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Why are you a Fan?

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I am writing a paper on Brandon for a collage class and figured you all would be a good source of information. 

The more people I can get to answer these questions the better:

1: How did you first become a fan of Brandon Sanderson?

2: Why do you like his books?

3: What is your favorite of his books/series?

4: On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the least, 10 being the greatest, how fanatical would you say you are about Brandon and his writing?

5: On a scale of 1-10, how fanatical are his fans as a whole?

6: Any other thoughts you want to include?

7: How has Brandon and/or his books impacted your life? 


Edit: Thanks for all the answers! You've all been a great help. :)  

Edited by Ookla The Idiot
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  1. I was introduced to TWoK by a friend of mine that mentioned it off hand and I decided to go read it.
  2. There are so many things I love about Sanderson, but one of the big ones is his originality, he can take any old trope, spin it on its head and give it new life, and everyone loves it. Another thing I love is that, as a member of the LDS Church, it's hard to find books that aren't full of dirty stuff, and Brandon's are always clean.
  3. Right now my favorite series is SA, although that could change at any point
  4. I'm probably an 8
  5. 10, definitely 10
  6. Good luck on your paper! :D
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1. A guy on Bulbagarden told me about him, and I checked out Mistborn. Now I'm a Cosmere aware toaster.

2. I think I could write a paper on this question alone :-) They have magic systems that go deeper than a sea, incredibly interesting and likeable characters, plot-twists that hits you like a punch from a pewterarm, original worlds and interesting commentary regarding morality and religion.

3. The Stormlight Archive.

4. 8?

5. 10. People transcribes hours of sound material from Brandon! Transcribing is storming boring! That is true dedication.

6. We made a meme out of a stick.

7. @TheVillageIdiot How the books impacted my life... I think about them a whole lot, I spend a lot of time, and I incorporate them into school work when I can. Sanderson has also been an influence on my own writing.

Edited by Toaster Retribution
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1: How did you first become a fan of Brandon Sanderson?
I was a fan of the Wheel of Time series and learned of Sanderson when he was announced as the author who would finish the series. My roommate had a copy of the Mistborn trilogy so I started there and never looked back.

2: Why do you like his books?
Oh man, so many reasons. The ending to the first Mistborn trilogies is probably the greatest "twist" ending ever because the answer was staring you in the face the whole time. I had never seen an author execute such a well foreshadowed yet "surprise" ending. It was the single greatest reading experience I had ever had. Not to mention the incredibly original take on magic, the unforgettable characters, the depth of the world building, the way common conceptions of good/evil were somehow both reinforced but also challenged, the thoughtful way religion was entangled into the series... I could go on and on. 

After Mistborn, I read Warbreaker and Elantris then jumped on the Way of Kings when it came out. Each one was unique, engaging, interesting, funny, exciting, etc. 

That isn't to say that I think Brandon is a perfect author. I do not always enjoy his style (Lift is a good example) nor do I think he has top notch prose (Patrick Rothfuss is an example of an author that has beautiful prose), and there are even some books I do not care for (Shadows of Self, Firefight, Calamity) but Brandon really does produce some amazing works and I think he will be remembered as one of the great authors of our time.

3: What is your favorite of his books/series?
Impossible to answer. The first Mistborn trilogy has a special place in my heart because it was the first works of his I read and that ending! The Stormlight Archive is next level amazing but it is still being worked on. Alloy of Law is hands down one of the most fun rereads. Even a "short" story like Sixth of Dusk is in the running. Sorry, I do not handle "favorite" questions very well haha

4: On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the least, 10 being the greatest, how fanatical would you say you are about Brandon and his writing?
9.8? I don't want to say 10 because I know there are ways I could be more fanatical but I do visit this forum every day, I have contributed theories, and I have a 6 page long (and growing) Google doc where I write out questions I want the answers to someday. I also plan on flying to Utah for the Oathbringer release party and even bought a VIP ticket haha.

5: On a scale of 1-10, how fanatical are his fans as a whole?
Um, I'd say there is a decent chunk who are pretty devoted but my association with said devoted group probably skews my perception. Overall, I'd rate the fanbase a solid 7?

6: Any other thoughts you want to include?
Brandon is incredibly accessible to fans and puts in a ton of extra work simply to make the fan base happy. I think that is fantastic!

He also does a ton of charity work and uses his position as someone with a bigger audience than most to offer up these charitable opportunities to his community.

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6 hours ago, TheVillageIdiot said:

I am writing a paper on Brandon for a collage class and figured you all would be a good source of information. 

The more people I can get to answer these questions the better:

1: How did you first become a fan of Brandon Sanderson?

2: Why do you like his books?

3: What is your favorite of his books/series?

4: On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the least, 10 being the greatest, how fanatical would you say you are about Brandon and his writing?

5: On a scale of 1-10, how fanatical are his fans as a whole?

6: Any other thoughts you want to include?


Thanks in advance!

I transferred from WoT.

They make me think. And the twists are mind boggling. And the avalanche is just an awesome ride.

Mistborn. ALL Mistborn. And any random thing that has to with Scadrial.

5? 7? 8? It varies... more right now because OB will be released soon. VERY much so after BoM and SH were released.  I’ll probably fade away to a 2 or 3 after I’ve read OB, then be back as a 10 after TLM. 

I suppose that depends on how you use the term. Most of us aren’t that insane, but we do love to theorize... I’ll give us an 8.

Brandon being a nice person is an essential part of what makes this fan base work.

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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1. I saw WoK in my school library, read it, went on to read WoR and MB, then went to his website in search on OB release date. Saw 17th Shard link, found 17th Shard, decided I had to read all of his books.

2. They make sense, scientifically. I like science, and it drives me nuts when I can't understand something, preferably with science.

3. I like Stormlight the best.

4. I would say about 6.

5. 9 or 10.

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1: I became a fan after I picked up the Final Empire from an airport bookshop just under a decade ago. It was a slapdash decision, but one that I'm very lucky to have made!

2: I've always been the most impressed by his beautiful and immersive worldbuilding, as well as his unique magic systems. But his character development also deserves a great deal of praise, with Kaladin and Shallan being some of the most relatable, likeable characters I've ever had the pleasure of reading about.

3: Stormlight Archive

4: I would say...an 8! My level of fanaticism can vary depending on my need for escapism. For example, I was in a bad place whilst reading WoR as my parents were going through a very messy divorce. I can remember that reading WoR during those nights was the only activity that would give me any joy at all. Similarly, I'm having a tough time at work so I've reread both WoK and WoR to keep me going. To put it simply, I always find solace in BS's wonderful stories.

5: 9 or 10

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1. I stumbled on Brandon's books a couple times before really becoming a fan. I first read the Mistborn trilogy 3 and a half years ago. I liked it, but it wasn't my favorite. About a year later I read The Rithmatist. Again, it was good. A few months later a friend recommended SA to me. I read WoK and WoR, and loved them. I did a little searching online when the friend mentioned Hoid was in his other work, and realized that not only had I read some of his other books, I owned Mistborn on kindle. I started exploring his other stuff, and loved all of it. 

2. Everything I enjoy in books, he does really well. He has relatable characters, surprising twists that are glaringly obvious in hindsight, slow build-up to an avalanche of resolution at the end of the novel, and hidden connections to figure out everywhere. 

3. Stormlight

4. 8, compared to other Sanderfans. I wear a necklace every day with a symbol from a book he wrote, so I think that puts me relatively high. 

5. 9. We're intense, but there are more fanatical fandoms out there. We just need to try harder! 

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1: I was in a reading funk for years. I had given up on finding a new great fantasy series at that point and had basically stopped reading. My partner suggested I read Way of Kings because "It's the kind of fantasy that you'll like." I recognized the name Sanderson because my mom is a WoT-fan and thought "Yeah okay, I'll give it a try". Absolutely devoured the book and then worked my way relentlessly through all the Cosmere works.

2: Like my partner said: they're different. Worldbuilding is great, and everything is part of a large ecosystem that is well thought out and makes sense. It makes the worlds so much more immersive. Also plot twists that make me scream, cry, and laugh out loud.

3: Favorite series is probably Stormlight because I love Roshar. But I had a blast reading Warbreaker too.

4: I'd wager about a 7, perhaps. I am really often finding myself trying to not overwhelm my friends with information whenever one of them asks "what is that book you're reading?"

5: Probably around 9. People are very dedicated to analyzing and theorizing around these books which I think is super great.


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1: Stormlight Archive. TWOK is the best book I have ever read. I love Kaladin more than most non-book people I know.

2: I study lots of science, and sometimes I get really sick of the laws of the universe. The Cosmere is like the world but with better science.

3: Stormlight Archive

4: For sure 10. It's a rare night where I don't have a dream about one of his books.

5: 9 

Edited by Ookla the maladroit
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1: How did you first become a fan of Brandon Sanderson?

It's been a while since I tried fantasy, and I wanted to start again. Found Mistborn. Just blown away. Now I have read all Cosmere novels!

2: Why do you like his books?

Personally for me, it is the plot and worldbuilding. I feel like I'm part of his world when reading the novels. Sanderson creates amazing plots with perfect mix of foreshadowing, twists and the 'avalanche' climaxes where everything comes together incredibly.

3: What is your favorite of his books/series?

Hard to compare. Emperor's Soul is one of the best novella I have ever read. I love Mistborn Era 1 and I can never forget it the first time I have read it and was stunned by the epigraph revelations. Stormlight Archive is amazing and I suspect it will be one of the best ever once it is done.

4: On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the least, 10 being the greatest, how fanatical would you say you are about Brandon and his writing?

I'd say 8.

5: On a scale of 1-10, how fanatical are his fans as a whole?


6: Any other thoughts you want to include?

He is one of the author who is incredibly disciplined, communicates so much with his fans (through his website posts, progress bars and on Reddit) and takes a break from writing by writing something else! He loves writing and I'm proud to be his fan.

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  1. My dad bought Mistborn as an audiobook on audible.com when I was 11 or 12. I listened to it. We both agreed it was awesome, so he got a whole bunch of other books by Brandon. They were awesome.
  2. They're awesome. Especially Mistborn, Stormlight, and Reckoners.
  3. Mistborn, Stormlight, Reckoners. Also, I really liked the Emperor's Soul and Alcatraz.
  4. I'd say 7-8
  5. 10. Definitely 10.
  6. Any way to get my Pathfinder/D&D group to read Mistborn so we can play the Mistborn Adventure Game? If not, any ideas on how to play a MAG session without too many major spoilers?
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2 hours ago, The Allomantic Metalhead said:

Any way to get my Pathfinder/D&D group to read Mistborn so we can play the Mistborn Adventure Game? If not, any ideas on how to play a MAG session without too many major spoilers?

I would just mention it to them, see if you can get them interested. As far as spoilers, I don't think there'd be too many, (though I've never played it myself). Probably mostly world building aspects, such as how many metals there are and their affects, the ability's of Kandra, etc. 

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8 minutes ago, TheVillageIdiot said:

I would just mention it to them, see if you can get them interested. As far as spoilers, I don't think there'd be too many, (though I've never played it myself). Probably mostly world building aspects, such as how many metals there are and their affects, the ability's of Kandra, etc. 

Yeah, I think part of it is that I already have a MAG group, so they might think they'd be redundant, but I haven't explained much more than the basics to them anyways, so maybe I can try to coax them...

As for spoilers, it's actually a bit of a problem. My MAG group are all familiar with Mistborn (though two haven't heard of the Cosmere and one hasn't read second age yet), so we feel free to engage in wholesale canon mutilation, but it often comes with spoiler-laden scenes. Kelsier's death is the hardest to avoid.


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1. I read Steelheart after my dad spent years recommending Sanderson books to me. Reckoners led to Mistborn and so on and so forth.

2. I love the grand storyline, I love the characters and their developments, I love the magic systems, I love the worldbuilding, I love the plot twists, I love the humor, I love the details, I love so much more, and I pretty much look to Sanderson as a role model for writing.

3. Mistborn and Stormlight are tied in first place, fighting each other for dominance.

4. I'll go with saying 6. I'm not as big a superfan as most of the Sharders on here. I have no special cosmere memorabilia, I've never been to a signing or interview, I've never read any of the books the day they've come out, and I'm not really the most active Sharder.

5. Uh... 9? I mean, have you seen what's on this site?

6. Glad to be a fan. Glad to be a member of this site. Grateful for Brandon Sanderson and all he does.

7. I now have a higher standard of fiction reading for other books to live up to, and I find reading Sanderson books helping my own creative skills.

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On 10/31/2017 at 3:38 PM, TheVillageIdiot said:

I am writing a paper on Brandon for a collage class and figured you all would be a good source of information. 

The more people I can get to answer these questions the better:

1: How did you first become a fan of Brandon Sanderson?

2: Why do you like his books?

3: What is your favorite of his books/series?

4: On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the least, 10 being the greatest, how fanatical would you say you are about Brandon and his writing?

5: On a scale of 1-10, how fanatical are his fans as a whole?

6: Any other thoughts you want to include?


Edit: Thanks for all the answers! You've all been a great help. :)

1. I had just started a new job where I'd have around 5 hours of free time a night. I was at my local B&N looking for A World of Ice and Fire after having recently caught up with aSoIaF and found The Way of Kings discarded in front of it. I picked it up to move it and the front cover caught my eye. Then I read the back... Then I read the opening part with the Radiants... Then I bought it. 3 days later I was back for WoR. 
2. Brandon gets to the point while also playing out the slow burn, and his twists are unreal. Through 80% of his catalog I think I've only guessed a major plot point less than a handful of times. He writes great characters and none of them feel recycled. Also, giant soul searing swords, ghostworlds, Allomancy, Breath, the list goes on.
3. Words of Radiance is for sure my #1 and then things get hazy. "Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do."
4. 7-ish I think? Which puts him mostly ahead of the curve.
5. 9?
6. Brandon is the first author to inspire me enough to join the official fan forum or to even lurk around. Although... He is gaining competitors. :ph34r:

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  • 1 month later...

1. I read the Rithmatist and then Elantris and Warbreaker. The last two really got me hooked because Cosmere and Hoid...

2. The plot twists are amazing - I'm pretty good at guessing them normally, but only ever guessed one of his.

3. SA.

4. 8/9

5. 10.

6. Second author I  joined a fan forum for, and I still can't understand how he writes so many different styles of book.

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1. I had just got a Kindle and was looking for something to read. I found WoK. The avalanche was like nothing I have ever read. 

2. He can really close a book. The emotional payoffs are exquisite. I also enjoy it's not filled with vulgarity of any sort. 

3. Stormlight Archive

4. 6

5. 8

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  1. A friend of mine mentioned that he enjoyed WoK and gave me a brief, but interesting (and in hindsight not very accurate, but whatever) description of the culture and ecology and pointed it out in the library. I was reading something else at the time so I didn't pick it up. Months later I didn't have anything to read, and I remembered the suggestion. The strong recommendation and the sheer size of the book had interested me. At this point I was unable to access the library so I bought it on kindle. BEST DECISION EVER. I read it, then WoR, then the entire rest of the Cosmere, then I re-read SA because I felt like I had missed worldhoppery stuff. That was a few months ago.
  3. I think SA, but it was the one I read first, the only one I've read multiple times (3, except for OB, because of what I described above plus a pre-OB reread), and the one I read most recently, but Mistboirn is up there and they are all great.
  4. I am not sure, probably like 5+/-1
  5. 11+/-3 depending on the proximity to a book release (Yes, I know what 1-10 means, I don't care)
  6. Don't forget the shorts, 6th of the Dusk is great, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell is the best title ever, and Emperor's Soul is pure art.
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On 10/31/2017 at 2:38 PM, TheVillageIdiot said:

I am writing a paper on Brandon for a collage class and figured you all would be a good source of information. 

The more people I can get to answer these questions the better:

1: How did you first become a fan of Brandon Sanderson?

2: Why do you like his books?

3: What is your favorite of his books/series?

4: On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the least, 10 being the greatest, how fanatical would you say you are about Brandon and his writing?

5: On a scale of 1-10, how fanatical are his fans as a whole?

6: Any other thoughts you want to include?

7: How has Brandon and/or his books impacted your life? 


Edit: Thanks for all the answers! You've all been a great help. :)  

1. My sister gave me Mistborn, I loved it (stayed up way late multiple times), then I found Alcatraz, and read that just because he also wrote it, and then my mom found out about the 5th book of mistborn release, and we went there, and I found out about/got copies of Steelheart and Way of Kings, and it kind of happened from there.

2. He has amazing, relatable characters, extremely unique worlds and  creatures, and his stories are just so richrich and fulfilling. Plus, it is super fun to theorize about things.

3. I love Mistborn because it got me started, and Steelheart because it is so original, but so far I have to go with the Stormlight Archive series for now as my favorite.

4. 9.5 I storming love his works, but I do still read and enjoy other books/things.

5. 10. So many people theorize, reread, and do in depth research for things as simple as fanart, memes, and roleplay, to as big as huge theories and fan art and it is crazy.

6. Just saying, not only is Brandon a great author, but he is also a great person

7. Brandon, by way of his books as well as a few conversations with him and Isaac Stewart, inspired me to learn to draw, and learn it well. His writing skills really made me want to improve writing and Writing Excuses + his writing class has really helped. Brandon's characters have inspired me to be strong in hard times. . . Amongst many other things.

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1: How did you first become a fan of Brandon Sanderson?

My friend encouraged me to read Mistborn. After that, I just kept reading.

2: Why do you like his books?

Because they're awesome, obviously

3: What is your favorite of his books/series?

Probably Mistborn Era Two

4: On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the least, 10 being the greatest, how fanatical would you say you are about Brandon and his writing?


5: On a scale of 1-10, how fanatical are his fans as a whole?


6: Any other thoughts you want to include?


7: How has Brandon and/or his books impacted your life? 

They have raised my standards for fantasy

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