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Here is your rating @bees?

  • Stormform (40) from a gemheart and stormspren, but due to the deep connection he has with the form on an emotional and mental level, he will never change his form.

  • Gemheart, but as he will not change his form, it may as well not exist.

  • Dakhor bone growths on his right arm, grown nearly past his elbow. These enhance his strength, physical speed, and moderate resistance to physical wounds. (35)

Skills and Attributes:

  • Hand-to-hand combat skill, decently skilled, but his main advantage comes from his strength. (30)

  • Prodigious musical skill with the harmonica, saxophone, piano, and the guitar.

  • Perfect pitch and an excellent singing voice.

  • An excellent chef, and also an excellent gourmand (he needs to eat a ton for all of that stormform strength boost). (Handiwork, cooking 20)

  • Always smells faintly of citrus and ginger.

  • When he is playing any instrument, he is often guided along by the Rhythms that (right now) he can only subconsciously hear.

  • Synthetic Thrill: when in combat, the SynThrill will physically enhance Talas the same as the normal Rosharan Thrill. (20)


  • Olorun (pseudo-Shardblade, Awakened, on the same level as a normal Rosharan  Shardblade, the only difference is that it has an animalistic intelligence.) Talas will never summon him, and so he communicates (really just growls and says the odd word) directly into Talas’ mind.

  • Two Awakened bracelets, one on each wrist. These prevent Talas from using the lightning of stormform, protecting those around him. (-20)

  • Clothes. Expensive taste, change from day to day. Duh.


  • Difficulty sleeping

  • PTSD (please elaborate // triggers, or how it manifests itself)

  • Pain threshold: while his tolerance for bodily harm is higher than that of others, the moment it is crossed, some unpleasant things start to happen. Often resulting in loss of life for some and loss of memory and control for Talas.

  • Synthetic Thrill: whenever Talas is in combat, the SynThrill will reduce his awareness of his actions, driving him for more and more blood. (included in points for thrill)

  • Mentally unstable, and often split between the decisions Silas or Talost would make. (-10)

Fighting Style: Talas refuses to use any weapon besides those that are a part of him. No knives, guns, tools, Shards, anything. This also means he uses no stormform lightning. The only time he ever uses any kind of weapon is in training with his father or siblings. However, due to the natural weapons growing out of his skin, his style of fighting utilizes these blades quite devastatingly. (-10)

Character is approved.

Edited by Sorana
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Yes, please. I’ll have the newly revised sheet done soon. : )

Edit: Here ya go ( :


Name: Talas Rajost, formerly Silas Jostson and Talostr-Akuv.

Physical Characteristics

  • Heavily muscled, with incredibly broad shoulders, to the point his size is far more of an encumbrance than an assistance outside of combat.


  • Stormform from a gemheart and stormspren, but due to the deep connection he has with the form on an emotional and mental level, he will never change his form.

  • Gemheart, but as he will not change his form, it may as well not exist.

  • Dakhor bone growths on his right arm, grown nearly past his elbow. These enhance his strength, physical speed, and moderate resistance to physical wounds.

Skills and Attributes:

  • Hand-to-hand combat skill, expertly skilled, but his main advantage comes from his strength.

  • Prodigious musical skill with the harmonica, saxophone, piano, and the guitar.

  • Perfect pitch and an excellent singing voice.

  • An excellent chef, and also an excellent gourmand (he needs to eat a ton for all of that stormform strength boost).

  • Always smells faintly of citrus and ginger.

  • When he is playing any instrument, he is often guided along by the Rhythms that (right now) he can only subconsciously hear.

  • Synthetic Thrill: when in combat, the SynThrill will physically enhance Talas the same as the normal Rosharan Thrill.


  • Olorun (pseudo-Shardblade, Awakened, on the same level as a normal Rosharan  Shardblade, the only difference is that it has an animalistic intelligence.) Talas will never summon him, and so he communicates (really just growls and says the odd word) directly into Talas’ mind.

  • Two Awakened bracelets, one on each wrist. These prevent Talas from using the lightning of stormform, protecting those around him.

  • Clothes. Expensive taste, change from day to day. Duh.


  • Difficulty sleeping

  • PTSD that remains from Silas, related to memories of the torture he underwent, but more recent and more harrowing are his memories of attempting to kill his family, which often keep him up at night.

  • Pain threshold: while his tolerance for bodily harm is higher than that of others, the moment it is crossed, some unpleasant things start to happen. Often resulting in loss of life for some and loss of memory and control for Talas.

  • Synthetic Thrill: whenever Talas is in combat, the SynThrill will reduce his awareness of his actions, driving him for more and more blood.

  • Mentally unstable, and often split between the decisions Silas or Talost would make.


Silas’ Family: Tena (adoptive mother), Anthony Nightshade (father-in-law, also married to Tena (fun family tree)), Pyx Roon (biological mother, deceased), Horonen Jostson (biological father, deceased), Asa and Nectar Jostson (twin daughters), and Ambrosia Jostson (wife). Extended family: Jofus Roon (mother’s brother’s son, deceased), Shor Roon (Jofus’ brother), Algernon Jostson (paternal grandfather, deceased), and all of Tena’s relatives and children.

Talost’s Family (None on this list are biologically related to Talas, but as Talost saw them as his family and still refers to them as such, they are here): Allakn-Isal (father), Ileya-Isal (mother), Yxares (effectively his uncle, regardless of the fact that he is just a giant bird) Lurakv-Ikax (brother (from this point on everyone is one of his siblings, and will thus be denoted with simply “B” or “S”), Teyra-Isal (S), Farakr-Uvit (B), Areyo-Isal (S), Yitrosk-Ipok (B), Uteir-Isal (S), Maclu-Nkey (B), Ayiti-Isal (S), Tyrepn-Pyot (B), and Eikayi-Isal (S). The other nine are all dead, and thus irrelevant.

Home Planet: Talas was born on Scadrial 29 years ago, but Talas was created on the Alleyplanet just a few months ago.

Backstory: (check the link in my About Me for the first bit of his life, pre-Era 3) Talas was created when, in a moment of severe pain, Talostr-Akuv crawled forward, begging to be healed. He was, but not in the way he expected. Silas and Talost were mentally fused, creating a brand new person. As Talas watched the ensuing fight between both of his families, he realized that if he stayed and tried to live a normal life with his family, death would be brought upon them all. He could not control himself, and there was only one person he trusted to teach him how to do so. Allakn-Isal, his father. The man who had attempted to kill each member of his family. Well, his other family. Talas had to trust the man who had tried to kill his family to help him learn to protect his family. And so he did. For the next half-year, Talas trained with his father to control his abilities, undergoing strenuous training to master his new strength, and after many months, Talas returned to the Alleycity a completed man.

Guild: As of now, Talas is unaffiliated, although some Ghostbloods may argue that he still belongs to them.

Psyche: ENTJ/ENTP. When Talas speaks, everyone listens. Talas is very charismatic and very commanding, knowing what he wants, and not being afraid to assert his command to obtain it, yet he is still a good person.

Personality: Talas is a somber man, but even if he is happy, he will remain visibly calm, keeping near all signs of emotion undetectable. He cares about one thing more than anything else, one thing he will not be afraid to be emotional about: his family, and more importantly, protecting them. 

Appearance: Talas’ hair is black and somewhat long, often pulled into a tail or a bun, yet often left loose. His jaw is sharp yet still strong, and his cheekbones are high, but not to the point of making his cheeks look gaunt. He is about 7 and a half feet tall (~228 cm), and his shoulders are broader than many doorways. His eyes are a vibrant green, bright enough that he would be considered a lighteyes, though his eyes are neither truly light- nor darkeyed. His skin is also covered with thick black Singer-like strata, running North-east to South-west. On multiple places on his body, such as his cheekbones, calves, chest, knees, knuckles, and in Batman-like ridges along his arms, there are sharp ridges of chitin, as well as numerous plates beneath his skin. Due to the nature of his transformation, his beard grows at a far quicker rate than before, and thus, though he wishes to be clean-shaven at all times, he often will have a dark 5 O’clock Shadow.

Theme Song: “Notorious” by Duran Duran

Fighting Style: Talas refuses to use any weapon besides those that are a part of him. No knives, guns, tools, Shards, anything. This also means he uses no stormform lightning. The only time he ever uses any kind of weapon is in training with his father or siblings. However, due to the natural weapons growing out of his skin, his style of fighting utilizes these blades quite devastatingly.

Edit 2: Since nobody has posted anything yet and I don't want to double post, here is my (hopefully) next character.


Name: Senemus Kull

Physical Characteristics: Sen is of an average height. He has a lean physique and is quite well-toned. He has a slim figure with nimble fingers and thin legs. 

Investiture: Absolutely none. The only Investiture he ever held was his first Breath, which was he was beaten into giving up at an incredibly young age.


  • Expert assassin

  • Expert hand-to-hand combat skills


  • Barrett M82, coated in aluminum and a super-black paint.

  • Numerous Sung Wood knives.

  • Average clothing.

Weakness: The sickness and sadness that come from being a Drab, along with an irrational hatred of any who have taken Investiture from others, or worse, those who do not appreciate the Investiture that they were born with. Also hateful of any who look down on him because of his position as a Drab.

Family: A mother (deceased), a father (deceased), and two older sisters (missing, presumably deceased).

Home Planet: Nalthis 

Backstory: When Senemus was a young boy, living in the slums of Nalthis, he was kidnapped by a street gang who beat him until he surrendered his Breath to them, not knowing the effect it would have on him. They left him for dead in an alleyway, where he was found by a stranger and taken to the nearest healer. After weeks of recuperation with only slight betterments to his medical position, his healer told his parents that their son was now without a Breath. His parents, however, did not care. “It happens to many people all of the time.” “Kids are tough. He’ll survive this one just fine.” The sad fact of the matter is, Sen was never fine from then on out. He continued his life, being stepped upon by all around him, even his family. “Breath-less!” “Drab Boy!” “Oh, look at our little brother. He thinks that just because he doesn’t have his Breath that he can just moan and groan about his life, unaware that so many others in worse positions have gone through this for much longer than he has. It doesn’t make you special, Sen. Nothing will, now.” Senemus couldn’t take it anymore. He was done putting up with this from everyone around him, and one day, he snapped. His sisters were never seen again. And now his parents hated him, but only behind closed doors. “We’re left with one child, and he doesn’t even do anything! He just sits around and feels sorry for himself. He’s a waste of food that would have served its purpose much better feeding one of his sisters.” Little did they know, it wasn’t self-pity. It was hatred. Of whom? Everyone. Senemus was done with it all, and so one night, while they were sleeping, Sen entered his parents’ room and struck them down in their sleep. Once he realized what he had done, he returned to the alley where he had been found before. He was a monster. He didn’t deserve to live. He was just a useless Drab, and now that his family was gone, who was going to miss him? He sat there for hours, wallowing in self-loathing, until he saw movement in the shadows. “Hello?” The movement was gone. Then, in a flash of rage, Senemus pounced towards the shadows. Whatever was there, he would kill it. He was a monster. And he was proud of it. And with that jump into the shadows, he disappeared. He was never seen on Nalthis again. 

Guild: Whoever will pay him the most money. Also not the DA.

Psyche: Murderous and wicked. A horrible person to hang around, for more reasons than one.

Personality: Sen is a very quiet and reserved person, but when you look deep within his eyes, all you see is hatred. He hates everyone, because they have it better than he does. Everyone does. 

Appearance: Sen has an oval-shaped face with delicate and smooth features, leading to a face that would be described as neither ugly nor handsome. His hair is a mousy brown and his eyes are a deep hazel, and when combined with his everyman appearance, he is perfect for blending into any situation, crowded or alone.

Theme Song: None, ATM.

Fighting Style: Every blow should focus on one of two things: a killing strike or defense against his opponent’s attacks. He fights with no holds barred, regardless of whoever he is fighting. Never take him on for a friendly sparring match, because he neither has friends nor simply ‘spars’. Every fight with him is a fight to kill.

Edit 3: Also, just a heads up—neither of these sheets are in their final draft stage, and thus even if they are approved, they may not be finished for some time.

Edited by bees?
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On 4.1.2020 at 8:01 AM, bees? said:

Edit: Here ya go ( :

This character is approved. As it's a WIP, I won't edit it into the OP yet. Please make sure, you tell me, should you add any more skills/ weaknesses, so that I can take a look at the points again.

I will take a look at the other one when I have a minute.

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I'm currently considering considering creating a second character that would be an aluminium savant (which would make him able to cleanse unwanted investiture effects) so I would like to know how much point would that ability coast and if he would be able to use non-cosmere powers while burning aluminium.

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3 hours ago, mathiau said:

I'm currently considering considering creating a second character that would be an aluminium savant (which would make him able to cleanse unwanted investiture effects) so I would like to know how much point would that ability coast and if he would be able to use non-cosmere powers while burning aluminium.

I'm not a mod, so this is just a guess, but I looked at the Index and aluminum Mistings are 5 on their own, so I can't imagine a savant would be more than like 40 or so tops? Take that with a grain of salt, though. 

We generally treat Earth powers as Investiture in the Alleyverse, so he wouldn't. 

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12 hours ago, mathiau said:

I'm currently considering considering creating a second character that would be an aluminium savant (which would make him able to cleanse unwanted investiture effects) so I would like to know how much point would that ability coast and if he would be able to use non-cosmere powers while burning aluminium.

I agree with Ene. It depends a little what you define "unwanted investiture effects" (only on himself, on others, in the area).

And yes, he wouldn't be able to use non-cosmere powers while burning aluminum.

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3 hours ago, Sorana said:

I agree with Ene. It depends a little what you define "unwanted investiture effects" (only on himself, on others, in the area).

And yes, he wouldn't be able to use non-cosmere powers while burning aluminum.

Aluminium is an internal metal so only on himself. I think that'd be like if my character became made aluminium except shardblades can still cut it.

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2 minutes ago, mathiau said:

Aluminium is an internal metal so only on himself. I think that'd be like if my character became made aluminium except shardblades can still cut it.

ahh sorry, my wording was completely off here, and I'm probably overthinking this.

Let's say your character ends up in a firestorm consisting of Investiture, can you stop the effect this storm has on you (=not be burnt) , or are you more thinking along the lines of rioting (= powers that target you specifically). If I interpret your became made aluminum correctly, then you can decide wether Investiture has an effect on you or not, no matter if it's targeting you specifically or not?

In that case, I'd go with something around 40.

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7 hours ago, Sorana said:

ahh sorry, my wording was completely off here, and I'm probably overthinking this.

Let's say your character ends up in a firestorm consisting of Investiture, can you stop the effect this storm has on you (=not be burnt) , or are you more thinking along the lines of rioting (= powers that target you specifically). If I interpret your became made aluminum correctly, then you can decide wether Investiture has an effect on you or not, no matter if it's targeting you specifically or not?

In that case, I'd go with something around 40.

Investiture would have no direct effect on him, a firestorm would probably be made someone using investiture on the air or the fire and not him so he would still be burned but if someone was making so everything in a room spontaneously catches fire it would not work on him.

Cadmium/Blendaloy bubble, primer cube allomantic AOE, the stormlight puddles Kaladin ad Dalinar use fix people to the ground and some of the Aons (eg Aon Ene) would be direct untargeted effects. I think most other untargeted effect would be indirect.

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12 hours ago, mathiau said:

Investiture would have no direct effect on him, a firestorm would probably be made someone using investiture on the air or the fire and not him so he would still be burned but if someone was making so everything in a room spontaneously catches fire it would not work on him.

Cadmium/Blendaloy bubble, primer cube allomantic AOE, the stormlight puddles Kaladin ad Dalinar use fix people to the ground and some of the Aons (eg Aon Ene) would be direct untargeted effects. I think most other untargeted effect would be indirect.

okay :) sorry, I might be nitpicking here, but I like to really understand what power someone is aiming for.

Yep, that's the 40 :)

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New character!




Name: Boy 713


Hair: Black, close cut, straight

Eyes: Violet

Skin: Deep brown

Scars: Many

Build: Tall for his age, lanky

Age: 13

Homeplanet: Unknown

Alignment: Shifts between chaotic neutral, neutral good, and lawful evil, depending

Investiture: Tin Ferring

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Male

Skills: Poison mixing, amateur.

Guild: Dark Alley

Backstory: Has been in the Alleys for as long as he remembers. Specifically Alley 5019.37. He was raised with 1000 boys, all kidnapped at a young age from various planets. He had a traumatic time, and recently killed the person containing them. The boys have scattered, and he now emerges into the world. (all else will be revealed in character)

@Ookla the Maybe-Existent @Sorana @Voidus

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17 hours ago, Ookla the Maybe-Existent said:

Amateur Poison-Mixing = 5

Tin Ferring = 30

Well within point limits :). For character purposes though, are there any weaknesses?

Oh, I knew I was missing something big.

Weaknesses: Paranoid, doesn't know how to read or write, socially awkward, PTSD, physically weak, limps, afraid of hemalurgy, afraid of nonhumans, has literally only seen three animals in his life, a lion, a cremling, and a chasmfiend, is therefore scared of any animals.

@Ookla the Maybe-Existent

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Revised era 4 character:


Name: Zaphoid Beeblerock

Gender: Male

Investiture: A-Steel, F-Nicrosil, [potential cytonic jumping]

Weapons: Glass daggers, harmonium grenades that just blow up, metalminds and steel vials

Appearance: Black hair streaked with gray, not very muscular, unkempt beard, gray eyes

Skills: Relatively intelligent, good at precision engineering

Weaknesses: Far too trusting, outdated knowledge(see Backstory)

Backstory: Dashing space entrepreneur, Zaphoid strands himself on a remote planet through a freak cytonic accident sometime in Era 2. He spent the last few years building a ship from scratch, and somehow crashed next to Alleycity and survived. Now he's kinda lost as nobody seems to fight anymore and doesn't know what to do with his life.

Trivia: He likes electro swing and now is fond of eating watermelons, outside included.

@Sorana @Ookla the Maybe-Existent @Voidus

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On 18/01/2020 at 9:12 PM, Spaceferring said:

Name: Zaphoid Beeblerock

Gender: Male

Investiture: A-Steel (45), F-Nicrosil, (30) [potential cytonic jumping]

Weapons: Glass daggers, harmonium grenades that just blow up, metalminds and steel vials

Appearance: Black hair streaked with gray, not very muscular, unkempt beard, gray eyes

Skills: Relatively intelligent (30), good at precision engineering Handiwork expert (40)

Weaknesses: Far too trusting (-10), outdated knowledge(see Backstory)

Backstory: Dashing space entrepreneur, Zaphoid strands himself on a remote planet through a freak cytonic accident sometime in Era 2. He spent the last few years building a ship from scratch, and somehow crashed next to Alleycity and survived. Now he's kinda lost as nobody seems to fight anymore and doesn't know what to do with his life.

Trivia: He likes electro swing and now is fond of eating watermelons, outside included.

45 + 30 = 75 M
30 + 40 = 70 S
-10 W
Total: 75+70-10 = 135

Approved based on those abilities, but this is excluding the cytonic jumping. Cytonics would put this well over point cap.

Also a quick announcement regarding some changes to character limits, this won't affect most people but we have had a few who have hit the cap for character's lately so we will be replacing the hard cap of 5 characters with something a little more flexible. So anyone who wants to submit characters for approval over the character limit may do so, but we will be scrutinising them much more to ensure that they're actually contributing to the narrative in a useful way and not just throwaway characters. The mod team also reserves the right to withdraw approval for such characters if they are not active or not meaningfully advancing the narrative.

Preference is still that people work to develop characters and their story rather than simply create a bunch of characters to participate in every possible plot, but this means that those who want to take on a little more characters can do so if those characters are justified.

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10 minutes ago, Spaceferring said:

All right, no cytonic jumping. But could I add a few points in intelligence or reision stuff without going over the cap?



The next intelligence level (genius) cost 15 more point so yes. Also the guide to check whether your character is not too strong is there:)

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9 hours ago, mathiau said:

The next intelligence level (genius) cost 15 more point so yes. Also the guide to check whether your character is not too strong is there:)

Not sure what you mean by reision (precision?) but intelligence could be increased to the next level up while within point limits, yes.

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5 hours ago, Spaceferring said:

Yeah, that was just a mistype on my part. I meant the precision engineering stuff.

I'd like to take intelligence to the next level then

Thanks @mathiau !

Already put that at maxed out, so end result is:

On 1/18/2020 at 9:12 PM, Spaceferring said:

Name: Zaphoid Beeblerock

Gender: Male

Investiture: A-Steel (45), F-Nicrosil, (30)

Weapons: Glass daggers, harmonium grenades that just blow up, metalminds and steel vials

Appearance: Black hair streaked with gray, not very muscular, unkempt beard, gray eyes

Skills: Relatively intelligent (Genius 45), good at precision engineering Handiwork expert (40)

Weaknesses: Far too trusting (-10), outdated knowledge(see Backstory)

Backstory: Dashing space entrepreneur, Zaphoid strands himself on a remote planet through a freak cytonic accident sometime in Era 2. He spent the last few years building a ship from scratch, and somehow crashed next to Alleycity and survived. Now he's kinda lost as nobody seems to fight anymore and doesn't know what to do with his life.

Trivia: He likes electro swing and now is fond of eating watermelons, outside included.


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On 20/01/2020 at 10:59 AM, Ark1002 said:

Just out of curiosity, @Ookla the Maybe-Existent, how many points do those weaknesses subtract?

Let’s see. Fear of pretty much every animal and nonhuman is a solid weakness, though other than a few occasions I can’t see too many animals being in the RP anyway. Obviously it depends how much fear he has towards these things. Hemalurgy effects the character and will effect his interaction with other characters, so I’d say it’s worth more as a weakness, same as being physically weak and having a limp. I’d give all weaknesses together about a score of -20.

Which gives your character an over score of 15. Well within point limits :P I’ll add it to the list.

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