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3 hours ago, whattheHoid said:

Ahh Meeker, you don't know me that well! I never concede especially when I should! I raise you again, with little to no knowledge on computer algorithms and codes, I, Hoid, shall write an epic take of how the first 1 and 0 meet up and get separated and meet again. A thrilling and sensual tale filled with seductive mermaids, heruclean quests, a wise old crone, and a bowl of the most world shattering ramen!

Then thou shalt have cause to mourn and weep.  For I have eaten that bowl of ramen.


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Name: Teksa Matfen

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Birthplace: Earth (Rithmatist), in the United Isles of America.

Family: Philip (Father whom Teksa is extremely angry at), Threta (Mother who imigrated from JoSeun), William (Oldest brother who told him stories about rithmatists and their duels), Sarah (Older sister who teased Teksa far too much), Ashley (Older sister that ignored Teksa most of the time), and Senfa (Older sister that Teksa got along with best).

Appearance: 5’ 09”, bright red hair and deep green eyes, almost emerald. Decent build, not overly muscular but not skinny. Parts of his face, left arm, chest, and left leg are all scarred from acid burns [MINUS 10 SKILL POINTS]

Investiture: Rithmatist (Melody Level Ability) [PLUS SIXTY MAGIC POINTS] and Epic Power : Primary - Can bring his drawings to life (They look exactly as how he has drawn them, including colors.), Secondary - He can control non investured chalk, which he uses along with his Rithmatic abilities. [PLUS FIFTY MAGIC POINTS]

Skills and special equipment: He has a lot of chalk on him and carries pen and papers. He also has a knife and a classic six round revolver, think old western. He has a high intelligence and is good at infiltrating buildings. [PLUS 20 SKILL POINTS. Went with the lowest tier of assassination. Could be argued down given more detail.]

Character Weakness: If he sees acid he gets physically sick and can barely keep himself from throwing up. He feels like he has been given these powers for a reason and will drop whatever is happening to save an innocent. He will also hunt something he sees as evil till the end of time, no matter where it leads him. "With great power comes great responsibility." sort of thing. He also believes that he is above most people and tends to underestimate opponents, though he gives everything he does his all.

Powers Weakness: His weakness is acid. If he sees acid his epic powers immediately shut down (Although his drawings that he has already brought to life stay alive, he calls them chalkstructs.) and he gets physically sick.

The Chalkstructs: The chalkstructs can lift up to 4 times what Teksa can lift, but it depends on how much effort and time he puts into the drawing. Teksa is a little above average, but definitely not a power lifter (I will figure out the exact numbers later.). He can also only control as much chalk as he can lift and only do two different things with them at once, such as draw a circle and a line of vigor. He has to be within 5 feet to awaken one of his drawings. The chalkstructs have to be within 100 feet of him and they only stay around for up to 6 hours. He has semi full control, think of Melody from the Rithmatist. He can control about 10 chalkstructs at once. He can also renew the 6 hours if he spends five minutes focusing completely on one of the chalkstructs.

Biography: Teksa was born in the United Isles of America to a normal family of two parents and four siblings, where he is the youngest. When he went to school, his teachers immediately saw his intelligence and he was pushed to the front of his class. When he reached the age of eight, he went to a Church of the Monarch and went to the Inception ceremony. He saw and received the power of a shadowblaze and became a rithmatist. He went to the Valendar Academy, where he would once again be considered the great intellectual of his class, however, there was a boy who was better than him at rithmatics. Teksa starts to push himself harder and harder to beat him and even gets lax in his other studies. He greatly improves, but never surpasses his "nemesis", Jake Stonthem.

He ends up graduating at the age of eighteen and heads to the Tower of Nebraska for is two years of service. The second day after he arrived, there was a big wave of wild chalklings that broke through the circle and invaded the camp. Teksa was fighting off as many chalklings as he could, but he saw Jake fall and get covered by the creatures. Suddenly, he loses control of his emotions and rushes over to Jake. He is able to pull Jake out and behind friendly lines. However, chalkilings start rushing all over his body and one of the nearby soldiers freak out. The soldier throws acid at him, staving off the chalklings, but also burning Teksa. He is in pain for several weeks and is sent home. He never stops practicing and in fact reaches new bounds when it comes to chalklings. He gets to the point where he doesn't need to give commands to them, they just do what he says. After one year of hiding his newfound power, his father finds out about this and has a panic attack, Teksa is now on the run from the authorities.

He has spent a year dodging the army but is finally almost caught. He is on a cliff and his only option is to jump, which he does. He doesn't hit the water, however, and finds himself alone on the ground. He looks up in the sky and sees a bright red light, which shines ever so brightly for half a second. Suddenly, Teksa's vision goes black. He wakes up and finds himself in a settlement run by an epic. He stays there for three years and learns to use his new powers. Eventually, he meets another world hopper that teaches him the different ways to get between worlds. The kind old world hopper send Teksa to Alleyverse, to grow and learn.

Guild: TUBA, I hope. @Archer Is there a place for Teksa?

Personality: Reserved to most people, but if you become a friend, he is very protective.



I only changed two things that are related to the chalkstructs. First, I doubled how many chalkstructs he could control at once (ten) and made it so he could "renew" his chalkstructs if he spends five minutes completely focusing on one at a time. Other than that I kept everything the same.

Last thing, I feel Teksa would be most at home at TUBA, so when he is all done, i'll post my vows in the TUBA guild thread.

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10 hours ago, Sorana said:

Hi @Archer

I updated their points and included the full bios. For the skills/ weaknesses I applied points I set them in brackets behind the corresponding skill, everything without points I included for information, or because it's a part of the character for me, but in my opinion not influencing the whole points part. Should you disagree, I'll gladly edit.

To Damya: I specified her memory and illusion weakness further
To Lena: I specified her disorder further; she now has a total of 80 points in mixing potions (divided in poisons and potions, as you suggested to spend more points to give me more flexibilty)
To Althea: a question regarding a weakness.
(each bolded and coloured)


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Name: Damaya Vulken (was Damaya Tenira)

Investiture:  Lightweaver 2nd Ideal, spren: Corundum (80)

Weakness: has nightmares; too curious for her own good; has a tendency to trust those who show her kindness; she never learned how to soulcast and only rarely tries it out; her illusions are tied to her memories: whenever she tries to lightweave she replicates one of her memories for everybody to see like a short scene of a movie projected by a (3D) beamer- meanwhile she relives the complete memory herself (-25)

Character: very loyal to her friends, good hearted, has no real purpose in her life anymore, deeply traumatized after growing up with a Chaos sorcerer who abused her regularly

Special skills and Weapons: Intelligent (30), Scholarship (General Knowledge: sewing, embroidery, calculation, reading, philosophy,...) (30), Amateur Staff (20)

Physical characteristics: young woman 23 years old, green eyes, long blond hair (usually open or in a low pony tail), frail and small build, open face

Family: her family was killed in the Seven Day War when she was 7, grew up with forster parents who abused her for several years, she considers Araha (narrator Ark1002/ now Ark) family, Damaya has a sister (Althea) but she doesn’t know about her

Home: somewhere in Alleycity

History/Biography: After the war Damaya grew up on the streets, stealing food whenever possible. One day she was caught by a woman and forced to live with her. It wasn’t a bad life, and Damaya learned everything she would need to find a good husband. She ignored her spren, Coru, whom she bonded while living on the street, and pretended to be a normal girl. That worked until the woman married again. Her husband saw the spren and decided to make use of Damaya’s abilities. He abused her for several years, sending her now and then to the Waystop to learn to control her powers. It left Damaya almost unable to control any illusions and a deep hatred for her spren. After she got kidnapped by some Chaos marines and afterwards rescued, she trusts her spren more and more, following Araha’s example who loves her spren dearly. Damaya killed her “father” herself, smashing his head. She never took the time to work through what happened, instead buries everything deep down in her soul. After she handed the house she grew up in over to the Ghostbloods, she left (fleed) the Alleycity for the other side of the world.



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Name: Lena (originally Lanera Aander)

Age: 26


Physical: long red hair, small and light built, unassuming face, always carries a bag with some poisons and something to eat

Investiture: None

Skills: Expert Poison Mixing (40), Expert Potion Mixing (40), Skilled Disguising (30), Average Healing (20), Average Cooking (20)

Weaknesses: can’t see blood (-10), can’t hide her emotions, her son

Characteristics: delightens when she is able to poison somebody, especially if she has the time to study the reactions of her victims, cold-hearted, is willing to sacrifice others any moment (or as soon as she feels she has nothing to gain from the relationship)
Antisocial personality disorder:
Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors:

  1. deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;

  2. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead;

  3. reckless disregard for safety of self or others;

  4. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior

  5. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.

Family: Lena grew up in Teoin, her parents were merchants and overlooked her tendency to poison smaller animals, when she was a child. Later, when she grew older and started to slip poison to some of their workers, they tried to steer her from that path, but failed. Lena has a 5-year old son, she almost never gets to see. Her grandmother cares for the child, and writes some letters to Lena now and then, but mostly their contact consists of Lena sending money home to support them both. She and her grandmother have the agreement, that Lena stays away from the child. There isn’t any noticeable contact to her parents, but she does visit eldest brother now and then, who lives and works in Alleycity.

History: After the birth of her child, Lena and her husband lived together in Teoin. The marriage had been arranged by her parents, as they hoped, that having a family would ground Lena. Shortly after the birth of their first child, Lena poisoned her husband after a fight, since she felt, like he wanted to control her. Avoiding arrest, only by her parents connections, she left Teoin late at night. With nothing but her son and a few cloths and travelled to her grandmother. She stayed there for the next few months, but after a while there, her grandmother caught her observing the death of the village smith, making notes as to how improve her draft. The incident was followed by a longer discussion, and ended with a choice for Lena. Leave Sel and never return, or face arrest and a trial most likely ending in her death. Lena left Sel, leaving her child with grandmother, something her grandmother insisted on and joined some travellers on their way to Alleycity. After her arrival there she started to steal and to scam, finally met the other members of the Thieve’s Guild and joined them on their most recent heists. She has a small flat in a poorer part of the city, which looks like a laboratory, full of plants, and chemical substances, as she is earning her money by selling poisons. She still tries them always out the first time herself, and prefers to carefully note down the reactions of her victims. She doesn’t necessarily kill them, believes incapacitation to be even more interesting, since it means, she has to work with more precision.

During Era 2 Lena participated in a few scams, the largest one being Alleyzon where she and a few others members stole a whole plane full of goods. Afterwards she joined Gonev and Pry to rescue Pry’s siblings from Crow.


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Name: Althea Tenira

Age: 30

Investiture: Elsecaller, 3rd ideal, Spren is called Brashen (100)

Skills: Expert Scholarship Investiture (40), Mind link with Max/ Solace (40)

Physical: long white hair and skin, crystalline red eyes, slight build, medium height

Weaknesses: she’s an albino, direct sunlight hurts/ blinds her (-25), is able to move around in the sunlight when wearing appropriate protection (sunglasses, longsleeves, sunscreen); fire/ smoke or loud sounds when something is falling down (that remind her of crashing buildings) trigger panic attacks (how strong does that need to be for the final 15 points I need to balance the mindlink? I counted the mindlink to the investiture part with the 100 points maximum); doesn't trust her own senses/ emotions to 100% anymore (e.g. she tries to touch people to make sure what she is seeing/ hearing and what her touch tells her correlate); feels threatened by the mind link as it allows Solace free access to do with her thoughts/ mind whatever he wants to do (which he already did several times) and listen in on whatever she does whenever he wishes to do


Character: problem-oriented thinking, no sense for jokes/ fun, can be taken for cold-hearted, prefers to hide her emotions, prefers to solve conflicts without fighting,

Backstory: Althea grew up in an orphanage close to the horneater peaks, as her parents gave her away when they discovered her outer appearance. She usually kept to herself and spent her time reading, learning.When she was allowed to, she left the orphanage to travel the world and further improve her abilities. She was recruited by the Ghostbloods soon after she left the orphanage and they taught her about hemalurgy and how to soulcast. After she bonded her spren, she spent more and more time in shadesmar or soulcasting. Especially shadesmar was a place she grew to love, as the light there didn’t hurt her. From her thirteenth birthday on she worked in the laboratories of the Ghostbloods, advancing through their ranks until she was appointed Righthand shortly before Solace returned to take back control.
Althea learned that she had a sister, shortly before the start of Era 2. She then had her followed and finally decided to appear in the open at the Ghostblood Ball hoping, to meet her there.
After Solace/ Sephtis appearance and the conflict in Oasis City she and Max followed him. They managed to find out about his weakness and stopped him from conquering the world, by making him face his own fear. Afterwards she married Max and now lives together with him in a small house outside of Alleycity.


Additional Information: Althea owns a Shardblade and a ring forged by Laonin. She neither carries them, nor will she use them during the Era. (I might hand one of them to the next generation though. So I thought I should mention they exist.)


9 hours ago, Lord Meeker said:

The mind link is Solace's power. You shouldn't have to add the points to your bio, @Sorana. What do you think @Archer? I'll get the Rhazien/Solace bio up when I wake up as well as update Sebastian's with point system. 

I had to Google what a beamer was, but other than that, this reads well. If you don't object, I'll lower the 'panic attacks' weakness to 'gets frightened', which you can RP as minimally as you like. Normally that would be a -5, but coupled with Meeker's comment, I'm willing to call it even. I still think the mind link is an advantage worth noting though. But it's all your call. I'm going to add these to the list now, but you're still welcome to update and edit them as much as you wish. 


4 hours ago, Kidpen said:

Alright, updated character based on earlier feedback and discussion on Discord. Thanks @I think I am here. for giving me a name, and @Archer and @Lumgol for helping me with ideas for the extra weakness even though Lum was mainly memeing.

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Name: Detran

Investiture: Dakhor monk. Extra strength and speed. Almost invulnerable bones. +80M Has extra power that allows for taking control of non sentient beings. He is required to audibly speak his commands to the creature, but they generally understand the meaning behind it. The amount of sacrifice is higher depending on how powerful the being is. This may or may not be something he uses at length in E3. It's not canon, so I might not want to overuse it too much.+20M


Skills: I'll give him Smart to Intelligent depending on how much it's ruled my weakness takes off. +15/+30 In particular, he is very good at talking to people. He is Average in both Melee combat (sword) and Hand to Hand. +20,+35


  • He was given an instruction by his Hroden before he left that he must never kill more people than he converts. As it stands at his place in RoV, he has converted 46 and killed 46-however many he's able to kill in RoV. This means he can kill whoever he wants in RoV, but once we move to Era 3 I'll have to RP him converting people (although fair warning I've got about 4 people who have already said that they will convert and/or tell him they've been converted. -25
  • Fanatical devotion to his religion. Not going to be really working with anyone who doesn't want to convert. He won't be attacking anybody who just casually insults the religion, but if he has some spare kills, he will kill people who blatantly slander it.
  • He wants to destroy the DA, which is basically suicidal. -5 for both
  • Also his Hroden casually mentioned at one point that Detran should learn to garden because it would fit him, and Detran decided to take that as "You must have a garden that belongs to you at all times or you may do nothing else." The GBs are currently taking care of his, but he'll lose that soon and be forced to make a new one. -15

History: He was born in Fjordell, and soon joined the church. He had a passion for Shu-Dereth, and was sent to the Dakhor monastery to become a monk. After gaining his powers, he was instructed by his Hroden to travel abroad (among other things), converting others to the church-and occasionally eliminating those who would not be converted. After a year, his wandering's took him to the Alleyverse, where he quickly learned the history of the world. After learning about the Worldspike, he quickly came to a realization: This was where Jaddeth lay under the ground, ready to awaken when the entire living population joined Shu-Dereth. Soon after, he learned about the DA, their godlike leader, and the fact that they worked inside of the Worldspike. He came to the realization that it was possible the Dark Alley was repressing Jaddeth inside of their lair. 

He plotted for a long time to try and take down the DA, but he had no resources, so it was literally impossible. However, he was soon approached by the Liebrarians and their attempt to take control of the Guardian and defeat Voidus, and was given the powerful ability to take control of non sentient beings. He was instructed to join the Ghostbloods as a spy. (@Ghostblood people do you mind this? I can fix it if not. He wouldn't have sabotaged anything or gotten important information.) He then went to the Release of Voidus as one of the Dakhor monks, planning to kill Mahz (and anyone else he could find) as a sacrifice to control the immensely powerful being.


You can make him intelligent, and a skilled hand to hand fighter. I'm going to refrain from adding him to the list right now while you make any updates (I noticed you have a lot of notes in there) but I'll save him a spot. 

2 hours ago, whattheHoid said:

@Archer Don't worry I can add and subtract things in my strengths and weaknesses. I will try to explain in more detail why her weaknesses are weaknesses and can be a liability in certain situations. How would I score her bane? That is her greatest  and strongest weakness. I wasn't entirely sure when I was looking through the scoring page.

I put my suggested scores to the right of yours when I quoted your post. But since last night, I thought of an interesting side effect of her bane. Gold heals according to the way one perceives themself. The bane could make some weird things happen when they try to use the goldmind. If you say it's a major weakness, then it has more of an effect than I'd initially supposed. Go with -40 or so. 

1 hour ago, Silva said:

Okay. Here is a biography for a second era 3 character if they don't killed.

*cough* don't blow up the den of thieves yet Darth *cough*

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Name: Freedom Acute

Age: 13

Appearance: A little shorter than Pry, but she has the same tan coloration. Her dark hair curls slightly in the humidity. Freedom also always looks around two years older than she really is, or rather, the same age as Precious. She also has a brand on her forehead (a Ghostblood symbol with some designs in the diamonds) from when Hellbent kidnapped her.

Family: Both of her parents are alive. She has three older siblings (Pry, Light, and Precious) and seven younger (Unity, Brethren, Dawn, Lineage, Compile, Warmer, and Eon).

Investiture: Atium Ferring [+30]

Skills: Freedom also trained with the same tailor Pry did. She’s relatively smart [+15] and good with analysis [+10], is trained in the basics of hand-to-hand, melee, and projectile fighting [+60].

Weaknesses: Despite all that, she still is thirteen. Freedom won’t always see the big picture [-5]. She’s shorter [-5] and suffers minor PTSD from her time with Hellbent - seeing blood can cause her to start hyperventilating [-?]. (Minus five or ten)

History: She grew up with the rest of the Acutes on Scadrial. Mejin and Vahara were major parts of her life - always there. When Pry and Mejin left when she was 8, it got her serious about wanting to train. She and all the Acutes but Pry were captured by Hellbent to be his slaves when she was 12. Freedom watched him kill Vahara and hurt her siblings. She escaped to the Thieves who came back for the others. No more can be said, because no more has happened yet. I'll update this once Den of Thieves finishes up.

I'm not sure how much to put PTSD as since it could be big if she ever ends up in a fight, but since she's 13 I'm a even more hesitant about doing that. I'll update the history once Den of Thieves finishes up since what happens there might really affect her.

Not subtracting the blood thing, she in total adds only to 105, so OPness shouldn't be an issue.

You can afford to keep the PTSD at a minimum, so I'd just leave it as a minor weakness. I'd like to add this bio now so I remember it's been approved. When you can update the history, I'll edit the list again. 

4 minutes ago, Mr Mafia said:
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Name: Teksa Matfen

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Birthplace: Earth (Rithmatist), in the United Isles of America.

Family: Philip (Father whom Teksa is extremely angry at), Threta (Mother who imigrated from JoSeun), William (Oldest brother who told him stories about rithmatists and their duels), Sarah (Older sister who teased Teksa far too much), Ashley (Older sister that ignored Teksa most of the time), and Senfa (Older sister that Teksa got along with best).

Appearance: 5’ 09”, bright red hair and deep green eyes, almost emerald. Decent build, not overly muscular but not skinny. Parts of his face, left arm, chest, and left leg are all scarred from acid burns [MINUS 10 SKILL POINTS]

Investiture: Rithmatist (Melody Level Ability) [PLUS SIXTY MAGIC POINTS] and Epic Power : Primary - Can bring his drawings to life (They look exactly as how he has drawn them, including colors.), Secondary - He can control non investured chalk, which he uses along with his Rithmatic abilities. [PLUS FIFTY MAGIC POINTS]

Skills and special equipment: He has a lot of chalk on him and carries pen and papers. He also has a knife and a classic six round revolver, think old western. He has a high intelligence and is good at infiltrating buildings. [PLUS 20 SKILL POINTS. Went with the lowest tier of assassination. Could be argued down given more detail.]

Character Weakness: If he sees acid he gets physically sick and can barely keep himself from throwing up. He feels like he has been given these powers for a reason and will drop whatever is happening to save an innocent. He will also hunt something he sees as evil till the end of time, no matter where it leads him. "With great power comes great responsibility." sort of thing. He also believes that he is above most people and tends to underestimate opponents, though he gives everything he does his all.

Powers Weakness: His weakness is acid. If he sees acid his epic powers immediately shut down (Although his drawings that he has already brought to life stay alive, he calls them chalkstructs.) and he gets physically sick.

The Chalkstructs: The chalkstructs can lift up to 4 times what Teksa can lift, but it depends on how much effort and time he puts into the drawing. Teksa is a little above average, but definitely not a power lifter (I will figure out the exact numbers later.). He can also only control as much chalk as he can lift and only do two different things with them at once, such as draw a circle and a line of vigor. He has to be within 5 feet to awaken one of his drawings. The chalkstructs have to be within 100 feet of him and they only stay around for up to 6 hours. He has semi full control, think of Melody from the Rithmatist. He can control about 10 chalkstructs at once. He can also renew the 6 hours if he spends five minutes focusing completely on one of the chalkstructs.

Biography: Teksa was born in the United Isles of America to a normal family of two parents and four siblings, where he is the youngest. When he went to school, his teachers immediately saw his intelligence and he was pushed to the front of his class. When he reached the age of eight, he went to a Church of the Monarch and went to the Inception ceremony. He saw and received the power of a shadowblaze and became a rithmatist. He went to the Valendar Academy, where he would once again be considered the great intellectual of his class, however, there was a boy who was better than him at rithmatics. Teksa starts to push himself harder and harder to beat him and even gets lax in his other studies. He greatly improves, but never surpasses his "nemesis", Jake Stonthem.

He ends up graduating at the age of eighteen and heads to the Tower of Nebraska for is two years of service. The second day after he arrived, there was a big wave of wild chalklings that broke through the circle and invaded the camp. Teksa was fighting off as many chalklings as he could, but he saw Jake fall and get covered by the creatures. Suddenly, he loses control of his emotions and rushes over to Jake. He is able to pull Jake out and behind friendly lines. However, chalkilings start rushing all over his body and one of the nearby soldiers freak out. The soldier throws acid at him, staving off the chalklings, but also burning Teksa. He is in pain for several weeks and is sent home. He never stops practicing and in fact reaches new bounds when it comes to chalklings. He gets to the point where he doesn't need to give commands to them, they just do what he says. After one year of hiding his newfound power, his father finds out about this and has a panic attack, Teksa is now on the run from the authorities.

He has spent a year dodging the army but is finally almost caught. He is on a cliff and his only option is to jump, which he does. He doesn't hit the water, however, and finds himself alone on the ground. He looks up in the sky and sees a bright red light, which shines ever so brightly for half a second. Suddenly, Teksa's vision goes black. He wakes up and finds himself in a settlement run by an epic. He stays there for three years and learns to use his new powers. Eventually, he meets another world hopper that teaches him the different ways to get between worlds. The kind old world hopper send Teksa to Alleyverse, to grow and learn.

Guild: TUBA, I hope. @Archer Is there a place for Teksa?

Personality: Reserved to most people, but if you become a friend, he is very protective.



I only changed two things that are related to the chalkstructs. First, I doubled how many chalkstructs he could control at once (ten) and made it so he could "renew" his chalkstructs if he spends five minutes completely focusing on one at a time. Other than that I kept everything the same.

Last thing, I feel Teksa would be most at home at TUBA, so when he is all done, i'll post my vows in the TUBA guild thread.

Looks good. I'll take my mod hat off and talk to you abut TUBA after I'm done here. 

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Ahh, @Lord Meeker. I shall not mourn and weep as I am sure that your ramen was not worldshattering. It was not made with the silken threads from the mystical Ruterain Ramen Tree; caressed with the steamy broth steeped in spices only found in the far off reaches on the sand dunes of Trermaien. And it most definitely didn't have tender meat harvested on the night of the concurrence of the Glitter moons marinated in the salty, spiciness that is tasty gloriousness.

Check, check. Pffhhhttttt!

@Archer Ok got it!

Edited by whattheHoid
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29 minutes ago, whattheHoid said:

Ahh, @Lord Meeker. I shall not mourn and weep as I am sure that your ramen was not worldshattering. It was not made with the silken threads from the mystical Ruterain Ramen Tree; caressed with the steamy broth steeped in spices only found in the far off reaches on the sand dunes of Trermaien. And it most definitely didn't have tender meat harvested on the night of the concurrence of the Glitter moons marinated in the salty, spiciness that is tasty gloriousness.

I topped it off with a sprinkle of grounded Atium spikes, that were refined might I add, as well as a little tin and chromium. Tasted fabulous. Additionally I had some Lerasium spiked and swirled brass cake. 


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1 hour ago, Archer said:

You can afford to keep the PTSD at a minimum, so I'd just leave it as a minor weakness. I'd like to add this bio now so I remember it's been approved. When you can update the history, I'll edit the list again. 

Okay, sounds good. Thank you!

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Hey @Archer, here's my freshly edited character.  I've added a few more weaknesses, and tweaked the bio to fit facts.


Name: He hasn't decided on a good one.  Mostly just wants to be called 'Most holy', or 'Returned'.

Investiture:  One divine breath (being a returned).

Age:  Since he returned, 1,098.  Age when he died, 38.

Appearence:  Very tall, about 6' 4", and is a rather large man.  He has a perfect physique, being a returned.  He has long blond hair that frame a blunt face that looks like it got punched too many times.  No one would describe him as good-looking, but he's not precisely ugly.  

Skills:  With infinite time, he's mastered pretty much every weapon in the cosmere.  His perfect physique and ability to learn quickly helped, but he's still at a disadvantage with no usable investiture.  He's also masters many skills that go well with combat, such as woodsman... skill, stealth, healing, strategy, and others like that.  He has mastered the true patterns of swordsmanship, from infinity blade.

Weakness:  Has a code of honor which prevents him from doing certain things.  Code of honor:

I will not kill unnecessarily

I will not harm those to whom I am sworn (which happens to be nobody currently)

I will not harm others purely for the advancement of my motives

I will only kill in war, when I am required to defend myself, or when the man I kill is convicted by Alleyverse law

I will not take undue advantage of anybody's ignorance or weakness

I will defend those who cannot defend themselves, except those that have been convicted by Alleyverse law, or are being fought in a war

I will not lie (but I'll probably take serious liberties with the truth)


Also, has a one-time power (to quote a phrase) and can't influence the world around him with his investiture.  Has a very severe weakness to poisons.  Even minor poisons would bring about his death.  Has a big problem with killing, and the thought of taking another human's life is deeply disturbing to him.  He will kill, if he has to, but he hates the thought of it. 

Personality:  Is very blunt, and doesn't like to lie.  He tells you what he thinks, and doesn't reserve his opinion because he's afraid he'll hurt someone.  Aside from that, he's very affable, and most people who get to know him genuinely like him.  Has a darker side, which is a more intense side.  He conceals this and channels into his sense of honor.

Backstory:  He returned on Nalthis when Suesbron was god king.  He found his life to be lacking substance, and tried to find something to occupy his time.  He found weapons training to be satisfying, so he went to the other Returned to seek assistance.  One would think, that with infinite time, at least some of them would be worth something, but he found most of them to be worthless fops.  He then realized that the entire pantheon was a waste of time, and left to seek training.  He found a hermit named Handret who was skilled beyond any human he had yet encountered, and this man did most of his training in Nalthian weapons.  During this time, he received breaths from the hermit––only one a week, just enough to survive on––who seemed to have a suspiciously large repertoire.  He discovered worldhopping, and made it to Roshar, where Vasher trained him in Rosharan weapons.  On Roshar, he was pleased to find another returned, and used stormlight to stay alive.  He made it to Scadrial, where an ancient and rather eccentric feruchemist trained him. This feruchemists filled small nicrosil minds for him to swallow and stay alive, but as it was, he became dangerously behind on breaths.  He was only able to stock up after a brief return to Roshar.  During his travels, he met other worldhoppers, who trained him in non-weapon related skills such as worldhopping, and travel skills.  His travels ranged throughout the entire cosmere until he stumbled upon the Alleyplanet(?).  There, he received training in firearms and other weapons that the cosmere lacks.  Now he resides in the Diagramist headquarters as the head of the guild.

Edit:  Sorry for the spoiler chain in the weaknesses section.  Only meant to put one there.

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Name: Stan Smith, simply known as Loki

Sex: Male

Age: 54

Birthplace: Earth, the place where we live.

Family: A Father who died, a mother who is in the hospital, and no siblings (Hence why he is a psychiatrist).

Appearance: 5"4' and older looking. He has gray hair that is turning white and many wrinkles around his face. He has a pair of smart looking glasses and often wears a grey suit with a blue undershirt. He does aerobic exercising every week and has a fairly strict diet, though he does cheat almost every Saturday.

Investiture: Stan doesn't have any, unless you count his aspects. His powers are based on the Legion series. He can create aspects similar to the series' and deals with them in a similar way.

Skills and special equipment: He is very skillful at reading people and drawing up people's memories. He is also very good at making people comfortable and he can even calm down people if they're angry. He can hide his emotions well and make it seem like he is in a completely different mood. He always carries a briefcase with notes on people he has helped and a clipboard with several pens. In his briefcase, he also has a set of pictures that help him to understand his clients. He loves playing games and made his own chess set when he "moved" from Earth. He is strategically minded, cunning, and humorous. He can also confuse people and use their fears against them, he does this when threatened.

Weakness: He can't handle more than a couple of his aspects being in one room at the same time, he can handle about seven without being strained. He is almost useless in a battle but could demoralize the enemy and plan like a pro. He could care less about "good or evil" as he thinks that it's subjective but does believe in a higher being, a God. He will argue with the most powerful if they don't believe in God and tries to convert everyone he meets to Aethenerial (A made up religion, similar to Aristotle's Grand Mover).

Biography: He had a fairly normal life growing up on a normal Earth with a normal family. He wasn't the smartest person in school, but people thought he was crazy. At first, he tried to fight them and tell them that he wasn't crazy, he always lost that fight. Once he got to high school, however, he gave up and focused on others. He would watch people for long periods of time and try to figure out how they felt. He got very good by the time he was a junior and trick people into thinking that he could read their minds. His home life was just as unusual. He would play games with his aspects, his favorites being risk and chess. He would also spend his time reading psychology books and reports, he wanted to know what was different about him and why.

After high school, he left for Stanford on a full ride scholarship for their psychology program. He still didn't fit in when he got there, but was able to fake it and make some friends. He learned many things during his time in college, including how to handle people and trick them. This is where he earned the nickname, Loki. After graduation, he went back for his masters and immediately after that, his PhD. After his schooling, he started his own clinic and became one of the most acclaimed psychiatrists int the world. His aspects going along for the ride, helping him and nudging him in certain directions.

One day, when he was reading from the Mythernal (The Aethenerial's holy book) a strange voice spoke inside his head. "Hmm. We need someone like him, it's worse than the storming Highstorm here. Our universe needs at least one sane person. I'm going to break the Rule and take him, it' is only going to get worse in the Cosmere." Stan's aspects were disappearing and reappearing, his mind felt like it was in two places at once, then it was. In a flash, he was in an entirely different reality. He first puked his guts out and recovered from the worst headache he ever had, which is saying something. The next day, when it was only half as bad, he walked into town and asked where he was. He didn't get the answer he wanted. He kept asking people and they kept telling him in the Alleyverse. "I've finally cracked." Stan said to Tom, the only aspect he could see at the moment. "Don't worry, you've accepted that long ago." Tom joked. Stan kept on going and learned everything he could about the new place he was in. He still couldn't believe the fact that "MAGIC" existed here or that people acted almost exactly the same. But he still had his aspects, so he knew that he could make this place his own.

Guild: Is going to be unaffiliated so that no one has to worry about him telling anyone else their secrets.

Personality: He is kind and grandfatherly, but very sarcastic. He likes cracking jokes, even in the middle of sessions. He's a good sport when it comes to losing, however, he is very competitive and a sore winner.

This is my second and last character for era 3. The weaknesses should outweigh the skills I gave him, but you never know what this sort of character could do.

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30 minutes ago, Mr Mafia said:

Name: Stan Smith, simply known as Loki

Sex: Male

Age: 54

Birthplace: Earth, the place where we live. [I’d rather you put ‘Earth (Legion)’]

Family: A Father who died, a mother who is in the hospital, and no siblings (Hence why he is a psychiatrist).

Appearance: 5"4' and older looking. [-10] He has gray hair that is turning white and many wrinkles around his face. He has a pair of smart looking glasses and often wears a grey suit with a blue undershirt. He does aerobic exercising every week and has a fairly strict diet, though he does cheat almost every Saturday.

Investiture: Stan doesn't have any, unless you count his aspects. His powers are based on the Legion series. He can create aspects similar to the series' and deals with them in a similar way.

Skills and special equipment: He is very skillful at reading people and drawing up people's memories. He is also very good at making people comfortable and he can even calm down people if they're angry. He can hide his emotions well and make it seem like he is in a completely different mood. He always carries a briefcase with notes on people he has helped and a clipboard with several pens. In his briefcase, he also has a set of pictures that help him to understand his clients. He loves playing games and made his own chess set when he "moved" from Earth. He is strategically minded, cunning, and humorous. He can also confuse people and use their fears against them, he does this when threatened. [The way this is kind of power is scored is that he each aspect is treated as having its own intelligence score, then they’re added up. Do that for, say, the first four. Then for each one after that you add less points for it, since they slowly become harder to handle. So the scoring might be 5:120, 6:135, 7:145, 8:155, 9:150, 10:145, 11:140…(numbers randomly chosen for this example). If any of the ones he regularly uses have any particular skills, you should give him the skill points for that too at a reduced rate eg. poison making]

Weakness: He can't handle more than a couple of his aspects being in one room at the same time, he can handle about seven without being strained. He is almost useless in a battle but could demoralize the enemy and plan like a pro. He could care less about "good or evil" as he thinks that it's subjective but does believe in a higher being, a God. He will argue with the most powerful if they don't believe in God and tries to convert everyone he meets to Aethenerial (A made up religion, similar to Aristotle's Grand Mover).

Biography: He had a fairly normal life growing up on a normal Earth with a normal family. He wasn't the smartest person in school, but people thought he was crazy. At first, he tried to fight them and tell them that he wasn't crazy, he always lost that fight. Once he got to high school, however, he gave up and focused on others. He would watch people for long periods of time and try to figure out how they felt. He got very good by the time he was a junior and trick people into thinking that he could read their minds. His home life was just as unusual. He would play games with his aspects, his favorites being risk and chess. He would also spend his time reading psychology books and reports, he wanted to know what was different about him and why.

After high school, he left for Stanford on a full ride scholarship for their psychology program. He still didn't fit in when he got there, but was able to fake it and make some friends. He learned many things during his time in college, including how to handle people and trick them. This is where he earned the nickname, Loki. After graduation, he went back for his masters and immediately after that, his PhD. After his schooling, he started his own clinic and became one of the most acclaimed psychiatrists int the world. His aspects going along for the ride, helping him and nudging him in certain directions.

One day, when he was reading from the Mythernal (The Aethenerial's holy book) a strange voice spoke inside his head. "Hmm. We need someone like him, it's worse than the storming Highstorm here. Our universe needs at least one sane person. I'm going to break the Rule and take him, it' is only going to get worse in the Cosmere." Stan's aspects were disappearing and reappearing, his mind felt like it was in two places at once, then it was. In a flash, he was in an entirely different reality. He first puked his guts out and recovered from the worst headache he ever had, which is saying something. The next day, when it was only half as bad, he walked into town and asked where he was. He didn't get the answer he wanted. He kept asking people and they kept telling him in the Alleyverse. "I've finally cracked." Stan said to Tom, the only aspect he could see at the moment. "Don't worry, you've accepted that long ago." Tom joked. Stan kept on going and learned everything he could about the new place he was in. He still couldn't believe the fact that "MAGIC" existed here or that people acted almost exactly the same. But he still had his aspects, so he knew that he could make this place his own.

Guild: Is going to be unaffiliated so that no one has to worry about him telling anyone else their secrets.

Personality: He is kind and grandfatherly, but very sarcastic. He likes cracking jokes, even in the middle of sessions. He's a good sport when it comes to losing, however, he is very competitive and a sore winner.

This is my second and last character for era 3. The weaknesses should outweigh the skills I gave him, but you never know what this sort of character could do.

As always, notes in are in the spoiler box. To prevent power creep, I'd like you to have some idea of a cut off number for when they start becoming more of a burden than a bonus, and maybe include that in the bio. Additionally, if any have any particular skills of use (ones listed on the index especially), I think those are worth noting. But given its weakness when compared to other powers, this one's pretty easy to approve. I just want an idea of if he's at Leeds' level, or lower, or higher.  

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I put the number he could handle in the weakness, section. I said he could handle seven different aspects before he starts getting a constant migraine, which only increases at an exponential rate. So where do I find the index, then I will definitely do what you ask.

I almost want to give him Lightweaving to make his aspects real and I think it would really fit with his character. Another fake friend that helps him out, a cryptic spren, and the ability to make illusions. It would just be perfect.

what do you think @Archer ?

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Just now, Mr Mafia said:

I put the number he could handle in the weakness, section. I said he could handle seven different aspects before he starts getting a constant migraine, which only increases at an exponential rate. So where do I find the index, then I will definitely do what you ask.

I almost want to give him Lightweaving to make his aspects real and I think it would really fit with his character. Another fake friend that helps him out, a cryptic spren, and the ability to make illusions. It would just be perfect.

what do you think @Archer ?

I thinking more about total amount, not just in the room, but upon reflection, that practical limitation is enough to go by. He could swap out all seven and have a whole new set of info, but if he's like Leeds, he'll have some he likes to keep around at all times, lessening his ability. 

If you do want to add some other power, I'd have to make a tough call about whether that makes him OP. I'm a little too tired to decide that at the moment, I apologize. 

The link to the Index is in my signature under my post, or here. And here is the link to the first draft of it (now out dated), which might help contextualize what it is and why it was made.  


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11 hours ago, Archer said:

If you don't object, I'll lower the 'panic attacks' weakness to 'gets frightened', which you can RP as minimally as you like. Normally that would be a -5, but coupled with Meeker's comment, I'm willing to call it even. I still think the mind link is an advantage worth noting though

I'm fine with paying some points for the link.

To the get frightened part: for me the fire was a trigger, not the thing she is afraid of. So if it's alright for you, slight ptsd maybe works better. That's more what I had in mind.

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You bring up some fair points. Ok, here’s the plan, Stan has ONLY seven aspects, he can’t get more because of the reality transfer did something to his head and the others he had were left on Earth. This helps keep the number of possible aspects to a manageable amount. I will come up with the list of aspects and their skills tomorrow. And if possible, I would like to make him a First Ideal Lightweaver. 

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Name: Kane Mentiz

Investiture: Pinnacle, Oracle, ChayShan, Archivist (Via Spike), Windrunner of the Third Ideal, Cognitive-Shielding Aviar, Amberite Aether Bond, Shardarm, Soulcaster Fabrial made from a dead Cryptic.

So, a brief summary/reiteration: Visionary (Electrum Compounder according to MAG)+100, Archivist by Hemalurgy+25, ChayShan+40, WIndrunner Surges and Shardarm+100, Soulcasting+30, Amberite+35, CogShield Aviar+10.

Skill in magic: I store information in Copperminds constantly. Also, I have infinite determination due to Electrum Compounding, but note that I only Compound to fill my Bracers up unless it is an emergency, where I will burn for Determination instead. I have trained a lot with Allomantic Electrum so that it applies better in combat. I can see up to ten seconds into the future if I'm flaring. I am highly skilled in the art of ChayShan. I Worldhop by jumping through perpendicularities, whose locations are embedded in my copperminds. I am good friends with my spren, Quintexidus or Quin for short. Also, I have considerable Aether power, and decent skill with it. I have befriended the Aviar, Arrow (Eelakin name is Arroji) . Now a Savant for Determination. More explained in weakness and history.

Equipment: Metallurgy equipment, Sentinel Coat, spheres, Power bracelet(summons slight boost in power and Stormlight), knives and daggers, machetes, Plasma rifle, two Devastator pistols, metalminds, metal vials, etc. Presumably, this totals about 30 points. Subject to change.

Plasma Rifle:


This rifle fires energy blasts, however it must be charged with Investiture. In order to fire, it must use up Investiture. Kane hooks up electrum "batteries" that it taps to fire.

Devastator Pistol:


This functions the same as the rifle, though its fire type and battery required are different.

Weaknesses: I am stubborn to a fault and have tried the same things in the past repeatedly before finally changing tactics.-20 Can be influenced due to Hemalurgic spike.-20 Also sometimes, I will make reckless or bad decisions that will cause damage to myself and others.-10 I am missing my entire left arm and it can't heal.-15 Feruchemical Electrum savant. I get more yield out of tapping and burning Metalminds but if I run out I go into a depressed state and lose motivation to do anything.-40 Another is his wanting to help my friends. He could be forced to do anything if the life of a friend was on the line.-30 Another massive weakness is his Stormlight healing issues. He cannot heal any faster than a normal person via Stormlight or unkeyed goldminds, only by Regrowth. The only thing it does is keep him from dying. Thus, his healing from injuries is long, laborious, and much like a normal human's.-50 This is due to a disease Kane has genetically, it was also greatly augmented by the Alleystorm and Kane's minutes in the center of it. It is a type of cancer that affects his Invested abilities to the point where each power has a quirk about it that makes it disadvantagous. Information available upon request.-100 Also, as a result, he will die by the end of Era 3.-50See below for an extensive guide on how to beat him.

Other abilities: Intelligent. +30 Master of Metallurgy+10, proficient fighter in all weapons, master of knives, machetes, and daggers especially+50. Proficient hand to hand fighter+30. Skilled with Soulcasting. Owns a Soulcaster stolen from an irresponsible ardent. Incredible strength on account of having a "Shardarm." Ambidextrous for hands (due to Shardarm making my non-dominant hand equally dexterous) and feet (normally, I was always footbidextrous)+10, I would say it is a disadvantage because it means he doesn't have a Shardblade in exchange for having two arms, though the Shardarm makes him stronger and ambidextrous, so he gets +10.

Appearance: Blue Sentinel Coat with helmet (coat is Awakened to protect me+20), silver synthetic t-shirt underneath, Aluminum utility belt with weapons and metal vials, padded brown jeans, protective boots. Keeps hair moderately short. No freckles, looks like he always has a decent tan. Muscular arms, with Soulcaster and Aether on right hand, Power Bracelet on wrist, long Electrum Bracer(like an arm guard for archery but electrum), two Copperminds on upper arm, Shardarm for left arm, angular facial features. 

Sentinel Coat:


There is some controversy about metals in the cosmere and the Alleverse. You can see several metal sections on the coat, however they can't be Pushed or Pulled on. This is not because they are Aluminum. Rather, they are made of electrum. Due to the fact that Kane is a Compounder, all of the metal on his person are electrum. He Compounds to fill them to a very large extent. Metalminds of enough Investiture are immune to being Pushed or Pulled.

PM me for more details. - Bitbitio

Age: 40 Scadrian years old (Ageless, due to a large outpouring of Investiture that changed Kane's Spiritual Aspect during the Alleystorm+20)

Nationality: Half Terris, Half Elendel Basin

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Chocolate brown

Height: 6'4"

Religion: I'm Pathian, although I don't own an earring since I already have a spike. 

Home planet: Born in Scadrial, specifically Elendel Basin. 

Spouse: Adli Mentiz 

Parents: Brevan and Kaiah Mentiz (see history for more details)

Siblings: Older sister named Lita Kion, she is married to a JinDo man who is also a ChayShan master named Sudo Kion. She is a Twinborn Lurcher/Steelrunner. Killed by a highstorm.

Children: Zaren Mentiz

History: My parents are Brevan, a Terrisman steward who was a full Keeper, and Kaiah Mentiz, a full Mistborn. Kaiah belonged to House Mentiz, a prominent noble house in the Eastern Dominance that was in the Allomancy business. They made metal vials and mined their contents, then shipped them to Luthadel. Although Brevan was just a lowly steward, they eloped and moved to the Central Dominance. By the time they arrived at Hathsin, Ruin's final plan was in motion. They fought the Koloss and barely survived. They moved to the Roughs after the Catacendre and started a family. When Kane was only two, they were killed by Koloss, which caused Lita, the elder sibling, to Snap. Lita and Kane moved to the slums of Elendel. For six years, they lived as street children. One day, a passing Terrisman noticed Lita using Allomancy. After studying them for a short time, he deduced that she was also a Feruchemist. Therefore, Kane, being her brother, was also possibly a Feruchemist. The Terrisman, who was an Archivist, brought them to the Village. Within four years, Kane and the Terrisman had been kidnapped and Kane was Hemalurgically spiked with Archivist powers. This also caused me to Snap. My sister realized what danger I was in, so she rescued me alongside the constables. We worldhopped to Sel, where I studied ChayShan techniques and became proficient in it. Unfortunately, the same kidnappers, called the Trellurgists, attempted to kidnap me again. We escaped to Roshar, though I still move around to avoid Trellurgists. I joined TUBA and dueled Rhazien (Mraize's first character). I was later captured by the Trellurgists, however, and Minag was killed. I escaped and eventually swore the Second Oath of the Windrunners. Using my newfound power, I traveled to the Vaeria and bonded an Amberite Aether. However, I discovered that I couldn't escape conventionally, since I was out of Stormlight and couldn't find a perpendicularity that didn't kill me on contact. A Vo-Dari learned of my problem and Sent me back to Roshar with his power. I began searching for Rhazien. I arrived in the Horneater Peaks and met an old Forger. I then traveled to Rhazien. I educated him in ChayShan. Then, I went to the Alleyway Bar a few times. Eventually, I founded the Sentinels and fought in the Seven Day War. After the Seven Day War, he became a Feruchemical Electrum Savant. He participated in the Long War and is currently sequestered in his bunker, working with Metallurgy. I have written a lot of backstory for Kane, and I mean a LOT. The easiest place to find it is Page 1 of CDS. 

Personality: Adventurous, outgoing, and quick to trust. I'm stubborn, and observant. I store everything in my copperminds just in case, including ChayShan techniques. Also is depressed, runs on electrum Determination.

Kane studies Metallurgy, so in his spare time he is cooking up new alloys to test various experiments on them. His most successful discovery was the alloy that he uses for his armor, which is primarily elecrumminds but also a stronger metal. He has this little case with several highly valuable metals in it. A single bead of atium+0, can't burn it, a single ettmetal cube device, a cube shaped piece of malatium, several thin sheets of aluminum (that stuff is storming expensive), and his prized object. A single bead of lerasium. However, it is smaller than an ordinary lerasium bead and it can make at best a Mistborn slightly weaker than Spook was.+0, he will not use it, I guarantee this As malerasium (my headcanon name for a lerasium alloy), it can make an above average Misting. However, Kane is keeping it in reserve until a later date.

Total points: 205 (Overpowered, but with serious weaknesses that greatly hinder him.


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I'll take a look at this momentarily, but while you're on I'd like to ask, do you still plan on using these characters? If so, I recommend revisiting them. There's going to be some OPness issues. Additionally, if you want, you can designate Kane as a non-combatant, giving him permission to be over-powered. The obvious drawbacks to that though is you can't use him to fight anyone. 

On 12/15/2018 at 1:23 AM, BitBitio said:

Era 3 characters (subject to change before New Year's)

Zaren Mentiz

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Name: Zaren Mentiz

Investiture: Slightly above-average Mistborn, received Arrow the Aviar

Facial Appearance: Tan, black hair, brown eyes, angular features

Appearance: Tan skin, tall (6 feet 4 inches, or 1.92 meters), wears a blue Sentinel coat like his father, but the back part is cut into strips like a Mistcloak, so it is more akin to a Mistcoat

Age: 17 years in Era 2

Nationality: Part Terris, part Alethi, part Elendel Basin

Relatives: Kane, his father, and Adli, his mother

History: Born just before SDW, he was raised by his mother for the first year or so of his life and then Kane came and helped. Zaren Snapped when his mother was killed in the Long War, giving him a fierce hate for Hellbent. Eventually, he chose to join the Sentinels and follow his father. He advanced through the ranks quickly, proving efficient and effective. He had reached the rank of top Regent when the Great Game started, and although his ultimate plan was to kill hellbent, the chance never came. [To be added at the conclusion of Era 2]

Davad Orren

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Name: Davad Orren

Investiture: Elsecaller of the Third Ideal, can summon his inkspren, Telad, or Tel, as a Shardblade. 

Nationality: Natanani

Facial Appearance: Light blue skin, dark blue hair, hazel eyes

Appearance: Face is usually covered by a purple helmet, wear an Elite Sentinels coat as well

Age: 36 in Era 2

Relatives: Unknown or dead

History: He lived a relatively normal life up until age 20 in Alleycity when SDW came. He fought to defend his home and was recruited the Sentinels for it. later became an Elsecaller and from then on, was a recruiter and Regent for the Sentinels until the Great Game, when many Sentinels died and he chose to back off of combat for a while. At the advent of Era 3, he returned to assist the Sentinels.

Mercedes (Mercy) Atherton

She's making her debut as the first female character I've written! I'm excited to see where she takes me.

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Name: Mercedes (Mercy) Atherton

Investiture: At least Third-Oath Windrunner, unknown if she has achieved more

Nationality: Threnodite

Facial Appearance: Unknown, wears a silver mask.

Appearance: Average height, brown cloak and dark clothes threaded with silver underneath

Age: At least 25

Relatives: Unknown

History: All that is know about her mysterious past is that she once was a squire of Kane halfway through the sixteen year peace, and then she left upon achieving the Third Oath.

Kane Mentiz, my current main, will either die or take a backseat at the advent of Era 3.


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8 minutes ago, Archer said:

I'll take a look at this momentarily, but while you're on I'd like to ask, do you still plan on using these characters? If so, I recommend revisiting them. There's going to be some OPness issues. Additionally, if you want, you can designate Kane as a non-combatant, giving him permission to be over-powered. The obvious drawbacks to that though is you can't use him to fight anyone. 


I'll get to it.

Edit: Do you mind if I do this later? I only have access to mobile right now. 


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There's no rush @BitBitio. Thursday's my self-imposed deadline to get these done. 

EDIT: @BitBitio (sorry for the ping again) I understand that you'll want to try to maintain the integrity of the character as much as possible in E3, keeping him similar to to what he was like in E2. One thing I'd like to draw your attention to as a possible strategy for lowering his score without messing too many things up is some sort of code of honour. King T did that for his character, and it seemed to work.

I'm still wary about the amount of investiture, since the weaknesses on them is up to interpretation. How much the effect him all comes down to how you RP them. (I suppose that's true for all characters actually, but with others it's more black in white. A non-misting can't burn a metal, period vs you having to decide the effect of it burning.) I still recommend going with a non-combatant since it's the easiest solution, but there are ways to make Kane work. 


(King T's) Weakness:  Has a code of honor which prevents him from doing certain things.  Code of honor:

I will not kill unnecessarily

I will not harm those to whom I am sworn (which happens to be nobody currently)

I will not harm others purely for the advancement of my motives

I will only kill in war, when I am required to defend myself, or when the man I kill is convicted by Alleyverse law

I will not take undue advantage of anybody's ignorance or weakness

I will defend those who cannot defend themselves, except those that have been convicted by Alleyverse law, or are being fought in a war

I will not lie (but I'll probably take serious liberties with the truth)


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