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Stormlight VR Playthrough


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I don’t know if this is quite the right board for this, but I’ll just go for it.

The Escape the Shattered Plains VR experience is coming out tomorrow, and since I assume the vast majority of people won’t be strapping on a VR headset to try it themselves, I thought I’d volunteer to try and record a playthrough of the experience, if people are interested in watching it. I’d probably make it this weekend, but given my minimal experience with screen recording and video editing, who knows. 

The playthrough, if people want it, would likely be just the game’s sights and sounds, no commentary from me. I could do one with commentary and my thoughts and reactions, too, if people were interested in that as well. 

Maybe someone’s already planning to do this, maybe not, but I figured I’d offer. What do you all think?

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I just played it through, was rather fun. I was only disappointed I couldn't lash the chull to the sky. At some point when I was killing Parshendi instead of the chasm fiend, Syl asks "Are you crazy?!" and I'm just thinking "Crazy like a Windrunner with short range teleportation abilities." Honestly, if they made a full game they can't let you teleport and have a Shardblade and/or Shardplate, it would be too cheap. 

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Yeah it's rough.
Both from a fan standpoint and from a standard VR/gamer standpoint.

I absolutely don't know why they thought they could charge $11 for this, especially if it's really "just a demo" as it's claimed to be. But yeah it's rough guys.


Sylphreena introduces you to the stormlight you automatically absorb (that's supposed to kill you, but since it didn't I guess you're okay,) and shows you how to lash (throw rocks around) and walk up walls (but only where santhidspren and skyeelspren show you the path you can)—which is then followed by the biggest VR-no-no: Taking camera control away from you and locking your view to an accelerating/turning camera, at which point you throw rocks and punch some Parshendi and get attacked by a Chasmfiend (which you throw rocks at until you suck out the "energy" from a gemheart,) until you kill it. 

Okay sure, it's an adaptation, and to a fairly new medium. I'll cut them some slack. But this is pretty dang bad. Do not recommend. Between the VR implementation having issues and it not really being a game... The little things that are off will also irritate your inner fan as well. It's a bad combo that results in a fairly poor (and short, Played 6mins and explored everything) $11 experience for all gamers and Sanderfans.

That said, @Argent if you wanna come by and try it some time, I guess I could resist getting a refund.


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I'm disappointed as well. It's pretty cringy, at least to my sensibilities. The voice lines in the beginning are not voice-acted very well and probably shouldn't have been there at all. Sigh. I wonder if they even had a proper director for this VR experience, instead of just a bunch of engineers and coders spitballing ideas.

"Look at all the glory spren Kaladin, I knew you were the one" UGH OH MY GOD nerd rage intensifies

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6 hours ago, Vissy said:

"Look at all the glory spren Kaladin, I knew you were the one"

See, I would be totally okay with a line like that. If it were justified.
It's something you see a lot in video games these days, where they don't take their time to build the anticipation and make your accomplishments feel epic. 
Build the atmosphere, start out weak and lend weight to any achievements, THEN hit me with a "wow" line after you really make me feel like a badass... Such is not the case here.

Thought the Parshendi and the Chasmfiend modeling were pretty cool though. As was the Chull. (And some of the cremlings... Did anyone else bend down and punch them and enjoy the fact that they actually flicked away and then scuttled off? That was a small pleasure.)

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Well, that was... a thing.


From a purely visual standpoint, I enjoyed the storms out of it. The chasmfiend looked (and sounded) really good, the Parshendi looked nice, the chasms stunnning, and all the spren a nice touch. 

From a story/fan standpoint, eh. They tried to accomplish too much, and it all came off rushed. Plus, the inaccuracies about how Stormlight and Lashings work was not unexpected, but still frustrating. (Though I did like the little “have I told you how to fly yet?” Iine at the end.)

From a VR standpoint, most of it was good. I actually liked how the camera perspective changed when you first stand on a wall, even the disorienting effect of it felt justified, because Lashings are described as being disorienting at first. But I kept having this one problem, especially on the top of plateau, where I’d turn quickly to look at something and my vision would go black, like there was a big black space behind me that glitched out of the way. 


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On 3/2/2018 at 11:04 PM, Zmann966 said:


Yeah it's rough.
Both from a fan standpoint and from a standard VR/gamer standpoint.

I absolutely don't know why they thought they could charge $11 for this, especially if it's really "just a demo" as it's claimed to be. But yeah it's rough guys.

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Sylphreena introduces you to the stormlight you automatically absorb (that's supposed to kill you, but since it didn't I guess you're okay,) and shows you how to lash (throw rocks around) and walk up walls (but only where santhidspren and skyeelspren show you the path you can)—which is then followed by the biggest VR-no-no: Taking camera control away from you and locking your view to an accelerating/turning camera, at which point you throw rocks and punch some Parshendi and get attacked by a Chasmfiend (which you throw rocks at until you suck out the "energy" from a gemheart,) until you kill it. 

Okay sure, it's an adaptation, and to a fairly new medium. I'll cut them some slack. But this is pretty dang bad. Do not recommend. Between the VR implementation having issues and it not really being a game... The little things that are off will also irritate your inner fan as well. It's a bad combo that results in a fairly poor (and short, Played 6mins and explored everything) $11 experience for all gamers and Sanderfans.

That said, @Argent if you wanna come by and try it some time, I guess I could resist getting a refund.


Didn't know you had a Vive. Yeah, I think I'll need to find some time and check it out.

In the meantime, I think it is important to remember that this VR experience is:

  • not a game
  • not for us 
  • still VR, which is an incredibly new technology, and there are no good products out there

@Overlord Jebus is probably better equipped to comment on the overall experience, as he did try the thing out at ECCC - maybe give is a blog, britboy?


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I do think my experience was colored by the fact I didn't have to pay for it but I REALLY enjoyed it. I had already listened to the interview Shardcast so I knew what I was getting into and knew the reasons for some of the concessions they had to make. 

It was definitely a bit buggy, punching the Parshendi was the only thing I found consistently not working as intended. I did enjoy the lashing mainly due to how you could lash something into the sky and it would fall that way forever and never come down which was fun. 

I will be talking about it in an upcoming podcast but generally I came away feeling very positive about it.

As a side note, Brandon asked me if I though it was worth $12 when I told him I tried it and I said that seemed a bit much. 

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5 hours ago, Argent said:

Didn't know you had a Vive. Yeah, I think I'll need to find some time and check it out.

In the meantime, I think it is important to remember that this VR experience is:

  • not a game
  • not for us 
  • still VR, which is an incredibly new technology, and there are no good products out there

@Overlord Jebus is probably better equipped to comment on the overall experience, as he did try the thing out at ECCC - maybe give is a blog, britboy?



  • Definitely not. Shouldn't have released it on Steam,
  • Or charged for it.
  • And no. I can put my Rift on you and show you a dozen games (and even some non-game demo experiences like this was supposed to be) that will blow you away more than any Hollywood movie or flatspace game you've ever played. Even gen1 VR tech is mind-blowing, especially if you haven't tried it. This was not.

    It may be a decent "intro to the vibe of Roshar" as it's intended to be, but I can't make a good decision on that due to my position as an original fan. The VR aspect fell short to me as a VR addict; the Stormlight world-building aspect fell short to me as a Sanderfan. 

    Doing my best to contrast those feelings to give a stand-alone opinion is tough, but even then its plain to see they lacked a lot of polish you expect (read: need) in VR, simply because a poorly-done experience has multiplied negative effects: nausea, first-impression bias establishment, notions that the platform as a whole is to blame, etc.
    And as a Stormlight experience the liberties taken aren't the worst I've seen in an adaptation, but they cause the whole demo to stumble a bit in its purpose of introducing people to Roshar—especially with the overall cheesiness as @Vissy mentioned making it feel cheap and flimsy, instead of fantastic and epic as Stormlight is supposed to portray.

    I've gotten free VR experiences that lacked the four-thousand pages of backstory this thing had and did better in every aspect.

    Hate to sound critical on what is technically the first Brandon-based videogame/visual media/vr experience... But it's just not very good. 

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