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Who has met Brandon?


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I'm sorry for downvoting you, Peter, but I had to see the 1337 ranking. Forgive me.

There's a screen cap of it in the Reputation Points thread.

I've met Brandon. Multiple times. First was at a Hero of Ages signing back in '08. Met him again on the WoK tour. And then a bunch this past year. Rithmatist, 2-3 Steelheart, plus some of the other random signings, and I played Magic with him once or twice... *joins Serendipity in running away from the crowd carrying pitchforks*

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I've met him once, at a Steelheart signing, but I'm going to see him again on Thursday.


So excited, especially because the Steelheart was before I had become actively a Sharder. I had done my own share of Cosmere theorizing, and had lurked about a bunch, but I was still unSpiked and uninitiated.

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These aren't pitchforks. They're Hemalurgic spikes. We're going to spike out your memories. I think you can guess which ones.

Those memories consist of many losses, just so you know. I'd hate for you to steal my memories only to find that they weren't nearly as cool as you'd hoped.

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