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Cosmere Martial Arts


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What's Your Favourite Discipline? Mine’s TinWay, I already know a bit of Jujitsu and feels similar to it, and what do you not want to have to fight? personally I don't want to fight someone who is using ZincWay. Any cool combinations? Feel free to contribute!
Edited by Nohadon
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I would probably love ZincWay, I have a tendency to use crueler techniques like that. Or ElectrumWay, as foresight often appeals to me.

On the flip side I would hate ZincWay, cause I have a low tolerance for pain. Hahaha! :lol:

(Good luck with feruchemy. がんばって❢)

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I think I might need some help on feruchemy, no idea what I’m Gonna do for some of them. 

Also, should I edit the original post or just reply to it or add a new post when I finish feruchemy?

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  • 2 weeks later...


1. Make friends with a Slider

2. Have them put you in a speed-bubble storing speed at least an hour a day(External time)

3. Blitz anyone who tries to fight you

4. Profit

Seriously though, can we all agree that steel is OP? 

Edited by .50 Caliber Gentleman
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It was in the broadsheets, and I think it was to get close to people, enough to Leech them.

This is really cool! CadmiumWay is probably my favorite due to cadmium being one of my favorite Allomantic and Feruchemical metals.

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On 1/7/2018 at 11:09 AM, Nohadon said:

PewterWay: Used to either end the battle instantly by overpowering them with speed and strength, or making it a long, drawn-out fight, taking advantage of the boosted endurance and healing given by pewter. A very blunt discipline primarily consisting of Kicks, punches and blocks, not much dodging, beaten by SteelWay, effective against TinWay. Get up close while facing a user of this and you're done for. (Weapons Include Combat-staff, Fisticuffs and greatswords/claymores, BattleAxes and Warhammers)

You know, I'd almost venture to say an extension to PewterWay could be something akin to jiujitsu or another grappling method. It relies mainly on holds and locks meant to tire your opponent without tiring yourself. Seems like something right up a Pewterarm's alley.

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  • 1 month later...

WOOO! Feruchemy is DONE! thanks so much @Shallan's Ward for the help.

Pewterpath: Used to end fights quickly, tapping all of your strength in one, decisive punch that ends the fight in one hit. Incredibly weak to steelway, but strong against most disciplines it can land a hit on (Ideally uses fisticuffs, or heavy reinforced claymores or greatswords).

Steelpath: Used to quickly dodge attacks, allowing you to be untouchable in fights due to superior speeds, blurring from target to target and execute them with no idea what is going on. (Preferring Light weapons like daggers and

TinPath: These disciples will often have multiple metalminds on them to use more senses. Those who fight with this style often use sight from a long range to hit a man before they get close. They also use this as a way to spy on their enemies and report to their comrades. (They are weak at close range due to tapping sight causing them to be unable to see nearby items.)

IronPath: The Disciples who dedicated themselves to this path wrestle with their opponents in order to use their weight to its full advantage. Disciples will also store weight in order to be lighter and faster, to avoid enemies. 

BrassPath; Disciples of this discipline superheat their skin on contact to do as much internal damage as possible, striking the neck, eyes or stomach are the main targets, when facing BrassPath, try to keep out of range of them or their Brass rods that can be used to give further reach while still conducting heat.

ZincPath: Disciples who use this path are accustomed to being able to quickly form, and stick to plans mid-battle. and changing strategies on the fly, zinc also boosts reaction time, allowing you to anticipate your enemies moves before they make them.

CopperPath: Made to train and study other disciples and help choose their own disciplines

BronzePath: Disciples who use this path are best in long fights, as they don't tire easily, making others waste valuable metalmind stores while fighting you.

ChromiumPath: Disciples of this path don't spend much time on fancy techniques or disciplined training. If they get into a fight, they focus on key moments when enemies are likely to trip, stumble or miss their attacks and tap luck to make sure it happens.

AluminiumPath: Disciples of this path are about adaptation and change, storing Identity to allow themselves to open up to harder, more complex training.

NicrosilPath: Disciples of this path tend to go with other powers they have, and Develop their own style of fighting based on what they can do with them.

GoldPath: This is the most reckless way, not caring about the damage to oneself and caring more about the damage they intend to do to others. tapping gold AFTER the fight is done to deal with any injuries acquired.

ElectrumPath: Pinnacle ferrings will never give up, this is due to the fact that this Path teaches them that every fight is winnable, but it depends on when people falter and give up.

BendalloyPath: It is difficult to run out of energy with a fresh bowl of chouta in your metalminds! Bulk up in an instant and take hits easily, then slim down and be quicker. varying speeds and strengths to confuse your opponent

CadmiumPath: This path is about stealth, Storing breath allows you to feel more calm and controlled, able to infiltrate places silently and slip out undetected.

DuraluminPath: This path is about solving fights peacefuly with words, it is very unorthadox, but who can fight you when they greet you like a good friend?



Edited by Nohadon
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  • 1 month later...

Just found this thread, I think that cadmiumpath mixed with goldpath has several applications in nonstandard environments such as in the water, in space or in poisonous environments.

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  • 4 months later...
3 hours ago, Nohadon said:

I'm thinking of doing something for awakening and radiant surges, anyone interested in the concept?

*raises hand*

I'm guessing a technique in Awakening-fu involves getting close to use an opponent and using their own clothing against them.

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Szeth already has martial arts training although I forget what he called it. Lightweavers could use something like a shadow step, casting illusions so an opponent cannot be sure which target they strike. With the transportation surge and Stormlight one can become Cosmere Nightcrawler, although you're probably only going to be able to do it once or twice per engagement. For Edgedancers, friction plus variable spren weaponry means someone that easily slide circles around you. Plus infusing the opponent hands with Stormlight means they cannot grip weaponry. We already know what Windrunners are capable of. Maybe someone else can help with some of the other surge martial art applications.

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Cohesion allows a user to trap their opponent in place by liquefying the ground, Tension can turn things like cloth into swords, Progression could be used in a natural environment to turn plant life against an enemy or enemies (or perhaps carrying seeds with them). Division straight up burns things (including people)

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  • 1 month later...

Just wanted to note, as I just found this thread: THIS IS STORMING AWESOME.

Any chance of this being made for other magic systems? Radiant Martial Arts, Elantrain Martial Arts, that sort of thing?

Edited by Ark1002
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16 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

Just wanted to note, as I just found this thread: THIS IS STORMING AWESOME.

Any chance of this being made for other magic systems? Radiant Martial Arts, Elantrain Martial Arts, that sort of thing?

Thanks :) 

Also I'm in the process of making Radiant Martial Arts, I don't know what I'd to for Elantrian martial arts but I was thinking I would do some for either sand mastery or awakening after I do stormlight.

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On 1/23/2018 at 6:50 PM, Walin said:

It was in the broadsheets, and I think it was to get close to people, enough to Leech them.

The Monks of Baz-Kor IIRC. Though now that I think about it, hazekillers must have martial arts training.

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