core values for an RP with this kind of format, because this is kind of a recurring problem. I regret at one time being part of that problem, but realistically, we probably ought to just figure out a way to deal with this.

Just a thought.

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6 hours ago, breakingamber said:

Unfortunately, Sazedezas is holding up a lot of things. We need Bloodlight's response to Liam, we need Karabiner to teleport in so we can set up his assassination, and maybe something from Arachnerd's perspective might be helpful.

Besides those things, Jade and/or Nathan's perspective could be interesting. A little more clarification on whoever notices Nicroburst might be helpful. 

Anyone else who wants to claim (more) territory in the city? That could include Armageddon, Phytomagnet (though I'm not sure about that), or Blank (even less sure).

That's my thoughts. 

EDIT: kenod, bit of a dumb question. Why would your character call herself Shade if she's not aware of the only power that would designate her as a 'shade?'

I can confirm that Phytomagnet is not currently planning on claiming any extra territory. Other than the fact that he currently has one of the largest areas in the city, Epoch probably wouldn't be too happy with Phyto trying to stake an independent claim.

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2 hours ago, DrakeMarshmallow said:

Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, idk, but, speaking as somebody who has been absent in this RP before for an extended period, here are my two cents:

I would have been really glad if people had figured out a way forwards without my characters, in my absence. Either by inventing an in-world excuse for those characters to be out of the picture for a while, or by co-opting said characters in a limited fashion (thank you to breakingamber for doing that with Taya a bit), or by just plain figuring out a parallel storyline to start writing while waiting for other things to come through. I wouldn't really have minded however people decided to do it, I would have just been pleased to know that the RP had been doing well and that it was still progressing in some fashion.

Give Sazedezas some time to weigh in, and try to leave the door as open as possible for them to slip back into things; I think it's fairly likely that they will do so come the end of the summer. But also, consider that our hands aren't exactly tied just because we are missing somebody for a while. We can adapt, we can figure out something fun to RP about in the meantime, if we have a mind to. It might not be a terrible idea to make that kind of adaptability one of the core values for an RP with this kind of format, because this is kind of a recurring problem. I regret at one time being part of that problem, but realistically, we probably ought to just figure out a way to deal with this.

Just a thought.

I've been thinking about this as well, and I've only been able to think of two to three solutions.

The first one is always trying to keep in touch. It's the reason I established the Discord server. While it may work, sometimes people will drop off the grid entirely and if that happens to someone really important, there's a big problem and deadlock is reestablished.

The second one is having a 'designated writer'. Like Drake said, having someone else able to write for you might be able to resolve some of the issues regarding off-grid-dropping. However, I personally wouldn't feel confident writing for most other people (I worked up a cold sweat publishing the one Taya post, and I know the quality isn't as good as Drake's other posts), and delegating everything to the better writers (not to be writerist) might overwork them or something.

I had a third idea but it was stupid.

I don't know if it's possible to keep this RP together without some method of keeping people here. Unfortunately.

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Halefyre coming in here made me think of something.

In situations when we are waiting on someone to move the main story along, would it be possible, reasonable, fun to have separate side stories going on? With WHiO, there were different cities. It wasn't just Portland. Now, I'm not suggesting a What Happened in Calgary, but perhaps little slice of life stories that are happening in the background, allowing us to introduce characters we are itching to write but don't have a good way of introducing to the main thread.

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39 minutes ago, Hemalurgic Headshot said:

Halefyre coming in here made me think of something.

In situations when we are waiting on someone to move the main story along, would it be possible, reasonable, fun to have separate side stories going on? With WHiO, there were different cities. It wasn't just Portland. Now, I'm not suggesting a What Happened in Calgary, but perhaps little slice of life stories that are happening in the background, allowing us to introduce characters we are itching to write but don't have a good way of introducing to the main thread.

Yes. Very yes. This is basically what I was hoping for (although it also isn’t the only option).

I was already planning on doing something a lot like this after Epoch dies regardless, since a bunch of shorter character vignetted would be much more flexible and it would just flesh out the setting a whole lot.

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2 hours ago, Hemalurgic Headshot said:

Halefyre coming in here made me think of something.

In situations when we are waiting on someone to move the main story along, would it be possible, reasonable, fun to have separate side stories going on? With WHiO, there were different cities. It wasn't just Portland. Now, I'm not suggesting a What Happened in Calgary, but perhaps little slice of life stories that are happening in the background, allowing us to introduce characters we are itching to write but don't have a good way of introducing to the main thread.

I'd be totally down to do this. Might actually try out a couple of ideas tonight. What should we call the new thread?

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I might start some things.

I think this thread should be fairly inclusive in what it allows. One-off things in no particular order, alongside scenes with people RPing together. I would further say that writing multiple points in a characters timeline at once should be allowed, because while maybe a bit confusing (maybe give a date/time heading to posts if you choose to do that), it makes it much more flexible what people can do while one of their characters is already tied up by an ongoing scene.

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