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The lack of singing in Scadrial, what's up with that?


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So last week when I was finishing the Bands of Mourning I started thinking "would Wayne be good at singing too?" since he's so good at accents and likes to whistle. I thought about it a bit further and realized that he has indeed done accents, whistled, and even hummed, but never actually sang. Does he not like singing for some reason? I believe he would be able to sing at least on some decent level since singing is, to some extend, possible to learn by practising despite the voice you have.

Then I started thinking back to the first trilogy, there were balls with dance and music but no singing. I could understand if the Lord Ruler had forbidden singing for some weird reason, but then again, wouldn't people like Kell then go against it and sing just because? Even if singing was "forgotten" it wouldn't be difficult to "rediscover" since it's more or less something anyone can do. Is there a reason why no one is singing even though music and dancing and even humming is a thing?

I haven't yet read enough other Sanderson's works to know whether it's a common thing in his books or just in the world of Mistborn... 

Anyway, the original question I had in mind that branched into this wider thought process was: Does Wayne like to sing? What do you all think? I would love to either hear him sing or hear a reason for why he doesn't sing in the last book of Wax and Wayne series. Maybe he did sing when he was younger but some girl laughed at him and he swore to never do it again?

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You bring up an interesting point. I can't remember any Cosmere scene involving people singing songs in a cultural context. Only instrumental music, as for ballroom dancing, much less Mistborn specific.

There are times in other Cosmere works when a certain "worldhopping" character does some expository saga-type singing, but it's either stuff of his own creation or stuff new to everyone listening. No examples of some people striking up and others joining in on a rousing barroom chorus of "The Lurcher And the Coinshot", a fiddle-rippin' stomp of "Ruin Went Down To Urteau", or a beggar/busker mournfully wailing "The Luthadel Skaa Blues" for clips.

Edited by robardin
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1 hour ago, robardin said:

You bring up an interesting point. I can't remember any Cosmere scene involving people singing songs in a cultural context. Only instrumental music, as for ballroom dancing, much less Mistborn specific.

Aside from, you know, the Singers :P

1 hour ago, robardin said:

There are times in other Cosmere works when a certain "worldhopping" character does some expository saga-type singing, but it's either stuff of his own creation or stuff new to everyone listening. No examples of some people striking up and others joining in on a rousing barroom chorus of "The Lurcher And the Coinshot", a fiddle-rippin' stomp of "Ruin Went Down To Urteau", or a beggar/busker mournfully wailing "The Luthadel Skaa Blues" for clips.



To the OP: I think it was was mostly going to be a result of the general dark tone in the first trilogy, at least on the level of common folk singing.  At the balls, a focus on instrumental music fits the period setting, where they were more intended as a background diversion or musical pieces to specific dances; makes sense that theyd rarely had singers as the main focus of attention unless they were showcasing specific talent or doing some sort of bardic tale.   For Wayne specifically, he's musical enough and gifted with his voice enough to be capable of singing, Im sure.  He's also a heavily damaged PTSD sufferer, so whistling might be his limit for his own reasons.  I doubt it's actually a cultural level thing, so I expect the incoming proliferation of Radio technology will help give vocalists more prominance. 

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I can't recall singing specifically in the Mistborn books, but some people do sing on-screen in Stormlight Archive. 

[Some specific but mundane Stormlight singing instances, so spoiler:]


One of the Bridge Four members is said to have a very fine voice. Dunny, if I remember correctly. And Jasnah asks Shallan to demonstrate her ability to sing.


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And Taravanginan has a smart day in OB and asks for a choir to sing outside his window.

Roshar sings, Scadrial doesn't so far, Threnody seems too dreary for anyone to do much of anything enjoyable, I assume Nalthis sings since one of the Heightnings grants perfect pitch, Sel is inconclusive, or at least I don't remember any instances of song there. Haven't seen enough of Drominad (First of the Sun) or Taldain (White Sand) to know either way.

Edited by Bigmikey357
Hid spoiler for Oathbringer
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17 hours ago, Quantus said:

To the OP: I think it was was mostly going to be a result of the general dark tone in the first trilogy, at least on the level of common folk singing.

For Wayne specifically, he's musical enough and gifted with his voice enough to be capable of singing, Im sure.  He's also a heavily damaged PTSD sufferer, so whistling might be his limit for his own reasons.  I doubt it's actually a cultural level thing, so I expect the incoming proliferation of Radio technology will help give vocalists more prominance. 

That's a good point. I also started wondering that maybe there were songs before TLR took control but were destroyed and forgotten like all the religions were. I think there could've been a Keeper specialized in songs but who got killed before passing on the copperminds... And I had completely forgotten the mention of Radio technology! If that doesn't give us some singing in Scadrial then there has to be something wrong:'D And I have to agree with your statement about Wayne... Maybe whistling and humming is distracting enough for him but straight out singing, even with soft voice, would be too much.

15 hours ago, Corax said:

[Some specific but mundane Stormlight singing instances, so spoiler:]

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One of the Bridge Four members is said to have a very fine voice. Dunny, if I remember correctly. And Jasnah asks Shallan to demonstrate her ability to sing.


I'm reading Way of Kings right now and got to page 100something last night, I did note the second occasion you mentioned and that made me think "well at least there IS some on-screen singing in Sanderson's books so it's not completely left out".

Also, I'm so happy to see this thread got so many interesting responses! I was afraid it would be too boring of a subject since it's not really a big topic for possible theories... :D 

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38 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

I think Brandon is saving tye singing for Mistborn Era 5, which will be called Les Misterables. 

If Mistborn becomes a musical I know few good songs.

A Disney Sing Along with Kelsier: Ready To Die by Andrew WK

Edited by Messydesk
Fixed the song title
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On 9/8/2018 at 6:31 AM, Toaster Retribution said:

I think Brandon is saving tye singing for Mistborn Era 5, which will be called Les Misterables. 


(Gavroche’s first verse from Look Down in Les Mis(t))

How do you do my name is Vin
These are my people here's my ash
Not much to look at, for these Skaa
Lord Ruler sure is a rusting chull
This is my school my Mistborn stadium
Here in the slums of Luthadel
We live off crumbs of tin and atium
Tough on the teeth but what the hell
Think you're poor, think you're free, follow me

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On 9/25/2018 at 0:12 PM, supersmith said:

When spook is talking to Durn the beggar in The Hero Of Ages, he talks about how he would have been a great singer if the Citizen hadn't banned singing. 

Not a singer, a musician, I think. Probably a drummer, considering how Spook notes the consistent and skillful beat Durn taps out.

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