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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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9 hours ago, SE_Elhokar_Kholin said:

Elhokar Kholin was angry.

Very angry.

After starting up the business, he had a few people approach him, but nobody really took advantage of the service. That wasn't the problem. In fact, it was perfectly fine by him. It meant he had time do do other things. Like investigate murders.

"Amaram! I saw you last cycle trying to kill Ivory. I know you are a member of the Son of honor, with the goal to cause a crisis. You have no place at this feast! Get out before I have to put my shardbow to use."

That’s very unfortunate timing. As others can attest I have done my very best to cooperative this whole night. On the night Renarin was murdered, @SE_Gavilar_Kholin can confirm that I was assisting him, so I can confirm I am innocent for that.

5 hours ago, SE_Ivory said:

Ivory had come to a conclusion. Most humans where stupid, and lacked survival instincts.

"I wonder, Amaram, was Renarin your work too? Depending on who you'd spoken too, you might have heard I was talking to him. Or maybe you'd heard he had an interest in that black sphere you're so interested in? I think you can consider yourself lucky that you'd managed to get rid of diplomat Nale first, as I doubt he'd have settled for simply having you tossed out. Had your attack come close enough to graze my defenses, I wouldn't have settled for that either."

Ivory, I am sorry. You have complete justification to lynch me right now. My current wincon requires me to kill someone who has wronged me. You publically admitted to murdering Restares, wronging all of the sons of honor, and disrespecting his name.

1 hour ago, SE_Jasnah_Kholin said:

More importantly, Amaram, (Probable vote coming later) How would you have killed a Spren? Aren't they more like forces? Can a shardblade kill a spren? Even so, I believe that at this time, you still don't have a Shardblade, and would therefore have to borrow one from one of the ones the king uses to lend out for duels. 



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41 minutes ago, SE_Meridas_Amaram said:

Ivory, I am sorry. You have complete justification to lynch me right now. My current wincon requires me to kill someone who has wronged me. You publically admitted to murdering Restares, wronging all of the sons of honor, and disrespecting his name.

When you try to avenge an ally, it is 'righting a wrong', but when I permanently put a stop to someone that had attacked your king's own daughter it is... what exactly? Tell me, where you so-called 'sons of honor' involved in that assassination attempt, or was it something Restares had come up with on his own?

Edited by SE_Ivory
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Apparently putting a stop to my attempted murderer is not very honorable, but responding by putting a stop to the person that put a stop to someone else's plans must have been honorable. That means whatever restares was doing must have been honorable? 

What was Restares up to? Because I surely don't think it was honorable. Does anyone know Restares' reasons for attacking me?

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40 minutes ago, SE_Jasnah_Kholin said:

Apparently putting a stop to my attempted murderer is not very honorable, but responding by putting a stop to the person that put a stop to someone else's plans must have been honorable. That means whatever restares was doing must have been honorable? 

What was Restares up to? Because I surely don't think it was honorable. Does anyone know Restares' reasons for attacking me?

I don’t think we know that Restares was the one who attacked you, and if you do, can you please tell me how you know.

43 minutes ago, SE_Ivory said:

When you try to avenge an ally, it is 'righting a wrong', but when I permanently put a stop to someone that had attacked your king's own daughter it is... what exactly? Tell me, where you so-called 'sons of honor' involved in that assassination attempt, or was it something Restares had come up with on his own?

Alright, this post confirms, that I think I missed something. How do we know that Restares was the one who attached Jasnah? I personally had no idea of Restares’ plan, and the fact that he was a murder completely shocked me. As far as I’m aware, the other sons were not aware of Restares plans. 

My wincon required me to attack someone who personally wronged me. I had no other option then you Ivory.

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5 minutes ago, SE_Meridas_Amaram said:

Alright, this post confirms, that I think I missed something. How do we know that Restares was the one who attached Jasnah? I personally had no idea of Restares’ plan, and the fact that he was a murder completely shocked me. As far as I’m aware, the other sons were not aware of Restares plans. 

My win-con after Restares attack was to punish Jasnah's attacker. Dealing with Restares completed that win-con.

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I sghed, and downed the rest of my drink. There were times that I regretted following the codes, times I wished I could be too drunk to act, and this was shaping up to be one of them. Too many factions were at play, too many secreys would be revealed before the night was out. It was time to reprioritize. Brother first.

I made my way through the room towards Dalinar, who seemed like a new man. Sobered up some how had he? At least sober enough to fight with Wit. "@SE_Dalinar_Kholin, I need you to go to your survivng Son. Help him through this, in any way you can."

Behind me, I heard my Son. Accusing Meridas of attempting to kill Ivory. I gritted my teeth, and turned to listen. Ivory himself spoke up, querting whether or not Meridas had been the one to kill Renarin. Before I could interject, Amaram admitted to attacking the spren, and revealed that he was a Son of Honour.

I needed a drink.

"Elokhar, Ivory, Amaram, please, this party has been disrupted enough, let us not shout for the whole world to see." I approached the group, noting Jasnah looking on with interest. Too many conflicting parties and priorities. I needed all of them. I positioned myself next to Amaram, laying a friendly hand on his shoulder. "I can asssure you that Meridas did not kill my Nephew."

I turned, so that only Amaram could see my lips. My hand on his shoulder tightened into a claw. I hissed at hom, "When you came to me, asking for help killing Ivory, i specifically told you not to. I told you, that Restares could be avenged without further death."

I let go and stepped back, standing clearly next to my son now. Meridas spoke again, displaying confusion, and asking after Restates innocence in the attack on my daughter. "No Meridas. Restares did attack Jasnah, again against my orders. He needed the Black Sphere that she held, and would not wait for it. I mourn that his death was so wasted, but it was deserved. If he was willing to attack my daughter just to more quickly get what he knew i could kbtain peaceably, then he is not a man i wish to work with."


Here's the thing, we all have win cons that are at conflict with eachother. Of yoir win con is to avenge Restares, i think i can do that wothout bloodshed. If it is to kill one of his killers, that is going to be a problem.

I need Ivory alive, and if Ostracizing you is the only way to keep the Spren alive, i will do that.


Edited by SE_Gavilar_Kholin
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12 minutes ago, SE_Gavilar_Kholin said:

"Elokhar, Ivory, Amaram, please, this party has been disrupted enough, let us not shout for the whole world to see." I approached the group, noting Jasnah looking on with interest. Too many conflicting parties and priorities. I needed all of them. I positioned myself next to Amaram, laying a friendly hand on his shoulder. "I can asssure you that Meridas did not kill my Nephew."

I turned, so that only Amaram could see my lips. My hand on his shoulder tightened into a claw. I hissed at hom, "When you came to me, asking for help killing Ivory, i specifically told you not to. I told you, that Restares could be avebges without further death."

I let go and stepped back, standing clearly next to my son now. Meridas spoke again, displaying confusion, and asking after Restates innocence in the attack on my daughter. "No Meridas. Restares did attack Jasnah, again against my orders. He needed the Black Sphere that she held, and would not wait for it. I mourn that his death was so wasted, but it was deserved. If he was willing to attack my daughter just to more quickly get what he knew i could kbtain peaceably, then he is not a man i wish to work with."

Ivory took a moment to calm himself before he spoke up again. I don't know what it is about these humans that so easily breaks my composure.

"I too would see things resolved without further bloodshed. The attack on Restares was unfortunately necessary, given the relative elusiveness of the attacker. The same is not true for Amaras, for even if he did decide to try and complete what he started, there would be no doubt that he's guilty, and justice will find him."

"But let there be no doubt about one thing, Amaram. If you, or another member of these 'sons of honor', persist in these attacks, you will not live to see the Herald's return. And trust me when I say that most people would consider that a mercy."

Edited by SE_Ivory
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20 minutes ago, SE_Jasnah_Kholin said:

Meridas, perhaps there are other ways to avenge someone who has wronged you. I believe some people have actions that can damage other's actions or take things from them. Perhaps it would be good looking into other ways to hurt people. 

Unfortunately my wincon explicitily says kill, I have tried to find any loopholes and cannot. I would appreciate all you scholars perhaps taking a look into it.

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2 hours ago, SE_Wit said:

"Actually as it happens, I had quite accidentally took actions to prevent Amaram from taking actions last night. Too bad his action failed, otherwise I would have been able to complete multiple people's win conditions." 

I ca confirm that Wit did indeed roleblock Amaram, an action with a greater than 100% chance of success.

2 minutes ago, SE_Meridas_Amaram said:

Unfortunately my wincon explicitily says kill, I have tried to find any loopholes and cannot.

There's always gambling. 15% chance of success + whatever bonuses you may have if you submit the action more than twelve hours before the cycle ends.

Beggar sighed inwardly. Millennia of safety from outside threats had not dulled the Alethi's desire to solve problems with violence. Every death had been preventable. Thaidakar, Torol, Restares, Renarin, none of them had needed to die. The Vorins had taken the idea of not seeing the future too far. All conscious beings planned for the future; only supernatural methods of viewing upcoming events were suspect. Gambling may not be the best method of solving problems, but it was better than murder, and far from blasphemous.

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Alright, anyone willing to cut in front of Amaram in the lunch line? Anyone? No? Okay. There goes Plan A.

Ialai swirled the colourful liquid in her cup - she had downgraded to a yellow after some consideration - and pondered the situation. Perhaps she was hallucinating the oiled creature, or its prismatic sheen, but it had some interesting things to say.

”Jasnah, dear. I should think that keeping Amaram in the palace might benefit us if he could be persuaded to find a different target. If someone were to have a suicidal wincon... well, that would all work out nicely, wouldn’t it? And I’m sure that someone besides your dark-skinned friend who you seem so fond of has crossed Meridas at least once.”

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1 hour ago, SE_Drunk_Beggar said:

I ca confirm that Wit did indeed roleblock Amaram, an action with a greater than 100% chance of success.

There's always gambling. 15% chance of success + whatever bonuses you may have if you submit the action more than twelve hours before the cycle ends

That’s what I’m planing on doing, even if I’m going to be ostracized. It’s a no lose situaition.

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With Amaram committing to gambling, how aboit we not ostracize him?

Here is what i propose. 1 player protects Ivory, another watches Amaram. If amaram does not gamble, and instead attacks Ivory, we kill him. Otherwise, we let him keep gambling until he eiyher ostracizes gimself, or suceeds.

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5 minutes ago, SE_Gavilar_Kholin said:

Here is what i propose. 1 player protects Ivory, another watches Amaram. If amaram does not gamble, and instead attacks Ivory, we kill him. Otherwise, we let him keep gambling until he eiyher ostracizes gimself, or suceeds.

I'm not opposed to this, especially because ostracizing him might not  be a permanent solution depending on how long the game runs.

There's one thing I want to check before I drop my vote though. @Orlok Tsubodai, does a successful 'gamble' action just flag their current win-con as 'completed', or does it also adjust the state of the game to reflect that completion? Say Szeth gets the win-con to kill Gavilar, and he decides to use the Gamble action and succeeds. Would Gavilar still die as a result of the action?

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1 hour ago, SE_Meridas_Amaram said:

That’s what I’m planing on doing, even if I’m going to be ostracized. It’s a no lose situaition.

Tch. My win con was to lead an ostracization. So I would lose out here.

But I guess I'll have other chances to do that. Amaram, you've had a spotless history up until now. I sincerely hope gambling works out for you.

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18 minutes ago, SE_Elhokar_Kholin said:

Tch. My win con was to lead an ostracization. So I would lose out here.

But I guess I'll have other chances to do that. Amaram, you've had a spotless history up until now. I sincerely hope gambling works out for you.

Thank you Elkohar. I quite appreciate this action, and it means a lot that you are sacrificing your wincon for me.

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