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Nazh in Words of Radiance


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So, I was the signing in Milwaukee Saturday night, and I had been thinking about Khryss (or however you spell that) and Nazh, the worldhoppers who are apparently more Cosmere-knowledgeable than Hoid is. I decided that as Brandon signed my books, I'd ask him about those two, see if he could tell me more about them. And he did: he revealed that Nazh makes an on-text appearance in Words of Radiance.


Now, I'm not completely sure if this is new knowledge or not--I checked the Coppermind, and it specifically says that Nazh has not made an on-text appearance yet, but apparently that is false, since Brandon has told me otherwise! Just thought I'd bring it up on here, see what people thought about it, let the theories abound, etc...


Sigh. Now I want to read Words of Radiance again and see if I can find him. (Did we ever find out who that random guy drawing bridges was?)

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One of the images in the book is a picture of the Bridgemen tatoo glyphs, and it's signed Nazh, saying something along the lines that he had to stare at them for hours to make sure he got it right.

And then there's the ardent trying to look at the tattoos of the Bridgemen in one of Kaladin's chapters. So we're pretty sure the Ardent is Nazh's in-book appearance.

Now as to why he spent so much time copying those, and getting them right, and whoever he's collecting the information for... I don't think we have a clue. But some suspect Khriss (sp?), or the WoB mentioned Terriswomen worldhopper as who Nazh is working for.

Also worth noting we suspect Nazh has at least spent a good bit of time on Threnody, the Shadows for Silence Cosmere short story, by the usage of "Shadows" as a curse in one of the other images. (Or at least I suspect him of having at least spending time there, if not a native)

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It's Khriss.


And yea, that lanky ardent sketching bridgemen is probably our best candidate - he is certainly the one I am rooting for. His motivations and abilities, however, are a mystery. Why would anyone care about the specific tattoos of Bridge 4 (unless he was just collecting in-world samples of writing)? The page with Shallan's notes on Pattern, that I can understand - it's interesting to anyone who wants to know more about the magic on Roshar. Navani's ketek? Who knows... I am going to stick with the "collecting in-world samples of writing" for now, but it's a very weak hypothesis. Who would need that, after all? 


His abilities are what interests me at the moment. He went to the bottom of the ocean in order to retrieve a page! Even if he used Shadesmar, or some other form of transportation, how did he not get crushed down there? Not to mention that finding a page in an ocean is probably even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. 

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I'm of the opinion that Nazh might be the one writing the back cover blurbs - the blurb speaks of the ones 'we watch', and so far Nazh has successfully watched both Shallan and Kaladin. It's a bit of a long shot, and doesn't tell us anything much about his motives though.

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(WoR Chapter seven information under the spoiler)

How he even knew that the page existed is what baffles me. It couldn't have been around for very long before the ship went down, and I doubt Shallan's ever mentioned it to anyone outside of the ship. It certainly seems that he knew exactly what he was looking for, too...Even if some of the sailors survived and he interrogated them, they wouldn't know the contents of Shallan's sketchbook, especially the writing? So, how did he even find out that the page existed, what it contained, and know exactly where to find it? He must have some amazing abilities....

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He may have been trying to find whatever he could from Jasnah and Shallan but only managed to find that one page.

I'm curious as to whether the drawing of the Santhid in the book is the original that was lost or the inferior replacement she drew. If it was the original does that mean that someone managed to retrieve it intact? I get the impression that all the illustrations in the books are all gathered from useable in world sources after the events happened.

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Worth noting is that the Pattern sketches were also mostly dry as well. Likewise, he mentions being owed a new coat, so apparently he didn't just grab the thing's Shadesmar bead and run.

I know it's stupid, but now I'm imagining him taking his awesome multicolor coat and Awakening it to "Find pages" or something in a pinch, and then getting mad as like, a set of gray rags throw him some sketches a week later.

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There's one of thing of real importance that was with Shallan's sketch book - The Book of Endless Pages. We know it was important to Jasnah, and we know that it's important enough that the original name for Words of Radiance was going to be Book of Endless Pages. If Nazh was hunting for something, I suggest it might have been that book instead.

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Shallan didn't seem terribly disappointed in the loss of book of endless pages . I think she mentions it a grand total of once? I've been wondering if Brandon downplayed the book since it's not longer the title.

If anything I'd say Nazh is looking for information on either Surgebinding, or Shallan in particular. Maybe something is Jasnah's notes? The question is, how would he know to look underwater?

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I'm of the opinion that Nazh might be the one writing the back cover blurbs - the blurb speaks of the ones 'we watch', and so far Nazh has successfully watched both Shallan and Kaladin. It's a bit of a long shot, and doesn't tell us anything much about his motives though.

Wow, I love that idea. I'd always thought the blurbs were a little fishy--they are written in a very in-universe kind of tone.

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Wow, I love that idea. I'd always thought the blurbs were a little fishy--they are written in a very in-universe kind of tone.

I'm almost 100% sure we have confirmation that they're written by either the Seventeenth Shard or Hoid, though it's pretty clear thanks to them using words like Investure and Shards.

Not overly sure somebody whole complains about having to dig up Cosmere relics would be the kind of guy to write the AA in his spare time. I can see it being him, but I'm thinking it'll be somebody else. Nahz is just a collector of pieces, not the author.

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Now I feel like a total idiot. I totally thought that the ardent was Shallan in disguise and just snooping around. But then, she has a POV right after and she doesn't mention it... Man, am I slow. Her lightweaving wasn't even up to that point yet. 


Either way, Nazh does seem the type to sketch bridgemen, even though he complains an absurd amount of the time. Has anyone else noticed that a lot of worldhopping characters pose as ardents? Must be a popular standby in the disguise department.

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Well on Roshar, if they are male, if they want to collect information the best disguise would be an Ardent since beside the woman they are the only ones who can read, write, draw, and do those 'girly things'. And no one seems to look twice if they see an Ardent doing something odd, so it really would be the best disguise. 


That doesn't explain Vasher/Zahel entirely but maybe he just feels like he needs to atone for his past mistakes. 

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I can think of a legitimate reason why someone would need drawings of the bridgeman tattoos and insignias; how else would you infiltrate the guard?  Even if whoever Nazh is writing too can lightweav their disguises they would still need a clear image of their disguise and details like the patch and forehead glyph.  If they were using more traditional methods they would definitely need clear images of the patches.  Nazh seems like the advance guard who comes to the planet to find out what's going on and what whoever he's writing to should know before arriving as well as any secrets he can find.

Edited by thejopen27
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  • 4 weeks later...

Nazh most definitely works for a woman. In the map of shattered plains, he mentions something like "I know you wanted me to draw every plateau but shadows woman, even I'm not that crazy" Assuming that was drawn by Nazh that is!! Also the usage of word shadows as a swear word instead of storms means the person who drew it is not from Roshar and most definitely a world hopper. Most definitely from the planet where Silence of shadows takes place I think.

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I've believed that Nazh was working for Khriss ever since I heard that Khriss was probably the most Cosmere-aware person around.  I also suspect that Khriss writes the Ars Arcanum.


As for the blurbs on the back?  I suspect they are being written by Spren.  Just call it a hunch based on style and attitude.

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  • 3 months later...

Nazh most definitely works for a woman. In the map of shattered plains, he mentions something like "I know you wanted me to draw every plateau but shadows woman, even I'm not that crazy" Assuming that was drawn by Nazh that is!! Also the usage of word shadows as a swear word instead of storms means the person who drew it is not from Roshar and most definitely a world hopper. Most definitely from the planet where Silence of shadows takes place I think.


So Nazh being from Threnody has been confirmed. I guess our next task is to 1) ask if he is in Shadows for Silence and 2) find him.

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