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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Since Butt has taken up his new shard, it made all of the other shards he holds irrelevant. Conflict and the others were worried about coming irrelevant too, so they decided to merge together in the hopes that they would not fall to irrelevancy. Butt also looked down on Apollyon's court and Farted generously in their direction. This too was irrelevant.

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1 minute ago, Nerd3.14159265358979 said:

The problem was, everybody liked pineapples on his pizza.

Except for the great Narrator-King Apollyon. Hawaiian pizza is an abomination, and anyone found eating pineapples on pizza would be swiftly executed. The community found a way around this problem, however.

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Butt put into law that pineapples were delicious heathen fruit and that the only movement allowed was his suppression of all other movements. People didn't really like this. So they decided to create a soul stamp to forge Butt Venture to change this.

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With all these movements behind us, Butt Venture was now two. One a tri-shard and the other a powerful Fartomancer, thanks to the magnifique forger, Shai. Butt was pleased and flattered. The Fartomancer went back to Scadrial to join a legion of Space Pirates. Luckily, their space ships were powered by Fartomancy cubes and gas and Butt had a lot of those.

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On 4/27/2018 at 1:39 PM, MacThorstenson said:

A being was formed by the matter. Known as uncle brandy. 


On 4/27/2018 at 2:35 PM, Yvainnie said:

So he met Elend’s cousin Butt Venture, because he wasn’t such a butt.


On 4/28/2018 at 2:43 PM, Gancho Libre said:

That cookie was later eaten by a ghanderflaffle, but that is a different story and shall be told another time.

Don't ask what a ghanderflaffle is.


On 4/30/2018 at 10:53 AM, BitBitio the Mudkip said:

Moving on.


A toy piglet named Arnold ate Bob.

He then proceeded to become the main character of this story.

He went into a special room that sent him to the future.

Urafius was still alive.


On 5/10/2018 at 8:49 AM, Rebecca said:

The correct word was actually “irrelevant.”

These posts are the only elements still super present in the story. Legendary posts. 


Project I have to the other side of the CAL poly balls to do computer science fiction is the ruins of a fortress scratched one square millimeter of the walls are getting boring as well as the Sovereign made the Beyond and still none of the roof into air in my presence of the bar and noticed that was all irrelevant and you participate as well as it can be anything you want I wish.


That was literally me typing in the suggested words. Lol

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