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The Metamorphosis: Rise of Villainry

Lord Meeker

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1 hour ago, AxeliustheGreat said:

“Yeah, I can see why,” Tena quipped dryly. “You look like a vampire, dear.” Lenare made a face at his shirt, which was a Calvin & Hobbes/Firefly crossover. His pants were the usual; loose khakis. Tena thought he looked fine, if slightly like a teenager going to a concert, but Lenare would no doubt think he was being disrespectful. 

Tena straightened her cuff, then her bow tie (she loved bow ties). She kissed Ani on the cheek and smiled at him, feeling a now-familiar sense of love for him. His eyes... his eyes were so beautiful, and his face was lovely, and she loved him for all of those reasons, and more. She closed her eyes as she rested her head on his arm, that feeling of calm in her chest expanding.

@Ark1002 @Sorana @I think I am here.

A vampire. A storming vampire. Well, maybe he was a vampire. "Ves, ves, I am vere to suck your blood." He chuckled, looking down on her. How the hell did she manage to make him feel so good? She was beautiful, intelligent, athletic. But even past that, she was kind, and for someone like him, that was a big deal. Rusts, where did that one come from? He kissed her forehead. Yes, he felt good. Really good. He was at a wedding, he was the luckiest man alive, and- humans have magic. Luckiest man alive. Allomancy. Feruchemy.  He looked at the bracelet he had worn since he had awoken. And pulled something in. "I... have magic..." he smiled, and flipped a coin. It landed on the edge, perfectly balanced.

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“Oh, right,” Tena said, opening one eye to look at the coin. “You’re a chromium Compounder. Infinite luck. So, yeah, you’re the luckiest man alive. Two different ways. Metallic Arts and me.” She paused. “And then chaos theory broke. Here you are, flipping coins and getting whatever outcome you want. You could get as much money as you wanted, with betting, I mean. Imagine that.” She closed her eyes again and sighed quietly, humming to herself.


Edited by AxeliustheGreat
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Smiling, Max saw as the guests entered, and slowly he walked to the altar. In addition to his Rioting, he’d found some Ghostblood underlings and paid them enough coin to run around to invite people.

As he stood on the Altar, he looked to Althea, smiling. Should we start now? He asked.

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A short, well groomed man in a suit walked in. He looked at the building, admiring the architecture. This place was not only built to last, but built to impress.

He looked at the people gathered for such an event. He didn't know the couple in question, but times of joy were rare in this life, and he intended to partake in them while they lasted. He knew how quickly joy could transition to tragedy. 

Finding himself a seat, he say down and began waiting for the festivities to begin.

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4 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

Smiling, Max saw as the guests entered, and slowly he walked to the altar. In addition to his Rioting, he’d found some Ghostblood underlings and paid them enough coin to run around to invite people.

As he stood on the Altar, he looked to Althea, smiling. Should we start now? He asked.

She followed Max, still smiling, took his hand as soon as she stood next to him. The answer of the priest was... unstatisfying at least, but Max seemed to be alright with it and so she kept quiet, not wanting to destroy the mood again.

Her fingers tightened softly around his as she nodded.

"Yes. I'm ready."

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“We can begin now."

Nervously Althea turned towards the priest. She felt lightheaded and she was so happy she couldn't describe it. This was her wedding day. And she felt like she stumbeled inside a romance novel, like this was a story she was participating in. And yet it was real. It was real. Her love stood next to her, had chosen her, wanted to marry her too, his hand warm in hers, and she held on to it, couldn't imagine to let him go again. She had no idea what ceremony the priest had planed, what she was supposed to do, and somehow it didn't matter. She would marry Max. And the rest would sort itself out.

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The priest stood at the altar. "We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision 
to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly 
declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this 
commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, 
companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in 
which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish. 

Priest didn't stop to pause. Rather he rambled on in an unexpected lively tone.

Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and 
to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly 
care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand 
together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all 
the days of your lives?"

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Mac sat in the back and carefully pulled a spike out of his suit and idly wedged it in between his ribs. Now he could croak like a frog, and chirp like cricket. AT THE SAME TIME! How exciting. 

Refocusing back on the wedding, Mac looked around the audience. If something was going to go wrong, now was the time that it was going to happen. Very rarely did people interfere after this moment. He drew on a little sliver of the one power, ready to react should anyone try to stop the ceremony.

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Anthony watched intently. He wanted to marry Tena someday, he knew. If the man, who's name he had discovered was Max, did this right, he would have an example. If he screwed up... well, he'd have an example of what not to do. He grinned at Tena. This whole affair was interesting. Since he had Awoke, he had been in a burning city surrounded by corpses, in someone's house, in a fight, on a date, and at a wedding. Yes, it was strange. He turned his attention back to the wedding. 

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4 hours ago, Lord Meeker said:

Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and 
to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly 
care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand 
together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all 
the days of your lives?"

Max listened to the priest speak, surprised by how enthusiastic the man was. He took in the moment, the audience, Althea. Everything was going perfectly. He was being married to the love of his life. His feelings raged like a whirlwind, and he could feel his breaths become deeper and irregular. This was it. And of course, the whole time he couldn't stop smiling.

Caught up in his own thoughts, Max listened to the priest finishing, asking whether they pledged to care for each other, to stand together, to cherish each other, and no part of Max couldn't say yes, that he did to do all of those things and more, for his love. Althea.

Feeling her hand in his, he looked up at her, and time seemed to stop.

"I do."

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Ciera looked up from her idle stacking of Power orbs, and stared at the couple, waiting for something to go wrong. Something always did.


Dwig absently held out his hand to summon Pureblade, eyes locked onto the altar. His heartbeats sounded loudly inside his head. One.


Rick shifted his position slightly, making it easier for him to cover the door if a fight broke out. He ran his eyes over the various guests, attempting to single out a threat.

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On 1 January 2019 at 3:27 AM, xinoehp512 said:

Hey! What do you think of temporarily resurrecting Mara for the ceremony?


Hello! It's a good idea, but I think it could potentially cause more of a distraction, especially if Max sees her, and then a lot of questions and things like that would follow at seeing his resurrected dead sister.


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7 hours ago, Lord Meeker said:

Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and 
to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly 
care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand 
together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all 
the days of your lives?"

Althea listened to the priest, smiling the whole time, not letting go of Max hand. They had already walked through so much together, she could barely believe that they had reached this point alive.

Max looked at her and it was the love in his eyes, the warmth, that touched her more deeply than any words of the stranger ever could. He loved her. He really loved her. She tried to memorize this moment, every detail and somehow knew, that it would all blurr apart from the most important fact: They were getting married.

A tear escaped her eye and she wiped it away with her free hand, embarressed by the fact that she was about to cry like one of those women in the books. Another tear rolled down her cheek and she forced the rest of them back, remembered that they weren't alone.

She smiled at Max, met his eyes with her own, forgot about everything around them, about those observing them. This was about them, this was their story. Max spoke the two words, pledged himself to her, not hesitating, not even the smallest sign of doubt in his eyes.

"I do."

She said softly, the words her fourth important oath in her life, and easily the most joyful of them.



My 2000th post :lol:

Regarding Mara: For me that's something Itiah should decide, so I'll go along with his answer.


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