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What spren would each characters get?


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So just a simple discussion on which characters that are in Roshar and don't have a spren, or Off-Roshar and what order of the knights of radiant would they be in?

I'll start you off;

Wax: Skybreakers, pretty simple, either that or Windrunners.

TLR: I have to say Bondsmith, he does unite all of scadrial, in a way, but how OP would he be if he was a bondsmith AND a lerasium fullborn...

Raoden: Edgedancer, if you look at the oaths, it becomes pretty apparent.

now it's your turn!

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WoB is that TLR would have made a ok Skybreaker.

Kelsier would have been a Dustbringer

Sazed would have been a good Bondsmith

Elend i see as a windrunner.

Vin... maybe a lightweaver, but she is a bit hard. She would have enjoyed being an edgedancer as well

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Wayne: This is a hard choice between Edgedancer or Lightweaver. I think either of these would be a good fit, both for the powers, and also the personalities of the spren related to the orders. I think I'm going to go with Lightweaver though, I mean, just think of how many different hats he could have!

Spook: Lightweaver, no question there.

Sixth of the Dusk: Elsecaller probably


Now let's take a trip outside the Cosmere and Brandon's work...

Harry Potter: Windrunner, definitely Windrunner

Hermione Granger: She's probably between an Elsecaller or a Lightweaver

Fitz Chivalry: It's been a while since I've read this, but maybe a Bondsmith?

Kvothe: Bondsmith or Elsecaller, not sure.

Frodo: This one's hard, but I'd probably have to go with Bondsmith.

Legolas: Windrunner

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Community characters

(I'm only halfway through Oathbringer, so some of my knowledge of the orders might already be obsolete)

Jeff - Bondsmiths

Britta - Windrunners

Pierce - Dustbringers

Abed - Truthwatchers

Troy - Stonewards

Chang - Edgedancers

Annie - Elsecallers

Shirley - Skybreakers


Edited by HelloMyNameIsDrBloodborne
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I actually think Kell would be a Willshaper or Lightweaver. I think Willshapers tend to be free thinkers. And Kell is a conman, so I suspect he would attract a cryptic. 

We don’t really know much about Dustbringers, but I think they might prefer those inclined to science.

I think Khriss could attract an inkspren or releaser Spren

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  • 2 weeks later...

Elend would probably be an Elsecaller.

Outside the Cosmere...

Aragorn would be a Bondsmith. (Although "Strider" would probably be a Windrunner.)

Hermione is 100% an Elsecaller.

Arya Stark is a Lightweaver.

Jon Snow is a Bondsmith.

Ned Stark is 100% a Windrunner.

Palpatine would be either a Lightweaver or Bondsmith (He technically united the galaxy, but through underhanded/deceptive means.)

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the maladroit said:

I think he's more of a Skybreaker. He is very concerned with following correct codes and such. 

I don't entirely disagree with this.  However...

A Song of Ice and Fire spoilers


His decisions were ultimately more based on what he thought was right, rather than what the law said he must do. i.e. following Robert to King's Landing in the first place, telling Cercei that he knew her secret, (trying to) us the City Watch to usurp Cercei)


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10 minutes ago, Stormrunner1730 said:

I don't entirely disagree with this.  However...

A Song of Ice and Fire spoilers

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His decisions were ultimately more based on what he thought was right, rather than what the law said he must do. i.e. following Robert to King's Landing in the first place, telling Cercei that he knew her secret, (trying to) us the City Watch to usurp Cercei)


I suppose it depends on what sort of law you mean. He didn't follow the laws of Westeros fully, which isn't very Skybreaker-like, however he did follow what he knew of the laws of the First Men. This is similar to how Szeth [OB Spoilers]


Follows Dalinar, but opposes the laws of Shinovar


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On 11/21/2017 at 2:05 PM, MasterJack said:

Legolas: Windrunner

I was actually thinking Edgedancer.

On 11/22/2017 at 11:19 PM, Ookla the maladroit said:

Silence Montane: ????

Maybe a Dustbringer.

This is hard because we don't know much about a lot of the orders.

The real question would be, What order would C-3PO be?

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3 hours ago, TheVillageIdiot said:

I was actually thinking Edgedancer.

Maybe a Dustbringer.

This is hard because we don't know much about a lot of the orders.

The real question would be, What order would C-3PO be?

Edgedancer. Other than Lift they are supposed to be eloquent and sophisticated, which kind of fits C-3PO.

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