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Everything posted by Lomeon

  1. Could it be that highstorms used to travel west to east? This would explain the asymmetry of erosion causing more land in the east and less in the west, and also the peculiar construction of Urithiru's tower with the sheer, windowed facade on the stormward side, and the sloped, more aerodynamic side leeward. My apologies if this has already been shot down.
  2. Has anyone tried putting the map onto a more accurate projection? Assuming that the latitude numbers are correct and actual degrees, there's likely to be a fair amount of distortion towards the southern part of the map. This could affect its rotational symmetry.
  3. The glyph on the ground was almost certainly a stylized version of the Windrunner glyph from the KR chart. All of the KR glyphs also show up on Elhokar's Shardblade, and would likely be decoration on other weaponry. If it was a depiction of Jezrien on the Parshindi blade, it seems easily plausible that the Windrunner glyph went along with him, as he is the "patron Herald" of that order.
  4. As to the chapter 88 epigraph: If they are dates, one of them coincides with one of the Death Rattles from WoK epigraphs: Ch. 68: Also, all of the "dates" occour about a year before the events of WoR, which may rule out reading the future, depending on when The Diagram was made.
  5. That would be confusing because Vedeledev is the "patron Herald" of the Edgedancers (order 4), and Pailiah is the "patron Herald" of the Truthwatchers (order 5).
  6. Chapter 83 Epigraph: It seems obvious that "The Ancient of Stones" refers to Talenel, Herald patron of the Stonewards, whose sole, vigilant perseverance in damnation prevented a desolation for 4.5 millennia.
  7. Some very interesting ideas! Also, remember what happened to Adolin's plate when it was struck with the "Voidlightning"? Plate may well protect from other sorts of Voidbinding attacks as well. During Dalinar's visions, he saw Radiants do what appeared to be summoning and dismissing the helms at will, and they glowed with the color of their order. This leads me to believe that the Plate that is being worn now may be nearly as "dead" as the Shardblades they are carrying, compared to their original potential.
  8. The quote that got me thinking about the Stormfather's identity was this: from when he was confronted with the idea of bonding to Dalinar. So What is a Sliver? source Does this mean that the Stormfather has held, or is the cognitive aspect of someone who has held part of the Honor Shard? Could this be connected to his Vorin association with Jezrien? If this is true, why did he hold the power, how did he gain access (Shardpool in the Horneater peaks?), and what did he change while he held it? Where was Tanavast when this happened? Was the Honor Shard shattered at the same time that Tanavast was killed? We also know that he is a spren of some kind as he forms a Nahel bond with Dalinar to form a Bondsmith. Were all ~three of them bonded to the Stormfather? Is the Nahel bond necessarily one-to-one? If so, how is he still alive assuming they are gone? Do spren only die if oaths are broken? Could one of the old Bondsmiths have held the power, and would that make the Stormfather a Sliver? I had intended to come up with a more concrete theory, but obviously have more questions than ideas. Hopefully this can help start a discussion some of you will find interesting!
  9. I'm comfortable giving him Hari Seldon level abilities to predict the future using probabilities (many of the things he says already sound similar to Seldon predictions), but not fourth wall breaching. I can't imagine Brandon writing him addressing anything out of universe, let alone revealing acknowledgement that he's a character written in a book.
  10. Ok, so the code itself is the 154 character string of Arabic numerals. I would also like to rule our any self-referential ideas such as page numbers.
  11. There are 37 unique three-digit strings broken up like this: 111 825 101 112 712 491 512 101 011 141 021 511 711 210 111 217 134 483 111 071 514 254 143 410 916 149 149 341 212 254 101 012 512 710 151 910 111 234 125 511 525 121 575 511 123 410 111 291 512 106 1534 Here they are with how many there are out of how many times that three-digit sequence shows up in the unbroken string. 111x5/8 825x1/1 101x3/7 112x1/6 712x1/1 491x1/2 512x3/4 011x1/5 141x1/1 021x1/1 511x3/3 711x1/1 210x1/3 217x1/1 134x1/1 483x1/1 071x1/1 514x1/1 254x2/2 143x1/1 410x2/4 916x1/1 149x2/2 341x1/4 212x1/1 012x1/1 710x1/1 151x1/5 910x1/1 234x1/2 125x1/2 525x1/1 121x1/6 575x1/1 123x1/2 291x1/1 106x1/1 1534 Also, does the eBook have uneven line breaks like the hardback?
  12. Fabrials, yes! Thank you, Moogle, you wonderful, voidish Willshaper. I haven't seen much conversation about fabrials on the forums yet. It seems important that when an amethyst replaces a ruby in a motion fabrial (8 is the opposite of 3), it gives it the opposite motion.
  13. So this brings up some interesting questions: Nalan plays off his resurrection as a "simple" healing of his brain. Healing (progression) is a surge of Vedeledev and Pailiah's orders. Does that mean that Heralds have access to all surges, or something else entirely? People killed by shardblades are thought to have their "souls" destroyed. This could come from superstition around the burned out eyes, but in the Cosmere, the spiritual realm is a real place, though little is known about it. If Szeth's soul was destroyed, but his body was healed, could this have any implications? What actually happens when someone is killed by a shardblade?
  14. I think I missed this. Where did you see reference to the Terriswoman?
  15. Well, there goes my pious adherence to "journey before destination."
  16. It's also emblazoned on the cover of the hardback of WoK and on the title page to several of the parts. The Lightweavers' glyph stylized as a sword is on the cover of WoR.
  17. "...journey before destination." Speaking only for myself, the chance to decode a secret from a story I love is even more valuable than the content of that secret. That said, it would be totally awesome if it contained some Cosmere-shaking information!
  18. More patterns: There are only two 8s and 6s, the only commonality being 61 There is only one 3 that's not part of a 34 (there are six of them) The only 7 that isn't part of a 71 (there are five of them) is in the palindrome There is another palindrome exactly between the first two sequences of 101121 which also starts and ends with 151 111825 -101112-71249-151-2-10-101114-10-2-151-17112-101112- 17134483111071514254143410916149149341212254101012512710 -151-9-101112-34-12-5511-52512157-5511-12-34-101112-9-151- 21061534 I have no clue how this gets us any closer to turning this into text, but I will keep looking for patterns. Edit: added 6s
  19. Patterns. Using this, I found a massive (length 13) palindrome towards the end: 111825-101112-7124915121010111410215117112-101112-17134483111071514254143410916149149341212254101012512710 -151-9-101112-34-12-5511-52512157-5511-12-34-101112-9-151- 21061534 Am heading full speed towards a dead end, or is this significant? *edit: 1-5-1=151
  20. When telling the story of Vo to Lightsong and Siri, and the Wandersail story to Kaladin, he was likely using a very subtle version of his original Yolenish lightweaving abilities.
  21. I love this theory, Windrunner! Thank you for taking the time to put it together. To address some points brought up by respondent: Nightblood leaked inky smoke when slightly unsheathed on Nalthis, and is likely not related to stormlight or shardblades. Hoid's sword has been confirmed to not be Nightblood. Vasher is likely not Nalan, but someone else on Roshar (listen to the diction, colors, Cosmere references). I'm with Aminar in his assertion that Justice without mercy feels very, very wrong.
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