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Ashly Vye

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Hi everyone!  My name is Ashly Vye and me, obviously, love Brandon Sanderson's writing.  I've only read a few series (the first Mistborn trilogy, Alcatraz Smedry, The Reckoners, The Rithmatist, and the first half of Way of Kings) but I've loved what I've read so far.  I don't like Way of Kings as much because... I don't know.  It's ok, but Mistborn is better.  I still haven't gotten to the second Mistborn Trilogy yet but hope to be done with it by before the beginning of the next school year.  My favorite book eva' is Hero of Ages (last of the first Mistborn Trilogy) and, though I don't completely like how Sazed was the Hero of Ages it was still awesome!  My friend and I, just today, were attempting to speak in High Imperial (she's read the second Mistborn Trilogy) and it was fun but we could only barely tell what the other was saying.  I read on Wikipedia about it and I'm trying to learn High Imperial now.  It's crazy fun.  Earlier I asked my mom in High Imperial if we could have dinner and she just stared at me.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here and I'm exited to meet all you other Brandon Sanderson fans!!!

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Hello! Welcome to the Shard! Have a cookie* and an upvote!


 I actually just finished the second MB trilogy last night, and can't wait for The Lost Metal. And don't worry. The Way of Kings gets better. When I finished reading it, it instantly became my favorite book of all time. Then I read Words of Radiance, and it took tWoK's place. Then I read Oathbringer... A work of art! Best book of all time. Never mind the fact that it is a brick. I carried it around at school for two weeks, and it doesn't fit in my back pack. Except when I take everything out. (I fit fifteen Sanderson books in that bag when I went to a signing. Eight of them were hardcovers. Four of those were bricks).

@Archer I found it. This is wnhat it says in the corner:

By Richard Kopelow
This is super Alpha, needs much polish
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This is a fan made site, if you haven't read Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson you should
Edited by Tesh
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@Archer  Yep!  I've already seen that one, my friend and I tried using it but eventually gave up because it was too much typing and we'd forget what we were actually saying!

I take it from your signature I'm not supposed to eat the cookie I was given... or give away my breath?  I was reading the disclaimer before I read some of your signature and I was just so confused.

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@Tesh  Hi!  Thanks for the cookie but I'm not sure if you're trying to curse me right now so I can't take it (that was... blunt.)

You carried it around... in your hands... for TWO WEEKS?!?!  That's crazy!!  That book was slipping out of my hands the whole way from the library to my house!  I don't actually own most of my books so I can't go to book signings, but Brandon Sanderson's never even came to a place around where I live so I've never had the chance to even go to one.

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Welcome! I started with Mistborn as well and it keeps getting better every time I read it both eras. I thought the exact same thing as you regarding tWoK I did not instantly love it. Big difference between it and MB is in MB you get a pretty good grasp of the magic very early on where we are still learning a lot in SA even after 3 books. SA is an amazing series though and I think by the time you get through tWoK you will have a new appreciation for it. One small tip take a break after tWoK and read Warbreaker before WoR then Edgedancer before Oathbringer. 

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23 minutes ago, Ashly Vye said:

@Archer was reading the disclaimer before I read some of your signature and I was just so confused.

That's understandable. The gist of it that the dark alley sells spiked cookies. In an effort to flood the market and ruin their business, Im giving away cookies, but ones that are not spiked. It drives them crazy. :lol:

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57 minutes ago, Ashly Vye said:

I take it from your signature I'm not supposed to eat the cookie I was given... or give away my breath?  I was reading the disclaimer before I read some of your signature and I was just so confused.

Archers intentions aren't as noble as he states in his sig. There is no way to certify if his cookies are non hemalurgic and there shouldn't be any exchange of resources in the giving of his cookies, so the money back guarantee is worthless. He also points out in his sig that "you’re not supposed to accept food from strangers." 

In his Dark alley spotting guide he also says to avoid people who give out food. He then offers you a cookie himself.

All of this combined makes a pretty suspicious figure. 

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He also has, from what I hear, been involved in certain nefarious actions within the alleyverse. The stench of his hypocrisy is nigh!

Anyway, welcome to the shard! Here's a few upvotes to help you along that ladder. Come check out the Dark Alley, one of the most powerful yet friendly guilds within the shard!

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58 minutes ago, Mistspren said:

They call themselves friendly, yet spike people covertly with disclaimers that run on for days and Breath theft...

Can you trust the word of such a group? As opposed to one trying to good and help newcomers?

Please name a single guild that cares more about newcomers then the DA.

Elephant's breath theft scheme isn't supported by the DA. He is acting as a separate entity.

Also, I was not aware that a group existed which tried to help newcomers, besides us that is. Did any members of this "group" make a thread proving their existence?


Edited by MacThorstenson
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Ooo, a duel? *grabs a bag of popcorn*


So I'm guessing many people here are part of the Dark Alley?  Are there like, lot's of groups and the DA is just the most popular one or something?  I read someone's thing and it said the Light Alley rather than the Dark Alley so... Yeah.

At first, I thought DA stood for Diagon Alley (Harry Potter) and I was like, "Why's this on a Brandon Sanderson fansite?"  Anyway, which book is there a Dark Alley?  Or is it just a made up thing here?

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to understand this all!

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Don't worry about it! The DA is a fan made thing created by @Voidus, and is the largest guild on the Shard. We mostly concentrate on hemallurgical research and baking, but our members are not limited to such things. Any other questions?

Edit: One more upvote till promotion!

Edited by LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian
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Well, there used to be many guilds, but then the Social groups sub-forum descended into inactivity, the Dark alley was the only group that stayed active. Over years, the light alley (the OG one), the anti-bakery, the Mediocrity lit alley, and other groups tried to fight us. But they lost.

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@LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian @MacThorstenson I have no wish to duel, nor any ill will toward some you. If ElephantEarwax’s soul theft schemes truly are separate from the DA it is good news, but any organization finding itself on such moral ground walks a slippery slope. Hemalurgy is proven to be dangerous, mind altering and potentially fatal work that requires a great cost in blood to perpetuate. Offering such substances to unwanting and unknowing naive audiences is not only wrong, but also could be construed as manslaughter or murder, or at least assault if it is not fatal, not to mention those killed to make the spikes. Look earlier in this thread to see @Tesh offering such a cookie to see the proof of this.

I wish not for a duel, only to point out that minor hippocracy is not equal to such actions.

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