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Sanderson Fan First or Jordan Fan First?



192 members have voted

  1. 1. Were you a Brandon Sanderson first, or were you a Robert Jordan fan first?

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Brandon Sanderson fan first.

For me, WoT always was that huge series of books that stood on a shelf in the bookshop. Too many... (even more than usual, some of them were cut in half in Spanish), and never felt the slightest desire to read them. But then, when I became over-obsessed with Brandon Sanderson, and started to read everything I could found that had been written by him, I realized I would have to read the entire WoT series first if I wanted to read the last three books.

So I went hunting for the first book in the series in English... and I found the second, the third, the fourth... well, all but the first. It took me almost a month, actually.

And I read... the first five pages.

I don't know why, because I can't really say if I like it or not with that. It's like if I had an innate dislike for that series, or maybe that I feel that it will take too long to finally get to the ones Brandon is writing. And I know that's stupid, because I'll probably won't be able to put them down as soon as I have read the first 50 pages or so, but...

Sometimes this makes no sense XD.

Edited by Alliare
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I respectfully, and forcefully disagree! Brandon has done a fantastic job taking on the near impossible task of finishing The Wheel of Time, but Robert Jordan was infinitely better, after all it was his world. Nobody can match Jordan in his own world with his own characters, that's not to say he was a better writer than Brandon, just that he was better at writing The Wheel of Time, after all it is his creation.

I think the perception that Brandon is doing better than RJ is because of the slowdown followed by Brandon's steamrollery

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So I went hunting for the first book in the series in English... and I found the second, the third, the fourth... well, all but the first. It took me almost a month, actually.

And I read... the first five pages.

I don't know why, because I can't really say if I like it or not with that. It's like if I had an innate dislike for that series, or maybe that I feel that it will take too long to finally get to the ones Brandon is writing. And I know that's stupid, because I'll probably won't be able to put them down as soon as I have read the first 50 pages or so, but...

Sometimes this makes no sense XD.

I can see this. Epic fantasy - especially the first book of an epic fantasy series - tends to get off to a bit of a slow start, and Wheel of Time is no exception. I can reassure you, though, that things will get exciting relatively quickly after where you are. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Jordan fan first due to my age and that there were no Brandon Sanderson books in the uk at the time.

Found out about Brandon finishing WOT and managed to but the first Mistborn book in Amsterdam and was blown away by it , a book I literally couldn't put down.

For me there are five great Fantasy writers, Jordon, Sanderson, Martin, Erikson, Tolkein and for light relief Pratchett

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jordan first, got mistborn trilogy as a present and took over a month before i decided i could be bothered to try it (might never have happened if i did have an 8 hour train journey between uni and home and a distinct lack of things to do without internet! lol). kinda glad i did tho xD wok has replaced eye of the world as my new favourite book xD

unfortunately i shall regret that day, when i finally picked up and read mistborn, for many years. if only i waited longer i wouldnt be sat here knowing its going to be sooo long before another book comes that will let me in a little more on the greater story :/ why must a great series take years to write and days to read :/ what an unbearable ratio!

still this site now occupies far more of my time then i ever expected :/ never been on a book forum before this xD and what better books to have a forum on! makes it slightly easier to cope knowing even if i cant read more yet i can at least read people talking about it more!lol

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I was reading Wheel of Time before Elantris even came out, so I have to vote as a Jordan fan first. However, I didn't make the move over to being a Sanderson fan from the WoT. I actually found Sanderson through Howard Tayler of www.schlockmercenary.com and the Writing Excuses podcast and became a fan that way.

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I only recently read Eye of the World...

Definitely a Sanderson fan 1st! The only reason I'm starting the WoT books is because Brandon is now finishing them... I never wanted to start them since i wasn't convinced that Robert Jordan would finish them, and I hate having an unfinished story!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, I wanted to read Sanderson first, but I found WoT and read them in about 2 weeks while I was still trying to get my hands on Mistborn (all 3), I ended up borrowing it off my mate after he finished with it. I definitely prefer Sandersons writing though, but this confusion makes it difficult to know how to vote :P

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I'm with CrazyRioter. I was definitely a Jordan fan first, but now I'm a much bigger fan of Brandon's. That fateful announcement is what brought him to my attention too. After I read Elantris I thought "ok, I can kinda see why they chose him". However, after reading two chapters of Misborn, I knew why they chose him.

(BTW, Jordan did do some Conan books. Conan the Destroyer is my favorite)

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I was definately a Robert Jordan fan first, just because he was around first. Then I kind of loss interest in him after Path of Daggers. I saw Elantris, but didn't pick it up until I head that Brandon had been tapped to finish WoT. Now I have to admit that I am a much bigger Sanderson fan that I ever was of Jordan. His stories are much better and more varied than Jordan. Have to admit I am kind of bummed that he is finishing WoT, because I would much rather he work on Stormlight archives or another Mistborn.

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Guest Galavantes

Yup, also an RJ fan first. Mainly because he was around first. But now I've read everything that Brandon has written (or at least everything he'll let some poor random schmuck like me read)

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Something quite funny happened to me when discovering both of them. A friend of mine was reading Elantris in class and a picked up the book, read the back and inside front covers, then went to the library to chack it out. Didn't realize there were more books by the same author because my library only had Elantris and Warbreaker and that was checked out. Later that year, I picked up The Eye of the World and read it. I thought it was a great stand alone book. Then another of my friends commented to me when I was reading The Eye of the World, that there were other books in that series. I immediatly chacked them out and still didn't make the connection between Elantris and the last couple books of the Wheel of Time. Only this summer I realized Brandon Sanderson had writen more books and I finished them all as soon as I got them. I put myself as Robert Jordan fan because I found the Wheel of Time series before I realized that Brandon Sanderson had writen more.

Edited by Tulir
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  • 4 weeks later...

I was a Robert Jordan fan first, I randomly picked up The Eye of the World from my library and was hooked, this was when I was in secondary school (I'm not sure what that equates to in the US). I got my Librarian (non-orangutan) into it and we both started reading through them. Unfortunately the books just got too all-over-the-place for me and I was getting annoyed reading so many PoV that weren't particularly relevant (IMO). I also randomly picked up Mistborn: Final Empire in my library a few years later, which got me into Brandon Sanderson. To be honest it was only as I read through the first Mistborn trilogy that I slowly became aware of Brandon Sanderson, i tend to pay more attention to a book's name than its author :D.

Also, my vote puts it at 64 votes RJ : 32 votes BS

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Sanderson fan first, all the way! I grabbed Way of Kings in my library because of sheer volume, read it and loved it. I caught some grander undertones in the whole 3 of 16 gods thing, did some research and found all the cosmere books published, and ended up reading them in reverse (Warbreaker, Mistborn, & then Elantris). I heard about Wheel of Time because Brandon was finishing it so I gave it a shot. I did my best and read the first 2, but when I got to the Dragon Reborn I just couldn't go on. I kept forgetting which Child of Light was which and I gave up. I'm trying one more time, because Stormlight 2 is so far away, and I'm about halfway through New Spring. Here's hoping I make it.

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I'm too old to have found Sanderson First, not that I'm all that old, but I've been reading adult fantasy since well before Brandon was published. I was bound to find The Wheel of Time First. That said, I heard Sanderson was picking up the series, read The Gathering Storm and immediately felt it revived a series that had been SEVERELY lacking for several books(The ending of Book 9 and 11 aside.) When I had some time I picked up Elantris. I was quite disappointed. I didn't much like it. Then I started my own writing, heard The Way of Kings was awesome from pat Rothfuss, came across Sanderson's law, and decided to give Brandon another try. I read Mistborn and enjoyed the first book a ton. The second book didn't really catch my attention very well although that might have been the fact I read it way too slowly because I was working a ton, writing a ton, and really only managed a few pages a day. The third book sold me completely. Then I devoured The Way of Kings. Kaladin did something I thought impossible. I found a character I like more than Mat Cauthon that isn't Harry Dresden. Eventually I found myself here looking up info on the Mistborn RPG, which is great.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I had heard of Robert Jordan first, because my older brother started reading the WoT series in the early '90s. I, on the other hand, didn't pick up a Jordan book until after I read the Mistborn Trilogy just last year. And though Jordan was a great author, I found that Sanderson's style was more appealing to me.

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Sanderson fan first, all the way! I grabbed Way of Kings in my library because of sheer volume, read it and loved it. I caught some grander undertones in the whole 3 of 16 gods thing, did some research and found all the cosmere books published, and ended up reading them in reverse (Warbreaker, Mistborn, & then Elantris). I heard about Wheel of Time because Brandon was finishing it so I gave it a shot. I did my best and read the first 2, but when I got to the Dragon Reborn I just couldn't go on. I kept forgetting which Child of Light was which and I gave up. I'm trying one more time, because Stormlight 2 is so far away, and I'm about halfway through New Spring. Here's hoping I make it.

The Wheel of Time is a VERY long series with MANY characters in it. It is easy to get lost. If you're dedicated to the series, you can look at wot.wikia.com and look up who the characters are if you forget.

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The Wheel of Time is a VERY long series with MANY characters in it. It is easy to get lost. If you're dedicated to the series, you can look at wot.wikia.com and look up who the characters are if you forget.

So true. I've given up on reading WoT until Memory of Light comes out. Then I will go back and read everything again. Hopefully things will make more sense then.

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