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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Just now, Nameless said:

Nameless appeared in a flash of light, heading straight for the Healthium.  he walked into the chamber, casually killing off any NPC'S in his way. He approached the chamber, raising his sword to destroy the Healthium and release the unhealthy ones.

But it was only a illusion- a troll by Withy.

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The illusion puffed into smoke. Withy laughed hysterically. "Oh, your face... you should have seen it."

Unless, of course, this happened. :ph34r:

Nameless's strike rebounded off FT's blade, knocking him to the floor. In one last, desperate action, FT threw the dreamseed at its fractured twin.

Edited by xinoehp512
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FT stared in horror at his two fates. The plane of Narration was splitting in two. In one, Withy's smirking face mocked him, in the other the Steve-Healthium crystal slowly--merged with its twin. It was stronger, greater, but FT still held the crystal in the other plane. Quickly he kicked Withy in the face and threw the secondary crystal at the secondary twin. As they touched both planes snapped back together into one whole plane.

FT closed his eyes and grimaced. Both Withy and Nameless stood before him. "Did that fix everything? Please tell me it did."

But the Narration FT had exerted was too much. He blacked out. Because he never faints, he blacks out.

Edited by FatherTiempo
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1 hour ago, FatherTiempo said:

FT stared in horror at his two fates. The plane of Narration was splitting in two. In one, Withy's smirking face mocked him, in the other the Steve-Healthium crystal slowly--merged with its twin. It was stronger, greater, but FT still held the crystal in the other plane. Quickly he kicked Withy in the face and threw the secondary crystal at the secondary twin. As they touched both planes snapped back together into one whole plane.

FT closed his eyes and grimaced. Both Withy and Nameless stood before him. "Did that fix everything? Please tell me it did."

But the Narration FT had exerted was too much. He blacked out. Because he never faints, he blacks out.

FT woke up to a lawsuit from mojang.

Nameless woke up in the void between threads, panicking for a moment before he landed safely in TLT. He looked from the unconscious form of FT to the repaired Healthium crystal, then back again. What happened? I... blacked out, and then... oh. Nameless realized what must have happened. He smiled, looking at FT "Well, this seems to have worked out ni-" He cut off as he noticed the still very evil looking alternate version of himself. blasted plane distortion.

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3 hours ago, Shard of Thought said:

"But Aqua," Sophie pleaded. "Xino will die without you." She sniffed. "We came here to save 'im. If you can help him, then you should."

You have no idea what you're asking me to do, growled Aqua- even more angrily, if that was possible.

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2 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

You have no idea what you're asking me to do, growled Aqua- even more angrily, if that was possible.

Sophie's lower lip quivered and she narrowed her eyes. "You've been rude to me since day one," she accused. "You told me to come help Xino and I did, I gave everything to help him. How is it fair that I have to do what you asked and you, you don't even give anything. You-" She scoffed, face going a deep shade of blue. "Why you're just a selfish little orb!"

Edited by Shard of Thought
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"Well, this certainly is the most cliche situation I've been in so far." Nameless thought as he battled himself. Though their blades blurred too fast for anyone besides a narrator to make out, every blow they struck was countered. Can't use my narration, as we're equal in power, we are equally skilled, so this battle will end at the first major mistake. Nameless began treading with more care, making sure he didn't step on any cracks or chunks of rock. He noticed with dissatisfaction that his duplicate was doing the same. If only FT would wake up, we could take him together. nameless thought with irritation. He continued to battle furiously, though he had no real hope of victory.

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The sounds of battle echoing around the thread, plot having spread to every corner, and introspective journeys fulfilled, a trumpet filled the air. There was silence. Lowercase silence mind you. And suddenly, with a whoop of glee, everyone saw Butt Ad Venture riding a flute of flying Ghanderflaffles over Sophie’s forcefield. Butt shouted, “Onward!” And the swarm of Ghanderflaffles dive bombed the sickly sweet army, tearing the warriors apart with their sharp feathered wings. Butt himself rode a Ghanderflaffle toward Nameless’s and FT’s duel, landing with a crunch, a spear in his hands.

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Oh sure, NOW he shows up. After all the hard parts are finished. Nameless groaned inwardly, but took advantage of the distraction to cut down his copy. "I would thank you for coming @Butt Ad Venture, but you can probably hear my thoughts." 

The candy armies broke before the power of the Ghanferflaffles, fleeing in terror before this new enemy. With reinforcements so mighty, the battle was swiftly won. Only one thing worried the survivors; were was the Champion? It had not been among the fallen, and had seemed to retreat after the Healthium was damaged.

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And as soon as Butt landed, another strange silence descended around the battlefield. People kept on looking up to the skies, expecting a dramatic entrance from another one of the thread’s Narrators. An epic intro, one followed by crescendoing music and an army at the narrator’s back. Glory and awesomeness for all. Both ghanderflaffle, breadmunk, and unhealthy food alike paused their bloody work and stared towards the horizon. The silence was almost over, they were sure...

Nothing happened. 
The silence stretched on just a hair more than was natural, and then the sounds of war started back up again. 


Truthless popped up beside FT and Butt, enormous swords in each hand, one covered in a white flame, and the other covered in a shining frost. “Hey guys, what’d I miss?”

Edit: The ninja’d began swarming towards Truthless once more, but this time he managed to fight them off with his hulking swords.

Edited by Truthless of Shinovar
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Meanwhile, at the edges of the thread, the Champion appeared, walking into a cave filled with shadows. It smiled, shrinking down to eight feet tall as it entered the cave, then went down on one knee: "Master, I await you orders." It intoned. A voice that dripped evil came out of the shadows: "How fare my armies? Do the narrators suspect our ruse?" the Champion bowed it head. "Our armies have been decimated, my liege. Two new narrators arrived after the prison was repaired, and they worsened the already terrible situation of your armies. I have no reason to believe they us, their only worry is that I escaped." "Excellent" the voice said. "Once I have regained my Strength, I shall summon a new army, and then this thread with it's pesky narrators shall BURN" It came out of the shadows, revealing it's true form: a being of swirling sugar, its features ever-changing, never the same twice. "The narrators should have realized that while the Healthium was never weakened enough for two gods to escape, one would easily able to manage" The god of sugar's laugh echoed throughout the cave: "NOTHING can stop me now!!!".

 Will the god of sugar raze The Longest Thread to the ground? will the Narrators be overcome and slain? What dastardly plans has Sugar put into play? If you want to now all this and more, then come back tomorrow, same Narra-time, same Narra-thread!

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19 hours ago, FatherTiempo said:

FT awoke with a start, and slapped the first thing he saw. "AH, sorry Truthless," FT froze, sudden concern. "Uhhh, where's that giant--er--giant that was right over there before i blacked out?"

Then FT realized that it was not Truthless standing over him, but a lawyer "Did you or did you not seal Steve into that containment unit over there?" Before FT could reply, the lawyer continued: "If so, then I demand that you immediately destroy said containment unit, and free Steve. Otherwise, you will be sued for every single bit of narrator power you have, and thenSteve will be freed." FT noticed a tiny candy cane sticking out of the lawyers wrist on both sides, almost like a Hemalurgic spike. 

Edited by Nameless
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