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Szeth's Unique Aquisition (SPOILERS!!!!!!)


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It is nightblood ? Sure looks like but Vasher are immortal and wouldn't part with the sword soo, no Warbreak II with Vasher?


But Vasher's main sword fighting tactic with it was to throw it at "bad guys" and let them kill themselves with it, so he may have thrown it away. 


There is no reason that Vasher won't be in Warbreaker 2, keep in mind that Warbreaker is after Hero of Ages, The Way of Kings is happening "slightly before" Alloy of Law, which is ~300 years after Hero of Ages, which is before Warbreaker. 


So Vasher has about 300 years to have his sequel and still make it to Roshar to have been working for the Kholin family for ~12 years as a swordmaster ardent

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But Vasher's main sword fighting tactic with it was to throw it at "bad guys" and let them kill themselves with it, so he may have thrown it away. 


There is no reason that Vasher won't be in Warbreaker 2, keep in mind that Warbreaker is after Hero of Ages, The Way of Kings is happening "slightly before" Alloy of Law, which is ~300 years after Hero of Ages, which is before Warbreaker. 


So Vasher has about 300 years to have his sequel and still make it to Roshar to have been working for the Kholin family for ~12 years as a swordmaster ardent



This would do, I could be wrong but i did recall Vasher traveling "the wolrd" and talking in realmitc terms (so he have cosmere knowlegde). His travel could be much more than at looked at first glace.=)


Tks for the math =)

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* Is Zahel Sunmaker? Was it after being Sunmaker that he lost Nightblood to Nalan?


* WILD THEORY: Will Nightblood feed on the souls Szeth hears when he closes his eyes?


* Will Nightblood be able to truly kill spren, sucking in their Investiture? Or would this investiture all be sent back to Honor's shardpool? E.g. Nighblood kills all honorspren => Honor is put back.


I think Nalan's intention is to have Szeth kill all surgebinders. If you look at it, they are all ... evil (cracked souls).

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Presuming that Nightblood can indeed be fueled with stormlight, do you think that means that if Szeth were fighting in a highstorm then nightblood would have unlimited use during that time?


Along that note, do you think that by wielding nightblood  Szeth will still be able to draw in stormlight? Or do you think that Nightblood will pull in stormlight directly? 

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That was the only time in the whole book I yelled. My other favourite bit was Hoid obliquely referencing that Cultivation wasn't really his type.

Oh, he was talking about Cultivation... For some reason, I thought that might be a reference to our mysterious worldhopping Terriswoman.

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Oh, he was talking about Cultivation... For some reason, I thought that might be a reference to our mysterious worldhopping Terriswoman.

That was kind of a Cosmere bonus, I think. Though I can imagine Hoid trying out witty pickup lines on a god just for the lulz.
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Guest Shash

I'm just picturing Szeth, flying around in a Highstorm slaying EVERYTHING with a fully unsheathed Nightblood that's feeding off massive amounts of Investiture.  


Oh, my.

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For some reason I don't see Szeth actually taking the Skybreaker oaths... I think Nan is taking advantage of a broken mind.


Szeth worships Order, which is different than "just" or "Justice". (Justice n.  the process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals). I, like has been theorized already, that when the Heralds broke the Oathpact, they went dark or are/have tainted their original attributes, so Justice becomes Order (at all costs). 


I think Nan told Szeth that he would become a Skybreaker, but then he gave him Nightblood. If he was really going to become a Skybreaker, he would get a spren and therefore a weapon, wouldn't need Nightblood. 


All that said I will be very surprised if Szeth says any oaths or gains a Nahel bond from those oaths. 


It will be very interesting to see what Vasher does once Nightblood becomes known to the outside world...

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But yes, nightblood destroys investiture. It would very likely destroy spren, which is interesting, as living shardblades are spren. 

With investiture, the spark of life is included - as most of the life in the cosmere came from adonalsium/shards. not all of it though. Someone should ask for details on the naturally occurring humans in the cosmere. 

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I think Nan told Szeth that he would become a Skybreaker, but then he gave him Nightblood. If he was really going to become a Skybreaker, he would get a spren and therefore a weapon, wouldn't need Nightblood


Nan appears to be running his own group.  He calls them Skybreakers, but there's no evidence that they're actually bonded (one of them gets in trouble when he kills Lift's fellow thief).

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Nan appears to be running his own group.  He calls them Skybreakers, but there's no evidence that they're actually bonded (one of them gets in trouble when he kills Lift's fellow thief).


I agree that Nan is running a group called Skybreakers who aren't actually bonded Skybreakers. They appear more dedicated to Order than to Justice. 

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Oh my god, Nightblood in the hands of a madman


With good direction, this *might* not end up as a bad thing.  Szeth has, obviously, shown a fanatical ability to resist temptation.  He's probably capable of keeping Nightblood's "suggestions" fully in check.


The real problem is that Nalan is now the one giving Szeth directions, and Nalan appears to be even more fanatical than Szeth.

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With good direction, this *might* not end up as a bad thing.  Szeth has, obviously, shown a fanatical ability to resist temptation.  He's probably capable of keeping Nightblood's "suggestions" fully in check.


The real problem is that Nalan is now the one giving Szeth directions, and Nalan appears to be even more fanatical than Szeth.


Let's hope then that nothing "too" crazy will happen

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Oh, he was talking about Cultivation... For some reason, I thought that might be a reference to our mysterious worldhopping Terriswoman.




I think I missed this. Where did you see reference to the Terriswoman?

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There is a Terriswoman in Warbreaker somewhere, per WoB and HERE who is a Worldhopper and romantic interest to Demoux


Maybe she's on Roshar by now, but I doubt that is who Hoid is talking about when there is a millennia old Shardholder somewhere on Roshar in Cultivation

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That was the glimpse of radiance where Carl was trolling me.


HA! That would have torn the forum apart if we saw it. :lol:


Ill be honest, I didn't catch it at first (the now obvious way he is physically described and his first odd idiom) but by the time Yahel mentioned there being 2 people who lived in his room and the voice he hadn't heard in years I was pretty sure. 


additional clues: purelake reminds him of home and has adolin training to throw his sword (this is might or might not be intentional, but I am inclined to think it is in hind sight).


GAH...now I have to get my friends to read warbreaker...they will just miss this reference...


I noted this one too, but not for the same reasons, I think. By that point in the book I was pretty sure Zahel was Vasher, and the way that Adolin described Zahel's advice ("as Zahel had taught him years before, sending a direct instruction to the Blade—picturing what he needed it to do.") seemed eerily similar to the Visualizations in Awakening. That may be a cause of shared causation, though: Awakening and Blade-throwing being similar because of Realmatics instead of Zahel's technique being odd.


There is a Terriswoman in Warbreaker somewhere, per WoB and HERE who is a Worldhopper and romantic interest to Demoux


Maybe she's on Roshar by now, but I doubt that is who Hoid is talking about when there is a millennia old Shardholder somewhere on Roshar in Cultivation


The Terriswoman being Demoux's better half is just speculation (albeit plausible speculation) at this point.

Edited by Kurkistan
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I think Nightblood will be good for Szeth. Nightblood has always reminded me of a puppy. A terrifying, arguably evil, merciless, all destroying doom-puppy who leaves trails of death and destruction in his wake, but a puppy nonetheless. Considering Szeth's depression and nihilism, I think a puppy may be just what the doctor ordered.


Having Nightblood around might at least force Szeth to think for himself about what defines good and evil, so, there's that.

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I will call it now. The Honorblade vs Nightblood battle is how the world will end.


Kaladin: Oh no! Syl broke again!

*Takes Honorblade*

Kaladin: Imma lash you to the moon! Now go to Dam... Wait, does it look like the moon is getting bigger? Why is it falling d...



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As to whether Nightblood can operate on Stormlight, at the midnight release on Monday I asked Brandon what I thought was a purely academic question.


ME: Suppose you have a man full of stormlight, and he draws Nightblood. What happens?


Brandon: Nightblood would feed off their investiture.


I was surprised that he answered it so willingly. Now I guess I know why.

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NOW it all makes sense to me!


First I thought Zahel was one of the Heralds, but I dropped the theory in his POV.

Strangely enough, in that POV I felt a huge familiarity with his vouce, and got suspicios.


But all the collor talk seals the deal to me.


Getting more into topic, Nightblood is actually the most awesome thing Brandon ever wrote! I went into hyped hysterical fangirl mode when I recognized her/it. I just wonder how will Szeth spend Stormlight to fuel NB.


I mean, he needed the Honorblade to breath stormlight didn't he? Maybe NB gives him the ability again? so it can be fueled?

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This thing up there? It was my reaction when I read the end of Szeth's sequence. For a brief moment I thought Nalan (and I was so totally right that it was him all along!) would give him a Voidblade or something, a Shardblade made from a voidspren, and I was all exciting that the crem was about to hit the fan... and then, just as I read that the blade was a little out of the scabbard, I knew. Just before I read about the black smoke coming out, I knew! And, boy, that did that blow my mind to smithereens. Yes, the last few chapters had been beyond amazing, but it was at this point that I had to put the book down and stare blankly in front of me for a minute.


Now, this being out of the way...


It makes sense, really. Nightblood doesn't feed on Breath specifically, it feeds on Investiture. It's been mentioned a few times (by Brandon) that you use Investiture from one Shard to power the magic of another, but it's very very difficult. Out of all the Investitures we've seen, Breath and Stormlight are most akin. So, of course, Nightblood would be able to feed of Light. The question is, how efficient will it be? We really need some SI units for measuring magic, discussions are starting to get bottlenecked by their lack...

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Zahel says that the Purelake reminds him of his home.  Does he mean the mild climate?  If he meant the constant shallow water than I think we can rule out his being from Nalthis.


The colors thing though... I don't remember the Nalthians speaking like that in Warbreaker.  Though they are obviously obsessed with color.  Hmmm.

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