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Lena strolled through the city and asked after the place Alask had mentioned, after the man he wanted to work for. It took her a while, but finally she found him as part of a group, carrying corpses next to a pit. Well, if he felt like doing it.

"Hey Alask. I've got something for you. And for your friend, too."

she called out to him, and walked over.

@I think I am here.

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Lena handed them each a bag with their share. She didn't mention that she had hidden a bottle of the paralyzing poison deep down between Alask's chrysts. It didn't feel right but at the same time nobody ever thanked her for poisoning them before. So she had added an instruction and hid it in the bag.

"Here you are. Your share."


We got 100.000, were six thieves, it's a lot ;)

@I think I am here.


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Laonin stood up and rested his arm on the shovel. This was tough work, as expected. But it felt good. Working the body helped to clear the mind, and that was something he needed right now. Deciding the hole was large enough, he walked over to one of the corpses that hadn't been taken care of yet, and searched the pockets. He pulled out some cigarettes and a book of matches. It had the logo for a local shop on it. 

"Hey, any of you know where this place is? It says it's the best place to shop in the Alleycity. Maybe they'll know where these guys came from." As he said this he held the matches up and showed them to everyone.

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Aeodin shook his head and said, "No, I've never heard of that place.  I havn't spent much time around alleycity, much less gone shopping."  He finished dragging the final body to the hole, and his muscles shrank down, and his robes sagged on his slight frame.  He suddenly looked rather deflated.  He stepped to the side and sat down.

 An instant later, a shaft of light appeared in the air.  It widened, and opened to reveal a dark landscape behind.  A short man stepped through, and it winked shut behind him.  He looked around, regarding the scene.  He then turned to Aeodin, who had stood up, and was apparently waiting for the newcomer to speak.  "It's time," said Galvris.

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“Thanks,” Alask said, taking the money and jogging back to Laonin. Now he had the money and the materials, all from a simple theft. It wasn’t unethical if nobody knew about it, right?

But, you did leave around thirty corpses in Alleyzon, not to mention everyone who died on the plane. 

But Alask shut that thought out. Arriving to Laonin, he hid the money pouch and leaned over. He could help with this.

“So, there’s three prominent places to shop,” he said. “The Craftsmen, Alleyzon, and the Metalurgy and Investiture sale. I don’t know which one it is, but it’s definitely between those three, I think.”

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22 hours ago, Karnatheon said:

"I've heard of the Craftsmen and Alleyzon, but what's the Metallurgy and Investiture sale?" Laonin asked, looking the match book over for further clues.

@I think I am here.

Seeing Nekorb run off, Alask tried thinking of how to explain the Metallurgy and Investiture sale.

“It was sort of a mall for items of Investiture,” he said. “Definitely one of the more commercialised shopping places. It’s quite old, and it hasn’t been used all that often lately, but maybe that’s to be inconspicuous.”

He looked at the match book. Where could it have come from?

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2 hours ago, Karnatheon said:

"Well, has it been abandoned? Or just less frequented? If it's abandoned it could be where the gang was operating out of." Laonin said, as he began to bury the bodies.

“I mean,” Alask tried thinking of what he knew of the Sale. He hadn’t really heard news of anything being bought from there anymore.

He remembered the days where he’d been a petty thief, because no company would accept a Shade into their vicinity. The last time he’d tried breaking into the place, there hadn’t been anyone. It was as good as abandoned. But that was years and years ago. Who knew what could’ve happened to it in that time?

“Abandoned, I would say,” Alask finished, then considered whether he wanted to lay down all his cards. “You’re right when you say it would make a good base of operations,” he said. “And... if we’re going to meet them at the base, I happen to know extensive knowledge about security systems in that place. From last time I was there, anyway.”

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Laonin listened to Alask's explanation. It seemed he knew more than he wanted to say, but he was still providing useful information, so Laonin wouldn't push him. Laonin knew what it was like to have a past you weren't proud of. "That's very good to hear. Maybe we should head in that direction so we can check it out. Unless anyone needs to rest first? I know I'm feeling weary but I'd rather finish it now if that works for everyone."

@I think I am here.


Is the sale an existing thread somewhere? Or is it somewhere you just came up with?


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No, there's a real thread. It's just old, by which I mean you can find it on the 4th page. But I've linked it below.

What I'm not sure is whether posting in it would be considered a serious necro. I know from things like the Alleybar that threads have been necroed for reasons relevant to the plot and that's an alright thing to do, but since its around 2 months old (wow!) which is pretty old, I'm not sure whether you want to use that thread, or not.

Hearing Laonin, Alask quickly checked himself. Was he tired? After a sleepless night of heisting a shipping container, fighting a Dakhor gang and turning into a Shade thrice in 6 hours (his new record), yes. He was completely exhausted. But, every time he thought of how tired he was, he reminded himself of how much worse it would be for those without homes. He looked towards Laonin's direction silently. The man looked about as weary as he said he was. But did that stop him? Alask wouldn't let it stop him either.

Squeezing his eyes shut and then opening them again, Alask stood up, stifled a yawn, and stretched his back. Shade, he thought slowly. This communication-with-a-very-deadly-monster thing was going to take some getting used to. You tired? The Shade merely hummed irritably. Um, I'll promise to get you a blood-shedder later? Was he seriously making a promise with a spiritual parasite? It seemed to work however, and the hum subsided.

Looking back up, Alask kept down another yawn and spoke up. "I'm fine with heading in that direction," he said.

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1 hour ago, Ark1002 said:

It isn't considered a necro with RP threads if you plan to use them. Per Chaos's rules, those type of threads can be revived..


Also given that this is a subforum, we don't have to worry about necro's as much.


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Alask and Nekorb arrived back with a huge shipment of building materials, some Dakhor gangsters kidnapped some civilians and attacked, which we fought off. Now, now their hideout is some sort of shop because of an item they let behind. We theorise it is the Metallurgy and Investigure sale and we want to go there now to get the people. Now, Laonin is asking people whether they want to go or stay and rest, so far only Alask has responded (he wants to go).


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