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What Shardic Intent Would You Be?


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So I was listening to a great NPR show the other day with guest Brene Brown. At one point she was talking about Core Values. That got me thinking about what my core values would be and I thought that they sounded a lot like Shardic Intents. So here is a list she has of different values. Some of them don’t really seem like Intents much and of course it isn’t a comprehensive list. http://www.balancingwell.com/uploads/2/2/0/6/22063438/exercise_valueslist.pdf

But if you Ascended to a Shard, what Intent would you want to have? And if you want to add what it would look like if you invested in a planet that could be fun too. 

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Understanding/Enlightenment. People trying to attain a higher truth and ascending to what they believe is enlightenment.

Of course things would go horribly wrong in the persuit of understanding. Inhumane and unethical experiments performed in the guise of true understanding. The external persuit.

There would be a sect of people finding peace within themselves, looking internally for understanding to counteract the external.

Sports would exist purely to explore physics and an understanding of how to make equipment better pr play the sport better but not enjoying it.

I envision the word to be somewhat sterile though as rationality has struggled power away from empathy.

Edited by Onslaught
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I guess I’ll answer my own question now. I love how all of these have been about knowledge and learning so far. Things like that are my second choice. But if I were to pick right now an Intent it would be Compassion. I decided that if I were to invest in a world, the magic would manifest in ways that would be beneficial to helping others. And it would be a magic that anyone on the world could learn. Because what is more compassionate than teaching or giving someone the skills they need to take care of and better themselves? And if anyone in world created a religion based on me, its only tenant would be “Do Good.”

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I was originally going to go with empathy but I tried answering this from a storytelling POV. Like ruin, there is a need for things to be destroyed. It gives humanity something to overcome, to aspire to. The conflict of humanity is to see that compassion and empathy are they highest forms of understanding. Knowledge does not equal understanding.

My mantra would be use wisdom

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My planet would change, when you concentrate on something and therefore make it real. So it would be hard to discern between reality and imagination, which would be fine for me, because since I am Imagination I could create reality.

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1 hour ago, Sorana said:


My planet would change, when you concentrate on something and therefore make it real. So it would be hard to discern between reality and imagination, which would be fine for me, because since I am Imagination I could create reality.

Sounds trippy. Wonder what the Cognitive Realm would be like for a planet so mutable in response to the mind.

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Just now, Agent34 said:

Sounds trippy. Wonder what the Cognitive Realm would be like for a planet so mutable in response to the mind.

I think it would be pretty confusing.

As for those who live there: I thought that maybe there were some kinds of animals that specialize on creating their kind of food and others that prey on the investiture used to create that.

And then I thought, that since I am the Shard I could choose who to bestow my investiture on and therefore I could reduce the confusion by not bestowing everybody, but only a part. And maybe it would cost them a price, like in White Sand the catch about the water.

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6 hours ago, Sorana said:

I think it would be pretty confusing.

As for those who live there: I thought that maybe there were some kinds of animals that specialize on creating their kind of food and others that prey on the investiture used to create that.

And then I thought, that since I am the Shard I could choose who to bestow my investiture on and therefore I could reduce the confusion by not bestowing everybody, but only a part. And maybe it would cost them a price, like in White Sand the catch about the water.

Or just have Chimæra.

Your planet would be very entertaining, escpecially to newcomers. 

I thought of a few more Shards for me. Determination, compassion or Social Awkwardness.

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