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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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1 hour ago, Nameless said:

"Oh, Shar isn't up to talking at the moment." Nameless glared at the wither "And I thought I told you that I can handle this, so you can back off. I still need him. For now." He looked back at Ash, the wither reluctantly retreating for the moment. "So, what'll it be? I can kill Ene and you, or you can help me escape and I can kill only one of you. I might even let you choose."

"Oh his Ene, I'm afraid that I got a bit infected by a withergeist. Ash really helped me out though. I don't have an annoying voice in my head. It's just me."

"Cool, that sounds good?" Ene said tentatively. "So if everything's cool, why are you holding me hostage?" 

Quick clarification because I only skimmed, was the voice Nameless's Author or something? Also I may have forgotten the specifics of withergeists, it's been a while, so if someone could refresh me I'd appreciate it. *embarrassed smile* 

1 hour ago, Ashbringer said:

Ash wondered if the withergeists had anything to do with hollowgasts.

Somewhere far away, a peculiar child felt a chill run down his spine. 

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9 hours ago, Nameless said:

"Do you know where she teaches?"

"The University of Universes."

9 hours ago, Nameless said:

I don't know. I think they were trying to take me from Nameless.

Can they do that!?


Nameless heard the whisper of an infuriated withergeist in his head.

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9 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

"And what do you do then? Join Sequence? Kill her? Make your own mark on whatever world this is?"

Ash let the Aether tendrils expand a bit. His leg was fine - he'd checked. He looked desperately for anything that went wrong, anything he could undo. But something told him he wouldn't find anything. Not in time, at least. Maybe not at all.

"Kill Sequence? Join Sequence? Oh no, I'm afraid I'll be joining Withy the Witherlord. And perhaps I'll destroy Sequence in the end, after destroying everything else. But anyways, your time is running out. Help me escape or do not."

7 hours ago, AonEne said:

"Cool, that sounds good?" Ene said tentatively. "So if everything's cool, why are you holding me hostage?" 

"Because I need to. Really Ene, I wouldn't be doing this if I had any other choice. You see, if I'm going to destroy everything, it'll be far more convenient to have Ash bring me out of here. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't be holding you hostage. I'd much rather just kill you."

I dunno what the voice is. My original intent was that Ash had merged Nameless and the withergeist completely, so that there wasn't a voice at all, but if Xinoehp doesn't want that, then I guess Nameless is just crazy.

Withergeists are incorporeal, corrupt anything they touch, are immune to just about anything short of narration, and serve Withy. Also they can turn people into withergeists.

1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

"The University of Universes."

"Where would that be, exactly?"

1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

Can they do that!?

I... don't know. They could have. They might be able to now, with Nameless incapacitated.

1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

Nameless heard the whisper of an infuriated withergeist in his head.

He cocked his head. "Oh, so you are still in there. Well be quiet, I'm trying to get out of here. And no, I won't kill them yet. I need them."

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6 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Where would that be, exactly?"

"I don't know," the Wanderer replied. "But I know how to get there."

7 minutes ago, Nameless said:

I... don't know. They could have. They might be able to now, with Nameless incapacitated.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

9 minutes ago, Nameless said:

He cocked his head. "Oh, so you are still in there. Well be quiet, I'm trying to get out of here. And no, I won't kill them yet. I need them."

For whatever reason, the withergeist could not access Nameless's powers. There was an invisible wall stopping it from taking over Nameless entirely.

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12 hours ago, Sequence said:

Sequence stood still, unmoving. She started laughing. Withergeists rose from the floor beneath every Thaidakar. Thousands upon thousands of them. Within minutes, Thaidakar's army was nothing but dust. When giving the avatars his powers, Thaidakar had forgotten that only he could be a narrator, and that none of his avatars had that power.


12 hours ago, Nameless said:

Moni glared at him again.


12 hours ago, Nameless said:

"Do you know how she was healed?" Moni absently continued scribbling on the survey.

I have had one adventure before this. It... was worse than this one. I was narrated into stabbing someone in the back, which was... not fun. I hate fighting people.

Wow Thaidakar, Moni would not be happy if she found out about this.


11 hours ago, Sequence said:

Too bad she never will.


11 hours ago, Nameless said:

Or will she?


11 hours ago, Nameless said:

Pain radiated through him as his Aether touched the tendrils. Nameless arched his back, mouth open in a silent scream.


11 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Ash pushed through, searching for a parallel universe where Nameless had survived unscathed. There were very few. But enough to make a template. He pushed harder, ordering the corrupted tendrils to become something new. Something Nameless.


11 hours ago, Nameless said:

The tendrils resisted like nothing Ash had ever felt. They strove to overwhelm Ash, to corrupt him too. As he pushed against them, he began to hear a whisper in his mind: Wither all. Wither all. Wither all.


11 hours ago, Sequence said:

Sequence perked up from the ruins. She could feel a new soul in the process of joining the Witherlord.


10 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Ash could feel the Aether straining. But he'd felt the touch of the Wither before, even if that Wither was much less malevolent. He felt the same sense of decay from within. The same consumption. And the same... predictible chaos.

Ash's eyes began to glow, first dim red, then a bright red-tinged-white, leaving no more shadows for the quivering tendrils to hide in. He had to keep trying. This could work.


10 hours ago, Nameless said:

Something changed. The whispers stopped. The darkness seemed to retreat, drawing into Nameless. Then it exploded outward.


10 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

He knew he wasn't done. Ash dove back, then blinked forward. A spine of wither scored his leg - he was pretty sure his armor held, but now was no time to check. But now most of the darkness was behind him, with Ash's burning light seperating the Nameless and his wound.

He drew his scimitar and began slashing, letting his Aether run wild. Fighting, changing, cutting out the infestation. 

He was also very, very surrounded.


10 hours ago, Nameless said:

Nameless gasped. The darkness froze, then melted away. Nameless relaxed. Then he opened his eyes. They were pure black.


10 hours ago, Nameless said:

Nameless stood up. "I thank you, Ashbringer. Having a voice in my head would have been... inconvenient."


9 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

"You're welcome? Help?" Ash kept cutting. He wasn't sure what the wither would do without a host, but it was definitely still there. But some part of him still questioned.


9 hours ago, AonEne said:

Ene woke up. 

(No, that wasn't right.) 

Ene did not wake up. But she said: Wow I totally disappeared from this thread for a while. Having a job sure sucks time away from you. 

(The Author retreated from her, not wanting to strain the Wall, or her creation.) 

Then Narrator Ene woke up. (Confused, because why had she Narrated a 'then'? She couldn't remember the last few days.) She stood and blinked around at her new environment. Ah well, TLT just did things like this sometimes, change into something new and bud off another new plot. She shrugged and took it in stride - it being the floor, that was, as she took a step forward and fell right onto her face in front of Ash and Nameless. 


9 hours ago, Nameless said:

Nameless stared at the tendrils. They melted into the shadows. "Help you? why of course I can help you. As soon as you help me. You see, I'm not quite as good at spatial and chronological manipulation as you are, and it might take me a bit to break out of this dimension." He jumped as Ene fell into the dimension. "Ah, perfect timing Ene. Now Ash, you can either help me get out" Nameless reached down, summoning a dagger to hold at Ene's throat, "Or I can kill Ene."


9 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Hi Ene, long time no see!

"Okay, hello, this Wither is really annoying and please tell me you can help me do something about it," Ash said. He blasted a larger chunk of wither into three smaller ones. He wasn't sure if that was better or worse. He went with better, but aimed more of his Aether tendrils at his back and over Ene.

He turned to see Nameless with a knife. Well.

"Shar, how do you feel about this?" he said sheepishly. This could get complicated.


9 hours ago, AonEne said:

Hi Ash! Yeah it's been a while :D 

"Oh, come on," Ene grumbled. She'd forgotten that plots did this; yanked you into them headfirst. "Alright, Nameless, friend, sule, buddy, what is up with you?" 


9 hours ago, Nameless said:

"Oh, Shar isn't up to talking at the moment." Nameless glared at the wither "And I thought I told you that I can handle this, so you can back off. I still need him. For now." He looked back at Ash, the wither reluctantly retreating for the moment. "So, what'll it be? I can kill Ene and you, or you can help me escape and I can kill only one of you. I might even let you choose."

"Oh his Ene, I'm afraid that I got a bit infected by a withergeist. Ash really helped me out though. I don't have an annoying voice in my head. It's just me."


9 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

I need to leave soon... xD

"And what do you do then? Join Sequence? Kill her? Make your own mark on whatever world this is?"

Ash let the Aether tendrils expand a bit. His leg was fine - he'd checked. He looked desperately for anything that went wrong, anything he could undo. But something told him he wouldn't find anything. Not in time, at least. Maybe not at all.


9 hours ago, DoomStick said:




9 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Ash wondered if the withergeists had anything to do with hollowgasts.


9 hours ago, DoomStick said:

Stick threatened Conditioner


8 hours ago, AonEne said:

"Cool, that sounds good?" Ene said tentatively. "So if everything's cool, why are you holding me hostage?" 

Quick clarification because I only skimmed, was the voice Nameless's Author or something? Also I may have forgotten the specifics of withergeists, it's been a while, so if someone could refresh me I'd appreciate it. *embarrassed smile* 

Somewhere far away, a peculiar child felt a chill run down his spine. 


2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"The University of Universes."

Can they do that!?


Nameless heard the whisper of an infuriated withergeist in his head.


11 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Kill Sequence? Join Sequence? Oh no, I'm afraid I'll be joining Withy the Witherlord. And perhaps I'll destroy Sequence in the end, after destroying everything else. But anyways, your time is running out. Help me escape or do not."

"Because I need to. Really Ene, I wouldn't be doing this if I had any other choice. You see, if I'm going to destroy everything, it'll be far more convenient to have Ash bring me out of here. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't be holding you hostage. I'd much rather just kill you."

I dunno what the voice is. My original intent was that Ash had merged Nameless and the withergeist completely, so that there wasn't a voice at all, but if Xinoehp doesn't want that, then I guess Nameless is just crazy.

Withergeists are incorporeal, corrupt anything they touch, are immune to just about anything short of narration, and serve Withy. Also they can turn people into withergeists.

"Where would that be, exactly?"

I... don't know. They could have. They might be able to now, with Nameless incapacitated.

He cocked his head. "Oh, so you are still in there. Well be quiet, I'm trying to get out of here. And no, I won't kill them yet. I need them."


1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

"I don't know," the Wanderer replied. "But I know how to get there."

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

For whatever reason, the withergeist could not access Nameless's powers. There was an invisible wall stopping it from taking over Nameless entirely.

Thaidakar ignored everything because he was Thaidakar and then teleported to Nameless and slapped him and then teleported away to a planet far far away.

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2 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

"I don't know," the Wanderer replied. "But I know how to get there."

"Isn't that basically the same thing? Like, when we say we know where something is, we normally mean that we know how to get there, right?"

3 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

A bad thing. I might not like Nameless, but at least he doesn't try to fundamentally change my personality.

5 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

For whatever reason, the withergeist could not access Nameless's powers. There was an invisible wall stopping it from taking over Nameless entirely.

"Oh, that is inconvenient. a pity."

3 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar ignored everything because he was Thaidakar and then teleported to Nameless and slapped him and then teleported away to a planet far far away.

Then he began wondering how he could teleport into his own pocket, presumably bringing his pocket with him.

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Just now, Nameless said:

Then he began wondering how he could teleport into his own pocket, presumably bringing his pocket with him.

Because he was Thaidakar he managed to do it, but only for a few seconds until his pocket exploded.

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21 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Isn't that basically the same thing? Like, when we say we know where something is, we normally mean that we know how to get there, right?"

"An interesting point," reflected the Wanderer. "But in this case, the way to get there is through teleportation."

22 minutes ago, Nameless said:

A bad thing. I might not like Nameless, but at least he doesn't try to fundamentally change my personality.

Oh no!! Should we fix Nameless, then?

23 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Oh, that is inconvenient. a pity."

The wall began to move backwards, reversing the withergeist's takeover of Nameless inch by inch.

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1 hour ago, Nameless said:

I'll be joining Withy the Witherlord.

Everything that had been... enlightened by the Witherlord felt a spark of energy as such a powerful being spoke these words. This would be... very beneficial...

Edited by Sequence
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1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

"An interesting point," reflected the Wanderer. "But in this case, the way to get there is through teleportation."

"So, can you take us there?"

1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

Oh no!! Should we fix Nameless, then?

That's what we're trying to do. The wanderer lady says she knows someone who knows someone that recovered from being a withergeist.

1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

The wall began to move backwards, reversing the withergeist's takeover of Nameless inch by inch.

Nameless froze. Then collapsed to the floor.

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Ash watched the pocket explode and Nameless fall, using a tendril of Aether to move Ene slightly away. He gritted his teeth. He wasn't the best of Narrators, but he could try. So he willed that wall in Nameless's head to move, not just back to a younger Nameless, but in the here and now.

Somewhere, a grenade's pin popped off on its own.

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Thaidakar cooled down and realized something.

Thaidakar realized what he had to do. he turned to ash, "continue to help Nameless, I have someone to... help..."

Thaidakar suddenly disappeared and appeared beside Sequence and the Wiherlord.

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Thaidakar sighed, "Sequence, I know you won't listen to me, so I won't waste my time, Witherlord the mission is complete, I am ready to reveal who I really am, Thaidakar has been captured and is in my pocket."

Just now, Sequence said:

Except... he wasn't beside them. They were nowhere to be seen.

I have an idea you will like.

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1 minute ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar sighed, "Sequence, I know you won't listen to me, so I won't waste my time, Witherlord the mission is complete, I am ready to reveal who I really am, Thaidakar has been captured and is in my pocket."

I have an idea you will like.

Sequence watched from the shadows.

I'm listening. ACTUALLY, This is TLT. Just do it.

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Just now, Sequence said:

Sequence watched from the shadows.

I'm listening.

Not-Thaidakar smiled deeply as the witherlord nodded, "excellent." the witherlord turned to sequence, "this is not Thaidakar as you have realized, this is my most prized servant, Witheronar."

Witheronar transformed into his wither state, he looked like a phantom, but more solid somehow. 

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