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Would You Rather? -a Game

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Skaa. It just seems like they have a better life, and more equality. Plus, they can blend in with nobles. 


I'd rather have coffee with Odium. I'd want to have a conversation with him, just to find out what his motives are and how much he's been influenced by Odium's intent.

WYR live in the cognitive realm near Sel, or be continuously tortured by Odium?

Edited by Ashspren
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Assuming like a school teacher, Khriss. I feel like she'd be better at teaching scholarly topics. 

But if you mean like a mentor, or life coach/teacher, Hoid. We've already seen his convoluted wisdom in stormlight archive. 

Would you rather be Kelsier before he snapped, or Marsh after he became an inquisitor?

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Kelsier before he snapped. Because I would never try to steal the Lord Rulers Atium, but he led a fairly good life before he got caught. Marsh is way cooler, but I don't want to be an Inquisitor influenced by Ruin.

Would you rather live on Dayside or Darkside (both Taldain)?

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Haven't read Whitesands yet (I have the books, but I have other stuff I need to do first) but from what I know I would rather live on Darkside.

Would you rather have every question that got RAFO'd be answered, and no future RAFOs or just read and find out.

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Read and Find out. Why? RAFO's build up anticipation, and make you think in good way.

Would you rather be immortal because you are a Returned (Say you have infinite Breaths, and are of the 10th heightening) or because you are an Elantrian (in the Elantris city)


Havent read all of them, so if this is a repeat, sorry.


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I would probably choose envoyform. For the powers it gives me. 

Would you rather be a cognitive disguise aviar or a spren of similar intelligence and sapience/sentience? 

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
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I would fight a knight of Crystallia, because, 

A) I really want to see their cool weapons and armor.

B) I have the advantage of knowing where their fleshstone is

Would you rather watch a Way of Kings musical (but written by Lin Manuel-Miranda) or watch a slightly lower quality but still fairly good Mistborn Musical?

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Get each main novels every 3 years. I can wait. Discussions is part of the fun and it hardly matters if i know the conclusion but not the journey.

Would you rather be a prisoner trapped at the pits of hatsin or be one of the skaa servants from one of the Inquisitors hideouts ?

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That's an easy question. Metabolize Stormlight like Lift. I would have access to Stormlight, and I could eat as much chocolate as I want to, without having to fear about my weight.

Would wou rather read SA 4 in a cellar or on the attic?

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