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[OB] Describe a Character in One Word


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Like it says in the title. Describe a character in one word, whether it relates to their personality, story, clothing, or just how or what you feel about/for them.

  • Szeth -- Pitiable
    • His past is just so sad and I really feel for him
  • Vasher -- Complicated
    • Who knows what's going on with this dude, there's so much we don't know about him, and even the stuff we do know is very complicated and mysterious
  • Dalinar -- Good-Dude
    • Spoiler


      • The hyphen totally makes that one word :ph34r:
      • He's done some bad stuff, but he realizes what he's done, and takes responsibility for it, which I really respect and admire
      • And on top of all of it, he lives up to his reputation and he keeps his word
      • Maybe the word should've been Respectable



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Sadeas - Decomposing

Lopen - The

Jasnah - Peerless

Mraize - Amraizeing

Kaladin -Super-Kal-fabuloustic-extra-freaking-awesome

Hoid - Impenetrable 

Sebarial - Flatulent

Nightblood - Devi

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Malata- maniac

Taravangian: confused

Amaram: philosophical

Odium: passionate

Gavilar: schemer

Ialai: conniving

Ash: critic

Taln: longsuffering

Mraize: calculating

Blackthorn: sadist

Wyndle: cranky


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Kaladin: Storm-Depressed

Shallan: ProxyServer (one word don't @ me ) 

Dalinar: Burdened

Szeth: Really?

Navani: Brilliant

Jasnah: Wisdom

Adolin: Bravery 

Renarin: Naivety

Ialai: Masterminded 

Sadeas: Ruddy

Amaram: Ulterior 

Moash: Follower

Venli: Lost

(I don't know the policy on swearing here but Moash definitely deserves some stronger words...) 



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11 hours ago, Kaladins said:

(I don't know the policy on swearing here but Moash definitely deserves some stronger words...) 

I get what you mean, Moash is something else, although I still like him in a strange way, because sometimes I just want to throttle him.

I did check and yeah swearing isn’t allowed.  It says anything above “crap” isn’t allowed.  

I could be wrong about this, but I think you can use the curse words from the books, so we could call Moash, the storming traitor.  Hope this helps.

EDIT: Also I love the Storm-depressed.  Haha it’s so great.

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8 hours ago, Kaladins said:

(I don't know the policy on swearing here but Moash definitely deserves some stronger words...) 

Anything more strenuous than "crap" gets auto-corrected to cosmere words, e.g.: storm, rust, damnation, WTF.  

EDIT: I thought there was a replacement for "WTF", my bad.  

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On 2/12/2018 at 5:53 PM, The Forgetful Archivist said:
  • Marsh -- Acheronian
    • Yes I used a thesaurus

Just some fun linguistics on this one; For people who don't know, the Acheron is one of the rivers in Greek mythology over which souls are ferried in Hades (along with Styx, Phlegethon, Lethe, and Cocytus). The name Acheron comes from the Greek word Akherousai which means "Marsh-like water"... 

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@Subvisual Haze

11/10 Posts


Young Dalinar - Surfeit

Old Dalinar - Paramount / Paternal / Grossly Incandescent

Gavilar - Harbinger

Odium - Deleterious

Adolin - Candid

Moash - Anathema

Lift - quixotic (def 2)

Wyndle - Surly

Sadeas - Rapacious

Szeth - Somber

Shallan - Multifaceted

Pattern - Fractal

Mraize - Clandestine

Hoid - Prescient / Conductor

Taravangian - Tool (double entendre)

Cultivation - Surreptitious (Making things in secret, like TOOLS)

Syl - Maternal

Kaladin - Icarian (Bro, stop running out of stormlight)


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Kelsier: Architect

Pattern: Logician

Dalinar: Commander

Ham: Debater

Llarimar: Advocate

Evi: Mediator

Kaladin: Protagonist

Uncle Edwarn: Campaigner

Dox: Logistician

Wax: Defender

Navani: Executive

Adolin: Consul

Lightsong: Virtuoso

Eshonai: Adventurer

Wayne: Entrepreneur

Hoid: Entertainer

(Edit: these are the Myers Briggs 16 personalities)

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