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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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Beggar stared at Sadeas's corpse. Such a thing should not have happened, especially not at a celebratory feast for a peace treaty. The guests were here to eat, drink, and converse with their new allies, not to brutally murder each other. Even when he was drunk, so inundated with alcohol that he couldn't move, Beggar felt each and every death as a personal failing. Now, he was more sober than he had been all night, and the sting of failure consumed him. He should have been there. He should have been able to protect them. It was too late to save Thaidakar and Sadeas, but catching the murderer(s) could help save everyone else. He had never been as good at this as his old friend and colleague, but he had to try.

4. Meridas Amaram (Charcoal Hyena)
5. Restares (Chartreuse Penguin)
6. Tearim (Coral Swan)
9. Jasnah Kholin (Fuchsia Ostrich)
10. Ivory (Indigo Weasel)
11. Elhokar Kholin (Ivory Dragonfly)
12. Aesudan Kholin (Magenta Albatross)
14. Renarin Kholin (Melon Dingo)
15. Wit (Mint Heron)
18. Ash (Oxblood Beagle)
20. Kelek (Plum Rhinoceros)
21. Eshonai (Quartz Zebra)
23. Klade (Sage Kangaroo)
25. Szeth Sapphire Elephant)

Here's the player list, minus those who are dead, ostracised, inactive, or have been vouched for in thread. I sincerely doubt that Ialai helped murder her husband, so she's out. None of the remaining players would appear to have any particular reason to kill Sadeas, especially as the Kholins are still allied with Sadeas at this point in time, but if anyone knows of a motive they should share.

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15 minutes ago, SE_Meridas_Amaram said:

“Don’t worry Wit, I’m still alive for you to harass. However, I am still suspicious of Ambassador Nale he said he would investigate the murder of Thaidakar, and I am curious to know the results of his inquiries 


I can confirm that Darkness took no action relating to any murder, past or present.

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I’m going to come out and say it: I know who killed Torol. I did.

Let me explain. At the beginning of this turn, with the conclusion of my passive wincon (avoid any actions taken against me), I got a new directive: to kill any individual. I chose a target, and got some help. However, I got redirected, and my action killed Torol instead.

I would like to emphasise that I bear no ill will towards anyone here - not even the person I originally targeted. Torol’s death, while a tradgedy, still fulfills my wincon, and as a result I will not be targeting anyone else. I would also ask that people should not vote against me, as I have received my just deserts as a result of my actions and pose no threat to anyone else. Although I am understandably frustrated by the event, I do not blame the redirector either as it is likely they had no idea of what would occur.

Torol was one of my closest allies and collaborators, and his demise was an accident. I shared this information because I believed that I could trust others to make the right decision in light of these events. I hope I am right.

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53 minutes ago, SE_Ialai_Sadeas said:

I’m going to come out and say it: I know who killed Torol. I did.

Let me explain. At the beginning of this turn, with the conclusion of my passive wincon (avoid any actions taken against me), I got a new directive: to kill any individual. I chose a target, and got some help. However, I got redirected, and my action killed Torol instead.

I would like to emphasise that I bear no ill will towards anyone here - not even the person I originally targeted. Torol’s death, while a tradgedy, still fulfills my wincon, and as a result I will not be targeting anyone else. I would also ask that people should not vote against me, as I have received my just deserts as a result of my actions and pose no threat to anyone else. Although I am understandably frustrated by the event, I do not blame the redirector either as it is likely they had no idea of what would occur.

Torol was one of my closest allies and collaborators, and his demise was an accident. I shared this information because I believed that I could trust others to make the right decision in light of these events. I hope I am right.

Kelek frowned at the woman. "Ialai, I'm afraid I'm not sure I can forgive this. I realize that you weren't intending to kill Torol, but you tried to kill somebody. I don't have any particular proof that you won't be continuing to do so. 

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“I understand if you condemn me for my actions. I have suffered terribly because of them.”


Other people can verify my wincon was passive until this turn, so I wasn’t responsible for the killings beforehand. Nor will I be responsible for any future ones.

I revealed this information to prevent other people from taking the fall for this. If I was going to continue to kill, then this wouldn’t be in my best interest at all. As I have stated, my wincon has been fulfilled. I’ll learn my new one next turn.

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Still available:

shardbow: 14 spheres

infused spheres: 2 spheres each

So I tried to action spy and I succeeded, but was roleblocked. I'm guessing someone just thought I was suspicious enough to block.

I would also like to point out that Ialai admitted to the murder, but murders aren't very likely to succeed. Ialai, did you try to kill Jasnah last cycle? If not, there may be another murderer running around who just didn't succeed in their action this cycle.

Edit: Yeah. So look out for that.

Edited by SE_Elhokar_Kholin
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4 hours ago, SE_Adolin_Kholin said:

Accidentally action spied instead of item spying Dalinar, but it did yield useful results in that I know it was not him who slew Sadeas.

Yeah, sorry for being inactive, and I took no action. I had been hoping to hop on before the cycle ended and do something, but ended up miss-timing things and not doing anything.

2 hours ago, SE_Ialai_Sadeas said:

I’m going to come out and say it: I know who killed Torol. I did.

Let me explain. At the beginning of this turn, with the conclusion of my passive wincon (avoid any actions taken against me), I got a new directive: to kill any individual. I chose a target, and got some help. However, I got redirected, and my action killed Torol instead.

I would like to emphasise that I bear no ill will towards anyone here - not even the person I originally targeted. Torol’s death, while a tradgedy, still fulfills my wincon, and as a result I will not be targeting anyone else. I would also ask that people should not vote against me, as I have received my just deserts as a result of my actions and pose no threat to anyone else. Although I am understandably frustrated by the event, I do not blame the redirector either as it is likely they had no idea of what would occur.

Torol was one of my closest allies and collaborators, and his demise was an accident. I shared this information because I believed that I could trust others to make the right decision in light of these events. I hope I am right.

I am inclined to trust you, not much reasoning behind it, but I think that the threat you held has passed, and now you are mostly safe.

Someone should still probably role block you this turn, but mostly safe.

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This is an interesting development. I rather did not expect that.

I’m still of the opinion that coming clean about these things is a great help, so if we have assurances that Ialai’s objectives are satisfied, I say we let things be.

May the Almighty lead Torol and Thaidakar to victory in the afterlife. I am sure a fitting memorial shall be arranged with all reasonable haste, but for now, perhaps a moment of silence would be in order?

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I heard about Ialai's plan and its result from a source I trust completely, so she isn't lying as far as I can tell. For full disclosure: I knew about it last cycle and wasn't helping with the action, so I could have been the one sending in the redirect. I didn't do the redirect, as I had more important things to do with my action than mucking around with human intrigues.

Ivory had moved back to Shadesmar. The palace had become too chaotic, and the sea of beads helped him gather his thoughts. The storm of emotions had attracted the usual parasites and predators, and he made sure to remain unseen as he observed them, looking for the odd one out. Pain-spren, sorrow-spren and anticipation-spren where expected, but the actual murderer might attract spren of a different kind, and if he could find those, he could find the murderer.

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15 hours ago, SE_Meridas_Amaram said:

“Don’t worry Wit, I’m still alive for you to harass. However, I am still suspicious of Ambassador Nale he said he would investigate the murder of Thaidakar, and I am curious to know the results of his inquiries 


"Unfortunately, I have no evidence yet that I can bring to the table. However, I have the suspicion that the murder of Thaidakar, the attempted murder of Jasnah Kholin, and the murder of Torol Sadeas (recently claimed to have been committed accidentally by his wife) were all separate acts performed by separate people. This concerns me deeply - I do not understand how so many could find it in themselves to break the law in this way."

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You appear to be missing some context, Venli. I have confessed to killing Torol - I was not in a position to kill either Jasnah or Thaidakar. Read my previous posts as to why.

In terms of actions, I'll be passing an item along to Ash this turn - I'd therefore ask people not to roleblock or redirect me. Action spying is fine.


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50 minutes ago, SE_Venli said:

I think it may have actually been Ialai. Not for Torol, but for the other two. And who knows, maybe it was her who killed Sadeas.

We do have a few witnesses that say it wasn't her trying to kill the other two. I don't plan to vote on Ialai because she can help us catch whoever else is trying to murder people.

Speaking of which, I'm intrigued by your willingness to throw shade. Tell us more about the murders, Venli.

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On 9/28/2018 at 5:41 AM, SE_Restares said:

Perhaps the only way to bring the return of the Heralds is to play until enough "kill" win conditions are fulfilled that only 1 player remains.


Restares, you do realize you're one of the characters in this game that might be mad enough to believe this?

Anyway, I can see how Restares might have a motive for killing Thaidakar and attempting to do the same to Jasnah. The only other person who has a motive for killing Thaidakar and who might think he has a motive for attacking Jasnah is Nale, but Gavilar cleared him.

edit: let's put the vote outside the quote box for easy parsing by GM's: Restares.


Edited by SE_Ivory
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