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Kaladin's relationship



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  1. 1. Who will Kaladin end up with?

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You were the one who brought up the subject of cliché and instead of discussing calmly like a behaved adult, you just rant on how stupid I was to bring around examples to support my claim


Grow a thicker skin, dude.  You're just making stuff up and coming across incredibly self-righteous.  It hasn't been all sunshine and roses from your end either.  I said it was silly, and it is silly, to assign a cliche to one particular relationship, without admitting the inherent cliche in the other.  I didn't call you stupid.  Not even close.  




In my previous post, I was merely excusing myself for bringing about such an old example. You are the one who mentioned being in college recently, so I figured you may not have seen an old early 80s movie.


No.  Perhaps not.  You just assumed my ignorance of 80s pop-culture because of my age.  How quaint. 




You also fail to bring about new argumentation to support your claim. All you do if scream how other people's argumentation is bad without any additional support.


Because you casually ignored the textual evidence I supplied in the first place with my first post.  :rolleyes: I went fairly in-depth with it and I see no reason to argue where there was no further textual evidence.  All we've done outside of the text is overexercise a ridiculous amount of supposition to debate the merits of either relationship.  




You are the one who mention how you think one pairing is more cliche than the other.


Please point that out to me.  If I did, it wasn't my intention.  My point was that I personally found the cliche of Shallan/Adolin to be a bit boring.  It did nothing for me in story.  Can't fully explain why.  It just didn't.  I'm not required to like everything Sanderson did, and I didn't happen to like it and I think I've made my position clear on the why.




MadMartigan, I am sorry but your posts are really coming out as aggressive


If we drew the line more clearly between theory-based "shipping" and personal "shipping" there wouldn't be a problem.  But I have a problem with a circular argument revolving around assigning a brother/sister relationship to the pairing you don't like which EVERYONE always does when they don't like one pairing.  It's unoriginal.  If they don't become romantically involved, friends make for more sense than some sibling relationship.  I don't think that's what Shallan would really need anyway.



Anyway, I think the stance I'm going to take is that any possible love story or trope that you can conceive of has been done somehow, some way before.  The "Eww..that's just too cliche and trope-y" reasoning for shooting down someone else's shipping arguments probably should be dropped by all shippers, as it can be easily pointed at any ship and fired successfully.



Thank you again.  You said it far better than I, but that was the point I was trying to make when people's immediate dislike of Kaladin/Shallan is to assign it the "cliche label."  Look hard enough, you find a cliche anywhere.  Just because I can't find an example doesn't mean it doesn't exist or been used before.  I'm a picky reader and don't based my reading list on romance, otherwise I wouldn't be reading BS in the first place.  




Why do you (I mean everyone) think Shallan and Adolin will break up? 


The possibility exists, it isn't certain, like literally everything in story that BS hasn't himself written or admitted as canon, but it exists.  


I view it more as just growing up more.  Shallan now won't necessarily be Shallan in a week, two weeks, a month, a year.  Maybe she realizes she isn't quite compatible with Adolin and wants more than a pretty face with a noble and kind personality.  Maybe she wants to be challenged?  It appears she likes making quips back and forth when she expected a quip from Adolin after the chasm scene.  


Maybe Adolin meets someone else.  Maybe Shallan meets someone else.  Maybe romance hits the backburner entirely in SA.


Honestly, there is VERY LITTLE in the way of any of these characters thinking about the other character.  You could probably fit them all on two pages.  Maybe less.  Everything is still in an infantile stage.  Clearly Shallan, Kal, and Adolin will be separated for some measure of time.  Anything can and will happen.


Maybe I came off too aggressively because of how I viewed the textual support I found.  Maybe not.


People ask why I won't give leeway into their theories?  Well, I've yet to see the supporters of Shadolin admit to the possibilities that exist within Shallan/Kaladin. They don't have to like it.  I don't want them to.  But if I should see their side, maybe they should admit to the possibilities of my thoughts?


I honestly have no dog in this fight.  From a personal opinion, I thought reading Adolin/Shallan was a drag, mainly because BS really went overboard with Shallan's attraction to Adolin.  Literally, every thought is "my god, his face" ----> panties/shift/w/e wet. 


Hyperbolic much, yes, but it was just mind-numbingly cheesy imo. 

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Grow a thicker skin, dude.  You're just making stuff up and coming across incredibly self-righteous.  It hasn't been all sunshine and roses from your end either.  I said it was silly, and it is silly, to assign a cliche to one particular relationship, without admitting the inherent cliche in the other.  I didn't call you stupid.  Not even close.  



Listen, if you cannot go back, read yourself and see how aggressive you sound, then there is nothing more I have left to say to you. I thought perhaps you got carried away, perhaps you did not realize how other people interpreted your interventions. I never said you called me "stupid", however I did point out how the way you phrased you thoughts was aggressive. At least, it was to me.



No.  Perhaps not.  You just assumed my ignorance of 80s pop-culture because of my age.  How quaint. 



Yes. I assumed based on your supposed age you may not have seen a movie that played in the early 80s. I do not even know why you should be offended by this. If you were, then I am sorry for it was not my intention to offend you by this. I have older friends who keeps mentioning old movies from the 70s I have never heard of and yes I do shut them up quite often by claiming I was not born at the time. I did not even cross my mind it might be misinterpreted.



Thank you again.  You said it far better than I, but that was the point I was trying to make when people's immediate dislike of Kaladin/Shallan is to assign it the "cliche label."  Look hard enough, you find a cliche anywhere.  Just because I can't find an example doesn't mean it doesn't exist or been used before.  I'm a picky reader and don't based my reading list on romance, otherwise I wouldn't be reading BS in the first place.  


And I explicitly pointed out I could not find an example, but to please come forward if you had one, which you didn't. You just keep mentioning they exist and it is ill faith from my part to not find one.


  Well, I've yet to see the supporters of Shadolin admit to the possibilities that exist within Shallan/Kaladin. They don't have to like it.  I don't want them to.  But if I should see their side, maybe they should admit to the possibilities of my thoughts?


You are reading what you want of other people's posts. I have pointed out, on many occasions, on this post or other similar, how I thought Shallan/Kaladin was likely to happen. I have stated many times over I preferred Shallodin, but I could see it may not continue. I have hopes however that, even if Shallodin goes to hell in the next book, it might come back in the future for I do not believe Shalladin can last.


Now please, peace. Stop trying to get into a fight. Let's keep the discussion civilized.



Aaand he's the villain of the second five books  :ph34r:


Possibly :ph34r::(

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I suggest we move on to something more productive and on topic. Why do you (I mean everyone) think Shallan and Adolin will break up? He's quite smitten by her, I can't imagine him ending the relationship. Unless Balat sets on fire some of his clothes.

There's a few WoB that help to feed this thought, I think.



Q:  Please don't tell me you're going to do a love triangle between Adolin, Kaladin, and Shallan.

A:  [Phrased very carefully] I'm not a fan of the traditional love triangle. However, I am fond of conflict in relationships



Q:  What Jasnah did, in the first book, with Shallan in the alleyway. And what happened at the end of this book, between Adolin and the other character. Would you put them on the same level? Or would you say that what Adolin did was maybe a little bit darker?

A:  I would say that what Adolin did was less dark, personally. I would say that what Adolin did was something that needed to be done, that no one else was capable of doing.

Q:  Will it have any ramifications for him down the line? With how it was handled?

A:  Oh, there are definitely ramifications. How it's handled, there's lots of ramifications. And there are certain characters who would think that what he did is totally, totally, totally wrong.



I'm sure that most of us are familiar with those by now, but re-posting just in case haha.  So, anyway, Shallan could have enough of a problem with Adolin murdering Sadeas and his actions afterward, to create enough strain that they break apart.  Since we don't know what Adolin is going to do, it's hard to predict how plausible that really is.


Sanderson clearly plans on there being conflict in the Adolin/Shallan relationship.  And, although he said he doesn't like the traditional love triangle, he certainly laid out that framework.  An Adolin/Shallan break would allow for exploration of other options for both of them.  This would serve narrative purpose well (learning more about more characters, hopefully in interesting and amusing ways, woo!) and could also give greater depth to the relationship if they do end up together in the end.  After all, one of the key complaints that so many point out is that the thoughts towards each other that we see tend to be fairly superficial (even though I would argue that the actions are a fair bit deeper).  Sometimes you don't know why you like someone until you spend time away from them or with someone else, and you remember all the little things you miss.

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  Sometimes you don't know why you like someone until you spend time away from them or with someone else, and you remember all the little things you miss.


This is exactly what I hope will happen. They drift apart following scenarios 1, 2, 3, 4 or any other scenarios anyone can think of. However, they end up coming back together after much much much struggle... And we have a passionate kiss and a very tearful Kohlin family reunion :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: 

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Sanderson clearly plans on there being conflict in the Adolin/Shallan relationship.  And, although he said he doesn't like the traditional love triangle, he certainly laid out that framework.  An Adolin/Shallan break would allow for exploration of other options for both of them.  This would serve narrative purpose well (learning more about more characters, hopefully in interesting and amusing ways, woo!) and could also give greater depth to the relationship if they do end up together in the end.  After all, one of the key complaints that so many point out is that the thoughts towards each other that we see tend to be fairly superficial (even though I would argue that the actions are a fair bit deeper).  Sometimes you don't know why you like someone until you spend time away from them or with someone else, and you remember all the little things you miss.


Very well said.  Their breaking off (even if it is only for a time) is crucial for both their characters' development and the overarching story.  As for your last sentence, as a Shalladin shipper, I feel compelled to say instead something like "Yeah, vanilla ice cream is super great and all, until you try yourself some rocky road."  :rolleyes:



This is exactly what I hope will happen. They drift apart following scenarios 1, 2, 3, 4 or any other scenarios anyone can think of. However, they end up coming back together after much much much struggle... And we have a passionate kiss and a very tearful Kohlin family reunion :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


Again, only after her first love Kaladin dies a heroic death defeating Odium in an epic jazz flute duel.  I mean, Wit didn't give him that flute for nothing...


..... It was extremely crappy and I recalled watching it on December 26th on the Music Network :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:



hmmmmm...     :lol:



Also, a better example of a movie with a moody, bad tempered male lead butts heads with the female love interest at first:

Val Kilmer and Sorsha.


...this may or may not have been inspired by another forum member's handle...I can't be sure B)

Edited by DeployParachute
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Very well said.  Their breaking off (even if it is only for a time) is crucial for both their characters' development and the overarching story.  As for your last sentence, as a Shalladin shipper, I feel compelled to say instead something like "Yeah, vanilla ice cream is super great and all, until you try yourself some rocky road."  :rolleyes:


Also, a better example of a movie with a moody, bad tempered male lead butts heads with the female love interest at first:

Val Kilmer and Sorsha.


...this may or may not have been inspired by another forum member's handle...I can't be sure B)

Look, ice cream is delicious, no matter what the flavor.  Rocky road is very good, too, but the best is chocolate mocha almond fudge; that's just a fact.  And if you've never had any other kind of ice cream than chocolate mocha almond fudge, you can't appreciate just how good it is.  Or, to use your example of rocky road, we could say that if the only flavor of ice cream you have ever had is rocky road, then you can't appreciate just how good it is.


As far as obnoxious male lead and female lead butt heads, fight, and then eventually resolve their differences--man, like, almost every movie ever?  Star WarsPacific RimSpace BallsIron Man (to a degree).  One of the Lethal Weapon movies (I think 4?  the one with Rene Rousseau).  The Princess Bride utilizes this trope as well, but turns it around as spoilers.  Hell, even Frozen did this.  (Also, I love all of those movies I've mentioned, and have seen them all multiple times.)  Why?  Because it's effective and powerful, meaning that despite how often and prevalent its use, it's not cliché; it's a trope.  I may have digressed a bit; I got distracted about why we were talking about movies, so I'll just end it there hah.

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hmmmmm...     :lol:



Well.... We all have our dirty shameful secrets, now don't we? :ph34r: So yes, I will admit, that I, Maxal, a grown-up, watched a crappy teen movie playing on Much Music on a December 26th, on purpose. I had plenty of occasions to switch channels or go do something more worthwhile and I didn't :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:



As far as obnoxious male lead and female lead butt heads, fight, and then eventually resolve their differences--man, like, almost every movie ever?  Star WarsPacific RimSpace BallsIron Man (to a degree).  One of the Lethal Weapon movies (I think 4?  the one with Rene Rousseau).  The Princess Bride utilizes this trope as well, but turns it around as spoilers.  Hell, even Frozen did this.  (Also, I love all of those movies I've mentioned, and have seen them all multiple times.)  Why?  Because it's effective and powerful, meaning that despite how often and prevalent its use, it's not cliché; it's a trope.  I may have digressed a bit; I got distracted about why we were talking about movies, so I'll just end it there hah.


Spaceballs :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:  Dear old childhood memories! The French version went very low on first level humor, much to my young delight. And the ending where everyone becomes a prince still makes me laugh out loud. It makes me think of WoR ending: "I'm a Radiant, you are a Radiant, oh wait you too? and do not forget me...."


Star Wars :wub: :wub: :wub:  As a child, my sister and I would alternate between watching Star Wars or Indiana Jones on rainy days just so we could watch Harrison Ford :wub: :wub: :wub::ph34r:  I agree, the relationship between Han Solo and princess Leia do have some Kal/Shallan similarity. I don't know why I did not think of Star Wars in my previous post.


I agree these are effective, but somehow, I must admit it bothered me in WoR. Even the very first scene where Shallan and Kal meets had me on nerves... You know, the one with the boots? Not that I did not find it funny, it's just I thought to my head: "Oh no, please, do not put in the fighting only to become lovers couple in there, not with these two". I guess I just never liked that shipping and that was even before the courtship with Adolin (which I absolutely love, can I say it again :wub: ) started.

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Again, only after her first love Kaladin dies a heroic death defeating Odium in an epic jazz flute duel.  I mean, Wit didn't give him that flute for nothing...

hmmmmm...     :lol:


...this may or may not have been inspired by another forum member's handle...I can't be sure B)


Waiting for the day a writer has the balls to do a jazz off, flute style, to decide the fate of the world.


Kal better get cracking soon.  Rand started the pipes much earlier. 

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Waiting for the day a writer has the balls to do a jazz off, flute style, to decide the fate of the world.


Kal better get cracking soon.  Rand started the pipes much earlier. 


I am reasonably certain that's gonna happen at least once in the Kingkiller Chronicles. Just. Just look at Kvothe. It's gotta happen, the plot demands it!

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I am reasonably certain that's gonna happen at least once in the Kingkiller Chronicles. Just. Just look at Kvothe. It's gotta happen, the plot demands it!

Nnnnnno, he said flute jazz-off not lute  *bu-dum tish*

I'll... let myself out.




Well, since I'm already here, can I mention Laral in the context of Kaladin relationships? That scene in WoK where she coyly leads Kal to where the boys are practicing with their spears - something about it makes me thing she is going to get him into some real trouble further down the line.

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  • 3 months later...

There is something that a few of you have touch on that I think should be revisited in greater detail with regards to the Kaladin/Jasnah potential relationship (this may seem like a reach at first but bear with me).


Jasnah has tow sides in my mind. There is Jasnah the scholar who is a competent, determined, and brilliant researcher who is absolutely focused on unlocking the mysteries of the Voidbringers. To Jasnah the scholar, Kaladin probably ranges somewhere between a curiosity to a mild annoyance. A bright and quick witted man might intrigue her or their head strong personalities might initially get on each others' nerves.


However there is also a second side to her, a Jasnah the Machiavellian Politician, who is totally committed to defending her family, its power, and its prestige. This is someone who doesn't flinch when dealing with the Weeper, someone who says morals and virtues be damned and the ends justify the means. From the perspective of Jasnah the Machiavellian Politician, Kaladin is the most dangerous threat to her and her family, save the voidbringers themselves. Kaladin is currently the strongest combat radiant by far, he is the only leader of a radiant order not currently or soon to be a member of the Kholin Family, he is the captain of bridge four who may soon be an entire squad of windrunners, and he commands the undying loyalty of the bridge crews which are essentially a small army. He is a strong critic of the king, and he hates light eyes and everything they stand for. To have such a potent political adversary outside the control of the Kholin family would be simply unacceptable.


To make matters worse, think how Jasnah could meet Kaladin. The guard (or former guard) of the royal family encounters someone claiming to be the relative of said family, someone that Shallan confirmed was dead, who is asking to speak with Dalinar or the King or both. Given the information that Kaladin could have at the time, he would have to be an idiot not to arrest her, for she could easily be an assassin. What does it say to Jasnah about this man and his influence that he can just arrest the King's sister?


How would Jasnah react? Would she try to have Kaladin killed and hope that the Kholins will be able to weather the blow-back from the bridge crews? Would she try to incorporate Kaladin and his power base into the Kholin family? If so, how? She can't really arrange a marriage between Kaladin and Renarin like she did with Shallan and Adolin. Does she sacrifice herself for her family, and commit herself to a subversive relationship with Kaladin? Does she make some kind of deal or trap Kaladin using some sort of subterfuge? The only thing I can say for certain is that Jasnah is not the kind of character to sit on her laurels. She is the proactive type, and that will lead her into serious conflict with Kaladin in the not so distant future.


This theory may sound either too much like a Greek tragedy or too outlandish for some but I think BS has demonstrated that he can write exceptionally dark, disturbing, and unexpected narratives from time to time.

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I think that Jasnah and Kaladin would be incredibly unlikely to come to much direct conflict like that. Worst case scenario, Jasnah breathes in some Stormlight and that should stop Kaladin from trying to arrest her or anything. It would explain why she's not dead.


As to Jasnah trying to tie Kaladin to the Kholins, he's already leader of the king's guard, nobody really knows he was a strong critic of the king, and Bridge Four is tied to the king. He's already pretty much superglued to the Kholins.

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Somehow I can't imagine Jasnah asking. (You will change.” anyone?  :ph34r: )


And she certainly won't marry a man to get political or other power. If she was that type, she would have done so long ago. Besides, as Moogle said, Kal is currently as tied to the Kholins as he can get. 

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I think that Jasnah and Kaladin would be incredibly unlikely to come to much direct conflict like that. Worst case scenario, Jasnah breathes in some Stormlight and that should stop Kaladin from trying to arrest her or anything. It would explain why she's not dead.


As to Jasnah trying to tie Kaladin to the Kholins, he's already leader of the king's guard, nobody really knows he was a strong critic of the king, and Bridge Four is tied to the king. He's already pretty much superglued to the Kholins.


First, will Kaladin know about lightweaving when they meet? If so, I don't think that showing stormlight will necessarily absolve Jasnah of suspicion. It is important (IMO) that when Jasnah arrives at Urithiru, which will likely be delayed by the fact that she has no idea where it is, that she meet with Shallan or someone else who knows her and can identity that she is the real thing first, rather than Kaladin. The good Captain doesn't even know what Jasnah is supposed to look like let alone what her personal quirks were. He doesn't have the necessary knowledge to spot a fake from the real one, and so he will make a mistake.


Second, you are absolutely correct regarding Kaladin being closely tied to the Kholin family. The same thing could have also be said of Sadeas at one point in time, and look how that turned out. Of course we, as the omnipresent readers, know that that will never happen, but these poor little characters (despite some of them being clever) don't know what we know. As Jasnah investigates Kaladin many of the things that she can find will likely make her more suspicious of the Captain, not less. Remember, he did intend to defect with the bridge crews at some point and become a mercenary army, he has ranted in public about the light eyes, and one of his top lieutenant was directly involved in a plot to kill the king (just to name a few things). Of course Dalinar could probably tell her that he also saved the king and himself and that she could trust him, but in all honesty I don't think she will hear that until after the fact. Jasnah isn't the kind of person who goes meekly to her uncle with her fears, she is the kind of person who acts. To me it is in character for her to investigate, analyze, and come to a conclusion on what to do about Kaladin on her own, especially if everyone else is swamped trying to deal with the everstorm.


Somehow I can't imagine Jasnah asking. (You will change.” anyone?  :ph34r: )


And she certainly won't marry a man to get political or other power. If she was that type, she would have done so long ago. Besides, as Moogle said, Kal is currently as tied to the Kholins as he can get. 


It was just one of many ideas. I will freely admit that I don't have a good grasp of the end game here. That being said, I feel we don't know enough about Jasnah to really rule much out. Once we get a significant Jasnah VP that will probably change.

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First of all, Jasnah does not lightweave: she soulcasts and she travels.


Second of all, Kaladin knows there are others like him and would be very interested in meeting another knight. He confided into Syl during his imprisonment how great it would be to share with another surgebinder even if it happened to be Adolin which he hates at that point in the story.


Third of all, Jasnah Kohlin is a known figure. I would think there would ample people to recognize her on sight in Urithiru to avoid her having to sneak into the city and find Shallan. Yes, people would have heard about her timely death, but the body was never found and the only proof of Jasnah dying they have so far are the words of her young eccentric ward. Most lighteyes would probably not be surprised at all to find out Jasnah is not dead after all.


Therefore, I would think it highly unlikely Kaladin would arrest Jasnah or suspect her of being anything else then what she claims, especially once Dalinar and Navani welcomes her back. Now your other question remains, would Jasnah trust Kaladin? Probably not, but she would see him for what he is: another Radiant. Would she investigate to gather more information on this mysterious Kaladin? Probably. But she would not find much. Let's not forget Dalinar's words weights a ton within the Kohlin's household and that Jasnah does trust her uncle. So I guess we'll see.

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I feel some clarification of my points is in order.


The truth in this case is irrelevant if no one know what is true. It is mainly a case of what the characters think they know at a given time. To that end, Shallan telling others about her surgbindings (particularly lightweaving) could have huge ramifications. People are not going to like the possibility of unknown radiants (who are still viewed as sinful by Vorinism) masquerading about as important officials of the Alethi government. It is easy to see how that might make people paranoid. 


I also think that Dalinar really believes that his niece is dead judging by what I've read in WoR (he spends time trying to get Navani to accept the death of her daughter) and Kaladin believes and trusts Dalinar. More over, Kaladin's men still guard the Kholin's and so they can restrict access to people who they think might be a threat.


All that being said, Jasnah is not going to be thrown in a dungeon for months. I imagine that there will be an altercation between a group of Kaladin's men and Jasnah when she first arrives and it will be sorted out rather quickly (he doesn't have to be directly involved), but that it will leave a sour impression of their Captain in Jasnah's mind.


Additionally this whole scenario will play out very different if lightweaving doesn't become commonly known, although to be fair to my own argument there is no real reason for Shallan to keep that information to herself, especially since the ghostbloods already know.

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There is no way that Jasnah sees Kaladin as the most dangerous threat to the Kohlins, short of the Voidbringers.  If Kaladin wanted them dead, they would already be dead.  All of them.  Multiple times over.  It'd be like Dalinar vs. Elhokar at the end of WoK--except with Jasnah as Elhokar which is sooooo wrong to even imagine.  


Also, there is literally no reason for Shallan to make knowledge of Lightweaving public.  There is merit in letting the Highprince of War (Dalinar), whoever is in charge of Intelligence for the Army, and perhaps one or two other non-Radiant commanders know.  However, as soon as the strengths and possibilities of Lightweaving are in any way known, they immediately lose a whole lot of power and effectiveness.  This is especially true if they would want to, I don't know, spy on Amaram or Mr T from time to time.  Or have her act as a bodyguard that is virtually impossible to detect while hiding behind a wall that makes the room just a foot smaller.  One of its great strengths is that it lies about what is there, and it's so much easier to fool people when they don't think there's any possibility of you lying to them about who you are.


I definitely see conflict between Kaladin and Jasnah in the coming books, but for none of the reasons you've guessed/hinted at.  The clash is going to be because they are both intelligent people with fairly substantially different views on the world.  Their similarities are enough to make the differences rather glaring (I would like to point out that this point seems that it may be very true for all of the Radiant Orders; it certainly is so far.)

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Kaladin and Shallan?


Please, no YA love triangles in my Stormlight Archives. Hopefully Kaladin can man up, as Dalinar did when it came to the Navani-Gavilar relationship, and back off.


I'm reassured by the fact that Sanderson is a devout Mormon, because that means that I won't have to put up with any shoehorned-in sexual deviancy in what is, by all means, a conservative fantasy society. 

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Kaladin and Shallan?


Please, no YA love triangles in my Stormlight Archives. Hopefully Kaladin can man up, as Dalinar did when it came to the Navani-Gavilar relationship, and back off.


I'm reassured by the fact that Sanderson is a devout Mormon, because that means that I won't have to put up with any shoehorned-in sexual deviancy in what is, by all means, a conservative fantasy society. 

Re: Kaladin and Shallan: I agree.


Re: The second bit: I disagree somewhat with your phrasing, and I'm unclear about how conservative the Alethi really are, but from what I can tell you're probably objectively wrong. One of the members of Bridge Four (can't remember his name right now) is apparently going to get a boyfriend. That seems like evidence that no, the Alethi aren't as conservative as you think on that sort of thing. Oh, they're conservative on other things, sure, but not necessarily conservative (well, Western-culture-on Earth conservative, that is) on homosexuality.

Edited by Shaggai
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Drehy's the name you're looking for. Personally, I'm rooting for him and Scar, they seemed perfect together in WoR!


Oh yeah, Skar and Drehy :wub: They were the ones watching over Adolin during the Plateau fight. I took a liking of them during those scenes :wub:

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Considering how stringent the Alethi appear to be when it comes to courting and formal marriages, and how they do follow some rather restrictive social rules (men can't read, etc.), I'd have expected homosexuality to be off the table completely.


But then again, maybe I'm only thinking of the social norms that apply to lighteyes.



I remember Skar and Drehy, but I don't remember any sort of romantic relationship between the two. Can someone spoonfeed me some intext citations for this one?

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