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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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(she's lying on the ground, BTW)

Astral regarded the thing with an air of boredom and closed her eyes again, laying her head back down. "Leave me, apparition," she said. 
Rose screamed, coming to herself in sweat, in darkness, and in great pain. She cried out softly, her head throbbing painfully. For some torturous, extended moments, she could do nothing but moan, hands pressed to her head, trapped within her own body, limbs shaking. “Stormfather…” she muttered. She whimpered, tears streaming down her round cheeks. 

Headaches were common for the girl and she’d learned to mostly suffer through them, but occasionally one would come with such force that she would be immobilized for some period of time. It was torture, but it was life and there was nothing she could do about it. Only time could take her pain away from her. Head still pounding, she threw off her covers and stumbled out of bed, hoping from fresh air might aid her. Each of her footfalls sounded loud in her overly sensitive ears and when she pulled open her balcony doors, the sound of the handle boomed. She panted slightly, making her way out into the warm Alethi air. 

Wind blew through her loose, white-blonde hair and she closed her eyes, letting herself breath. To try and stop her trembling, she wrapped her arms tightly around her waist. She took deep breaths for a few minutes more, then opened her eyes, looking up at the stars. 


Her mother. 

No, she thought, pushing the memories away, shoving them back down into the depths of her heart. Leave me be tonight. 

So much was going wrong. Granite had left, Max was dead. She was more alone than ever. The nightmares had begun returning and they had already begun to wrap around her throat with the intent to strangle her. She often asked herself why she was the subject of such torment. But then, as the offspring of Death and whatever unholy being a Narrator was, what more did she really expect? She hung her head, anguished. 

Edited by Shard of Thought
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