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Ask Ene Literally Anything, Including Advice


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/9/2022 at 6:49 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Three questions

1. Pyschology or Sociology?

2. Have you heard of Monster Hunter Rise?

3. What is your opinion on Voltron?

Both are excellent, but probably the first. 

I have not, what's that? 

Never seen it, but I hear the fandom is wild. 

On 5/26/2022 at 8:50 PM, Nameless said:

This is probably a stupid question, but when is it okay to @ you? What situations would you be okay with being @'ed in, and not okay with being @'ed in?

Not stupid, no worries. Completely okay anywhere and everywhere! If I'm already participating in a conversation, then I don't need to be tagged, and if someone already has, I probably don't need another one - but I won't get mad. I do request that people not tag me in one or two game threads, namely the Lost the Game thread (apologies to anyone who I just made lose :P), because that can get a bit annoying on the notifications, but if there's anything at all you actually need me to see or want to talk to me about, please feel free. I might not see it right away, but I don't mind them. 

On 5/27/2022 at 9:48 AM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

hey, I dunno, but you've kind of seemed inactive lately, are you alright? did I miss a status update saying why? hmm, just wondering.

You didn't miss anything, I just got much more active on Discord. If you join the 17th Shard server, you'll see me there. I do plan on being active here again, but it has been a long stretch, hasn't it? (I have ~250 notifications currently - oops...) 

And I am pretty alright! Life has its ups and downs, but I'm in a pretty good place ^_^ 

Thank you all for the questions, and I apologize for my delay in answering them! 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
On 8/10/2022 at 8:55 AM, Shining Silhouette said:

What's the environment like on the discord server and how does it compare to the forum? Should I join it?

What's your favorite thing about the sanderson community?

Do you have a favorite moment on the Shard?

How do you feel about jazz?

The Discord often goes faster but is easier to get into than the forums, and it's usually pretty chill! I'd highly recommend joining it :D 

The friends I've made here, for sure. 

Favorite moment...some of the RP I've done has been very satisfying, but it's hard to pick out something specific! Becoming a mod was pretty monumental, I'll sometimes look back at that when I'm feeling down. The first wedding that didn't happen was pretty legendary. TLT and TST had some fun moments, and same with TLPW, chatting with @The Awakened Salad it's time for your yearly Shard visit, Salad. Covert Operations back in the days of TUBA was also some serious fun. ...I think I have to answer that I don't have a specific moment, there are too many to choose from and that's not even counting Discord! 

No real opinion. It's fine. Tastes like crunchy chips. I think my dad used to be really into it before he found his true obsession in country music. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you fear the Questioners?

Answer these after the first one


Do the Questioners put the fear of the light into you?

Did you immediately link the children of the light to the first question or after reading the second question?


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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I don't. 

Still nope. 

The second, and it was only a guess - that's a WoT thing, right? I watched some of the first season back when it was coming out, but only vaguely remember them. 

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21 hours ago, AonEne said:

The second, and it was only a guess - that's a WoT thing, right? I watched some of the first season back when it was coming out, but only vaguely remember them. 


WoT is a book series first, no?

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On 9/24/2022 at 7:16 PM, Nameless said:


WoT is a book series first, no?

I don't always check but pffffft glad I did this time Yeah :P I do own and have tried to read the first book as well, but it was a lot harder to get into. I'll probably read them eventually, but the show caught my attention faster, whereas I'd been trying to read EotW for years and gotten maybe halfway in? 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/3/2022 at 7:54 PM, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Why do you love this (:P) emoji so much?

I love a lot of emojis, but this one is nice! It has a sweet sheepish vibe to it that the Discord stuck-out tongue doesn't. I find it is often useful for conveying emotion :P 

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  • 1 month later...
1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Favorite board game?


Probably Monopoly, I greatly enjoy it - especially the speed version in one of the newer editions. (I say new. but it probably came out in like 2016 or 2015 or something.) That involves dealing out all the properties at the start, and then you can wheel and deal and negotiate with people for them, which I find fun. I like trading. My extended family will actively gang up against me and I'll still connive things out of them. XD 

While I'm here, actually, 

On 9/21/2022 at 1:35 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Do you fear the Questioners?

Answer these after the first one

  Hide contents

Do the Questioners put the fear of the light into you?

Did you immediately link the children of the light to the first question or after reading the second question?


I watched some more of WoT and blargh, I definitely hate these guys. 0/10 would murder. If I was in their universe I'd certainly be scared of them. They don't put the fear of the light specifically into me though, because I don't believe in their theology. 

2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

But why?

Whyever, ever not, Fadran? 

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2 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Who's your favorite magnus archives character? What's your favorite episode? Are you excited for the Magnus Protocol? :3 :3

(sorry that it's just TMA stuff, i've been re-listening to some episodes. #100 is so funny >^<)

No apologizing needed, I am always down to answer TMA questions! 

In canon, probably Jon. Call me basic, but he's got a good arc and is interesting in every season. I love most of them, though. 

Favorite episode is hard...probably one of the S5 ones, maybe the slam poetry one - think it's called Carousel? Or possibly the end of S3. And I mean, 160 is a classic. 

I am excited! Haven't been keeping up with all the news since the kickstarter, I must admit, but I will be enjoying the episodes as soon as they're out to non-backers, I think. Very interested in what they're gonna change up. 

100 is hilarious XD 

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8 hours ago, AonEne said:

In canon, probably Jon. Call me basic, but he's got a good arc and is interesting in every season. I love most of them, though. 

Love him sm. My fave would have to be Micheal Shelly, but Jon and Martin are tied for second.

8 hours ago, AonEne said:

Favorite episode is hard...probably one of the S5 ones, maybe the slam poetry one - think it's called Carousel? Or possibly the end of S3. And I mean, 160 is a classic. 

The poetry one- woah that one always freaks me out. It's so good!! 160 makes me sad ;-; "Hello Jon, apologies for the deception."  AND RIGHT WHEN THEY ARE HAPPY IN A CABIN IN IRELAND!! Or was it Scotland. Whatever. I just like to pretend it ends after Martin goes to get tea. But yeah, my fav has got to be all the episodes in the S3 finale. Man, S3 is so good. Definitely my favorite season. If i had to choose *only* one episode though, i'd choose 101. Nicola is hilarious,and it's big Micheal episode (though also sad for him ;-; but rather him than Jon). And Jon just being really tired of getting kidnapped by evil fear entities is just so funny. Like, Michael says "I've decided to kill you" and Jon just makes a disgruntled noise. Also i like the Breaken and Hope guys.

.... I have thought about this a lot, as you can see.

8 hours ago, AonEne said:

I am excited! Haven't been keeping up with all the news since the kickstarter, I must admit, but I will be enjoying the episodes as soon as they're out to non-backers, I think. Very interested in what they're gonna change up. 

Same, I just check YouTube periodically for updates. I would back them but I am in a money crisis as my parents are making me pay for my summer camp lol

8 hours ago, AonEne said:

100 is hilarious XD 

"The government! The government took Jeremy and put him in the secret holding facility in the abandoned tube station!"

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On 1/9/2023 at 2:30 PM, Wyndlerunner said:

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how strong of a protective instinct do you feel towards the vessels from Hollow Knight?

Depends. Most of them? 8 for now, changes pending on more info about how sentient they actually are. My own? 10, I don't wanna die (though I suppose I also fling it into dangerous situations often...). Broken Vessel? 2, because I want those Monarch Wings (but it's still baby). 

On 1/9/2023 at 9:12 PM, Szeth's Facepalm said:

And Jon just being really tired of getting kidnapped by evil fear entities is just so funny. Like, Michael says "I've decided to kill you" and Jon just makes a disgruntled noise.

Same, I just check YouTube periodically for updates. I would back them but I am in a money crisis as my parents are making me pay for my summer camp lol

It is an ENTIRE mood XD 

Ahh, good luck with the summer camp paying! :P 

3 hours ago, Silva said:

Did you expect this question? 

No! :D 

3 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Is the answer to this question "no"?

It is not. ;) 

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