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7 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Just obtain some Bronze compounding. Though that might actually put you over the point count. But, it definitely works. I have a character who’s entire underpinning is this refusal to sleep due to nightmares.

The side effects are hardcore though XD

The funny thing about the side effects of C-bronze savantism is that the worst part is not the fact that not tapping bronze will give you acute narcolepsy but the fact that F-bronze itself sucks and will give you psychoses if used wrong, or kill you

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2 minutes ago, mathiau said:

The funny thing about the side effects of C-bronze savantism is that the worst part is not the fact that not tapping bronze will give you acute narcolepsy but the fact that F-bronze itself sucks and will give you psychoses if used wrong, or kill you

Oh yeah the mental fracture is real :P

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(For anyone not following, F-Bronze doesn't actually remove the need to sleep, it push it back. When you stop tapping it you get into the same sleep-deprived state you'd have been in if you had not tapped bronze (and had survived).)

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53 minutes ago, Chaoslink said:

Hello, I would want to start a new Character. I absolutely love the SA, but haven’t read Mistborn etc. Is that still ok? 

It absolutely is. There are probably some spoiler-y things regarding Mistborn here but more along the lines of magic system than canon plot. We don’t really do any canon tie ins here aside from offhand mentions of things. So if you don’t mind learning about Allomancy, Feruchemy, and (highly relevant) Hemalurgy outside of a canon context, you should be fine. 

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End of Era discussion

Hello again. Double posting because why not, this topic is important and deserves a new post. 

So, it’s been a very sleepy Era and slow going which is just fine, but we should really wrap it up so we can deal with all the wonderful horrible consequences of this plot in a new Era. Woo! Misery, baked goods, lots of tension - I’m excited already.

Large plot elements will need to be wrapped up by myself, the illustrious @Voidus and the formidable @Fatebreaker as far as I can tell. I propose we end this Era and start a new on on or around All Hallows’ Eve aka October 31. That gives us all a month and a half or so to plot, type, and weep collective cathartic tears. However, I’m open to suggestions for other dates. This one just seemed appropriate because I’m a self indulgent dark academia fan. :P 

Also a plug for our Discord server where you can RP short-form dialogue/interactions as a continuation of a larger long form scene here! And if you want to revel in some language, violence, or other fun activities that aren’t permitted on this forum, feel free! Channels are sorted as such and if you want a role, just ask. We exist to enable you, whatever that looks like: heroism, villainy, or [redacted]. ;) B)


Edited by ZincAboutIt
Added Discord hyperlink because I can Internet
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7 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

End of Era discussion

Hello again. Double posting because why not, this topic is important and deserves a new post. 

So, it’s been a very sleepy Era and slow going which is just fine, but we should really wrap it up so we can deal with all the wonderful horrible consequences of this plot in a new Era. Woo! Misery, baked goods, lots of tension - I’m excited already.

Large plot elements will need to be wrapped up by myself, the illustrious @Voidus and the formidable @Fatebreaker as far as I can tell. I propose we end this Era and start a new on on or around All Hallows’ Eve aka October 31. That gives us all a month and a half or so to plot, type, and weep collective cathartic tears. However, I’m open to suggestions for other dates. This one just seemed appropriate because I’m a self indulgent dark academia fan. :P 

Also a plug for our Discord server where you can RP short-form dialogue/interactions as a continuation of a larger long form scene here! And if you want to revel in some language, violence, or other fun activities that aren’t permitted on this forum, feel free! Channels are sorted as such and if you want a role, just ask. We exist to enable you, whatever that looks like: heroism, villainy, or [redacted]. ;) B)


I think this is a great idea, I think putting a hard date on things will probably help things move quicker. That said, its an easy thing for me to say that things should wrap up quick because I don't have any scenes on going. Personally, I don't want to be insensitive toward those who both have busier lives then me and have been carrying the era on their backs, that said, an ending date would likely help I think?

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4 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

Personally, I don't want to be insensitive toward those who both have busier lives then me and have been carrying the era on their backs, that said, an ending date would likely help I think?

Yes, as I said I’m more than happy to stretch the date further out if needed. But a hard end seems rather necessary at this point. And as I’m due with my second baby around Christmas, I would (selfishly) like to at least get the new Era rolling before I get much more tired and partially insane. Though this may in fact elicit a more in-character portrayal of Vivica so hey - win win. :P 

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2 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

End of Era discussion

Hello again. Double posting because why not, this topic is important and deserves a new post. 

So, it’s been a very sleepy Era and slow going which is just fine, but we should really wrap it up so we can deal with all the wonderful horrible consequences of this plot in a new Era. Woo! Misery, baked goods, lots of tension - I’m excited already.

Large plot elements will need to be wrapped up by myself, the illustrious @Voidus and the formidable @Fatebreaker as far as I can tell. I propose we end this Era and start a new on on or around All Hallows’ Eve aka October 31. That gives us all a month and a half or so to plot, type, and weep collective cathartic tears. However, I’m open to suggestions for other dates. This one just seemed appropriate because I’m a self indulgent dark academia fan. :P 

Also a plug for our Discord server where you can RP short-form dialogue/interactions as a continuation of a larger long form scene here! And if you want to revel in some language, violence, or other fun activities that aren’t permitted on this forum, feel free! Channels are sorted as such and if you want a role, just ask. We exist to enable you, whatever that looks like: heroism, villainy, or [redacted]. ;) B)


to clarify, what will be the main effects of ending an era?

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1 hour ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

to clarify, what will be the main effects of ending an era?

So, the main effects of this particular Era end are going to be more nebulous and individual-specific than most Eras. Since the Forgery timeline will fracture and then revert to the normal one, your characters’ responses can be wildly different. Perhaps they totally forget what happened during the Forgery. Maybe they remember everything and can’t process the idea of living another life. Maybe somewhere in the middle. If someone altered their character during the Forgery, they might keep some changes, or scrap them totally, when the timeline resets. A character who dies in the Forgery can come back or stay dead. Basically, it’s somewhat of a choose your own adventure type thing. 

If your character entered the AV during this Forged timeline you have an interesting opportunity to decide how that affects their mind. If you want to abandon a character, you can leave them in the Forgery and effectively kill them off, making them part of the decoration of the false world.

In terms of wider AV effects of the Forgery, we don’t have a clear setup for next era’s main conflict. Someone had suggested an instability in the Alleys due to too much deific meddling. I like this idea and it can go lots of ways. But the main consequences of this Era end will be the lasting impact of being brainwashed repeatedly for an indeterminate amount of time and then shoved back into your old life. Some will handle it better than others. Some won’t be able to handle it at all. It’s your choice! 

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6 minutes ago, Voidus said:

We will probably want to start talking seriously about the big next era changes at the start of the month to give time to discuss and start foreshadowing things.

Yes, agreed. We could even start talking now, honestly. It might take a bit to gather any stragglers who want to chime in on the next era.

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43 minutes ago, Chaoslink said:

Could someone please sum me up the current plot? Thanks!

In addition to this summary, you have a few newer plot points to consider.

1. Voidus has been given a hemalurgic spike copper earring (basically in this case it gives him a piece of someone’s mind) that has connected him to an eldtritch god that is starting to fracture his sanity. The insanity previously belonged to his friend Vivica, who killed herself in an effort to help break his mind and free him from the false reality. She is now wandering the cognitive realm looking for him. 

2. The Stranger has realized his initial world Forgery has some fatal flaws. He seeks to remedy them by completely eradicating everyone’s connection to their previous life, making resetting the world impossible. He is currently in progress for making this happen.

3. Voidus’s daughter Laurelai and her friend/colleague Lita are working on unraveling the strange occurrences in the city as their old memories increasingly return to them.

4. A mysterious location known as the Chapel of Rain holds all the knowledge in the universe but at a terrible price. Both Voidus and his daughter are increasingly drawn to this place after touching the water once before. Does it hold the answers to their questions, or only sorrow and horror?

5. The citizens of Alleycity continue to move through life as they believe they always have, though continued mental fragmentation and physical turmoil (earthquakes) shake the once-tranquil false utopia.

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