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The book I bought today is

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Well, it wasn't today, but I bought the entire Powder Mage trilogy in hardback off Brian McClellan at a local con yesterday! It was wallet-to-wallet in the hall between panels, and as I was handing him the cash I said "I feel like I just made some sort of shady deal," to which he said something along the lines of "Yup, I'm a book dealer!" (He even brought the books in a big black duffel bag.) :P 

This whole thing came about because I vastly prefer hardcover books, and the con only had paperback in stock. When I asked about this, he said he had a set back home he could bring for me the following day. ^_^ 

Edited by Slowswift
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13 hours ago, Slowswift said:

Well, it wasn't today, but I bought the entire Powder Mage trilogy in hardback off Brian McClellan at a local con yesterday!

I loved that one! There were some great, well-developped characters and I like the magic system a lot.


I bought Foundryside and I'm excited to start it soon.

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Got 3 books today. B&N was doing a book haul sale so I got two of them half off. The first was Wild Cards by George R R Martin, the second was Mother Knows Best: A Tale of the Old Witch by Serena Valentino and the third was the Final Fantasy Ultimania Archive Volume 1.

I was surprised to find the Ultimania and that it was part of the book haul. It covers the first 6 games and is pretty interesting. It's not quite like an actual Ultimania since it doesn't have a walk through so it's more about the art by Yoshitaka Amano and notes from the developers. It's interesting how close the NES sprites for FF1 matched the artwork for the monsters. Can't wait to find Volume 2 which covers the 3 PS1 games. I also hope that the Kingdom Hearts Ultimanias get a translated version like this.

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I forgot this thread existed, so I didn’t buy the books today exactly. More like a week ago. But I bought the first 2 books of the Lightbringer series, and I have to say I have a new 2nd favorite author. I’d been meaning to look into Brent Weeks for 6-7 months now, and I finally got the Night Angel trilogy I’m January. I burned through that in about 2 weeks and loved it, though the last book felt a little rushed. I was aware he had a second series, but I also knew that if I started it, I wouldn’t be able to put it down, and I had midterms coming. So I waited for 2 months, then started digging in. And it is so amazing.

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Also a big Lighbringer fan. Simon Vance also is the narrator of that series and does a amazing job with it. I personally found Lighbringer to be a big step up from Night Angel and look forward to seeing how it all concludes later this year!

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And I’ve said it a few times else threads but he is going back to Night Angel setting after Lightbringer 5 and the exp he has gotten from LB is going to make NA set 2 even better I think. I want LB to end already just to see if I’m right and I LOVE LB....

Also if anyone is going to buy NA Omni now is the time...a 10th anniversary Ed hardcover recently hit and it is one of the coolest books I’ve ever seen. It’s completly blacked out when closed. Black frosted pages/cover. So tempting to rebuy. Look it up or at next time in store. Looks so cool.

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